Enchanted Dreams (34 page)

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Authors: Nancy Madore

Tags: #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Erotica - General, #Fiction - Adult, #Fantasy - Short Stories, #Romance: Modern, #Fantasy fiction, #Fiction - Fantasy, #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic fiction, #Erotica - Short Stories, #Erotica, #Romance - Short Stories, #Short Stories

BOOK: Enchanted Dreams
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"Give her a minute to absorb it all," Steve told Craig. "I'm sure she didn't expect us to be so good-looking in person." Cassie laughed when he said this and, encouraged, Steve said to her, conspiratorially, "I get credit for that. I told these guys, 'You can't put your best picture online or she'll be disappointed when she sees what you really look like.' That's why we chose that one where Pete and Craig look so goofy. We figured it'd be a pleasant surprise when you saw that they didn't really look like that. Of course," he added to Craig and Peter, "I didn't expect it to have this effect on her. Look, she's speechless!" He reached over and messed up Peter's hair. Cassie laughed again, a spontaneous burst of merriment that caused all three men to smile—even Peter, who initially seemed a little put out over getting his hair messed up.

"There," Craig said. "Do you feel a little better now, Cassie?"

"Actually, I do," she told him, still laughing at Peter, who was trying to fix his hair the way it was before.

"You have a wonderful laugh," Craig told her. "We were sitting here talking before you phoned about how down to earth you seemed in your e-mails. In person you seem even more so. We really appreciate that."

"Thank you," Cassie said. "You guys are very easy to be with, too."

"So, how are you?" Craig asked.

"I'm okay. I guess I did get a little stage fright there for a minute. How are you guys? Peter?"

"Good, Cass," Peter piped in. "It's so nice to meet you. I've been looking forward to this since your first e-mail. We're just a bunch of ordinary guys, so don't worry."

"Yeah, we're house-trained and everything," Steve added. Cassie giggled.

Disregarding Steve, Peter continued. "By the way, Cass, a good friend of mine graduated from your alma mater the same year you did. He was in a different field of study from yours, so you may not remember him. Gerald Blake. That doesn't ring a bell, does it?"

Cassie visibly relaxed. "I do remember Gerry!" she said, pleased by this connection. "He was kind of a quiet guy most of the time, but every now and then he came out with something that surprised us. How is he? Do you see him often?"

"He works for the same company as my brother. He's part of our outdoor crew, camping, hiking…that kind of thing. He's doing well. When I mentioned you to him, he said he remembered you as being someone who was pretty special. He was sure you wouldn't remember him, though. He'll be glad to hear that you did."

And here they began a detailed discussion about each of their jobs, what they did and how they felt about it. Georgia watched and listened with fascination, comparing Cassie's comments with what she herself might have said. She couldn't help thinking that all three men together made up the perfect man. Craig was sensitive and thoughtful, while Peter was more intense and focused. Steve made everything fun. It was thrilling to watch. As always, Georgia was mindful that something even more exciting could be happening while she sat there watching them talk to one another. Time was constantly racing ahead in the program but, although she was dying to see what was coming next, she didn't want to miss a single detail.

When the call ended, Cassie stood in the middle of her room, alone. She stared straight out in front of her, unseeing, yet with her eyes appearing to look directly at Georgia. Georgia wondered what Cassie was thinking. What emotions had the computer program produced in her for this scenario?

After a while, Cassie turned back toward her computer. There was a small smile playing around her lips. She sat down and began to type.

——Original Message——

From: "Cassie Michaelson"

To: "Craig Holbrook"

Sent: 9/24/2304 9:17 p.m.


Dear Craig, Steve and Peter,
I really enjoyed talking to you. Now that I've heard your voices I want to see your faces
in person.
Now that I've met you, so to speak, I get the impression that Steve, you're the funny one, and Peter, you're the serious, more sensible one, and Craig, I think you're the one who keeps everything going smoothly. Of course, I am generalizing here. You all seem to have these characteristics to some degree because you can appreciate them in each other. How did I do? Do you agree? Cass

It took only a moment or two for the guys to answer.

