Encompassing (10 page)

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Authors: Richard Lord

Tags: #BluA

BOOK: Encompassing
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“Identify threats, identify allies, but most of all identify those that are blindly following the other two.”  -- from the book of Illumna

At the camp preparations are made to get back to the mainland.  With radio contact now functional, the team listens to the reports on the radio.  A plane from one country went down and struck a base of another country, while rumors swirl it was the plan of yet a third country.

Illumna, sitting with her grandmother and the other men say, “The Bear strikes at the Eagle and the Serpent strikes the Bear while he is erect and distracted.  The Bear knows the Eagle will eat the Snake and accedes to the Eagle.  All trust is lost.”

“What the hell does she mean by that?” One of the officers says to Christina.  Clearly the lack of resources was making everyone edgy.

Christina replies, “Ask her.  I am sure she can answer for herself.  Illumna, what does that mean?”

Illumna looks up at her grandmother and says, “Dad says then is when my aunt starts figuring out a solution.”

Christina looks down at Illumna, “She’s only a few days old.  She’s in my belly right now.”

Illumna looked away, “She’s one of our kind.  She’ll do it.”

Christina went silent and everyone else looked away.  Then Christina looked down at her granddaughter and wondered if Renfield knew more than he had explained.  Somehow, he always did.


“One chooses to believe that the means befit the ends.  One constantly wonders if that is true.  He doesn’t seem to question the means and he seems to know the end.  That, in and of itself was worrisome.
  -- from the book of Brady

Back at the station, Brady was explaining that Renfield had died and that it was impossible to recover his body in that terrain.  Some were understanding of the sheer hell that took out so many and could only imagine what they could have lived through out there.  The terrain was tough and none of those who returned looked well.  Clearly they were beaten down by the conditions and for so many days.  Others were focused on the fact that the venture even happened, but all of those who returned said it was necessary.  The overriding story was that it had to do with trying to avoid what was going on in national news.  Debriefing would begin soon, but the immediate consideration was for the health of all of the men.

Renfield, Christina and Illumna had been smuggled back.  Hidden in plain sight, they were in one of the shipping containers on Christina’s plane that was brought back, but not given any attention.  It’s relevance as was racked up to being part of the non-focused planning on the part of a group of people who had been through harsh times.

Christina said, “OK, so where is this place?”  She had a bite to her words and Renfield couldn’t help but take notice.

Renfield turned and looked at her and said, “I know you can’t go back to being a pilot.  I know you’re angry.  Believe me, I would not do this to you if it weren’t important.”

Illumna spoke up and said, “He is right grandmother.  You will be happy, not sad.”

Christina considered her granddaughter’s words.  “I suppose you would know, huh, little one?”

Renfield began to speak, but Illumna said, “Only if he does everything right.  We’ve never been this far.”

Christina stopped cold and looked down and again wondered at all the things this little girl had seen.  She wanted to just buy her an ice cream cone, but she knew that was impudent.

“So we need to get to the Midwest from here.  That means you get to be a pilot, one last time.”  Renfield announced.

“Ok, Mr. ‘Has a Lot of Lofty Plans’, how am I going to be a pilot without a plane?  Not to mention fuel, ground clearance, a flight plan…Do you want me to go on?  If you hadn’t noticed, I’m supposed to be dead!”

“Calm down, dear.  I, in fact, do have a plan!”, quipped Renfield.

Christina, with the weight of all that was going on pushing her nerves stopped for a moment and said, “I’m, in now.  It’s too late to change my mind, but I can’t do crazy things if I am taking care of her!”

Illumna looked up and said, “He is a good planner though, grandmother.  We know that.”

Christina replied, “I suppose so.  He made you.”  Then she leaned down and whispered into Illumna’s ear, “But he grins a lot!”  They both giggled and looked back at Renfield smiling at their private joke.


“Experience is often a greater tool than knowledge.  Knowing that is a better tool.”  -- from the book of Christina

“So note where we are.”  Renfield says.

