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Authors: Bill Dedman

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Epilogue: The Cricket

Dr. Henry Singman testified about Huguette reciting the poem in three languages in his testimony, August 16 and 20, 2012, Depositions.

: This translation of “Le Grillon” is adapted, with a few modifications to modernize, from
Douze Fables: Avec Traduction Littérale Allemande et Anglaise En Regard Suivies Du Vocabulaire
, Frédéric Edouard Sillig (Vevey, Switzerland: F. Recordon, 1858), 55–59.


Legal Documents and Official Records

Civil War muster rolls and service records from Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Missouri. Searched by staff of

Iowa Wesleyan University, now Iowa Wesleyan College, catalogs and enrollment records.

Los Angeles, affidavit of George John Palé regarding W. A. Clark, Jr., August 27, 1935.

Maine death records, 1617–1922, via

Montana, District Court of the Second Judicial District, Silver Bow County, 1926, case 7594, in the matter of the estate of William A. Clark, deceased, Alma E. Clark Hines, Effie I. Clark McWilliams, and Addie L. Clark Miller, plaintiffs, v. Anna E. Clark, Huguette Marcelle Clark, Mary C. de Brabant, Katherine L. Morris, Charles W. Clark, William A. Clark, Jr., et al. A transcript in the Newell family collection includes testimony and transcriptions of documents, including portions of the journal of W. A. Clark.

Montana, District Court of the Second Judicial District, Silver Bow County, last will and testament of William A. Clark, Jr., 1934.

New Canaan, Connecticut, assessor records, zoning records, and minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission, relating to 104 Dan’s Highway.

New York, County Court, Nassau County. People of the State of New York v. Irving H. Kamsler, case 00532N-2008.

New York, Surrogate’s Court of New York County, case 1995-1375A, the estate of Huguette M. Clark, 2011–. Beyond the material filed in court, the authors have reviewed the deposition testimony of more than fifty witnesses.

New York, Surrogate’s Court of New York County, the last will and testament of Anna E. Clark, 1963.

New York, Surrogate’s Court of New York County, the last will and testament of William Andrews Clark, 1925. Copy at

New York City Office of the City Register, property records related to 907 Fifth Avenue.

New York Department of Education, Office of the Professions, disciplinary record
of Irving Kamsler. License no. 030909, calendar no. 25303, action date February 8, 2011.

Passenger ship records, via

Passport applications, W. A. Clark, Anna Clark, and Huguette Clark. W.A.’s application is available through
. Anna and Huguette’s are among Huguette’s papers.

Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention Held in the City of Helena, Montana, July 4th, 1889, August 17th, 1889
. Helena: State Publishing, 1921.

Reno, Nevada, Second Judicial District Court, divorce decree, William Gower and Huguette M. Clark Gower, August 11, 1930.

Rouen, France, records for the Cemetery Monumental, tomb of Etienne A. de Villermont.

Santa Barbara County, California, marriage license for William Gower and Huguette Marcelle Clark, August 18, 1929.

Santa Barbara County, California, Treasurer–Tax Collector, records relating to 1407 East Cabrillo Boulevard.

U.S. Census records for 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940.

U.S. Congress.
Report of the Committee on Privileges and Elections of the United States Senate Relative to the Right and Title of William A. Clark to a Seat as Senator from the State of Montana
. 56th Cong., 1st sess. 3 vols. Washington, DC, 1900.

U.S. Congress. “Resignation Remarks of Senator W. A. Clark.”
Congressional Record
. 56th Cong., 1st sess. Vol. 33, May 15, 1899.

Woodlawn Cemetery, the Bronx, New York City, lot cards and records for the W. A. Clark mausoleum.

Manuscript Collections

Butte Silver Bow Arts Foundation, Butte, MT.

Butte–Silver Bow Public Archives, Butte, MT.

Clarkdale Heritage Museum, Clarkdale, AZ.

Connellsville Area Historical Society, Connellsville, PA.

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Dunbar Historical Society, Dunbar, PA.

Durand-Ruel & Co., Paris.

Girl Scout National Historic Preservation Center, New York.

Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Montana, Helena.

Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, Independence, MO.

Jerome Historical Society, Jerome, AZ.

Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Mark Twain Project, University of California, Berkeley.

Montana Historical Society Research Center, Helena.

Montecito Historical Archives, Montecito Association, CA.

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, NZ.

Museum of the City of New York, New York.

National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC.

New Canaan Historical Society, New Canaan, CT.

New-York Historical Society, New York.

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Paul Clark Home, Butte, MT.

Santa Barbara Historical Museum, Santa Barbara, CA.

Save Our Seminary, Silver Spring, MD.

Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

University of Virginia Law School Foundation, Charlottesville.

William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

World Museum of Mining, Butte, MT.

Letters and Other Unpublished Writings

Abascal, Elizabeth Clark. Unpublished memoir by W. A. Clark’s sister, provided by her daughters, Mary Abascal and Anita Mackenzie.

Anderson, J. H. Letter from Anderson to John A. Stewart, March 13, 1925. Anderson was W. A. Clark’s personal secretary; Stewart worked at the Sulgrave Institution, which fostered friendship among English-speaking peoples. The letter contains a biographical sketch of Anderson’s recently deceased employer and mentions that W.A. was a supporter of the institution’s efforts.

Beth Israel Medical Center. Medical records of Huguette Clark, 1991–2011.

Clark, Huguette. Personal papers, including drafts of her correspondence, and letters and financial documents received. They include more than four thousand pages in French, translated for the authors by Guillaine Dale Farrell.

Clark, W. A. “Biographical Sketch of W. A. Clark of Butte City, Montana.” General office of William A. Clark, Butte, 1893.

———. “Early Days in Montana: Being Some Reminiscences Dictated by Senator William A. Clark and Written Down by Frank Harmon Garver,” typewritten pages in the collection of the Montana Historical Society Research Center.

———. Letters to artist Paul Wayland Bartlett concerning plans for the Clark mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, NY. Library of Congress.

———. Letters to W. M. Bickford, Martin Maginnis, and John S. M. Neill, collection of the Montana Historical Society Research Center.

Clark, W. A., Jr. Letters to George John Palé.

Grandjany, Marcel. Compositions in the collection of Kathleen Bride, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.

McCord, Beverly Bonner. “The Senator’s Kin.” Unpublished article of Clark history.

Newell, Paul Clark, Sr. Draft passages for a biography of W. A. Clark.


Baeyens, André. “From Copper to Corot: The Two Lives of William Andrews Clark, Senator of Montana.” President’s Lecture Series, University of Montana, Missoula, October 10, 2005. A video is available for viewing in the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library there.

Clark, W. A. Address to the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Grand Lodge of Montana, Virginia City, 1916.

———. Address to the Society of Montana Pioneers, Livingston, September 5–7, 1917.

———. Address to the Society of Montana Pioneers, Deer Lodge, 1923.

———. Addresses to the Society of Montana Pioneers,
The Butte Miner
, March 3, 1925.

Gower, William B. “Depletion of Mines in Relation to Invested Capital.” Paper presented at Conference on Mine Taxation, Annual Convention of American Mining Congress, Denver, November 16, 1920.


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