Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series)
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Tasks & Frustrations






I can't stand the look behind those hazels of hers. I set my mouth in a hard line, bracing myself. I care for this girl, but I am getting used to having a thick skin around her. Sometimes my professionalism can be a good defense mechanism. Man, I
am in for it with this one.

I lift my hand and tug at her chin, freeing her lip from her teeth's grasp. It's too distracting for this conversation. “It seems since yesterday I have had to have an open mind. What is it?"

"We need to talk about the assignment, and about Marcus. We have to discuss what we need you to do."

I am not one to avoid things
, but a part of me hoped that I would wake up and this biological disease thing would have been a sick, twisted dream, and I could go back to believing Alex was a waitress.
Nope, sorry. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

I take a deep breath. "
Go on."

"I am just going to say it.
Chief Alvarado wants me to use our relationship for this case. He wants you to bring me into your circle of friends and give the agency access to your building. I have a list of things to do, like put a tracker on Gibbs's—Marcus's—phone. This would be a hell of a lot easier if you made up with Marcus. I need to get closer to him in order to track his behavior and whereabouts." She stops and her brow wrinkles in concern. Obviously, she has noticed my blank, dumbfounded stare, but she continues, "Jeremy, that is, if you want to do this."

I nod a couple times
, processing the idea. "He wants to use

She smirks
. "Yes. This is not how I want us to start out, and it will be a burden, but in a way, it's a genius ploy to get the ball rolling."

It suddenly occurs to me that she really loves her job.

She lets her mouth slink upward into a sexy smirk, and there it is
, that deadly side of her that always seems to be right below the surface. I find it distractingly attractive. Who would have thought? I am beginning to understand this level to her, and I find it hot

"Besides, it means I can spend more time with you, and keep you safe. I would like to say it could be fun
, but that isn't appropriate. I need you to let me manipulate the people around you, and to be honest, you need to be willing to manipulate them too. I know Marcus is important to you, and this could be really hard for you to do, or to understand, but he is a bad man who wants to kill lots of people for unknown reasons."

I gulp at the last statement. "What do you mean? I've never known Marcus to be a killer
It doesn't make sense."

She reaches for my hand
. "I know it might not make sense to you. I don't know him, so I can't say why, but this is happening, Jeremy. He is selling his disease to a terrorist group through someone who works closely with your company. We suspect it's because he was dropped from the Nobel Prize nominations, but that is only a guess."

I nod again, and decide to commit to this
. "If people's lives are at stake, I want to help. So what does this mean specifically, then? What do I need to do?"

I get
a sinking sensation as the words tumble out of my mouth I might be jumping into this without thinking. I have no idea what any of it entails.

I don’t know if Alex can sense my overzealousness
, but thankfully, she responds, "Allow me into your world."

I want to say too late but I bite my tongue. "How do I do that?"

"Well, I am your girlfriend, aren't I? Start taking me to public events. We need to convince Marcus that everything is fine. You need to make amends with him. Can you do that? Make up with Marcus and make it seem like everything is fine?"

That might be tough

I nod, thinking it over some more. Can I lie to my best friend to lure him into a trap? Do I
have a choice in the matter if it comes down to doing what's right? Not really.

"I can do that
." I grin.

"Why are you smiling?"

"So, I can call you my girlfriend, then?"

shies away, and I revel in it. "After all this, that is what you take from our conversation?"

Her blushing cheeks are my undoing. I lean over and place a kiss on her lips, pulling away only
marginally. "It's the only upside I've got."

She throws her arms around me
. She kisses me, and then pulls away. "So now we start. When can I meet your friends?"

I didn't think this was how having a girlfriend would be. It's a normal thing to do, introducing her and such, but the circumstances are bizarre. "The
art gala is Saturday. I already got you a ticket. Most of my friends will be there, including Marcus. Maybe you could snag his phone there."

She grins from ear to ear, and I swear she holds back a laugh
. "Jeremy, now you are thinking like an agent."

I rub my face and I almost want to laugh, but it would be a dark, sad sort of laughter. "So we start with the gala. That's it?"

"I would call Marcus and clear things up if I were you. Comfort him. Offer him a friendly hand. Be bros—whatever it is that guys do. I need you to convince him that you two are fine, and you have to make him believe you. It's imperative for this to work." Her tone is stern and authoritative.

take in a deep breath. "When?" I ask.

"As soon as possible." She raises an eyebrow.

There is a long pause. I look back at her, scrunching my face up. "Now?" I whine. She nods, smiling that deadly smile again.

I try my distraction technique. I take her face and command her lips. She giggles, and I can feel her grin against mine. She allows me access to her mouth
, and I wrap my tongue around hers, tangling my hands into her black waves.

She pushes me away
, still giggling. "Jeremy, I know what you are trying to do. You cannot use your sexpertise to distract me on this one."

I pout in defeat, heave in a deep
breath, and pull out my phone.

She kisses me chastely on the lips and gets up. "Good boy."

I grunt my disapproval, but smile as I watch her walk away. "Don't think you can order me around!"

