Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) (31 page)

BOOK: Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)
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Chapter 46





“How’s everything coming?”

I stopped sending rocks towards Zayden and turned my head to Madam Carla approach. “All right, I guess. I can’t hit him!”

“Why would you want to?”

“He’s making fun of me. He says I throw like a girl.”

“Well, you are a girl, dear.”

“I know but I don’t want to throw like one!”

Zayden laughed and it was only making me angrier.

“All right.” Madam Carla said. “Play nice, Zayden. Why don’t you two go take a walk? Use it as a break until you’re ready to pick this back up.” No. I sighed and folded my arms, keeping my eyes away from Zayden. “Go. I don’t want to make you.” Fine. I sighed again and turned towards Zayden to walk with him. “That’s more like it. Enjoy.”

I walked passed Zayden without glancing at him and he turned with me with a laugh. “All right, Love! I’m sorry. It was all for fun.”

“Yeah, sure. You just like to point out that you’re better than me.”

Zayden laughed again while he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards him. “That’s not what I was doing! But you have to admit that I am good!”

I looked over and couldn’t hold back a smile after seeing his. He was too charming when he built himself up like that. “Fine, you win. I don’t want to fight with you.”

“Good. Neither do I. I want to enjoy this.”

“So, are you happy with it?”

“With what?”

“The gift she chose for you?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be? It makes me better!”

“Just checking. I know she doesn’t give people a choice in what they get. It’s based on who you are compared to who you could be.”

“Are you asking because you’re unhappy with yours?”

“No. I’m happy with it. I’m just not Kole.”

“Because he’s better?”

I sighed and looked up, speaking with a soft smile and innocent voice. “I don’t like people being better than me.”

“I see. Interesting trait in a woman.”

“What’s wrong with that? I can’t want to be better than everyone?”

Zayden laughed and kissed my head. “You can be whatever you want to be and I’ll still love it.”

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. “Thanks and I’ll still love you as long as you’re not trying to be better than me.”

“All right. That’s fair.”

“Good. Let’s play a game.”

“A game?”

“Yeah. You should be working on your skills. You be the hunter and I’ll be you’re helpless prey. You’ll have to use both your gifts to track me down and capture me. It’ll be good practice.”


“But you have to give me a head start of a few minutes at least to make it more interesting.”

He smiled to the idea. “Then go. I’ll catch up.”

He turned his back to me and I started to sneak away. I lost myself on the island among the trees and became the prey. I remained focused and alert, listening to the sounds around me, not knowing when or where he would appear.

It began with everything quiet. The trees weren’t even rustling in the breeze. Everything was still. Birds weren’t even chirping and it seemed like something truly was wrong. I tried even making the dirt under my feet silent as I walked, looking around at the same time.

A sudden movement and a flash appeared to my left and I started the chase. Like a scared animal, I ran around the terrain to get away and used it with my gift to block the paths behind me.

It wasn’t working. Zayden was too fast. He’d dodge fallen trees and mounds of rock too quickly and I couldn’t tell where he would be next.

He appeared quickly in front of me with solid black eyes and I stopped myself in a jolt of fear, ready to turn away in the other direction but Zayden was there too. He grabbed me by the arms ferociously like he was ready for the kill.

I couldn’t fight his grip and took a deep breath from the running. “Okay! You caught me but that was too easy!”

Zayden smiled, fading his eyes and kissed me. “But it was pretty fun. We should do it more often.”

“We’ll see but what are you going to do now that you’ve caught your prey?”

“There are many things that I could do.”

“Like what?”

“Well, at the moment, I mostly plan to teach her a lesson.”

My mind went black. All I could think about was Izin because of his choice of words and I instantly tried pulling away, showing real signs of fear. “No!”

“Love, what’s wrong?”

I wouldn’t let this happen again. I was still trying to pull away and he let me go. I fell back on the ground but made sure to keep my scared eyes on him for any sudden movements.

“Oh, no. Love, that’s not what I meant. I thought we were just playing. I wouldn’t have forced anything on you.”

What just happened? It was like my mind clicked back. This was Zayden and I knew he cared about me. He loved me. “I’m sorry. I know. We were playing.”

“Come here.” Zayden helped me all the way to my feet and took me safely in his arms. “I’d never make you do anything you don’t want to.”

“I know. Let’s just continue.”


“You’ve caught your prey. You should get to have your way with it.”

“Sounds like you’re the one that wants me to.”

“You deserve it and—well, I could use it right now.”

Zayden tightened his grip on my arms and brought his lips down into the side of my neck with an open mouth.

It felt so good, I moaned for it and let Zayden have his way, feeling weak and collapsing in his arms under the power and strength of my captor; my Prince.

I let him overpower me but he still made it feel special because it was him. It didn’t seem to matter where we were. Being surrounded by nature and the filth that comes with being outside was never even a thought. Zayden was all there was. He held me fully in his arms while his hips struck into mine and I tried to keep my pleasurable screams from echoing back towards the others.

Zayden helped by bringing my lips into his and just keeping me at a heavy breathing level but I always had this urge to scream. I almost didn’t care if everyone heard. It just meant that Zayden was extraordinarily talented and he’d always successfully pleasure me. 







