Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (26 page)

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Madelyn set her feet firmly on the ground and thought about the door again. She really was feeling pretty weak. Wasn’t certain she could even land an incapacitating blow in her condition. Her arms still felt rubbery and her knees shook. Plus, her stomach really was upset. She picked up the water bottle and took the lid off again then inhaled sharply.

“If you think you need to puke, the bathroom is on the right,” Krista said.

Madelyn stared at her in surprise. Did she realize what information she just gave up?


She nodded earnestly. “I really do want you to be tiptop before we begin. What good is an experiment if the subject is not 100 percent when you start?”

“Good question,” Madelyn said. She closed her eyes and thought of the most disgusting things she could fathom. Her stomach lurched and she dug deeper.

She was rewarded with another roil.

“You’re looking a little green. Maybe you should go the bathroom now.”

Madelyn nodded and lurched to her feet, surreptitiously checking Krista’s location. She’d moved back about five feet, to the other end of the desk, near the window.

With one final push, Madelyn conjured up a vision in her head so disgusting she couldn’t hold back. She gasped and choked then threw up, aiming at the floor in front of Krista.

“Oh, no!” Krista yelped. The lamp teetered on the desk as she pushed backward, trying to get away.

Another wave rushed over Madelyn, and once more she threw up, soaking the madwoman’s legs.

This time, Krista gagged and within seconds she started vomiting violently. She bent over, grabbed her waist, and hurled on the floor.

Madelyn sprinted for the door, chugging the water as she ran. She pulled the door on the left open, squinted at the bright sunshine, and kept going.

Behind her, she heard Krista screaming in fury.

Madelyn kept running.

Chapter Nineteen



Gabriel slowed his loping gait and looked behind him. Constable Ralston sprinted in their direction.

“Can’t stop,” Noah yelled back. “You gotta keep up.”

Gabriel waved to the officer then turned and followed Noah, who ran down the path Winslet had indicated.

Ahead was the slew of trees and hanging-down branches. Gabriel reached Noah just as he put his hand out to shove them aside. He caught the faint thump of rapid footsteps coming from the other side, the deep rasping of someone sucking down air.

“Wait,” he said and crouched on the side of the path.

Noah immediately followed suit.

The footsteps grew louder, this time from both directions.

A faint screech echoed in the air, but he couldn’t make out the words. Whoever it was sounded pissed as hell.

Ralston dropped next to him. His face shone with sweat, but his breathing was even and his eyes intent. “What’s going on?”

“Krista kidnapped Madelyn, and we found out she’s staying in cottages just past this bend.”

“I’ll go first,” the officer said.

“Hell no,” Noah snapped. “She’s my responsibility.” His face shuttered and he looked at Gabriel. “Our responsibility.”

Warmth bloomed in Gabriel’s chest at the correction, but he had no time to think about it.

The trees rustled and then burst open.

He lunged for the runner, tackling the form from the left while Noah waylaid them from the right.

They all went down in a pile of limbs, curses, and whimpers.

“Get off, get off. I have to get away.”

Gabriel’s heart tripped wildly as he rolled off of her. “Madelyn!” He cupped her face, brushing away tears, sand, and bits of leaf from her cheeks.

“Maddie. God, Maddie.”

Her soft form was yanked from his grip as Noah pulled her into his arms, crushing her to his chest. Soft, unintelligible sounds came from him as he rocked her back and forth. Tears shone in his eyes as he met Gabriel’s gaze.

Gabriel scooted closer and wrapped his arms around both of them. “Thank God, you’re safe.”

Madelyn wiggled between them, her head bumping Noah’s jaw, shutting it with an audible click. “But we’re not,” she said, frantically pushing at his arms. She looked over his shoulder toward the direction of the trees. “She’s coming. She’s coming fast.”

“You three get to safety,” Ralston ordered. His voice was sharp, tight, and filled with don’t-mess-with-me authority. He unsnapped his holster, eyes trained on the blanket of leaves covering the path. “I will take care of her.”

Gabriel hauled Madelyn to her feet, reached down, and offered his hand to Noah. The big man took it and rose, his grip tight and comforting. “Thanks,” he said huskily. He looked at Ralston. “She’s crazy and she’s armed. Gabriel, you take Madelyn back to the hotel. I’ll stay with the constable.”

