Read Endless Nights Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Sports, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #football player;Las Vegas;athlete;vacation;girls’ weekend;nurse;sports;one-night stand

Endless Nights (5 page)

BOOK: Endless Nights
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“Trust me, they’ll let me do whatever the hell I want,” he murmured, giving her another kiss before he pulled away.

Andrea gazed up at him, blinking slowly, looking a little dazed. This was fun. Being with her, teasing her, he enjoyed it. Enjoyed her. Couldn’t remember the last time he had this much fun with a woman…

“Hey, aren’t you Luke Nelson with the Seahawks?”

He turned to find two couples who looked about his age standing in front of them, the men staring at him like he was some sort of alien.

“Don’t tell me you’re Niner fans,” he started, making all of them laugh.

“No, bro, we’re from Seattle! We love you,” one of them said, the others nodding in agreement. “Can we get your autograph?”

“Sure,” Luke said easily, glancing over at Andrea, who was watching the entire interaction with amazement.

He signed cocktail napkins that they grabbed from a passing waitress’s tray and took photos with them. Andrea even offered to take a photo of all of them with him and they agreed, offering each of their phones as she snapped one picture after another.

“Thanks for being a good sport,” he said once the two couples left them.

She shrugged, smiling. “It was fun. They were so excited to meet you.”

“Yeah.” It was weird. He’d gotten used to the fame over the years but it was still odd. Especially when he was recognized outside of his element. “They were nice.”

were nice.” She curled her arm around his and leaned her head against him, giving him a squeeze. “You’re a good guy.”

His chest felt tight. Why did her praise make him feel so…proud? Why did he care so much?

He didn’t like it. Her opinion really shouldn’t matter to him. She was a weekend fling while on a getaway in Vegas. That was it. He needed to remember that.

“Enough of the nice guy talk,” he practically growled, slipping his arm around her shoulders and steering her toward the corridor that led toward the shops. “Let’s find you something sexy to wear under that dress.”

“What, I’m not sexy enough?” she teased, eyes flashing as she smiled up at him.

“Baby, you are too sexy for your own good.” He bent down and pressed a quick, firm kiss to her lips, trying his best to ignore the buzz that shot through him at first contact with her mouth. Every single time it happened.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

And he wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

Chapter Five

The shop was dark and dimly lit, the décor lush and exotic, and the merchandise…

Lacy and frilly and decadent and sexy and—oh wow, Andrea grabbed a price tag, unable to stop the sharp gasp that escaped her lips.

So freaking expensive.

“I don’t like this place,” she declared, resting her hands on her hips. Crap, she didn’t even have her purse. The tiny velvet evening bag she bought for cheap at T.J.Maxx a few years ago after a holiday clearance blowout didn’t look right with the cute little sundress she was wearing today. So she’d left it in Luke’s hotel suite. Clearly she was out of her league in all aspects of her Vegas weekend so far. Like this lingerie store—Victoria’s Secret she could handle, and she found even some of their items pricey.

Not that she could afford anything in here anyway, despite her secret longing for…all of it. So much gorgeousness surrounded her. But she couldn’t justify spending a ton of money on a tiny scrap of fabric that no one would ever get to see her wear but her.

Well. She’d spent all that money on the little black dress that she’d left in a heap in Luke’s suite. But that had been worth it, because look at the man who was flipping through a rack of see-through bras, searching for something for her.

She was still having a hard time wrapping her head around it. That Luke was with her. She didn’t even care that he played football for the NFL, though she’d loved watching him interact with those fans earlier. He was so nice, so patient, so kind. Smiling and good-natured and signing the rumpled cocktail napkins, posing for photos and causing a small commotion as people passed them by.

And he was with her. Only a few hours ago he’d had his mouth between her legs, bringing her to yet another orgasm. How lucky was she? Maybe she should pinch herself and see if she was dreaming. But if she was, she definitely didn’t want to wake up…

“What do you mean you don’t like this place?” Luke hadn’t taken his gaze off the rack of bras he was staring at. In fact, he’d pulled a hanger out, looking at the cups of the bra, then staring at her chest. “What size are you, anyway?”

Like she’d yell it out in the middle of the store. Customers milled about, elegant-looking women who reeked of money. Young women dressed to kill who also reeked of money—or at least pretended to. And the occasional guy who appeared completely out of his element.

Funny how Luke seemed to fit right into this place, despite his enormous size and the confident masculinity that seemed to radiate from him. Maybe that was exactly why he fit in. He didn’t act uncomfortable. He held a bra in his hand like it was no big deal.

She didn’t know if that made her feel better or worse. How many women had he brought shopping to this place before her? Ugh.

Now there was a thought she didn’t want to linger over too much.

“Can I help you two find something?” A woman appeared out of nowhere, clad all in black, her low-cut shirt revealing a glimpse of a sexy black lace bra. Her dark red hair was cut in a perfect straight edge, her lips blood red, her eyes smoky with dark shadow and expertly applied eyeliner.

