Empire Part 2: A New Adult and College Billionaire Romance Series (Empire Billionaire Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Empire Part 2: A New Adult and College Billionaire Romance Series (Empire Billionaire Romance)
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Chapter Ten


I manage to have an entire night’s sleep, and I believe it was restful and free of nightmares. I don’t think I’ve had that luxury in at least nine years. Certainly not since dad’s unusual and disturbing behavior started. I’m equally flabbergasted that I was able to have that night sleep with a woman beside me in bed. This is a first.

I get up to get ready for work and by the time I’m out of the shower and putting a shirt on in my walk-in closet, I hear Rebecca get out of bed in the bathroom door closes shortly after that. When she comes out to get dressed, I offer her some spare close in the guest room.

It’s all business again this morning, but I’d like it to be more. I understand we both have to get into work, so I let things be. Rebecca finds a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt that fits, and by then, I’m ready too. We leave, and are walking toward the elevator when I see Claire step off. I don’t want to rehash what has happened, and the only thing she should be here to do is apologize. So I lead the way and we walk toward her.

“What are you doing here, Claire?”

Claire looks at Rebecca briefly and looks back toward me. “Can you spare a few minutes to talk,” she asks.

“I really can’t right now. We have to leave, and I have to get in on time for two board meetings this morning. Do you mind if this waits until the weekend?”

“No, Johnny. It can’t wait.”

I run a hand through my hair, and let out an exhausted breath. “Rebecca, do you mind waiting a few minutes?”


“Okay. Claire, this is Rebecca. She works for Kara. Rebecca, this is my stepsister Claire Fairchild. Come on inside.” I looked back at Rebecca. “I think you should join us. This won’t be long.”

Claire seems surprised I’ve invited Rebecca to listen to what she has to say. To be honest, after the stunt she pulled, I don’t trust being alone with her.

We get back inside and I asked them both to sit down. “What’s the matter, Claire?”

“I thought we could have a few minutes in private, Jonathan,” she says to me.

“This is as private as it gets right now for us,” I answer. “Rebecca’s a lawyer. She’s my lawyer. Anything you need to say, you can say in front of her.”

Claire shifts around in her seat and seems to prepare what she has to say to me. “Alright, fine Johnny. First I want to apologize for what happened. It was inappropriate, and I was in a bad place emotionally. I was wrong. I’m sorry, and it won’t happen again.”

“Apology accepted. Was that it?”

“No. There is a little bit more. It has to do with mom and Solomon.”

“What about them?”

“Are you sure you want to talk about this in front of her?” She asked, gesturing to Rebecca.

“What about them, Claire?” I repeat my question.

“Neither of them came home last night.”

“They’re adults, Claire. And so are you. Is there more?”

“Fine. Mom found a small locked chest somewhere in dad’s office. The things inside were alarming, to put it mildly. She confronted him, and they’re having a divorce.”

“What kind of things were inside the chest?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t see it myself. I overheard them arguing about it, and she said if he didn’t get rid of them all, she would turn him into the police. That’s what she said word for word.”

“I don’t know what was in there, either. Why are you bringing this to me?”

“Because mom will listen to you. I don’t know what they were talking about, but I thought you can talk to either of them, or both of them and get them to calm down.”

“I’ll deal with this when I see dad, okay? I think Mandy is fine.”

“How do you know? You see her?”

“Rebecca, let’s go. Claire, go on into work. I’ll talk to them when I can.”

“But Johnny—”

“That’s enough, Claire. I said I’ll talk to them.”

I motion for the ladies to exit ahead of me and they walk to the elevators. Each is silent, neither engaging the other. We take the elevator down to the garage. Claire goes back to her car and leaves.

“Do you want me to wait for you when you go up to change at your place?”

“I’ll be okay. Will you?”

“Yes. I’ll be fine. There’s never a dull moment in the Sloan-Fairchild household,” I say, not wanting to give too much away. I have no idea what Claire was talking about, so there’s no point trying to explain anything to Rebecca.

I drive to her place in silence. I think she understands I wouldn’t make great conversation anyway. We get in front of her building, and I get out.  I help her out of her seat on the passenger side. She kisses my cheek and asks me if I’d like to meet her later. I tell her yes, and I mean it. There’s also a part of me that thinks I should wait a few days before I see her again.

She goes inside and I leave. I get into work shortly after. My assistant tells me that Mandy’s brother has been looking for me for the past hour, and he wants to see me right away. She’s moved my meetings around so I have time to meet with him this morning.

I walk into his office. He looks over to me and tells a person on his mobile phone he’ll speak with them later.

“Johnny, how are you doing?” He asks, getting the mandatory pleasantries out of the way.

