Read Encore Encore Online

Authors: Charlie Cochrane

Tags: #MLR Press; ISBN# 978-1-60820-131-0

Encore Encore (20 page)

BOOK: Encore Encore
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Kieran made a sound, a whimper, a moan and reached for him. But David refused to be rushed. Releasing his sack, he ducked down lower and lapped at Kieran’s exposed hole.

The shock of it nearly sent Kieran off the bed. David didn’t rim, or he never used to. Kieran loved a good rim-job. He could come just from having a tongue up his ass and nearly did now.

“Ah, baby, you’re going to make me come. Oh God, not yet.” Kieran gripped the base of his dick and fought the orgasm sparking at the base of his spine. It was too soon, too fast.

A positively wicked chuckle rose from between his legs as that tongue continued to tease and torment, now licking and lathing, now poking inside him like the tiniest cock.

The tongue disappeared and a blond head rose up. David kissed his way up Kieran’s belly, pausing along the way to tongue his navel then moving higher and higher still. He bit each of Kieran’s nipples then soothed the sting with little licks and suckles.

Their cocks slid together. Kieran writhed, bucked, wrapped his arms around his former boyfriend and dragged him down.

He needed more skin on skin, needed that cock inside him, right now.

“Need you. David, please?”

Propping himself on his elbows, David smiled down at him.

“One second.” He stretched across Kieran’s body and yanked open the nightstand drawer. Fishing out a bottle of lube, he dropped it on the bed. Next came the familiar foil packet.

Kieran touched his arm. “I’m clean.”

David paused and looked down at him, the condom packet poised to tear open with his teeth.

“I don’t—” He let out a breath, not really a sigh. “It isn’t that I don’t believe you…”

Of course he was right. They should use a condom. It only made sense since neither knew where the other had been. Still, he couldn’t help remembering when they hadn’t needed to protect ENCORE! ENCORE!

themselves from one another. But they were strangers now, no getting around it.

“You’re right.” Kieran nodded. “Go on. Hurry. I’m dying here.” He tried to smile, make light, but something had changed.

Desperate to get past the sudden awkwardness, Kieran plucked the condom from David’s fi ngers and tore it open. “Here, let me help you with that.”

He smoothed the latex down David’s shaft, concentrating on what he was doing because it was easier than thinking about what he’d seen in the other man’s eyes. Picking up the lube, he fl ipped it open and squeezed a generous glob into his palm then stroked it over David’s dick.

Next he smoothed lube in and around his own hole. Once he’d gotten himself slicked up, he reached for David’s cock.

But David was already positioning himself. “Kieran?”


“Look at me.”

He did, lifting his gaze to meet David’s. And suddenly it was hard to breathe, or swallow. The backs of his eyes stung. Blinking hard he forced a smile. “Fuck me.”

“Yeah. Okay.” David pushed.

Unexpectedly Kieran’s body resisted, like it was saying,
dude, this is so not a good idea. Don’t you want to think about it?

But no, he did not want to think about it. He pushed out, willing himself to yield and let that gorgeous cock in. And it worked. The head popped through, the momentary sting intense but bearable.

David paused, the muscles in his arms standing out as he gazed down at Kieran. “Say when.”

The words came out a little breathless as if he clung to the edge of control. It made Kieran smile.


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David laughed, again the sound was breathless. Pressing his hips forward, he fi lled him with a slow steady pressure. Not too fast, not too slow, as if he remembered just how much Kieran could take.

And why wouldn’t he? They had been together for just over two years, living together for part of that time, sharing a bed, sharing their bodies, making love passionately and often.

Don’t go there, Kieran warned himself. He jerked his thoughts back to the present, to what was happening here and now, to the burn and stretch in his ass, to the sexy man leaning over him, lips parted, eyes half closed in pleasure.

Easing back and pushing forward. In and out. They set up a rhythm, familiar and sweet. Forward and back. Forward and back.

David’s cock thrust deep, his balls smacking against Kieran’s ass, his pubes prickly against Kieran’s shaved crotch.

David bent farther forward, pressing his weight against Kieran’s legs, forcing them up against his chest, angling to go even deeper. Pulling back, David dragged his cockhead across Kieran’s gland, setting off a star-burst behind his eyes.

