Encore (Stereo Hearts Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Encore (Stereo Hearts Book 2)
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Carmen obliged, coming to her toes and kissing Yoshi’s cheek. She reached up to wipe his jaw, presumably to remove the bright red lipstick she’d transferred from her smiling mouth to his skin.

Yoshi was unable to stop his eyes from darting past the press line to the end of the red carpet.

He caught sight of Aria just as she rolled her eyes and walked off. One of her fellow backup singers followed her out of sight.

Yoshi cursed under his breath, doing everything he could to collect himself as Carmen rested her head on his shoulder. She was doing it again. Playing her part a bit too close to the edge. Taking things a touch too far.

Yoshi wasn’t blind to the fact that she only happened to find herself emboldened to play with fire whenever Aria was within her sights.

Right on cue, the moment Aria disappeared backstage, Carmen removed her grip on Yoshi’s arm, gave him a bit more space, and faced the cameras again. The duck lips returned with a vengeance, and her spine was bent back once more, displaying her svelte frame.

Yoshi shot Carmen another look, licked his lips, and then returned his focus on the camera flashes. The flashes stung his irises, but instead of blinking, he let it burn.

A few feet away, a tall brunette woman with fair skin and a black cocktail dress waved him over from behind the press barrier. When Yoshi read the words on her microphone,
Access Hollywood
, he pulled Carmen towards her.

The correspondent leaned over the barriers to greet him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She offered him a microphone and didn’t acknowledge Carmen.

“Yoshi, how are you? You look great, I’m loving the shoes!” The brunette, who Yoshi remembered as
Access Hollywood’s
Sheryl Lynn, pointed to his black leather shoes with red leather detailing. Par for the course on the press line, she spoke a mile a minute, prepared to spit out any and every question that popped into her head for fear he would be dragged away any second.

“You like these?” Yoshi stuck his leg out and presented his right foot, turning the shoe every direction so she could see it from all angles.

Sheryl laughed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I do, I really do. Edgy. And the red suit? Bold choice. Perfection. Who are you wearing?”

Yoshi took the flap of his suit and looked down at it, trying to remember the name of the flamboyant man who’d dressed him that night.

“Ah…” He struggled.

Carmen’s voice warmed his ear as she pretended to wave at someone over his shoulder, whispering, “Zac Posen.”

“The incredibly talented Zac Posen.” Yoshi squeezed her waist in silent thanks.

“Oh, I just love him!” Sheryl beamed.

“You and me both.” Yoshi smiled. “I don’t really get out much so I figured I do it up big tonight, you know?” Unable to keep his eyes from traveling all over the busy carpet, Yoshi glanced over his shoulder. There was just so much going on; he found it nearly impossible to focus on one thing for too long. From where he was lingering a few feet away, Gus tapped his watch at Sheryl and held up two fingers.

Seeing that she had two minutes left, Sheryl spoke faster. “So, you’re performing the final number tonight. How are you feeling?”

“Terrified.” Yoshi nodded, smirking when she burst into laughter. “It’s my first time performing for a crowd that isn’t here to see just me, you know? It’s a little nerve-racking. I’m so blessed, though. I still wake up every morning and can’t believe this is my life. It’s unreal.”

“Did you always know you’d come this far? From drummer in The White Keys to international solo star?”

Sensing her flirting with the topic of Adam, his heartbeat picked up. “Honestly, I could only see it getting this big in my wildest dreams. I mean, you
… you hope for it, but you never really believe it until it’s right in front of you.”

“I saw a video of you performing as Michael Jackson when you were a kid, and I have to tell you, Yoshi, it’s always been real. Even back then. You’ve always been a star.”

“Thank you.” He managed to choke out those two words just before his stomach hit the floor. The only other topic that made his stomach roll harder than The White Keys and Sheryl had nailed it right on the head, even if she hadn’t meant to.

“You were so friggin’
, I just can’t. Dancing around in that black leather outfit Michael wore in ‘Bad.’ And you had those dance moves down to a science—I died!”

Yoshi’s heart came to a grinding halt. He dragged his hand over his mouth. “So there’s another one? I’ve seen the ‘Thriller’ one but….”

“There’s another one!” Sheryl beamed. “I saw it this morning, at the studio. They’re planning on airing it tonight. Who shot all these adorable videos of you? Everyone wants to know.”

Unable to think straight, he clenched his fists, and even when he felt Carmen rubbing his back, he couldn’t focus. His vision went blurry, and everything around him fell away. Before he knew it, he was blinking away the tears stinging his eyes.

Yoshi swallowed, having no clue what to say. Thankfully, Gus swept in and informed Sheryl her time was up, pulling Yoshi away before he had the chance to say something he’d regret.