“No,” he and Madelyn said at the same time.

“This is ridiculous,” she said. “We don’t have time to debate. She can’t be more than a couple of minutes behind me.” Her brow knitted, and she dropped to a whisper. “Actually, she should have already been here.”

A chill lifted the fine hairs on the back of his neck, and Gabriel acted instinctively. He plowed into Noah and Madelyn, knocking them both back to the ground just as a sharp retort echoed in the tropical air.

Ralston pulled his gun from the holster and backed up until he was hidden in the surrounding foliage.

No one moved.

“Get off me,” Noah whispered.

“Too noisy,” Gabriel whispered back. “Sh.”

He strained his ears, listening as intently as he could. Something moved in front of them, obviously trying to be quiet and not really succeeding.

Madelyn shivered beneath him, and he looked down, meeting her scared, cerulean gaze. He pursed his lips and winked, trying to reassure her.

She shook her head and caught her full bottom lip between her teeth.

Noah shifted just enough to wrap his arms around her.

Footsteps sounded again, and a shadow darkened the area behind the leaves. He saw the tip of a black shoe sneak under the foliage then slowly ease forward.

He held his breath, eyes focused on the opening.

The leaves parted, making no sound at all, and then Krista appeared. Her eyes widened when she spied them, and she howled as she lifted her gun.

The second retort was just as loud as the first.

Birds squawked, taking flight.

Gabriel looked down, more scared than he’d ever been.
Please don’t let them be hurt.

Madelyn’s tear-filled eyes looked up at him, something akin to shock glazing them.

“No,” he rasped.

Noah groaned and moved out from his grasp, reaching for Madelyn.

Gabriel turned to find out where the demon bitch was and sucked in a sharp breath.

“I’m okay,” Madelyn said.

“Look,” he whispered.

He knew the instant they saw what he saw.

Madelyn cried out and Noah issued a vicious curse.

Krista was slumped against the trunk of a tree, right hand pressed to her left shoulder. Ralston stood over her, two guns in his hands. He tucked one in his holster and motioned them forward.

As they rose and approached, Krista thrashed on the ground. “No,” she whimpered. “Not like this.”

“Is this the woman who shot Natalie?” Ralston asked Madelyn.

“Yes,” she said, voice firm. “She killed her and then kidnapped me.”

Ralston nodded and looked at Krista’s gun. He pulled latex gloves from his pocket and picked it up. He removed the four remaining bullets, ejected the chamber round, and then slipped the weapon into a plastic evidence bag.

“I didn’t do anything,” Krista snarled, trying to stand.

Noah lurched forward, and Gabriel caught his arm. “Let the authorities handle this.”

He felt the fury and tension riding Noah and wondered if he’d have to physically restrain him.

Ralston helped Krista to her feet and, with one hand wrapped on her upper arm, directed her down the path. “The magistrate will decide punishment.”

Noah and Gabriel both converged on Madelyn, shoving her behind them as the man led Krista past.

“Madelyn, don’t let them do this to me,” she pleaded, craning her neck.

“Go to hell,” Madelyn whispered softly.

When the cop had his prisoner a safe distance ahead, Gabriel stepped aside and really looked at Madelyn.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

Noah, too, had moved aside and was stroking her cheek. His fingers trembled and he breathed harshly.

Madelyn captured his fingers in her hand and pressed his palm to her cheek. “I’m fine,
. She did not hurt me. I swear.”

“Are you coming?” Ralston called from the end of the path.

Gabriel turned away, loathe to interrupt their tender moment, but found himself jerked back by a strong hand.

He landed hard against Noah’s chest. Then Madelyn’s arms wrapped around him, and he heard her sigh.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you both for finding me.”

Noah squeezed and Gabriel grunted at the strong hug.

“You found us, Madelyn,” Noah said. He let go and stepped back, planted his hands on his hips, and stared at them both. “When I think of what almost happened, it turns my stomach.”

“But nothing really happened to me,” she soothed. “Come on, the constable is waiting, and Krista needs medical care.”

“Tough shit,” Gabriel muttered.

Noah clapped him on the back. “My thoughts exactly.”

Madelyn pushed through them and headed for Ralston. “Come along, you two, I’m sure we’ll have a lot of paperwork to fill out.”