He hooked his ankles behind David’s neck, canting his hips for more and more still. His head rolled from side to side on the thin pillow, sweat sheened his body and his only thought was of the man inside him as the orgasm set his body ablaze.

“Coming. Ah, David, harder. Fuck me harder.” His request was met with a grunt and a thrust that just about sent him through the headboard. Sweat dripped onto Kieran’s face. The bed thumped against the wall. The cock in his ass sped up, the thrusts growing shorter, sharper, the rocking more erratic, wilder.

The orgasm rushed over him like a wave, crashed through him like an earthquake and erupted from his dick. He shot streams of cum over his belly and chest. He came and came like it might never stop.

David’s shoved in hard and deep, holding himself there, just there, as his dick swelled and pulsed against Kieran’s hole.


Though he tried not to miss the wet heat of his lover’s spunk as it spilled inside him, knowing that David couldn’t trust him enough to go bareback made Kieran somehow sad despite the amazing reaming he’d just taken. But this was no time for regret.

He’d just had fantastic sex with a man he still found sexy as hell, a man who was even now collapsed on top of him, breathing like he’d just run a marathon.

“That was freakin’ amazing.” David huffed out a laugh. “But I think I might be having a heart attack.” He would have rolled over and away except Kieran wrapped his arms around him and held him. He wasn’t ready for this to be over, not yet.

“Stay here a minute.” He nuzzled David’s sweaty hair, inhaled the scent of sex and exertion mixed with that light citrusy cologne he’d smelled earlier. Only a hint of it remained under the other scents, an intoxicating mix he tried to memorize because he wanted to remember every detail of this night.

“Hard to move anyway.” David laughed again and rubbed their cheeks together.

Somewhere a phone trilled.

David’s head came up and he glanced around. “Mine’s on the dresser. That must be yours.”

Then he did roll away, his softening cock sliding from Kieran’s body. Off the opposite side of the bed and onto his feet before heading for the bathroom, removing the condom as he went.

Well… damn, just damn.

Kieran leaned over the edge of the mattress and fumbled through the tangle of his discarded clothes. He found his cell and silenced the ringing as the bathroom door clicked shut.

Shit. The display showed that the call was from Will. No way he was going to answer it.

In the bathroom the toilet fl ushed then the hiss and splash of water reached him through the door. His phone chimed. Will had left a voice-mail.

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Kieran sighed and punched in his code.

“Where are you?” Will’s voice sounded tinny through the small speaker. “I thought you were going to call me. Must be a good party if you’re still there.” There was a pause, the “if you’re still there” left to hang in the air between them, the question clearer for not having been spoken. “Call me when you get this.

Maybe we can still— Anyway, call me.”

Maybe they could still what? Like he didn’t know what.

Kieran hit delete, dropped the phone over the edge of the mattress and fl opped back against the pillows. He listened to the sounds coming from the bathroom and thought about what he’d just done.

God. With a groan he covered his face with his hands, pressed his fi ngertips hard against his temples. He should go, put on his clothes and be all set to say “Thanks babe, it was fun,” when David came out of the bathroom. No way should he spend the night in David Sullivan’s bed. If that was even an option, which he wasn’t sure it was since the invitation had yet to be extended.

No, it was better to just go.

Grabbing a corner of the sheet, Kieran swiped at the spunk on his chest and belly before swinging his legs out of bed. But as he reached for his pants the bathroom door opened.

“Hey, I’m a little hungry. What do you think about ordering a pizza?” David paused, took in Kieran sitting up with his pants in his hand. “Oh, you’re leaving?”

“I don’t have to,” Kieran said very slowly. He spotted the washcloth in David’s hand. “Is that for me?” David glanced down as if he’d forgotten he was holding the cloth. “I thought you might want to clean up.” Kieran fl ushed, his cheeks going hot. “Um, I sort of already cleaned up with the sheet. Sorry.”

“No problem.” Tossing the washcloth in the sink behind him, David walked back into the bedroom. “I can always sleep in the ENCORE! ENCORE!

other bed.” He sat on the edge of the still-made bed. “Unless you’re sure you don’t have to go.”