“There’s another video?” Yoshi whispered as he and Carmen were whisked away, meeting Gus’s eyes.

Gus nodded. “Just hit the streets today. We’re still trying to find out where they’re coming from.”

“They’re coming from my father. The only person who has access to them. Find him.” Yoshi’s eyes went wide.

“We’re working on it, Yosh. I told you. We’re doing our best to find him, but right now I don’t want you to worry about that. I want you to worry about your performance tonight, the awards you’re nominated for, and Michelle Kit.” Gus pointed over Yoshi’s shoulder.

And Yoshi turned just in time to lock eyes with Michelle, another correspondent, this time for
E! News.

Yoshi painted a smile on his face as quickly as he could, his arm tightening around Carmen’s waist as he approached Michelle.

That time, he embraced the correspondent with a genuine heart. In his short time as a solo artist, Michelle Kit had proved to be the most fun and least invasive on the press line.

“I missed you!” she beamed, her long black ponytail waving in the breeze behind her. She smiled wide, her ebony skin as flawless as always, never betraying her real age. Pushing fifty, she didn’t look a day over twenty-five, proving that black really didn’t crack. Her gold cocktail dress hugged her body like a dream. She kept her arm around Yoshi’s shoulder, angling him and Carmen towards the camera. “Yoshi, how you been?”

He waited for her to aim her microphone at his mouth. “I’ve been good, I’ve been good.” His voice still shook with the residual emotion from the last interview.

“So, you’re basically killing it.” She beamed, her voice ringing with joy and excitement.

“I’m not killing it,” Yoshi groaned.

She counted off on her fingers. “Best New Act, Best Pop Song, Best Male Artist, Best Worldwide Act, Best Album… I could keep going but we’d be here all day.” She sighed, stepping away and staring at him as if he’d committed some carnal act. “You’re the first artist
to be nominated for Best New Act and Best International Icon—at the same time. I mean,
fourteen nominations
. You haven’t even been out for a year. Can you give someone else a
, please?”

Yoshi laughed heartily.

Michelle’s smile bloomed. “You. Are. Killing. It.”

Yoshi’s head fell, and when he found himself blushing, he was thankful for her exuberance. It had pulled him out of a downward spiral he’d been seconds away from crashing to the bottom of.

As he looked up and reclaimed Michelle’s shining eyes, pulling Carmen in closer from where she hung quietly at his side, he let it all fall away, reminded of why he’d fought so hard to get where he was.

Because, even if no one else believed it, not even his own father, he
worth keeping.

And he wouldn’t rest until the entire world knew it.






Aria stomped outside of Alexandra Palace, her black heels sinking into the soil of the expansive grassland outside. Impeccably landscaped and boasting unrivaled panoramic views of London, the view should’ve taken her breath away, but she didn’t care. She also didn’t care that her stiletto heels were creating rivets in the perfectly trimmed grass. To hell with the grass. To hell with her heels. To hell with the skintight black dress she’d wrestled herself into. To hell with the French twist that had taken hours to perfect.

Even more than all that, to hell with him.

“To hell with him.” She spat her thoughts out loud, stopping in the grass just long enough to yank her heels off her feet.

Hundreds of award show attendees were scattered around outside, including many faces that had grown familiar to her through years of watching MTV. Up until a few minutes earlier, she’d been so excited about that night she’d hardly been able to contain herself. Caterers worked the crowd with trays of champagne and appetizers. They didn’t speak unless spoken to, but the one making his way towards Aria seemed to read the distress in her eyes, because he held his tray of champagne out to her without delay.

“Get out of my head,” Aria said, drinking in his laugh as she accepted a glass from his tray. He left without bothering her further, and she watched him go, realizing she’d much rather talk to him than anyone else there.

“Don’t let it get you down, Aria.” Emily Childs, a petite blonde, and one of her fellow backup singers on Yoshi’s tour, came up next to her. She wore a strapless blue cocktail dress that matched her shocking eyes. “I saw the look on his face after Carmen kissed his cheek. His eyes shot straight to you. He looked like he’d seen a damn ghost.”

Aria downed her champagne in seconds, giving the caterer a grateful frown when he was back on her the moment it was empty, offering her a fresh glass.

“I don’t know how much longer I can do this, Ems.” She met Emily’s eyes. “In theory, it’s fine. I get it. It makes sense. But seeing it in action…” She pushed her eyes closed and cursed under her breath.

“Girl, that man loves you.” Emily pushed her. “

“And yet he and I are the only two people who know anything about that supposed love.”

“You, him, and every soul working this tour. Everyone behind the scenes knows who his heart really belongs to, because he doesn’t make it a secret. Hell, he doesn’t even make it a secret in public.” Emily produced her cell phone from her clutch bag, clicking it open. “Have you seen the
tag lately?”