“What’s going on, Charles? He wanted to see me?”

“I was going to ask you the same thing. What’s going on with Mandy and Solomon?”

“How would I know?”

“She phoned me yesterday, completely frazzled. She told me she’s leaving your dad. That she’s had enough, and she’s tired of living out her last days like this.”

“Like what?”

“That’s why I asked you in here. I thought for sure you would know.”

“Does this have anything to do with the work that I do here, Charles? Are you trying to tell me my job might be at risk?”

“Oh no. Not at all. I need you here now. Don’t even think of trying to leave at a time like this.”

“Good to know. The only two people that know about Mandy and my dad, are Mandy and my dad. Why don’t you talk to them? I’ve got a busy day. Lots to catch up on. Call Mandy, okay? Or call Dad. I don’t know anything.” I pause to think. “Hey. After today, I may take the rest of the week off. Thinking of a little trip. A mini vacation.”

“Yeah? Sure, that’s cool. Where to?”

“I don’t know. Somewhere quiet.”

“No one’s at the Bahamas villa right now. Why don’t you go there?”

“You know what? That might not be a bad idea. I’ll decide later and let you know. Thanks Charles. Let me know if you find out anything about Dad and Mandy.”

“Will do.”

He picks up his phone and takes a call from his executive assistant, and I tell him I’ll talk to him later. I leave his office. I have to confess, I’m a little curious about what’s going on. The timing of this doesn’t sound very good. Dad needs Mandy in his corner for this big acquisition he’s working on. But the truth is, they’re grown-ups. I have enough on my plate. I’m not sure I really want to know anything else.

My day goes nonstop, and after lunch, my thoughts drift to Rebecca.

Chapter Eleven


I have a morning full of debriefs with the team that’s taken all my files. After that, I have lunch alone at the sandwich shop around the corner. I’m glad for the time alone. I need to think, but all my brain cells are wrapped around Jonathan. I give up and go back to the office. My increasingly annoying assistant tells me I have a call on hold.

“How long have they been waiting?” I ask.

“A few minutes this time.”

“They phoned before?”

“Just once this morning.”

“And you know I’m off my main assignment, right Louise? Why didn’t you put it through to whoever took over for my case files?”

“Because it’s Mr. Jonathan Sloan, ma’am. He asked for you directly.”

“Put him through,” I tell her, puzzled he would phone the office when he can get me on my mobile. I close my office door and reach over the desk for the phone.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Are you sitting at your desk?” he asks in a deep, sexy tone.

“Jonathan? What’s up?”

“Answer the question,” he demands.

“I’m at my desk, but not sitting. What’s going on?”

“How would you like it if I were in your office right now, kneeling between your legs, eating your sweet pussy.”

“I’m at work, Jonathan.”

“Yeah, and I can just imagine the look on your face if I were there. That skirt of yours would be hiked up past your hips. I’d spread your legs and rip those sexy panties off, and lick you until you want to scream. Are you wet yet?”

I’m already wet when he mentions eating my pussy, but I don’t admit it. “Jonathan. I didn’t peg you as a phone sex kind of guy.”

“I’m not.”

“Then what’s this?”

“I’m in my office. I have ten minutes until my next board meeting, and guess who’s on my mind? Guess who’s got me hard as a rock thinking about what happened last night?”

My need betrays me as I think about it, and I let out a soft moan.

“Are you touching yourself, Rebecca? Because it sound like you just released some pleasure in that moan.”

“I don’t…” I’m trying to resist him, but I can’t think of what I was going to say.

“Just do what I say. I’ll make your afternoon more fun than it’s been in a while.”

“I…Jonathan, I have to go now.”

I hang up the phone, but he’s already affected me. I’m wet and my clit is throbbing. God, what the hell have I gotten myself into? I get back to my desk and continue reviewing the files, but at the back of my mind, I’m still hearing Jonathan’s voice. My free hand makes its way down my legs and up my skirt.

Less than five minutes later he calls me on my mobile phone. I can’t even talk when I answer.

“You’re touching yourself, aren’t you?” he asks.

I put my finger on my clit.

He growls out a moan through the phone. “Tell me, Rebecca.”

“Yes,” I manage to get out.

“Christ,” he moans, and I instantly feel a heat spreading out from my core. “How wet are you?”

“Mmmm,” I groan. “Very.”

“What would you want me to do if I were there, Rebecca?”

“Oh God.” His voice already has me close to coming. Never in a million years did I think I’d be sitting in my office, getting off at the sound of a man’s voice. But here I am.

“I…I can’t do this, Jonathan.”

“Just don’t hang up, baby. I know it probably feels weird to you, but fuck, I can’t stop thinking about you.”

