Endangered Hearts (7 page)

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Authors: Jolie Cain

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Endangered Hearts
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She felt his cock jump against her belly and shimmied against him in an effort to get even closer. Abby tilted her face up and saw Jack's eyes widen in realization. “Shit. You're drunk as Cooter Brown."

Abby laughed again. “You know, I always wondered. Just who is this Cooter Brown? He musta been one drunk fella if everybody remembers it so well.” Her words slurred together slightly, and then she let out a ladylike burp. “Oh, my heavens. Please excuse me.” She giggled then burped again. “Anyway, I'm not that drunk. Just a little fuzzy around the edges is all. And what business is it of yours?” She pulled back and poked him in the chest. “I haven't seen or heard from you in ... well, I can't remember, but, ahh...” Abby stumbled to a halt, completely losing her train of thought.

Jack rolled his eyes and laughed, his rigid body relaxing as the anger seemed to flow out of him. “You make a pretty cute drunk, honey, but I think you've had enough. Come on. I'm taking you home."

"Nope.” She shook her head emphatically. “Cain't go. I brought Leigh Ann."

"Leigh Ann Carter?” Abby nodded. “When the hell did you meet...” He paused. “Never mind. Let's find her.” Jack stopped dancing and pulled Abby with him through the swaying couples. After searching the crowd, he finally located Leigh Ann wrapped up with Wade in a dark corner. As Abby stood there balancing precariously, Jack explained that he was taking Abby home. Wade grinned and promised to see that Leigh Ann got back all right.

When they reached the parking lot, the fresh air helped sober Abby up some, and she began to struggle against Jack's steely grip, but he just scooped her up into his arms and carried her wiggling form to his Jeep. He deposited her in the passenger's seat and then went around and got inside. They sat there for several long minutes not speaking.

* * * *

Jack stared through the windshield, wrestling with the way he had felt when walked into the bar and saw Abby with another man. He was uncomfortably aware that his first reaction had been a possessive jealousy far beyond what the situation called for. “Fuck.” He paused, searching for the right words. He knew he was in over his head but he didn't know how to stop himself. “Look, Abby, I didn't like seeing you in Mac's arms."

The silence stretched between them as he waited for her to say something—to tell him it was none of his damn business, to jump his bones, slap his face. Anything. When she didn't, he turned to look at her. She was sound asleep, her cheek resting against the window. Jack just shook his head and, smiling ruefully, cranked the Jeep. As he drove down the highway listening to Abby's soft, feminine snores, he contemplated their relationship and where it might be heading. His reaction tonight had been way over the top. If it were just lust, it would be simple and clear-cut, but there was more to it than that.

Her sense of humor, her ability to laugh at herself, her passion for her work—all of it together caused such a welling of tenderness and need in Jack that he was afraid that he had crossed a line with Abby that he hadn't even known was there. She was his. That's how he felt. She might not know it yet, but he did. He was through fighting his craving for her.

Half an hour later, he pulled his Jeep to a stop in front of Abby's cabin. He crossed around to her door and opened it. Bending over, he slid his arms underneath her to lift her out. With a soft murmur, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face against his shoulder. When he reached the steps, she stirred in his arms and lifted her head to look around.

"Jack, put me down. I can walk."

He obeyed, dropping her legs until they reached the ground. “Are you okay?"

Abby swayed slightly and clutched at his arm. “I'm just a little dizzy. Let me sit down a moment.” He eased her down onto the step and stood looking at her pale face. After a few moments, Abby raised her head. “What's going on, Jack? Why did you bring me home?"

"Why do you think, Abby?"

She shook her head. “I have no idea. I'm just so mixed up with you. You keep changing on me, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do or how I'm supposed to act."

"I know, baby. I'm sorry about that. All I can tell you is that I want you so much I can't sleep; I can't concentrate on anything else.” He reached down and took her hand to draw her to her feet. He pulled just a bit too hard, and the momentum tumbled her straight into his arms, which folded tightly around her. His response to her was immediate.

