Read Endgame Online

Authors: Mia Downing

Tags: #erotic romance

Endgame (22 page)

BOOK: Endgame
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After a moment, she ended her call. “Ready for spy camp?”

“Can I eat quick?”

“If you must.” Great. She sounded testy already.

He helped himself to the coffee cake, licking his fingers. Jake had done well. “What’s the plan for spy camp, counselor?”

“Today we’re going to learn assorted travel techniques and how to follow someone. Tail them.”

“Sounds good.”

“That’s what you think. You’re going to hate me by lunchtime,” she promised with a slow, evil smile. “You want to live my life? You’re going to regret what it takes to be me.”

She was right about him hating her before lunch. She made him run five miles—he usually ran two and not like he was being chased by pit bulls, a street gang, and ten vampires. She ran like she was flat out escaping holy hell knew what, looked fucking sexy as she did it, with minimum perspiration.

Then they did pushups and sit-ups until he wanted to barf, because she’d informed him sweetly that Jake could do pushups with her lying across his back. He didn’t want her getting ideas. He picked at lunch. If he ate, he’d definitely barf, his stomach and legs on fire. She wolfed down her sandwich and polished off his, too, licking her fingers so seductively he would have fucked her on the table if his legs hadn’t hurt so damned much.

Then they went to the driveway for the afternoon session of spy camp. Travel techniques meant she made him break into and hotwire his own car since it was old, legal, and probably because it pissed him off. Despite keeping her bad dreams at bay all night, she seemed to live to piss him off today.

They moved onto the rental car after he mangled poor Stella, his car. She showed him a key-like device, slid the metal into the ignition of the newer vehicle, pressed a button, and turned it. The car started.

“That’s…” He stared at the device, then at Charlotte, awed. “Holy hell, I don’t know what that is.”

“Spy camp stuff. Shh.” She put her finger to her lips. “The keyless entry ones I have a different device for. They all fit into my purse. Very handy.”

“Of course they do.” And that pissed him off, too. “We couldn’t have done that to my car?”

She snorted. “Where would the fun be in that, love? And if you lose your keys, you can hotwire that piece of shit home now.”

“Thanks,” he muttered, not getting the hatred for his car. The engine was sweet. It was worth something if he restored the body. It was a convertible when the top decided it wanted to work. Stupid spy women. “Why do we have a different rental every day?”

“So Jake isn’t made while watching someone. It pisses Chase off, too. He doesn’t feel it needs to be changed daily. I think Jake does it just for the thrill of pissing Chase off.” She got out of the rental, and he followed her to the porch, where she studied the street with a keen eye. “Which neighbor is on vacation? Or old.”

His heartbeat picked up the pace. “Why?”

“We need to
a car.” The way she stressed borrow led him to believe they would be using her neat key thing on it.

“What? Jesus, no. We have a car. Two. Right there, in the driveway.”

She glared, and it wasn’t the least bit cute. “If I’m going to teach you to tail Jake, we can’t use
. He knows the vehicle. And I don’t trust it to take us down the block, never mind to follow Jake around.”

“Your morals are questionable. Seriously. I’m never stealing a car. Come with, Ma’am.” Aaron went back through the house, to the back yard, Charlotte following. He peeked over the fence where his hot, lesbian neighbor was tanning. She tanned all year long, usually naked. If there was sun, she was out, even if it was only seventy degrees, like today.

“Hi, Kelly. Can I borrow your car? For an hour or so?”

Kelly raised her sunglasses—her only attire—and laughed. “You need a new set of wheels, Aaron-baby. That piece of crap is going to leave you stranded.” A moment later, he caught the set of keys.

“Thank you. I’ll be back in an hour.”

Charlotte snorted from the porch and gave him an
I told you so
look regarding Stella the car.

He waggled the keys in his hand. “At least my morals are safe and sound.”

“Judgmental,” she warned.

So they grabbed sunglasses and baseball caps and snuck out. They waited in Kelly’s car until Jake drove off with the rental. Charlotte stopped him from driving off with a hand on his wrist. “Don’t pull out when he does, give him a few. This works better with two cars, but since you have issues…”

“I don’t have issues. I have morals.” He finally pulled out, driving slower than his grandma. “Where’s he going?”

“For a latte. Then off to work.”