Aria chuckled. “I’ve been trying to steer clear of it, because now Carmen and Yoshi have shippers. They call themselves
fans are at war now, and I can’t bear to look at the tag anymore. Some of them say terrible things…” Aria pressed her fingers into her eyes, cringing.

“Look at this, though. Don’t read the comments.” Carmen showed Aria the
tag on Instagram.

Aria couldn’t help it when a deep belly laugh escaped her lips. “I always say they should go out for the CIA.”

“They’ve already connected the dots about the lime-green bracelet that disappeared from Yoshi’s wrist and suddenly appeared on your finger. They’ve got photos of him looking back at you when he’s on stage. They can already tell he’s looking at you way more than normal. They’re not buying Carmen in any way, shape, or form. Only a few people are actually buying their relationship. A vocal few, but only a few.”

Aria made a claw at her chest. “That’s what’s killing me. He and I actually have
We have people who are rooting for us, even though we’ve never publicly claimed each other. There are people who love the idea of us
but somehow, I’m not good enough to be on his arm in public? I’m not good enough to be photographed? I’m bad for his image?
is bad for his image?”

Emily shrugged. “It’s Hollywood, girl. There’s no fighting it. You either get in line or get left behind.”

Aria tried to speak, but her voice went out. She cleared her throat and tried again. Nothing but hot air.

Emily frowned. “Your voice is going again.”

“For some reason, the medication isn’t helping keep the swelling at bay the way it did before. Thankfully it only happens when I’m speaking, not singing.”

“Maybe you need to up the dosage.”

“I will as soon as I get a second away from this… this insanity.”

“Don’t wait too long. Take it from a fellow singer with cysts on her vocal cords—it’s nothing to play with.”

“Don’t tell anyone, okay?”

“Not my style.” Emily shrugged. “I just want you to take care of yourself. Physically
mentally. Stop worrying about Carmen. Hold on to what you know is real.”

“I thought I knew what was real once, but now….”

“Yo! Aria?”

The moment that voice surrounded Aria from behind, the tears that filled her eyes had nothing to do with Yoshi. She swirled on her heel and when she locked eyes with the smiling blue gaze of Zach ‘Noodle’ Kernoodle, the scream that split her lips was out before she could stop it.

And as Noodle launched himself at her, taking her around her waist and lifting her off her feet in a bear hug, Aria realized it.

know what was real.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed into his shoulder, taking in his signature scent of cigarette smoke, Head and Shoulders shampoo, and weed like she was starving and it was the last bite of food left on Earth.

When he set her down, she kept her arms clasped tight around his neck, because she didn’t want him to see the tears in her eyes.

“Hey,” he whispered, rubbing her back. “None of that, all right? It’s cool.”

“It’s not cool.”

“It’s totally cool.” Noodle pulled back and met her eyes. “Hey, I get it. We
get it. Adam was on a rampage at first, we all were, but…” He sighed. “We knew what it was. It was always you and him. He don’t go, you don’t go. You don’t go, he don’t go. He was never just a drummer. We knew it, he knew it, and I guess the world knows it now too, huh?”

Aria sniffled.

“Stoked you guys finally fucked and got it over with.” Noodle looked towards the sky as if speaking directly to God. “Halle-fuckin-lujah.”

“I miss you so bad,” she said, between laughs.

“I miss you way more.”

She pointed over her shoulder. “This is Emily. She sings backup with me on tour. Emily, this is Noodle. He’s—”

“Lead guitarist for The White Keys.” Emily smiled, taking Noodle’s hand. “Yeah, I recognized you by the hair alone. The best hair in rock and roll, by far.”

“So I’ve been told,” Noodle said, swigging his long blond ponytail dramatically before grinning down at her.

Aria eyed them both, drank in the vibe, and pointed over her shoulder. “Yeah, I’ll just….”

“Yeah…” Noodle nodded, giving her an eye that she’d come to know well. “Do that.”

Chortling, and deep down so relieved that
had changed between her and Noodle, Aria accepted his dismissal, shooting him and Emily secret smiles over her shoulder as she climbed the hill of Alexandra Palace. She drank in the old architecture of the sprawling castle, appreciating its beauty for the first time, and couldn’t believe she’d almost let the fact that she was in a
slip her mind.

She sighed and turned back to the panoramic views of the city, breathing in the rainy air as storm clouds collected above, letting her eyes flutter closed.

“I’m sorry, Bo.”

She didn’t open her eyes when his voice came in next to her. “Lots of cameras around. I’d hate for you to be seen out here with your weird, one-eyed, secret girlfriend.”