——Original Message——

From: "Craig Holbrook"

To: "Cassie Michaelson"

Sent: 9/24/2304 9:29 p.m.


Hi, Cass,
Okay, we knew by your profile and picture that you were attractive but in person you're simply a dynamic person with the wholesome qualities that we appreciate as well as find attractive. Yeah, you've got us pegged. We call Peter "Pops" a lot. He doesn't have a great deal to say, but he is always right on target when he does. And he was impressed with you, as were all of us. You seem to be an easy laugh, so you may want to take some time to adjust to Steve slowly, or you may tear a few stomach muscles. He can sometimes get Peter and me in stitches. Personally, I found you captivating. I love that you don't appear to play games or beat around the bush. You seem straightforward and honest and those are qualities we three appreciate. Each step we take is an opportunity for this to fail but I have to say (for the three of us) that we are growing attached to you. I hope we're not being too forward here. If we are, just say the word. We will slow it down. Let's talk again soon. Your boys.

Georgia was trembling. She couldn't seem to move. A strange ache was growing inside her, but she hardly noticed it. She waited impatiently as Cassie read and answered Craig's mail.

——Original Message——

From: "Cassie Michaelson"

To: "Craig Holbrook"

Sent: 9/24/2304 9:36 p.m.


You are sweet and I have no problem with you telling me how you feel, no matter how forward it may seem. I want to see you in person now. I was thinking of where we could all meet, and I realized that I have not gone out to a nightclub since the epidemic broke out. I used to love to go dancing. I haven't dared go lately, though. Do you guys like to dance? Would that be a fun night for you? I know I would feel safe going anywhere with you. Speaking of which, what do you enjoy doing for fun? Do you go out much? Cass

In another moment they responded.

——Original Message——

From: "Craig Holbrook"

To: "Cassie Michaelson"

Sent: 9/24/2304 9:39 p.m.


Dancing it is! Saturday night would work for us. All three of us are willing to do at least a little dancing. Peter the least. We're not sure what to call what Steve does, but he always seems to have fun. I love to dance, so your suggestion hit home with me. How about dinner first, and then off to a night of dancing? Peter suggested Anthony's, seven o'clock. What do you think? Talk to you soon, Craig

Georgia was itching to jump ahead to Saturday night but she waited for Cassie to reply first.

——Original Message——

From: "Cassie Michaelson"

To: "Craig Holbrook"

Sent: 9/24/2304 9:51 p.m.


Saturday? Two days from now? I'm suddenly nervous. Are you always this agreeable? Of course it's a date! I have never been to Anthony's, but I have heard very good things. It will be wonderful to be able to get out for a night of dinner and dancing. It has been ages. I can't wait! Cassie

Before Cassie had even signed her name, Georgia fast-forwarded. She saw that she was passing correspondence between the parties in the two-day interim, but Georgia forced herself to pass through it to get to Saturday night. Later she would go back and read each and every detail, but for the moment she couldn't wait another minute to see what was happening on their date.

She did not release the button until she saw Cassie rushing through her apartment to answer the door. Cassie was wearing a stunning red dress that showed off her figure while flaring out at the bottom when she moved. It was perfect for dancing. Georgia was particularly aware of her own slovenly appearance as she watched Cassie make one final adjustment before pulling open the door.

Each of the boys held a dozen roses in their hands. Cassie laughed delightedly as she let them in.

The sight of the three of them took Georgia's breath away, and no doubt Cassie's, too, as they filled her tiny living room with their overwhelming presence. Georgia was suddenly aware of the ache that had been steadily growing inside her. It seemed to underscore the emptiness of her life with each throbbing pulse that reverberated through her, pounding its awful force outward to her extremities and leaving a clammy film on her skin and a bitter taste in her mouth. How she longed to be Cassie in that moment! What she would give to trade places with her. She couldn't drag her eyes away from the scene. Her own life seemed more distant and inconsequential than ever. Even to get up and relieve herself seemed too much of a distraction to merit.

