Enchanted Evenings:The Broadway Musical from 'Show Boat' to Sondheim and Lloyd Webber (94 page)

BOOK: Enchanted Evenings:The Broadway Musical from 'Show Boat' to Sondheim and Lloyd Webber
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Oh, Kay!
(G. and I. Gershwin), 13, 59, 60, W99n36

Oja, Carol, W76n13

(Rodgers and Hammerstein), xi, xxii, xxvi, 7, 10, 13, 14, 26, 39, 47, 83, 85, 88, 109, 110, 114, 136, 143, 147, 154, 156, 157, 172, 176, 195, 196, 198, 199, 205, 206, 209, 212, 213–14, 216, 218, 221, 233, 251, 260, 279, 280, 281, 310, 311, 312, 314, 328, 336, 394, W83n71

“Ol’ Man River” (Kern and Hammerstein), 26, 29,
, 33, 158, 160, 162, 175, 339, 364

“An Old-Fashioned Wedding” (Berlin), 243

“The Oldest Established” (Loesser), 241, 244–45, 246, 248, 322

Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats
(Eliot) [poems], 385

Olivier, Laurence, 318–19

On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
(Lane and Lerner), 278

“On the Street Where You Live” (Lerner and Loewe), 254, 274, 276–77, W115n49, W116n55

On the Town
(Bernstein, Comden and Green), 281, 282, 284

On the Town
[film], 154, 155, 314, 328

On the Twentieth Century
(Coleman and Comden and Green), 348

On the Waterfront
[film], 320

“On This Night of a Thousand Stars” (Lloyd Webber and Rice), 390, 391

On Your Toes
(Rodgers and Hart), xviii, 7, 11, 12, 13, 46, 47, 83, 85–100 (
), 101, 103, 110, 111, 145, 180, 190, 200, 206, 214, 228, 235, 373, 379, 382

Synopsis (W6)

Discography and Filmography (W18–19)

Appendix A (W28)

Appendix G (W47)

“On Your Toes” (Rodgers and Hart), 88, 190

“One Hand, One Heart” (Bernstein and Sondheim), 286, 287, 288, 305, 330, W119nn35–36, W122n74

One Man’s Venus
(B. and S. Spewack), 136

One Touch of Venus
(Weill and Nash) [musical], xviii, xxvi, 11, 12, 54, 132, 133, 134–35, 136–37, 141, 143, 144, 147–50 (
), 151, 152, 237, 238, 260

Synopsis (W6)

Discography and Filmography (W19)

Appendix A (W28)

Appendix K (W51)

One Touch of Venus
[film], 186, 187–88, 216

“Once in Love with Amy” (Loesser), 236

“Ooh! My Feet” (Loesser), 254, 255

“Opening Doors” (Sondheim), 380–81

The Opera from Mannheim
(Weill), 136

Osbourne, Conrad, 253–54

(Verdi) [opera], W109n29

Out of This World
(Porter), 232, 315

Pacific Overtures
(Sondheim), 337, 348, 349, 366, 378

Paint Your Wagon
(Lerner and Loewe), 263

Pajama Game
(Adler and Ross), 14, 47, 233, 281, 347

Pal Joey
(Rodgers and Hart) [musical], xviii, xix, 13, 14, 84, 85, 87, 89, 94, 101–9 (
), 110, 111, 206, 226, 235, 236, 238, 376

Synopsis (W7)

Discography and Filmography (W19–20)

Appendix A (W28)

Appendix H (48)

Pal Joey
[film], xxiv, 155, 158, 176–80 (
), 316, 324

Pal Joey
[novel], 101

“Pal Joey” (“What Do I Care for a Dame”) (Rodgers and Hart), 179

Panama Hattie
(Porter), 189

Pardon My English
(G. and I. Gershwin), 61, W86n5

(Porter), 42, 189

“Parlor Songs” (Sondheim), 361–62, 363

Park Avenue
(Schwartz and I. Gershwin), 152

Parker, Roger, 403, W109n29

Parthy’s theme (Kern), 29–30,
, 38, 77, 78, 161, 162

Pascal, Gabriel, 10, 267, 268, W113n17, W115n43

(Sondheim and Lapine), xxviii, 337, 386

Symphony (Tchaikovsky), 145

Patinkin, Mandy,
368, 369

Pavane (Porter), 222

(Rodgers and Hart), 83, 85, 87, 212

Pennies from Heaven
(Potter) [film], 180

“People Will Say We’re in Love” (Rodgers and Hammerstein), 200

Perelman, S. J., 134, 151, 152

Perkins, Tony, 259

Peron, Eva, 385

Peron, Juan, 385

Perry, George, 395

“Pet Me Poppa” (Loesser), 322

Peter Pan
(Styne, Comden and Green), 281

Peters, Bernadette, W125n1

Peters, Brock, 169

Petticoat Fever
(Loewe), 263

(Stravinsky), W123n84

Peyser, Joan, W117n12, W122n77

(Yeston), 388

The Phantom of Manhattan
(Forsyth) [novel], 409

The Phantom of the Opera
(Lloyd Webber) [musical], xxi, xxvi, xxvii, 11, 327, 348, 385, 386–87, 391–93, 402–8, 409

Synopsis (W7)

Discography and Filmography (W20)

Appendix A (W28–29)

Appendix U (W69–72)

Notes (W131n2)

