Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two (7 page)

BOOK: Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two
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"If you
Clearwater Farm, I can make
you get it." Lara tilted her head and gave him a quizzical look, "What do you mean?" Eliot leaned closer to her even though no one was within earshot, "I can buy it and put it in your name." Lara's eyes opened wide. "
would you do such a thing?" A wry smile played upon Eliot's lips as he gazed directly into her green eyes, "Because I want you to be happy." Lara examined the man sitting before her offering her a two million dollar piece of real estate. She had to ask the question, "What's the catch?" Eliot formed a triangle with his fingers in front of his lips as if pondering his answer for a long moment. His dark brown eyes looked honestly into hers, "There is no catch. I have millions of dollars, Lara, and no one to spend it on. It would give me great pleasure to see you happy at Clearwater farm." Just as he uttered those words, Sterling Brown, the owner of the property approached their table. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" Sterling was looking directly at Lara. "It's a perfect night," Eliot smiled and motioned for Sterling to sit. "Can I buy you a drink or interest you in a glass of champagne?" Sterling sat down and winked at Lara, "Thought you'd never ask!"

The conversation at the table focused on the idea of Eliot purchasing the saltwater farm. He never mentioned handing the deed over to Lara. Sterling did not question Eliot's interest in the place. He was excited to talk about the sale. Eliot had a real estate attorney who could handle the transaction rather quickly. "But, we need one other person's approval." Eliot added. Lara felt Eliot tap her leg with his beneath the table. At that point, Eliot wrote a number on the back of a napkin and slid it across the table to Sterling Brown. "That's what I'm willing to pay." Sterling stared at the number on the napkin and seemed hesitant. "It's worth two million all day long. You know that, Eliot." But Eliot reasoned, "I've taken out the realtor's potential commission. Actually the figure I've given you is a fair one." Sterling ran his hand through his white hair and Eliot could see he was seriously considering his offer of cash and a 30-day closing.

The two men had nearly finished the bottle of champagne and Sterling rose to join his wife at a table across the room. But before he left their table, he turned to Lara and took her hand in his. "I want
to have the place. It should be filled with children and a happy young couple in love." Eliot watched as Lara's heart melted. Sterling gazed at her as if guessing Eliot was handing the property over to her, yet he didn't question it. He watched Sterling Brown drift across the room to join his wife for dinner.

Eliot only wished it was
Lara was melting over instead of Lieutenant Ben Keegan and his pathetic little gift of a tiny bungalow. But he'd settle for being a close neighbor and friend. Finding a way to weave Lara into his life was Eliot's number one priority, no matter what the cost.


~ Ben ~

When the sun came up, Ben and his team left the motel in pairs, staggering their exit. Each man with a new disguise, they slipped into the rented vehicles. Some rode together and dropped off at bus and train stations in the event they were being followed. Ben arrived in the west end of Boston and took a bus ride home. He hadn't showered for two days and noticed a few people mov
ed away from him on the bus. He was dressed like a homeless person and surely smelled like one. He took a cab home and arrived at Noon. Einstein was excited to see him, but Lara was out renovating something somewhere. He sent her a text letting her know he was home and things went well. He remained vague in his communiqué with her, as always.

Ben promptly got into the shower and soaped from head to toe, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of the hot water pounding on his weary body. As he emerged and entered the bedroom, he heard Lara fumbling with the lock on the door. Ben draped the towel around his waist and opened the door and she fell into his arms. He embraced and kissed her eagerly not noticing the towel had slipped to the floor. No words were spoken. He felt Lara come alive with his kiss and he wanted more. He slid the sundress off her shoulders and touched her perfect breasts. Lara pushed him onto the sofa giggling and she straddled him. Ben was overwhelmed with all of the sensual treats she offered. He inhaled the warm scent that drove him crazy and continued kissing her as he efficiently removed the barrette from her long dark hair. All at once the silky mass spilled down onto him. His hands were on her shapely bottom. "Oh
God Lara, I've missed you so much, you have no idea…" he was frantic now. But he made sure everything happened in slow motion because that's the way she liked it. She made love to him slowly and deliberately and he postponed his satisfaction as long as he could. He felt her hot breath on his face and sensed her irregular breathing. For a moment she stopped breathing and tightened her grip on him. He was thoroughly hypnotized as he watched her. With his past lovers, if you could call them that, he had never taken the time to observe a woman as she experienced ecstasy. Ben had never made love like this. As he lost control with Lara they both collapsed on the sofa, out of breath. She was now lying with her back against his chest. Ben nuzzled the nape of her neck, "I can't stop thinking about you. I've never felt like this before…
. Darlin’, I'm crazy in love with you."