Georgia remained glued to her computer screen so she wouldn't miss so much as a meaningful glance or gesture. She particularly watched Cassie now with a more critical eye. She wondered if Cassie comprehended the enormity of what was happening to her. These three incredible men, each so sweet and with so much to give, offering everything to her. Somehow, in a world where so much had gone wrong and so many had suffered, Cassie, it seemed, had been singled out by the gods. She even looked prettier suddenly, sparkling like a diamond under the constant glow of affection the three men kept showering on her.

By the time they made it to the dance club, it seemed to Georgia that the four of them had formed an unspoken bond of mutual friendship and respect for one another. The attitude of the men was what impressed Georgia most. This was not an ideal situation for any man, and yet these three managed it with a grace and optimism that astounded her. Theirs was the perfect combination of personalities for the incentive program, it seemed. They each cheerfully picked up where the others left off, even as a good-natured kind of competitiveness was developing between them. They were able to joke and laugh about even this, and Cassie, obviously sensitive to their feelings, made a noticeable effort to treat them all equally. She doled out her growing affection in measured increments, so that it was difficult, even for Georgia, who knew her so well, to determine which man she actually favored. The men were relaxed and enjoying themselves. And as for Cassie, it was as if she were floating on air. She might have been with her own brothers for how completely at ease she appeared to be.

Even so, Georgia saw that Cassie trembled when Craig, who was the first to ask her to dance, took her into his arms and led her onto the dance floor. He chose a slow song and Georgia could see that he, too, trembled as he pulled her close. They danced for a while before either one spoke.

"I love how kind and considerate you are," he said close to her ear—so close that his breath caused her hair to flutter. She seemed surprised, and pulled back just enough so that she could look into his face.

"That seems a strange comment, coming from you," she remarked with a smile.

"Why coming from me?"

Georgia was struck by the comfortable intimacy with which they spoke to each other. Their gazes were steady as they talked.

"Because you may be the most considerate person I've ever met," Cassie told Craig.

He laughed. "Maybe that's why I appreciate that quality so much in another person."

She laughed, too. "How do you mean? In what way am I considerate?"

"You know," he told her. "I see how careful you are to treat each of us individually yet the same. You seem to be making an effort to give us your affection in equal parts. I can't help being reminded of a mother with her children. It would be very tempting for a less considerate woman to play games and pit us against each other."

Cassie stared at him a moment, silent. The song was ending.

Craig smiled. "Thanks for the dance, Cass."

He kept hold of her hand as they walked off the dance floor.

The next song was lively and loud, and Steve took hold of Cassie's hand before she even made it back to their table and pulled her out onto the dance floor. He danced well, staying in tune with the music, but his movements were just animated enough to illicit giggles from both Cassie and Georgia.

"Are you always this happy?" Cassie yelled over the music.

He smiled, and for the first time Georgia noticed the sadness behind his eyes. "You have to make the best of every moment," he told Cassie, and Georgia believed that he really meant it and lived his life that way. He leaned in close and spoke into Cassie's ear. "When you do that," he said, "things can't get any better."

"I'm glad you're here," Cassie blurted with a smile.

Steve leaned in again. "So am I," he said, stealing a quick kiss on her cheek before pulling away with a wicked grin. When he saw that she was still smiling, he threw his arms up and spun his body around, gyrating wildly in time with the music. Cassie threw her head back and laughed out loud.

Of the three, Peter seemed the least comfortable on the dance floor, although he was a suitable dancer. Yet there was an awkwardness in his manner that seemed to indicate he would rather be doing something else.

"You're a good dancer," Cassie told him.

"Thanks," Peter said, visibly relaxing. "I try to keep up with those two, you know." He smiled, nodding his head in the direction of Craig and Steve.

"It sounded earlier like you're the one who's difficult to keep up with," she said, referring to their conversation at dinner where the guys were praising Peter for how well he did just about everything.

"Ah, those guys are just really lousy at most things," he joked. Cassie laughed.

"You're very fortunate to have each other," she said.

"I know it!" he said, quite serious suddenly. "I'm glad to have them, especially tonight." He paused a moment, as if unsure about whether he should continue. "Those two are the only two guys I could imagine doing something like this with," he admitted. "And I know that they're the only reason I'm here with you now."

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