“Is that spy senses, or…”

“He told me.” She smacked him on the shoulder. “Use some sense, idiot. Don’t follow so close. Put a car or two between you. You could also pull down this side street and just head down the one parallel. We can see him from a distance.”

Jake drove like a man needing a latte badly. “I can’t believe I’m spying on my brother.”

“You wanted spy camp,” she reminded him as Jake parked in the café’s lot. “Pull over here. We’ll do surveillance. Not so close. If you were a real man, we’d have binoculars.”

Everything was his fault today. He pulled over to the curb and shut the car off. “Why do real men have binoculars?”

“To spy on people. Women.”

“Kelly lies out, naked. If I want an eyeful, then I walk over, say hi, and admire the view. I don’t need to creep on her.”

“Punk,” she muttered.

They waited. Jake ambled in and came back out a few moments later with the paper and a large to-go cup. He proceeded to sit at a table out front, whipped out a pen, and turned to the crossword puzzle section.

“That asshole. He’s supposed to be working, not sitting on his ass,” Charlotte fumed. She yanked her phone from her purse and started texting.

“What are you doing?”

“Finding out what asshole thinks he’s doing.” Her phone dinged, and a moment after, they watched Jake text her back. “Christ on a motorbike, he lies like a rug,” she muttered. “He says he’s on surveillance across town. I’ll bloody kill him.”

“Is surveillance over?” Aaron figured if it was, they could go get a latte, too. He was hungry now, and he’d skimped on lunch. Thanks to the iron pig, he didn’t even have leftovers waiting.

“Oh, no, we’re going to see what Jacob does with his time while I’m babysitting.” She glared at him.

“I take offense to that.” Aaron glanced at Jake, concentrating on the crossword. “Since he’s busy, you should blow me for being a good sport.”

“It’s a public place.” She looked up and down the sidewalk. “You have morals.”

“There’s no one around. I’ll warn you if someone shows up,” he said, never thinking she’d go for it. But a blowjob would take care of his pissed attitude, he bet. He didn’t know what it would do to hers. He pondered her for a moment and decided to lighten the mood. “Here’s a burning question—do you think vegans swallow? If I slap that into a search engine, would something pop up?”

“I was a vegan. I swallowed,” she said and yanked at his pants. His cock popped free, already working on hard.

a vegan? Wait! I was kidding. This is a bit scary.” Obviously, she wasn’t kidding because his dick was in her mouth. He squelched a quick flashback as she gave him a scrape of teeth. “Charlotte. Stop.”

She let the head pop free of her lips. “I promise I won’t use my teeth.”

Then she was sucking him in, her tongue making loops and twirls like a naughty ballerina that chased away the bad memories. She took him deeper, her cheeks hollow as she sucked her way up his shaft. Then she concentrated on the head, her tongue rimming the corona, darting along that vee at the back, dipping into his slit.

It was exciting as hell, with Jake sitting over there, people driving by, and the cop walking down the sidewalk—

“Shit, Char, cop.”

She stopped sucking and stuffed every inch of hardness back in his pants. She gave him a naughty grin and pretended to be looking for something. The cop wandered by, and Charlotte ducked her head back to his thighs.

“No!” But she had his cock in her mouth again, sucking, twirling, kissing, nibbling, every nerve on edge. He tossed her baseball cap aside and sank his hands in her hair, stiffening his aching legs to fight the orgasm.

“Come for me, love,” she whispered from her shroud of red wine hair. She returned to her task, her lips widening to suck him to the base.

“Fuck.” He growled and came, deep in the back of her throat, the shortest blowjob in history. She sucked him dry, using her hand at the base to milk every last drop of him. He panted for breath. “What did I do to deserve that?”

“Not a damned thing. I just wanted to feel you squirm as I made you come.” Charlotte replaced his dick in his pants and sat up with a satisfied smile, her hair a tangled, beautiful mess. “Going to question my morals again? Because blowing you in public is pretty immoral.”

“Never.” She could make him squirm any time she liked.

“Good boy.” She stared across the street, and her face paled. She slammed her sunglasses back down over her eyes and tried to make her hair neat again. “Shit. Surveillance is over.”

Aaron turned as Jake crossed the street, paper under his arm, heading their way.

“Hello there, children.” Jake leaned his forearm on the roof of the car. “Spy camp?”

Charlotte lifted her glasses so Jake would be sure to catch the icy glare, no doubt. “Yes, asshole. Explain why you’re lingering here when you texted to say you were across town.”