Christina starts to groan and says, “Yes, a hangar, but do you know that if a plane takes off, especially during high alert, that hasn’t logged a flight plan. you are ordered to land it or be shot down?”

“Only if they can see it, look at that.”  He points over at an SR-71 Blackbird, and as she frowns – Renfield’s finger points to yet a newer concept being tested at the facility,

Christina looks at him as if he’s lost his mind. “I can’t fly that!”  She yells, pointing to the Blackbird, “Let alone, that!” pointing to what he just had.  “I’m good but I’ve never been trained in anything close to those things!”

“Illumna, do you want to explain to your grandmother?”  Renfield asks.

“I suspect he wants you to aim it and me to move it through at small intervals.”  Illumna replies.

“What?  How do you know this and what does that mean Illumna?”  Christina looks more worried.

“I can’t do what he does yet, he won’t show me.  But, what I can do is see mistakes then adjust time quickly.  I’m better at that than he is because it’s all I know how to do.”  Illumna states as fact.

Christina throws up here hands.  “What an odd family.”

Illumna responds, “Yes, and it’s yours.”

Christina considers this and starts to grin like Renfield and then immediately stops herself.  “Okay, but I don’t even know how to get in it.  I have no idea how to start!  Where would you two sit?”

“I’ve noted that there is a small area behind the pilot’s seat.  I can fit there.”  Illumna responds.

“But where is Mr. ‘Guess what I’m your Husband’ going to sit?”  Christina quips back, but she is being logical.

“I’m not going the same way.  I’ll catch up with you two.”  Renfield answers for Illumna.

“Wait!  If I’m going to marry you, you’d better stick by my side!”  Christina gets a strange look on her face.  She knows already she loves this man, but she didn’t want to show it so soon.  Not again.

“Illumna.”  Renfield walks over and hugs his daughter very tightly and his heart skips several beats as he worries at an extremely deep level.  “Please, be safe.  Think fast.  I promise to get your mother and aunt back safely.  Okay?”

“Dad, are you worried?”  Illumna asks.

“Yes, my lil one, I am.  But I…”

“Have thought it all through.”  Christina chimes in.

At that Renfield kisses Christina deeply and says, ”I’ll do everything it takes for you, one day you’ll know me.”

Christina replies, “Adam, I already do.  This has been fast, but I’ve never been so sure about anyone.”  Then she looks down at Illumna then back to Renfield.  “Why would I ever be unfaithful to you?  In this ‘future’”?

Renfield replies, “Illumna is the older daughter and you have your moods.”

Christina looks at Illumna and then back over to Renfield.  “You do realize this is all complicated.”

Renfield grinned.  “More than you can imagine”  He kissed Christina again and heads for the plane, then he looks over and grabs a device,  The cockpit opens and he says to Illumna, “Listen to her mind.  Your life depends on it, only revert time if it’s a real danger, don’t let fear overtake you at any given moment.”

Illumna whispers in Renfield’s ear, “So now you teach me?”

Renfield almost buckles at the statement, “I’ve always trusted in your abilities.  Your ability to analyze is superior to ours.  I did not want to cloud that.  Do you understand?”  Renfield takes a deep breath,
“Now I need you to listen to your grandmother’s mind and feel when she knows she made a critical mistake.  It’s going to be hard because she isn’t sure this is going to work, so little errors you have to rule out.  Listen closely, find when she knows for sure it’s a bad mistake, click back then start again.  Resist the urge to talk into her mind.  She is a pilot and she is motivated by adrenaline.  Don’t calm her.”

“Will I really see you again?” asks Illumna.

“We’re past the point of me telling you things you just want to hear.  You have to be brave now.  I think I can, got me?  I can’t unless you do your part.  It’s a lot of pressure, but after all of these times, I know you can handle the pressure.” responds Renfield.  “Your mind, that plane, time and your grandmothers actions have to become one.”

“She wants to buy me ice cream.”  Illumna isn’t sure if she should laugh at her report or cry, but she fills in quickly, “That sounds good to me.”