He waited as she caught her breath. Lara whispered, "I love you, too, Ben. I was
about you…why didn't you contact me?" He immediately felt regret for not calling or texting her during the mission. But when he was in hyper-vigilant mode he went to a different place in his mind. "I wanted to call you, but it all went down so quickly…plus, you know what I told you about communications when I'm doing this stuff. It could put me and the team in danger." He wrapped her tightly in his muscular arms and kissed her neck gently. "It won't always be like this. Someday, maybe I will live a normal life." Lara sat up and looked at him as if he just pronounced something significant. In shock, she uttered, "Really?" Ben instantly knew that statement might have been misleading and he regretted saying it. "Well, someday."

Deep down he knew he could never work a typical nine-to-five job. He would feel like a caged animal. He was a warrior and needed to use his body and his mind continuously doing something that made a difference in the world. He needed the camaraderie of his brothers more than he needed food. He knew he had to quickly change the subject. "Hey, it's a beautiful day, let's walk Einstein and take a ride on the bike. We can stop for lunch and maybe go swimming at Panther Pond. I'm sure your mother and Rusty would like to have company on a hot sunny day." Lara looked at her phone. "Let me move this one appointment and I'll change my clothes." He observed her as she made a quick phone call all the while feeling her eyes linger on his naked form on the sofa. Winking at her, he didn't cover up with the towel. He was drunk with Lara's attention. His thrill twenty-four hours ago was the adrenaline rush and the mission; at this moment his thrill was Lara.

They quickly dressed and took Einstein for a long walk. "What did you accomplish while I was away?" Ben queried with a smile. "Well, Ben, I have something to discuss with you…it's a lovely saltwater farm." Once Lara shared the story about the sailing trip with Eliot, dinner at the yacht club, and tour of the saltwater farm, Ben's happy smile had disappeared. He knew Eliot was behind the whole idea. "Why do you want to live in Falmouth Foreside two doors down from Eliot Stone and all of his high society trust fund friends? Wouldn't you rather live on a farm – a
farm – just twenty minutes north of Portland?"

Lara was quiet but her lovely green eyes were riveted on his face. Ben continued, "I checked out a farm just before I left. You remember. I showed you the photos on my phone. It was when I secured the bungalow for your business. I'll take you out there tomorrow…you'll see. I think you might like it." Lara smiled. "I'll see
farm if you'll see
…" Ben knew he would be making a trip to Clearwater Farm two doors down from Eliot Stone's estate the next day. But, for Lara, he would do it. Her happiness was paramount to him. He would go to the ends of the earth for her. Whatever she wanted, he'd make it happen. His life was empty before her.


~ Lara ~

Lara packed her leather sack and hopped onto the Indian motorcycle with Ben to ride to Panther Pond. It was a great day to visit Rusty and her mother. The thermometer was pushing
ninety degrees and it was humid and sunny, perfect for a cool dip in the pond. Lara wore shorts and a T-shirt. She never tired of embracing Ben on the motorcycle. With helmets and goggles in place they were off like a rocket stopping only briefly to inhale a couple of loaded cheeseburgers and a bottle of water. As Ben pulled the Indian motorcycle into the Panther Pond compound, Rusty was standing there to greet them and wolf-whistled, "Wow, that bike is a beauty. I used to ride one of those in my younger days." Ben shut the bike off and Rusty lovingly admired every little detail of the 1940's Indian replica. Lara hugged her mother and Rusty and they were excited to see them, "Come on down to the pond. I hope you have a swimsuit. It's too hot to stay out of the water today." Lillian laughed, "Are you two hungry?" Ben smiled, "Thanks but we just had a snack. You go on down to the water's edge and we'll get our suits on."