"Shit,” he muttered, whether to himself or her he couldn't say. “I swore this wasn't going to happen—at least not yet.” But instead of letting her go, he held her even closer. His lips nuzzled against her earlobe, and his tongue darted out to taste her salty skin. For a moment,—just a moment—Jack considered releasing her. He knew she still wasn't completely sober and he shouldn't take advantage of her. But it was too late. Just that little bit of contact, and it was all over for him. No warning. Just wildfire, hot and burning, streaking through his veins. His lips covered hers in a kiss that was wet and consuming. Their tongues tangled, and he tasted the bitterness of the beer she had drunk earlier mixed in with the sweet taste of woman.

His lips moved across her neck and chest above the scooped neckline of her dress with sharp, stinging little kisses that left damp marks on her throat and breasts. Impatient with the fabric that kept him from reaching more of her skin, he gripped the hem and pushed it up and over her head before tossing it onto the ground. Driven by a burning desire, he released the front catch of her bra and focused on her swollen breasts. He enclosed them in his hands, squeezing and plumping them up before tracing small circles across the swollen tips. Her eyes fluttered closed as he pinched her nipples. “Open your eyes,” he commanded. “Look at me touching you. I want to see your face while you watch me."

Obediently, she lifted her heavy eyelids, and he smiled in satisfaction. Bending down, he licked delicately over one pointed nipple, and she gasped.

"I want to fuck you, Abby. I don't know where this is going, or if it's going anywhere at all. And Beau will probably kill me if he ever finds out. But I'm dying here, baby. I have been since the first time I saw you. Let me fuck you.” His mouth closed over her nipple, and Abby's hips arched upward

"Yes. Oh, yes, Jack."

"Say it, Abby. Tell me what you want."

"Please, Jack can't you just...” she pressed against him again, grinding her hips against his.

"No. You have to say it.” His hand left her breast and moved down to the crotch of her panties. He covered her, pressing inward and stimulating her already swollen clit. “Say it. If you want me, you have to say the words. I have to know you really mean it. I don't want you to regret this in the morning. You won't be able to claim that you were drunk and didn't mean for this to happen. I have to be sure that you know what we're doing here, Abby."

"Yes, I want you, Jack. I've wanted you since that first day."

"That's nice, angel,” he said as he stroked her faster. “Real nice. But I want different words. I want the words nice little angels aren't supposed to say."

"Oh, God,” she moaned, grinding her hips into his fingers.

"Say it,” he commanded.

Abby surrendered to his demand, almost screaming the words for him. “Fuck me, Jack. Please, fuck me."

Jack grunted in satisfaction, refusing to think about the consequences of what he was about to do. It felt like he had been trying to resist this attraction forever instead of for a couple of weeks. Maybe if he just sated himself with her body, he would get over the craziness that overtook him every time he thought about her. Or saw her. Or smelled her. He roughly pushed her up onto the porch until her back hit the side of the house. Then his body flattened hers into the wood, every inch of him plastered against her, holding her, controlling her. She couldn't move unless he allowed it. Could hardly breathe without his permission.

His mouth crushed hers, forcing hers open, his tongue stabbing in, all pretense of gentleness and civility swept away with the force of his passion. His mouth mimicked the thrusts his hips were making against the cradle of her thighs, preparing her for what was to come. Letting her feel how it would be for them. Abby moaned and thrust back.

"Yes, baby, yes. Show me how much you like this. Show me how much you want me.” There would be no stopping now. He eased his hand into her thong, probing beneath the panties to find her warm, moist core. He stroked his fingers across her clit and moisture flooded her cunt, coating his fingers with its slippery wetness. In moments, he had pushed her panties down to her ankles and knelt in front of her, pulling them off along with her shoes. She stood above him, beautifully naked in the pale moonlight.

"Jack, please. Let's go inside. Someone might see us.” Abby begged.

He shook his head, knowing there was no way he'd make it inside. “There's no one around for miles, baby. And I like looking at you like this, raw and sexy. And aching for me.” He leaned forward from his kneeling position and inhaled deeply. “God, you smell delicious. I can't wait to taste you. I'll bet you taste like honey, all sticky sweet.” Reaching out, he parted the swollen lips of her cunt. His tongue swiped up to brush over her clit and her head fell back against the wall. “So good, angel.” Again and again, his agile tongue forged a path over her heated center. Her head tossed back and forth as she climbed higher and higher until last she came with a broken cry.