The Phantom of the Opera
[musical film], xxiii, 157, 398–402 (
398, 399

The Phantom of the Opera
[novel], 395–97

The Phantom of the Opera
[silent film], 396–97

“The Phantom of the Opera” [song], 403

Phantom: Love Never Dies
(Lloyd Webber), 409

The Phantom President
[film], 211

Phinney’s Rainbow
(Sondheim), 341

Piano Concerto (Blitzstein), 116

Piano Concerto (Grieg), 377, W130n92

Piano Concerto No. 1 (Tchaikovsky), 377

Piano Sonata (Berg), 301,
, W118n27

Piano Sonata (Blitzstein), 116

Picasso, Pablo, 103

“Pick the Winner” (Runyon) [short story], 237, 247

Pickford, Mary, 187

Pierrot Lunaire
(Schoenberg), 266, 350

[film], 156

Pins and Needles
(Rome), 12, 115, 120

Pinza, Ezio, xi, 214, 246

Pipe Dream
(Rodgers and Hammerstein), W107n34

Philbin, Marie, 396

“Plant You Now, Dig You Later” (Rodgers and Hart), 108, 110, 180

“Play a Simple Melody” (Berlin), 243

“Please Don’t Marry Me” (Lerner and Loewe), 265, W114n26

Pleasures and Palaces
(Loesser), 259

“The Point of No Return” (Lloyd Webber and Hart), 397, 403, 405, 406, 407

Poitier, Sidney, xxiii,
, 168, 170, 173

Pollack, Howard, xxii, 171, W86n6

“Poor Butterfly” (Hubbell and Golden), 94

“The Poor Little Ritz Girl” (Romberg, Rodgers and Hart), 83

“Poor Thing” (Sondheim), 359, 360, 364

(Dubose Heyward) (novel), 61

(Dorothy and DuBose Heyward) (play), 61, 66, 79, 195, W116n60

Porgy and Bess
(G. and I. Gershwin, Heyward) [opera], xii, xiii, xviii, xxii, 7, 11, 13, 14, 20, 28, 31, 46, 48, 58–82 (
), 83, 89, 99, 102, 111, 114, 128, 136, 195, 199, 215, 231, 234, 236, 243, 252, 253, 254, 296, 346, 349, 373

Synopsis (W8)

Discography and Filmography (W21–22)

Appendix A (W29)

Appendix F (W45–46)

Notes (W116n60, W121n65)

Porgy and Bess
[1959 film], xxiii, 158, 166–73 (
), 309, 320, 324, W101n7

Porgy and Bess
[1993 film], 173–76 (
), 188

Porgy’s themes, 73–74,
, 76, 78, 79, 80

Porter, Cole, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi,
6, 7, 10, 14, 15, 23, 40–57 (
), 114, 143, 147, 150, 152, 155, 156, 158, 159, 163–66, 176, 189, 215–32, 234, 243, 261, 310,
, 314–19, 340, 358, 375, W112n47, W112n4, W113n17, W114n24

Porter’s Will, W83n6

“Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” (Loesser), 234, 245

Prece, Paul, and William Everett, 386

Prelude No. 2 for piano (Gershwin), W89n76

Preminger, Otto, xxiii, 71, 168, 171, 173, 175

Present Arms
(Rodgers and Hart), 83, 89

Preston, Robert, 325

“Pretty Women” (Sondheim), 359

Previn, André, xiii, 168, 324

Price, Leontyne, 166, 169

“Prima Donna,” 403

Prince, Harold (“Hal”), xviii, xxvi, 23, 26, 27, 65, 70, 158, 200, 308, 336, 337, 346–60, 362, 364, 374, 376, 379, 384, 387, 395, 396, 399, W116n1

“La Princesse Zenobia” (Rodgers), 88, 92,
, 99, 190

Princess Theatre Shows, 4, 22, 23, 42

Private Lives
(Coward) [play], 52

“Procession and Nightmare” (Bernstein), 296, 300, 301,
302, 307
, 329, 393

The Producers
(Brooks and Kelly), xxvii

Prologue (Bernstein), 280, 287, 295, 302,
, 327, 329, 330, W118nn31–33

Prokofiev, Sergei, 59

Promenade (from “The Dance at the Gym”) (Bernstein), 302, 303, 305

“Promenade” (Lerner and Loewe), 265, 266

“Public Enemy No. 1” (Porter), 53

Puccini, Giacomo, 94, 195, 294, 349, 383–84, 388, 390, 392, 393, 403, 409, W109n29, W121n57, W132n25

“Puttin’ on the Ritz” (Berlin), 104

“Putting It Together” (Sondheim), 368, 369,
, 378, W128n68

(Shaw), 10, 232, 262–70, 273, 277, 327

[film], 267, 268–69, 270

“Queenie’s Ballyhoo” (Kern and Hammerstein), 29,
, 159

“Questions and Answers” (Rodgers and Hart).
“The Three B’s”

“Quiet Night” (Rodgers and Hart), 90, 91, 190, 228

A Quiet Place
(Bernstein) [opera], 308, W122n77

Quintet in E Major, op. 11, no. 5 (Boccherini), W103n29

Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 355, W132n26

Radio Days
[film], 180

“The Rain in Spain” (Lerner and Loewe), 269, 274, 275, W114nn26, W114n28

Raitt, John, xi,

Rall, Tommy, 315, 318

Ramin, Sid, 308

Randell, Ron,

The Rape of Lucretia
(Britten) [opera], W118n27

Rapunzel’s Theme (Sondheim),
, 373.
also The Bean Theme

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