Compared to her, Andrea felt plain, with no makeup on, her hair a little wild from the shower and no available products to use. At least she was wearing a cute dress. Oh, and the best accessory of all was with her.

Luke Freaking Nelson.

“We’re looking for something for my…friend.” Luke flashed her a grin that melted her insides a little.

Okay a lot.

“Anything in particular?” the woman asked, turning her assessing gaze on Andrea.

Her cheeks heated, and she sent Luke a questioning glance. She had no idea how to answer that question.

“Something sexy. Beautiful,” he said, his voice low, his gaze burning as it swept over her, making her skin tingle. “Price doesn’t matter.”

Andrea’s jaw dropped open and she started to shake her head in protest, but he sent her a firm look. One that said he wasn’t in the mood to argue so she snapped her mouth shut.

Okay then.

The woman smiled, revealing perfectly straight, blindingly white teeth. “Perfect. Let me go gather some items.” She turned her attention to Andrea. “Size medium, cup size…34B?”

Wow, she was good. “Yes and yes.”

“Give me a few minutes. I’ll be right back.” The shop employee buzzed away like a woman on a mission and Andrea turned her attention to Luke, startled to find he’d moved much closer to her in a matter of seconds.

“You don’t need to spend a lot of money on me,” she murmured, batting at his hand when he tried to grab her waist. Not that she stopped him, considering he slipped his other arm around her waist and pulled her in close. “Seriously, did you see the way that woman’s eyes lit up when you said money’s no object?”

“I said price doesn’t matter,” he corrected, a mischievous smile curling his too-perfect lips.

She rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the way his hand slid up and down her side, growing closer and closer to her breast with every upsweep. His touch affected her even more, considering she had no underwear on and the dress fabric was so thin. “Whatever. It’s a waste of money, what you’re about to spend.”

“Let me be the judge of that.” He dipped his head and kissed her right behind her ear, making her shiver. “I swore you were at least a C cup.”

Andrea tried to shove him away when he made a grab for her breast, embarrassment over her lack of size ruining the arousal that had started to simmer low in her belly. “Sorry to disappoint.”

“Hey.” He clamped his arm tight around her, forcing her chin up with his other hand so their gazes met. “Trust me, I’m not disappointed. Far from it.”

“Really?” She wanted to melt at the sweet way he was looking at her, his fingers gentle on her chin.

“Really.” He released her chin and drew his index finger down her cheek, traced her lower lip. “The idea of just seeing you in some of this stuff they sell in here is enough to give me a hard-on. I might bust out of my jeans if I see the real thing.”

She laughed, shook her head, but he continued to stare at her, his expression solemn, not even cracking a smile.

Wow, he was serious. Like…dead serious. As in, she could feel his erection through his jeans serious. Her laughter slowly died and a surge of power ran through her. That she could affect him this strongly blew her mind.

“Luke…” she started, but she had no idea what to say. How to react. What were they doing here exactly? A fun weekend in Vegas? Food, shopping, gambling and sex? She was fine with that, really she was. No way could she embark on any sort of serious relationship. Work took up almost all of her time and she liked it that way.

She wasn’t lonely. Far from it. She had her friends…who worked just as much as she did. And she couldn’t remember the last time she went out on a date, let alone had a boyfriend. Not that Luke Nelson was boyfriend material. He was out of her league. Famous. Rich. In demand. Body of a god. Outrageously gorgeous face. She didn’t stand a chance.

But here he was, looking at her like he wanted to devour her where she stood, with his erection pressing insistently against her belly in the middle of a store. His eyes blazed with hunger and he slipped his hand around her cheek, tilting her head back for his kiss. She parted her lips, her eyes slowly closed, and when she felt the first brush of his mouth on hers, she was lost.

Only for her to be brought right back to reality at the sound of incessant throat clearing coming from behind them.

“I have a dressing room started for you,” the store employee said when Andrea peeked over Luke’s shoulder. The woman smiled. “My name is Sabrina.”

“Andrea,” she said weakly, wanting to melt a little when Luke pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.

“Wonderful to meet you. Now, if you’ll come with me?” Sabrina said expectantly.

Luke released his hold on her, his hand skimming along her waist, dropping to her butt at the last minute so he could give it a squeeze. She leapt out of the way of his hand, sending him a look before she turned to Sabrina. “I’m all yours,” she said, noting Luke’s chuckle, no doubt at her choice of words, but chose to ignore him.

“Come with me,” Sabrina said, waving her hand. Andrea fell into step behind her, casting a quick look at Luke as she started to walk.

“I’ll be there in a minute, baby,” he called, making her blush. “Let me pick out a few things I want you to try on.”

Oh God. She both dreaded and couldn’t wait to see what he brought to the dressing room.