A deep sigh. A long silence. She wondered if he was still there.

“Baby, it’s just until I’m—”

“Too big to move,” she finished dryly, opening her eyes and giving Yoshi a look.

His hazel eyes widened under her blank stare. His mouth fell open. His eyebrows tightened. He stepped closer and reached to touch her.

“Probably shouldn’t do that,” she said, nodding around. “Cameras, remember?”

“Aria, I lov—”

“You love me.” She nodded.

His cheeks went red. “Are you really going to do this to me right now? You’re going to drag me to this place, hours before I’m set to perform at my first awards show? Fuck, Aria, I’m doing this for us. For you.”

She squinted at him. Then, her eyes went over his shoulder, and she sucked in a breath.

Yoshi followed her eyes, and when he caught sight of Adam walking down the hill towards them, he took a step backward. When he bumped into Aria by accident, he twirled on is heel and met her gaze. They shared wide-eyed expressions.

Adam came to a stop before them, cradling his own glass of champagne, his hard green eyes never leaving Yoshi.

Yoshi squared his shoulders and stepped in front of Aria, holding Adam’s gaze. Silence prevailed between the two men as they came head to head, chests heaving and eyes dueling.

“Four million copies sold.” Adam’s deep voice broke the silence. “Six number one singles. A world tour sold out in less than an hour. Nominated for fourteen awards tonight. Guess you finally got everything you ever wanted. Does it feel good?”

Yoshi shoved his hands in his pockets.

Adam motioned to him with his champagne flute. “I hope it was worth abandoning the people who loved you when you didn’t have shit.”

Aria’s heartbeat tripled. It seemed Adam wasn’t going to show Yoshi quite as much mercy as he’d shown her at the album release party six months back.

She craned her neck to see Yoshi’s face just as he licked his lips.

She silently begged him to just apologize. To humble himself and let Adam know that the part he’d played in their lives would never be forgotten. That, without Adam, they wouldn’t even be there.

Yoshi sighed. “Adam, my hands were tied. Simon Brady told me it was now or never. He told me I had to do it the way I did if I was going to be successful. I didn’t do it to hurt you or the guys.”

Aria stilled at Yoshi’s tone. His words weren’t as humbled as she’d hoped, his tone even less so.

“Simon Brady will tell you a lot of things,” Adam said. “He’ll tell you to betray your bandmates, who loved you like a brother. He’ll tell you that integrity and success are mutually exclusive. He’ll tell you what pills to take when it starts getting hard to sleep. What powders to sniff when it starts getting hard to stay awake. He’ll tell you what to eat, how to think, what to believe. He’ll even put a blonde on your arm and tell you who to love.”

Yoshi almost turned and met Aria’s eyes, but something stopped him midway and he gazed off into the distance, running his hand over his shadowed jaw.

“He’ll tell you who you are until you breathe your last breath. Until you look in the mirror one day and don’t recognize yourself.” Adam’s breathing picked up, his green eyes growing ripe. “And when that day comes, dude? When that day comes where you don’t recognize the pig staring back at you?” He shook his head. “Don’t fucking call us.”

“Adam,” Aria whispered as he shouldered past Yoshi.

“I’m sorry, Aria,” Adam said, giving her a quick glance. He softly pulled his arm out of reach when she tried to take it on his way by.

She watched him cross the grass to Noodle and Emily. Moments later, she pivoted, facing Yoshi with her mouth hanging open.

He searched her eyes. “He’s jealous.”

Her mouth fell open even wider. She tried to speak, but nothing came.

“Have you heard the new Keys album? It’s a struggle album. He’s
without me. He isn’t nominated for a single award tonight without me. In less than a year, I’m nominated for awards he hasn’t been able to touch in his entire career. He’ll never forgive me because he can’t stand that I was right to leave. He can’t stand to see me rise when he didn’t have a hand in it.”

Before Aria could explode—and she was right on the verge, shaking so badly she nearly crushed the glass in her hand—a voice called out to Yoshi.

Both their eyes flew to the top of the hill where Gus and Carmen stood. They waved him over, saying something about an executive for ABC wanting to talk to him inside.

Yoshi threw Aria one last look, hesitated, and then turned his back on her without a word.

He met Carmen and Gus at the top of the hill, wrapping his arm around Carmen’s waist before they disappeared from sight.




Yoshi’s fingers trembled over the ivories. He hoped the sweat he felt collecting at his hairline wouldn’t escape and race down his face, undoing the makeup that had been applied backstage. The silence seemed deafening, made louder still by the domed ceilings of Alexandra Palace. The sold-out crowd had fallen to a hush, with an occasional sneeze or cough ringing in, along with smatterings of hushed conversation.

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