I spread my legs and hike my skirt up. I check my closed door. If anyone barges in right now, they’ll see a wanton look on my face and know I’m up to something with one hand under my desk. I turn my chair sideways so my hair is hiding the phone and more importantly, my face. My thumb is on my clit now, and two fingers are sinking into my wet pussy.

“I wish you were here, Jonathan,” I confess through an obvious desire-filled whimper.

“What would you want me to do? Tell me, baby.”

I slide my fingers in deeper. “I’ve never done this before…”

“Well I’ll tell you. I’m sitting here with my thick cock in my hand, imagining you’re about to slide into my lap and sink that tight pussy down around it.”

“Mmmm,” I groan. I’m so close.

“I’d undo that blouse and wrap my lips around your nipple and suck until you’re so wet, you’re riding my cock in that chair and begging me to fuck you harder.”

“Oh God, Jonathan.” My thumb strokes more wildly, and if he says another word, I’m going to come.

“My hands are tight on your ass cheeks now. I’m pulling you down as you grind on my cock, baby. Slamming into that hot pussy until you soak my cock with your juices…You’re close now, aren’t you?” he asks.

“Yes baby…Oh fuck, Jonathan…” I groan out my orgasm and hope to God it wasn’t loud enough for anyone outside my office to hear.

I hear him growl out like he does when he comes. “God, baby,” he pants and gasps for air. “That was so fucking good. Did you like it?”

“Yes…” I admit.

“Well wait until I see you later.”

Someone knocks on my door and I nearly jump out of my chair. “I’ve got to go, Jonathan. Talk to you later.”

Chapter Twelve


After my steamy chat with Rebecca, my packed schedule doesn’t let up. My staff manage to drag me into a meeting, looking for some decisions on a few items that have been waiting since Monday. It turns out, my Director could have more than handled it. I remind myself I need to have a serious talk with this guy. He can’t sit on simple shit like this, and wait for me to give him the same answer I gave him three weeks ago for the same problem.

After more meetings just like that one, my day does not end until after eight at night. I manage to send a text to Rebecca sometime in the evening. I tell her I’d like to see her, but it’ll be late tonight. She says it’s okay, that I can come by whenever, or we can meet later in the week if I want to. I like that she’s leaving me an out. As much as I want to see her, I’m also glad she’s easygoing and flexible.

I go home after work. I desperately need to hit the gym. I spend a couple hours in my home gym, getting in some cardio and working the large muscles. I shower and by the time I’m done, it’s almost eleven a night. I send a text to see if she is awake. She replied she’s back at her office, but wrapping up soon.

I’m wondering whether to ask to see her again, and before I decide, she texts me back, and asks if I feel for takeout at her place. I tell her to wait for me at her office and I’ll take care of dinner too. I don’t feel it’s safe for her to be walking home at this time. There they are again. Those protective instincts are at it again. It’s a sure sign I’m starting to care for this woman. I just hope I don’t take it too far. The only person that’s liable to get hurt in all this is probably me. She still has a job to do for her law firm, no matter what her feelings are.

I order from the same delivery place we had eaten a couple days before. I tell them is for pick up this time. I meet Rebecca at her office, and we drive to get the food and then head over to her place. I asked her for an update while we’re driving. She says there’s nothing new, but she is gathering background information so that she’s prepared no matter what happens. She tells me about her source at the precinct, and that he’ll keep her informally in the loop, once the evidence has been analyzed.

We get back to her place. Neither of us has eaten since after lunch. We dig in and finish the takeout. We chat about current events on her sofa. It’s so easy to unwind around this woman. We have our feet up on her coffee table. We’re relaxing. It hits me that in the middle of everything she knows may be going on, she’s just so at ease with me. Maybe that’s what impresses me about her. It’s not so much that she’s into me, but that she’s not turned off, given everything she knows. What she knows is still precious little, so I had to remember not to get too carried away.

I get too carried away. I ask her to come with me to the Fairchild villa in Bahamas, and she says yes. I tell her we leave tomorrow evening. She says it’s no problem, and she’ll let Kara know. If she’s able to travel with me and she’s doing her job, Kara must’ve given her a lot of leeway. I read between the lines, and try not to overanalyze, but there’s this sense I have, and maybe it’s my own paranoia. I’m certain she’s not just enjoying being with me—she’s also monitoring my movements. Still, I’m glad she said yes.


She excuses herself for a minute, and comes back to the living room dressed in nothing more than a sheer top that meets her at the thighs.

“Are you looking to tempt me?” I ask, standing to take her in my arms.

“No. This is payback.”

“For what?” I ask, leaning down and kissing her plump, tasty lips.