Lillian and Rusty meandered down to their lawn chairs partly submerged in the water. Lara could hear her mother, "Oh, this water feels so good today…" Lara watched Ben as he dropped his clothing on the floor and slipped into loose swim trunks and flip flops. "Come on…" he teased Lara. She was always mesmerized by his body without clothing. Just the sight of him shirtless made her stare. But when she glanced at his perfect rear, well – that was it. She fell apart. She had just made love to him ninety minutes earlier but she was getting that funny feeling again just glancing at Ben. She held his gaze and dropped her clothing to the floor. It was as if a switch turned on inside him. He embraced her wildly, kissing her as if nothing else in the world existed. Her lips parted ever so slightly. His hands moved frantically over her body. "We really shouldn't do this
…" Lara whispered, "Not
." Ben stopped long enough for her to tug her conservative floral swimsuit on and then he French kissed her leaving her weak in the knees. With his strong arms he picked her up and carried her down to the water’s edge. She screamed as Ben tossed her into the water then dove in after her. Lillian and Rusty were laughing. Ben and Lara stood up to their necks in the cool pond water and they were kissing again. Rusty looked at Lillian. "Ah, young love." Lara saw her mother smile as she glanced her way and waved. It seemed her mother’s eyes reflected the pure happiness Lara was feeling at that exact moment. Lara realized she had never been
happy in her entire life.


~ Bettencourt ~

Coming to the end of his day shift, Officer Randall Bettencourt decided to drive by the house that Lara had mentioned to him -- the one where she heard the blood curdling screams. Ralph Perkins’ truck was parked in front of the Farrington residence so the officer parked his cruiser down the street and casually walked up to the front door and knocked. Ralph came to the door and invited Bettencourt inside. “Come in, officer, am I parked in a bad spot?" Bettencourt stepped into the entryway, “No, you’re fine. I’m curious. Tell me about the screaming going on next door?" Bettencourt watched as the contractor
averted his eyes. "I don't really want to get involved, officer." Ralph seemed a bit nervous. Bettencourt pressed him, "Just exactly what did you see or hear?" Ralph Perkins was an honest man and couldn't lie. "I saw a young girl get the shit kicked out of her."

Bettencourt wanted details, "Who was assaulting her?" Ralph Perkins swallowed and closed his eyes, "Her father." Perkins gave him the details. "The argument was about the teen-aged daughter dating a guy that wasn't Muslim." Although he hadn't planned on it, Bettencourt called the station for back-up. "I'm checking out a possible domestic at 1735 Birch Street up here on the West End. Send someone just in case it gets ugly and tell him to park behind my cruiser. I don't want to make a grand entrance if you get my drift."

Bettencourt waited until the other officer arrived and briefed him on the reported domestic assault. The two officers walked up to the large brick mansion next to Diana Farrington's and rang the doorbell. A small thin dark-skinned man opened the front door, obviously a servant. "Yes, can I help you?" his English was perfect. "Who lives here?" Bettencourt asked. "Ali Farouz" the servant replied. As soon as the servant spoke the name, a heavyset Middle-Eastern man wearing a turban and white robes pushed the servant aside. "And, what do
want?" he puffed his chest out as if challenging the officers standing on his porch. Bettencourt calmly stated, "We are checking out a domestic violence report." The large man became enraged. "What are you talking about? This is
house. I do what I
in my house. You are not welcome here!" Bettencourt attempted to calm the man. "We need to check your daughter. We need to talk with her. We understand she has been hurt." The man became more agitated. "My daughter? She's not here! What do you want with my daughter?" Then he slammed the heavy mahogany door in Bettencourt's face. The officers turned and walked away. "We'll get a warrant." Bettencourt said quietly. "We'll come back tomorrow and meet the daughter…with a warrant…and a whole army of back-up if we have to."

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