“Good, you heard that too!”  Renfield smiles at Illumna knowing she knew she does understand.


“You can look at a picture a thousand times and still be shocked when you see it anew.”  -- from the book of John

“This is the side of the universe, I dread.  I must do this, I just sent my own daughter to do this multiple times, so I must show her it’s not as bad as it feels.”  He thinks to himself, “But it is.  Concentrate.  Hold focus.  Let all fear go.”  Renfield contemplates.  He knows how it works.  He thinks, “Time and space.  Moving through time is easier, but has more implications.  Moving through space this way is much harder to do, but has less implications.  Inseparable fact.”

“Calm the mind, concentrate on where you need to be and why.  Now forget the why and just be.”  Renfield mutters this to himself as he calms his mind.  He knows he will be successful, but he has to remove the self-doubt.  As his mind lets go of the weight of the situation he ceases to exist.

“I’m here!  Wait, this isn’t where I need to be!  What happened?”  Suddenly Renfield realizes he is nowhere and he has to make a quick decision or never get back.  His mind so caught up in the four women he loves and torn over the fate of his daughters he quickly realized he went to a nexus to rethink his next move.  It wasn’t intention, it was a subliminal thought that controlled him.  “Sara!”

Instantly he was next to her, he glanced over his shoulder, Solstice was there.  Sara was crying, Solstice was in her own body.  He had forgotten she was so grown.  “Solstice!  Stop!”  It was instinct alone.

“Why?”  She yelled back.

“Because I told you to.  Enough!”  Renfield barks.

Solstice turns away and sits down on the ground.  “What do you want?”

“Well for one, for you to grow up and help!  It’s begun.  I need you to come back and I demand you leave your sister alone!”  Renfield gets an extremely stern look on his face and it is clear he realized it’s time to make tough decisions.

Solstice stands and turns toward her father and says, “OK.  I understand.”

“Solstice, I am in flux, so I can’t stay.  Get your sister out of here and meet me where you already know I am going.  I trust you, dear.”

Renfield turns to look down at Sara.  Sara looks at him understanding and nods.  As Renfield is about to click out she says simply, “I love you.”  Renfield grins back at her and ceases to exist, again.


“Memories are.  It doesn’t matter if they are from a thousand pasts or a thousand futures.  They are still memories.”  -- from the book of Illumna

Slightly disoriented Renfield looks up and sees Christina and Illumna laughing.  They look over and see him lying in the kitchen.  He looks up and says, “Yes, this kitchen, it’s what I remember most, hush it Illumna.”

Illumna looks down at where Renfield can’t help but stare.

As Renfield stands he states, “I’ve forgotten how you look when you’re older.  Did you surprise your grandmother?”  At that he reaches out and grabs Christina and gives her a deep kiss.  Christina is clearly happy and he eyes the bedroom door, which she too notes.

“What happened?”  Illumna asks.

Renfield thinks it to her because it is faster and she thinks back to him her response, “So you used both time and space again?”.

Renfield says out loud, “It was necessary.”

Christina looks at the two of them and announces, “You two are odd!”  Then she begins laughing. 
“I’ve learned a lot, but mostly I learned I love my family.  Circumstances me damned, I love my family and that includes you, Adam.  It mostly includes you.”

Renfield notes the mood again and grins.  He again looks at the door to the bedroom.  She again notices and moves towards him and pushed her body against his body for another kiss.  Illumna responds, “That’s my grandmother!”

Renfield laughs and says, “Stop listening!  Don’t you have an off button?”

As the three laugh suddenly Solstice and Sara appear.  Sara looks weak and Renfield runs to pick her up.  He kneels down for her weight to be more relaxed.  He looks up at Solstice.  “Thank you, dear.”

Solstice replies, “So I see the brat is here!”

Renfield replies, “Yeah, well you can take care of your niece.”  At that he stands and carries Sara to the bedroom.  Christina, hand on his shoulder follows.

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