Luke leaned against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest, anticipation riding him. Andrea had been in that dressing room for the last fifteen minutes, refusing to let him see her in anything she’d tried on, and he knew for a fact that she’d tried on plenty.

He kept seeing little scraps falling to the floor as she discarded one piece after another. Bras fluttering to the ground as she let them drop from her chest. Hell, he even caught her bending over and picking everything up off the floor. Imagine what she must look like, bent over and possibly naked?

Yeah. It was all fueling his imagination—and he didn’t need any fuel. The woman worked him up like no other. They were at a store, for God’s sake. He needed to rein it in, not keep imagining ways to jump her discreetly so no one would notice.

“Andrea,” he finally called, pushing away from the wall and stalking toward the dressing room she occupied. He rapped on the door, the sound loud in the otherwise hushed quiet of the store. “You gotta let me in.”

“Hold on.” Her voice was muffled and he wondered what the hell she was doing. Sabrina the shop employee had come by a few minutes ago, checking on Andrea and sending him a knowing smile. Damn it, he didn’t like that knowing smile, more because he hadn’t got to see shit since Andrea started trying on things and stupid Sabrina must’ve seen

Meaning he was jealous. Of Sabrina. Ridiculous.

“What are you doing in there?” he asked, knowing he probably sounded like an impatient asshole, but guess what? He was an impatient asshole. He tried the door handle, but it was locked.

Of course.


“I said hold on!” She sounded as impatient as he did and he gripped the top of the dressing room door, bending his head down so he could stare at the floor. How long could it take? How much more would he have to wait? He just wanted to see her. Catch a glimpse of her in something thin and delicate, lace and silk, preferably in black. Or dark blue. There were quite a few pieces he saw in that color out on the sales floor, and he could imagine Andrea wearing something like that…

The door suddenly opened, nearly driving the handle into his gut, and Luke backed away quickly. Andrea’s head appeared, peeking around the door, and she glanced around as if to make sure no one was nearby before she flicked her head and whispered, “Get in here.”

Feeling triumphant, he slipped inside the dressing room, thankful when she shut and locked the door before turning to face him.

All thought evaporated from his head. He stared at her, taking all of her in, every last bit, afraid to speak for fear it would come out like a Neanderthal’s grunt, or worse, no sound would come out at all.

“What do you think?” she asked nervously, resting her hands on her hips.

Oh yeah. He needed to see all of her. Immediately.

“Turn around,” he rasped, rubbing his hand across the back of his neck, his muscles strung tight.

Slowly she twirled, stopping when he ordered her to, and wordlessly he drank her in. Black strips of shiny fabric crossed her perfect ass in some sort of complicated pattern he couldn’t quite figure out, but hey, he could rip it off her later.

Or now.

Yeah, she might get pissed if he ripped it off her sexy-as-hell body before they even paid for everything.

“You hate it,” she said, her voice flat.

“Um, not even close.” He cleared his throat, feeling like a jackass. Why couldn’t he speak? What was wrong with him?

She turned to face him once more and his gaze dropped to her chest. The bra she wore was that midnight blue color he’d seen so much of out in the store, trimmed in delicate black lace and dotted with tiny sparkles. Her breasts were plumped up, looking ready to spill from the cups. The panties were a little scrap of matching midnight blue that barely covered her pussy, her hips wrapped in more of those complicated black satiny straps of fabric.

“What’s wrong then?” She rested her hands on her hips again but with a little more attitude this time, the position only making her look even sexier if that was possible. “I tried on a bunch and didn’t like any of it. These are the only pieces I thought I looked decent in, but I don’t know. Maybe not.” She walked toward the mirror, reaching up to adjust the bra, pulling at the cups so her breasts jiggled and swayed.

His gaze dropped to her ass. He stared at her like a drooling, starving dog as she shifted from one foot to another before she turned around and ran her fingers beneath the fabric on each cheek, adjusting her panties.

Good lord.
He broke out into a sweat. It felt far more intimate watching her readjust her underwear, contemplating herself with a critical eye. Women were so damn hard on themselves. She looked fucking sexy as hell, but he could tell she wasn’t pleased with what she saw. Why, he wasn’t sure. All he saw was perfection.

Luke reached for her, pulling her to him so her back rested against his front. He met her gaze in the mirror, his hands gripping her hips, his cheek resting on top of her head. “You look amazing.”

A little smile teased her lips. “You really think so?”

“Fuck yeah.” He let his hands wander, slipping his fingers beneath the fabric of her panties at her hips, pulling her ass fully against his front. “Can’t you tell?”

Her smile grew and she gave him a chastising look. “We can’t do anything bad in here. Sabrina will check on us at any minute.”

“Really?” That made things a lot more interesting. “Well, we’re definitely getting this for you.”

“Oh yeah?” She tilted her head back when he ran his mouth along her neck, giving him easier access. It pleased him, how easily she gave in to him. “I’m glad you like it.”

BOOK: Endless Nights
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