Chapter 47





“All right, Troy. How’s it coming over here?”

“Very well.” Jaylyn answered for me while she sat at my side. “We’re on eighty-seven.”

“I think that’s good enough for now.” Thank you! I closed my eyes with a long breath and laid back where I sat. “But you’re not done.”

Of course not. I groaned and slowly sat up, not wanting to at all. “All right. Now what?”

“Now I’d like you to practice maneuvering around objects rather than in a straight line. Take your sight underwater and have a go at Kiki’s labyrinth. That should be enough work for you.”

“But how will I see?”

“Try it and you’ll soon find out.”

I looked next to me at Jaylyn and she smiled, taking my arm. “Go ahead.”

“Do you want to come?”

“It should just be you until you get used to it.” Madam Carla said. “Then you can bring her.”


Jaylyn nodded and I looked out towards the water. This time I worked on moving my sight down below the water’s surface. At first it seemed normal. I can see under water on my own but then I started to move back towards the island and go deeper. It got darker but objects around me started to glow and sparkle like jewels in a variety of colors. “Whoa. It’s beautiful.”

“That it is.” Madam Carla agreed. “Solid inanimate objects like rocks that you see are in shades white and silver. Plant life like the coral and weeds would appear in shades of green, animal life such as fish in shades of blue and danger will appear in flashes of red with the color of its origin whether it be something like a poisonous plant or a threatening animal.”

I laughed with the thought. “Red is danger. Wonder why that is?”

Jaylyn laughed too. “I bet they’d agree!” I wanted to laugh again but instead I reached for Jaylyn next to me. “What?”

“There is a lot of red coming right at me.”

“Troy, remain still. Calm those nerves.” Madam Carla advised. “You’re not in danger. You’re here with us. You cannot be harmed by anything you see. Focus or you’re going to lose it.”

My grip remained tight on Jaylyn, almost shaking but I don’t think she couldn’t see what I was seeing. I was too distracted on the large jaws with hundreds of flashing red teeth that were focused on my exact direction.

“Troy, focus!”

It was like I wasn’t even hearing her. The shark kept swimming closer and closer steadily until I completely lost it and closed my eyes. I couldn’t hang on to it any longer and was disappointed in myself. “That was wrong, wasn’t it?”

“Yes but it’s okay. It was merely you’re first encounter. There will be more but you must then learn that it will not be putting you in any danger. You’ll always remain safe. It’s your just your mind telling you that something was wrong just because you could see it. Once you gain control of the knowledge that you’re not actually there, you will no longer react in that way and will be able to ignore it.”

I nodded and looked next to me at Jaylyn. “I’ve never liked being afraid.”

Jaylyn smiled and rubbed my chest that actually did a good job at comforting me. “Awe. It’s okay. Just try again and remember we’re going to be right here with you.”

I nodded and spent the morning getting used to this gift and even getting used to Kiki’s presence as I passed through the dark caves. At times I almost thought she knew I was watching and it was a strange feeling like she somehow had powers of her own.








Chapter 48





The sun woke me and I unwillingly opened my eyes. I could see the table from where I was laying and noticed it was empty then looked behind me to see Muscles barely awake. I smiled and turned around, laying down on his chest. “Morning.”

“How did you sleep?”

“Good since I don’t even remember you moving me.”

“It was late and you were pretty out of it.”

I smiled again and kept my head on his chest. I started thinking about what Madam Carla told me about his past and was hesitant if I should bring it up. I knew I didn’t want to start anything but I also wanted to know why he didn’t just tell me from the start.

“Are you all right, Ruby?”

I was completely knocked off course from his voice and blinked my thoughts away. “Yeah. I just don’t want to get up.”

“Are you sure that’s all? Because it seems like something else is on your mind.”

“Nothing but you.” I put on an innocent smile and cuddled against him.

He kept his arms around me and something slammed into the side of the house right next to us like a rock or something. We were both jumped and our reactions were quick.

Muscles immediately turned me over, making us land on the floor so he was laying over me and looked down with a heavy breath. “Are you all right?”

It was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. “You were trying to save me.”

He laughed and looked where he was. “I guess I was.”

I pulled him closer by his neck to kiss him. “You’re sweet.”

He smiled back and leaned down for another just as something else slammed into the side of the house. We were both jumped again and Muscles looked up toward the wall. “What was that?”

“Probably Zayden.”

“Or Adele.”

“Let’s find out.”

Muscles got up, helping me up and we walked outside but didn’t see either of them.

“I guess it couldn’t have been them.” I said.

“It was me, actually.” Madam Carla said, taking steps away from Troy and Jaylyn to get to us. “I knew you were up and was just trying to get you out here.”

“Oh, then I guess that’s okay.” Muscles said. “But where is Zayden and Adele?”

Madam Carla smiled and shifted her clouded eyes around the house. “I sent them off for some training when they woke but I imagine they’ll be back with us shortly if they keep up that pace.”

I laughed. “Oh! Are they having sex again?” Madam Carla merely nodded. “Yeah. Thought so. Well, we’re here. Let’s do something.”

“Great idea.” Muscles agreed. “I was thinking about that. Now that I have this awesome new strength, which one of us is stronger?” He glanced next to him at me and I glanced back. I was wondering that too.

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