When the last pulses of her orgasm faded, he reached out to turn her around. His hands roved her body, cupping her breasts from behind, squeezing and tweaking her nipples. He pushed her hair to one side and clamped his mouth onto her neck, right at the spot where her nape met her shoulder, biting down hard. Abby whimpered. His mouth sucked and nibbled as his hands stroked down over her belly and toward her pussy. His fingers teased slowly through the red-gold curls that covered her mound. Easing between the swollen lips, he pushed his finger up into her, and she arched into his hand.

Moving his finger in and out of her wet pussy, Jack couldn't believe how on fire he was. “Oh, baby, you're so wet. So hot. It's gonna feel so good to get my cock in this tight little cunt.” He slid his zipper down and then his cock was pushing into her channel, forcing a path through her swollen tissues. “God, you feel good, baby."

He pushed in to the hilt, his balls slapping up against her straining buttocks as he leaned over her, forcing her body to bend slightly forward. The new position sent him even deeper and he held himself still for a moment, savoring the delicious feel of his cock enclosed in her moist depths. Then he drew back and plunged back in. The wet, slapping sound of cock meeting cunt turned him on as much as her helpless moans. Repeatedly he withdrew and slammed back in, not tempering his thrusts with any gentleness but taking Abby in a violent possession, staking a claim on her that he could hardly admit even to himself. In some dim corner of his mind he was afraid he might be hurting her, but he couldn't stop. His pounding rhythm increased as his arousal peaked. After a few final hard pumps, he yelled and exploded, his milky cum filling her spasming pussy. He stilled, panting heavily against her neck. They stood there, nothing but the sound of their ragged breathing breaking through the silence.

Trembling, Abby collapsed against the side of the building, no longer able to hold herself up. Jack drew her back against him, his hands soothing her, rubbing up and down her stomach and cupping her breasts. “Fuck, baby. That was so good.” Jack pulled his cock out of her pulsing channel and reached down to pick up her still-trembling body. With one hand he opened the cabin door. He carried her down the short hallway to her bedroom and laid her gently onto the bed before stripping and following her down. Nestling her against the curve of his body, he closed his eyes.

"Jack?” Abby whispered, obviously exhausted.

"Yes, angel?"

"I just wanted you to know that you don't have anything to worry about. I'm clean and on the pill."

"Good, baby. That's good. Me, too. I mean, I'm safe, too.” He stroked her arm and felt her relax into sleep.

Hell. He hadn't even given any thought to using a condom. That had never happened before. He hadn't had unprotected sex with a woman since he was in high school. If she hadn't been on the pill, he could've gotten her pregnant. So, why was it that the thought of Abby pregnant with his child didn't scare the shit out of him like it should have?

Chapter Five

Jack was gone when Abby awoke the next morning. She felt a little relieved that she didn't have to deal with the morning-after awkwardness. All of this was so out of character for her that she needed some time to figure how she felt about it. She'd never actually had a “one-night stand” or even any brief affairs. The truth was, she was a bit inexperienced, with only three previous relationships in her past, and one of those had been when she was in college years ago. Determined to clear her head and burn off some restless energy, Abby decided to take Bear and go explore the surrounding woods. Amazingly, she wasn't hung-over at all. Did great sex always affect a person like this? She'd never really had
sex before, but if it left everybody feeling as marvelous as she did right now, no wonder there was so much of it going on. She hadn't known what she was missing.

The two of them began their trek, following a rough path they'd discovered on an earlier exploration. The trail wove through a dense stand of trees. On the other side was a clearing in which a lone tree stood. It was an old gnarled oak with branches extending down within easy arm's reach. She grinned. “Look, Bear. That looks just like the tree that was in Grandma's backyard. I climbed all the way up it one summer when I was about eleven years old. Beau dared me, and I couldn't let a boy get away with calling me a scaredy-cat!"

With an eager spring to her step, Abby moved toward the tree. She contemplated its height and then looked down at Bear. “Heck, I bet I could still make it to the top. What do you think?"

He tilted his head sideways as if considering her question. Again she examined it, placing one hand on the trunk. She squinted upwards. It looked like it would be easy enough to climb. There were limbs sticking out everywhere—plenty of handholds and steps. She made a quick decision. “I'm gonna do it, Bear. You wait down here for me like a good boy.” Abby reached out and grasped the nearest branch, pulling herself onto the first limb. “That wasn't bad at all,” she declared, observing Bear from her perch a few feet off the ground. “This ought to be a piece of cake, huh?"

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