* * * *


Four hours and a never-ending supply of coffee later, Ralston finally allowed them to leave police headquarters.

Noah herded Madelyn and Gabriel into the hotel. Mario was working the desk, and he smothered a groan.

“Good evening, Mr. Bishop,” the clerk said, face tight. “I apologize for the disturbance in your room.” His Adam’s apple bobbed on the apology. “We are, of course, happy to offer a discount for your stay.”

Noah waved his hand. “Not necessary.” He only wanted to go upstairs, take a hot shower, and fall into bed and hold Madelyn all night long. He needed to listen to her breathe as she slept and make sure she was safe.

Most of all, Noah needed to figure out how to tell her he was leaving.

Hot flashes ran through his veins, and tears stung his eyes. “We’ll be checking out in the morning,” he said hoarsely then cleared his throat. “Please have a car waiting to take us to the ferry.”

He looked at Gabriel, saw the contemplative frown on his face, and shook his head. “Let’s go upstairs,” he said.

“Mr. Bishop,” the clerk said. “You can’t go up there. The room is still sealed from earlier. But,” he hastened to add when Noah glowered. “We were able to retrieve your belongings from your room and move them to another suite.” He held up a key card.

Noah didn’t give a damn where they were as long as he could collapse in the next ten minutes.

“Thanks,” he said and took the card from the clerk.

“You’re in the penthouse suite. Top floor, so you’ll need this.” He handed over another silver card. “Swipe this when you get in the elevator, then press the button marked ‘P’.”

Noah nodded again. He shepherded them down the hallway and into the elevator. Gabriel settled against the mirrored wall with a grim look. Madelyn swayed before she leaned against Gabriel’s shoulder and closed her eyes.

Noah followed the clerk’s instructions. The car swooped silently up the shaft until they reached their floor. The doors opened to a luxurious cream carpet, tasteful, muted coral walls, and subtle lighting dotting the walls. Two doors were at either end of the long hallway.

“Which one?” Madelyn asked.

Noah checked the card, but it had no markings. “Hell, I don’t know.”

Gabriel sighed, hands shoved in his pockets and looking sheepish. “Left.”

“How do you know that?” Noah asked.

Gabriel’s smile was wide and boyish. “Cause the other one is mine.”

He shook his head. “Should have known.” He headed down the left hallway. “First class all the way, eh, Fleming?”

“Damn straight,” he replied. “Why settle for second best when you don’t have to? I think you’ll like the suite. It’s very impressive.”

“I don’t care as long as I can sit down and have some wine,” Madelyn muttered.

Noah glanced at her. Her pale skin was ashen and wan. Dark circles smudged the hollows beneath her eyes, and she sported a new set of lines bracketing her beautiful mouth.

His poor baby was tired as hell.

Not surprising, considering she’d
through hell.

“One more minute, Maddie,” he said. Inserting the key, he waited for the green light and then pushed the door open.

Stepping aside, he ushered them in then hung the “Do Not Disturb” placard on the knob, shut the door, and flipped the dead bolt.

“Wow, this is pretty stellar,” she said.

She stood at the edge of the small foyer, one shoulder propped against the wall. He grabbed her hand and tugged her into the living room. “Yeah, it’s all right.”

Gabriel laughed as he plopped onto the luxurious brown microsuede sofa. “King of the understatements,” he ribbed.

Noah settled Madelyn on the couch next to Gabriel.

She craned her neck up, her hand held out. “Aren’t you going to join us?”

“Nah,” he said. “I’m going to get in the shower. Unless you want to go first?”

She shook her head, curled her legs beneath her, and leaned into Gabriel. “
Non, mon coeur. Après tu.

His heart pinched at their easy cuddling. Gabriel’s arms looped around her, his thumb stroking lightly along her bare arm. Gabriel would take good care of her.

“I’ll be out shortly.” He headed for the bathroom and opened the shower door. He gave a cursory glance at the inside and then stopped short. His gaze roamed the tiled walls and the multitude of showerheads sprouting from them. Every wall held at least four heads at various heights.

Madelyn was going to love this.

The thought tugged a grin from him. He reached in and twisted the knob, heading more for hot than cold. He needed the heat to help release some of the tension. If that was even possible.

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
4.95Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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