“Surveillance, only I’m better at it.” He arched his brow at Charlotte then slapped Aaron on the arm. “Be a man next time, Aaron. She offers to blow you, say ‘yes, ma’am’ and don’t scream bloody hell about it. It’s hard not to notice a screaming man. And notice I said bloody, Char. Your favorite word.” He smacked the top of the car and wandered back across the street.

“Bloody asshole,” Charlotte muttered.

“He knew what you were doing.” Aaron sank down in the seat. “Bloody hell.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and watched Jake go back to lounging across the street. “He’s just jealous.”

“Is he?”

“Hell, yes, he’d pay good money for a blowjob about now, and he can’t. It’s got to be eating at his insides.”

“And Tia?”

“Isn’t worried. He’ll just go through a liter of hand cream and fuck her senseless when he gets home. He’s very reformed.” She sighed and glared even harder. “Fucking spy camp.”

Jesus, that woman had more attitude than he knew what to do with today. Despite the blowjob from heaven, Aaron had had enough. “Why does this bother you so much? I’m sick of your nasty mood. Put the big girl panties on and take your punishment from Chase.”

Charlotte bristled as she glared at Aaron, not the least bit pleased with him. Of course, he had to be nosy and ask why this bothered her. It was bad enough she had to slink to him for nightmare protection. Now, he had to pester her about this. “I don’t owe you an explanation. I don’t want to teach you, and that’s that.”

Aaron set his jaw, just like Jake did when settling in for a batch of stubborn. “You do owe me. Tell me, now.”

Charlotte groaned internally. “Or?”

“I’ll call Chase and tell him I’ve been in your panties. They’re purple or black, and you don’t like thongs. I bet he knows that if you’ve lived with him.”

“How do you know I don’t like thongs?” Yes, the boys knew well what she liked and didn’t like. They had to buy it for her in the beginning. It seemed Aaron knew too well, too.

“Because you don’t own any, and you just told me.”

Fucking punk. “Were you in my suitcase?”

“I put stuff away for you this morning. I can’t help it if your underwear called to me. It was lonely.” He cast her a dirty glance, all randy boy. “I like that really gauzy black bra and matching panties. I bet your nipples will pop right out. I could suck you right through that material. Hot, Char. Really hot.”

“What part of don’t touch my shit don’t you get?” And he thought she had no morals? But the idea of him sucking her through her bra and panties didn’t help the ache she’d developed sucking him off in public. “Panty creeper.”

Aaron ignored that. “I’m tired of you glaring at me. This isn’t a big deal, teaching me spy camp. The studio hires professionals to do what you’re doing with me all of the time—the spy camp, not the sex. Is this a money thing? Because I’m sure my agent can arrange something for your time.”

“It’s not about the money.”

He groaned. “Then what? The truth, Char. Please.”

“Fine.” She hadn’t told the truth this much since she was a schoolgirl. Spies lied all the time. It was much more satisfying. “I don’t want to taint you.”

“Taint? Is that some weird, English combination of ain’t and something else? Or you don’t want to rub off on me.”

“Rub off.” Smart ass. “You’re quite clear on what you think of my lack of morals.”

He shrugged. “I had hardcore morals for eons. The spy life is a learning curve.”

“John was married when I met him. I was eighteen. He was my professor.”

Aaron blinked and clenched the steering wheel with his hands, obviously surprised by her admission. “You’re a good woman, Char.”

“I’ve killed more people than you’ve fucked. That right there is two huge commandments down.”

He studied her for a moment, long enough to make her hold her breath and wait for the judgment. But then he shrugged again. “Immoral Charlotte is lots of fun when she’s blowing me in public. I’d rather have that girl with me.”

She blew a lock of hair from her face, so frustrated. When she needed him to be judgmental to prove a point about herself, he had to go and be nice. “You shouldn’t be learning how to give me four orgasms and steal cars, but that’s what I’m teaching you.”

He lifted his sunglasses, arched a brow, and gave her the slowest, dirtiest grin. “Doing a great job, too, baby.”

“It’s not funny, punk.” She crossed her arms back over her chest and sank down in the seat. “I’ve never had issues before about what I do, until you. That’s bad, Aaron. I can’t suddenly grow a conscience about my job. Not if I want to live. I’m not a good person, and I’m bad for you.”

BOOK: Endgame
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