Kieran let his pants fall back to the fl oor. “I’m sure.” Reaching across the space between the beds, he touched David’s bare knee.

Then, because it wasn’t enough, he slid off the mattress. Kneeling on the fl oor between David’s knees, he framed that familiar face between his palms. “I’d like to stay, if you want me to.” David grasped his wrists. “You know I want you to.”

“Then I’ll stay.”


“That’s my car.” Kieran pointed through the windshield of David’s rental.

“The Camaro? Sweet.”

Kieran grinned and gave a small shrug. “I like it.”

“Looks like somebody parked you in.” Turning into the driveway, David pulled up behind a black Escalade parked behind Kieran’s red Camaro.

“Somebody must have stayed over after the party.” Kieran reached for the door handle. “That’s nothing new. I’ll just go ring the bell.”

“You’ve been to other parties here?”

The hesitation was brief, but he was sure he hadn’t imagined it.

“A couple. Christine knows a lot of people. I think everybody in L.A. has been to one of her parties.” Kieran opened the door.

“Want me to wait in case, you know, they’re still asleep or something? I mean, I could drive you somewhere else if…” He was babbling. David let his words trail off. What did he mean? He couldn’t even say. He knew only that he didn’t want Kieran to go. That if he did go, he might not see him again, which was just stupid because last night hadn’t meant anything. It was nothing more than a one-nighter, so of course he wouldn’t be seeing him again.

“I don’t want to make you late, you know, for your seminar.” Kieran glanced up at the house. “I’m sure somebody will be awake. And if not, they will be after I ring the doorbell.” He stuck one sandaled foot out of the car then half turned back to David. “You said you’ll be in town another few days?”
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David’s heart began to beat harder and faster. “Yeah, till Tuesday probably.”

“Do you think maybe I could call you? We could do something, if you want.”

If he wanted?

“Sure, that would be—” He started to say terrifi c, fantastic, more than he’d hoped. “—fi ne. That would be fi ne. My number’s—”

“I have it.” Kieran’s gaze met his. “If it’s still the same.”

“It is.”

“Okay. Great. I’ll give you a call. See you.” He leaned across the space between the seats and touched their lips together. Then he was out of the car and walking away.

David had to quell the urge to lean out the window and call him back, beg him not to go. Somehow he managed, and instead sat there and watched Kieran go. The sway of slim hips, the way the sun caught highlights in his hair, and he remembered the feel of all that silky hair in his hands and the way that lithe body had moved under him. He remembered too, another, earlier time, when he’d watched Kieran walk away from him.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

“So let me get this straight.” Kieran leaned across the table, blue eyes blazing with indignation. “It’s perfectly okay for you to pay the rent and for me to feel like a kept boy, but not the other way around. Is that right?”

“I didn’t say that.” The smell of curry wafting up from his plate was giving David a headache, or maybe it was the inevitable fi ght that was doing it.

“Yes, you did. That’s exactly what you said.” They sat across from each other in a booth near the front window of their favorite Indian restaurant, a hardly touched meal spread out on the table between them. David shut his eyes briefl y and pinched the bridge of his nose. He’d meant this to be a celebration dinner, and now it was turning into an argument.


The all-male theatre company he’d been working with since moving to New York just over a year before, was going on a national tour with their production of
which meant, as the company’s director, David was going too. Sure, it meant he and Kieran would have to be apart for a while, but they’d work it out. They loved each other. They wanted to be together. It would be fi ne.

“I thought you’d be happy for me,” David said.

“I am happy for you. It’s just… I guess I’m disappointed is all. I thought you’d be coming to L.A. with me.” Kieran pushed his plate aside and propped his elbows on the table. “But from what you said, it sounds like you wouldn’t go anyway, even if it wasn’t for the tour.”

A few days before, Kieran had come home with exciting news of his own. After several appearances on a popular cable series, the producers of the show had offered him a starring role in a spin-off titled
What a Drag
which would be fi lmed in southern California. It was a dream come true, offered on a silver platter and Kieran had been glowing as he told David about the offer.

BOOK: Encore Encore
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