“That phone call that almost cost me my job,” she mumbles out between breaths as we kiss.

I pull away and she groans.

“Payback is not supposed to be enjoyable, Rebecca.”

“That’s true. I’ll find a way. Don’t worry.”

I lean over and swing her legs over my elbow to pick her up in my arms. “Maybe we should pick up where we left off,” I tell her, carrying her to her bedroom.

She wraps her arms over my neck and lets her head rest on my shoulder. She relaxes into me. It feels so fucking good. I picture us walking into the sunset, having a romantic and equally unrealistic future together. It’s a fantasy, and I know it. There’s no happy ending for people like me. I accepted that a long time ago. Still, I kiss her forehead and look down at her, just resting there.

I get to her bed and lower her into it. I’ve slept with her enough times before, but tonight, my heart is racing, my throat is dry, and my palms go all sweaty. Maybe the other times were different. Tonight, there are more than hormones at play. Inconvenient emotions have me seeking out her lips for kisses, and for her body to embrace. I want to spend time with her and not just as my lawyer, or a playmate, for that matter.

This time with her has only created a craving within me for more. More of Rebecca. I sit at the side of her bed and unbutton her shirt as far down as the buttons go. I groan. She has nothing on underneath. I’m aching to have her again.

She sits up, pulls the shirt over her head and throws it over the edge of the bed. The silhouette of her body in the dim light has me hard as a rock. But tonight, I don’t just want to fuck her. I want to make love to her. I want to possess her.

Standing, I strip down to my boxers. Her eyes flutter open. She looks at me with more than desire in her eyes. I hope it is. I almost pray it is.

“Jonathan…” her throaty whisper calls to me. My chest tightens up.

I get in bed beside her and pull her into an embrace. Her hands settle on my back and her breasts press against my chest, sending shudders through me.

“Rebecca.” My voice is breathless as I whisper in her ear.

She shivers this time. I pause. I can’t think. There are words swirling around my head that I’ve never said to a woman. As much as I try to deny these feelings, I don’t want to anymore. At least not tonight. Tonight belongs to us.

She pulls apart and nods down at my boxers, giving a wink and grinning her cute face off. I take the hint and lift myself up to pull it down off my legs. No hesitation. Now or never. Her gaze darkens with arousal. Her nostrils flare slightly. I recline back, my head on the pillow. She purrs like a cat and climbs on top of me. My cock is hard, throbbing and desperate to get inside her.

I look up at her. I gasp, literally, as I watch her slight body, skin glowing under the light, the soft flesh of her breasts begging me to touch her. Reaching forward, I caress her nipples with my fingertips. Her stomach muscles twitch as I do so and she exhales my name. She leans down to me and cups my cheek. She kisses me. I lose all control. I bracket her head in my palms and hold her still as I ravage her mouth. This is not our first kiss, but it should have been.

With nothing between us but the heat of our bodies and the touch of her skin brushing a wonderful friction with her peaked nipples, I cannot imagine a more perfect representation of my need for her—hot, chafing, and combustible. She gives in completely to my kiss, and welcome the thrust of my tongue inside her mouth.

She grinds her hips down on my pelvis with each dip and swipe of my tongue. My cock swells; it’s trapped between us. I reach a hand down and stroke her clit, getting her wet and ready for the moment I enter her. Our tongues wrestle as she takes control and gives it back to me, while our lower halves have already found a rhythm as old as time itself.

Her hands find their way to reach under my ass cheeks. She digs her nails into my flesh. I groan aloud. I clamp on tight to her back and roll us over. Trapped underneath me, she squirms. Combustible, fuck yes. She ignites both our flames with her movements. She moans as I growl. Once again, our lips find one another. Hurried, shallow kisses, as she arches and tilts her hips. Aligning my body with hers, I place my cock at her entrance. We pull from the kiss and our eyes lock. She stares into the infinite depths of my tormented soul as I push into her.

She yields and tightens on my length, and whispers in my ear she’s been aching to feel me inside her. It’s an exquisite sensation, filling Rebecca and feeling a measure of peace, as my cock claims her as my own. We become one.

“You’re mine, Rebecca.” I growl out.

“Yes,” she whispers.

Whether wrong or right, I can no longer deny myself. I feel for Rebecca. She’s beginning to mean more to me. I have no idea how this can work, but I’ll find a way. Rebecca has caught me, right in the chest. I’m not sure I can let her go now.

We slide together as one. The pressure within her body is building. I hug her close, and she urges me to go faster. I pant out words of desire in her ear. She whispers my name over and over. I growl and shove harder into her as we come together. She tightens around my cock and screams her pleasure, and then her lips find mine again in a searing kiss.

Life will never be the same. Not for me.

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