She winks
. "Wouldn't dream of it. Now, I am going to give you some privacy for that phone call. If you're lucky, we can pick up where we left off after. That's, if you're lucky
She walks down the short aisle to the en suite in the back of the plane to leave me to my task.

I grunt this time because I am beyond fuck-strated from watching her slink out of my view. I adjust my pants. I can't focus on that.

I take in a last cathartic breath.

I can do this


Lies & Despair






I tap my foot as the phone rings. He picks up three rings in
. "What?"

The abrupt way he answers the phone shocks me. I guess I am far from forgiven.

"Hey, Marcus, I just wanted to call to see what's up. Miss seeing you around." Do I sound convincing? Because it feels weak, even to me.

"That's it?" I can tell he is a little more on edge than usual.

I adjust my jacket, and clear my throat. "I need to apologize."

"Apologize for Sunday morning? Or everything you have ever done to me?"

His words startle me. I have always known Marcus to be an easy going, forgiving kind of guy, but something is different. Since when does he hold my mistakes against me?

"I'm calling to apologize about Sunday, but if you need me to apologize for everything, I will. I miss my best friend."

He grunts. "Are you sure? You seem a bit preoccupied as of late."

I tense
. "If this is about Alex, then I am sorry. I did not want it to end up this way." I peer around the living area to make sure Alex is out of earshot. "I really like her, and I know I handled it the wrong way but I ... I don't know, bro. I don't know what to say."

He sighs an exasperated breath
. "Jeremy, it's like that with every one of them."

His words piss me off, because they're not true. "I get that maybe I cash in the best friend card too many times for a bunch of pointless fucks, but you have to know I like Alex a lot." He snorts into the phone
, and I continue, "I'm bringing her to the gala on Saturday, and I want to make things right."

"You're kidding me right now, aren't you?"

Is he talking about the fact I am bringing a date? Or is he talking about the awkwardness of a re-introduction?
"What do you mean, Marcus?"

"You want me to talk to the girl that I wanted, and is now some sex toy in your life? This is absurd
, even for you."

His statement makes me mad
, but I keep my cool. "Marcus, hear me out. We have been friends too long to let some girl get in the way."

"You're right. And that's why you shouldn't have let it. Does it make you happy to see me so fucked up?"

I can hear the heat in his voice, and it throws me. I shift back into the best friend I used to be. "What's going on with you, man? You sound strange. Tell me what's happening. Stupid girls aside, I'm worried about you. You still sniffing that shit?"

"Jeremy, it's too late for you to care about me
." He sounds offended.

It's another strange thing for him to say, and knowing what I know
, I'm flooded with worry. "Marcus, tell me you're all right."

"I'm fine and I don't want to fight with you, especially over a fucking girl. We are fine. Let's just drop it."

His brusque tone is less than convincing, and I feel like he's telling me what I want to hear. This conversation is all sorts of fucked up. I am making no progress. I'm actually worried about him. And hell, am I allowed to admit I don't want to lose the only good friend I have?

The sinking realization that maybe he
isn't a good friend anymore hits hard. He is using my money and my company to wreak havoc on an innocent world. In a way, I don’t think I have any idea who he is anymore

I'm not sure how I can fix this. There is a lot on the line with this.

"Where the hell are you right now anyway? Rebecca told me our meeting was rescheduled."

I don't want to talk about work
"I'm flying out to see Dad."

"Your dad? Is he
OK?" His tone shifts to one of concern, worry, and maybe even a dash of panic. I come to an enlightening realization.

Marcus has always liked my dad way more than I do, but that's the way it goes, right? He has always been incredibly protective of him, especially since my dad got cancer. Marcus waited through every chemo treatment with me, and even picked up my dad's meds when my dad still lived in town. He treats him like his own father. It's understandable since my dad took him in during our first year of college, which was a year after Marcus'
s parents died.

his is my way in.

I make a rash decision, hoping I can follow through with it. Alex might be proud. "No, he isn't, actually. They say the cancer's back, so I thought I would go and see him for a day
." I exhale, letting my lie trail off in the silence.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have come with you!"
Obviously, there is at least one person in his life he cares about.

I feign panic and concern
. "I am calling you now, man. I need us to be OK, because, well, I know you care about my dad, and I think he is a little more important that some girl, right? It was a last-minute decision to come see him, and to be honest, I wasn't sure if you wanted to get within fifty feet of me ..." I continue to let my sentences trail off in hopes that it will rope him in.

He sighs
, and I can sense the exhaustion in his voice. "Dude, Jere. I'm sorry. Should I fly out there and see him?"

"No, no, it's fine. He has his first consultation with his doctor today to talk about the next step
. I'm scared, Marcus."

"It's going to be
OK, bro; I'm here for you."



Remain Seated






Sleep feels good. I feel warm and safe. I snuggle into the pillow and take in a deep breath.
it smells of soap and Jeremy. It's the most calming, comforting smell, and I snuggle closer to it. It's harder than I expect, and I realize that my pillow has a heartbeat.

I grin before I open my eyes, and
Jeremy's crystal blue eyes greet me. His mouth curves upward at the sight of mine, and he whispers, as if I might still go back to sleep, "I didn't have the heart to wake you, but I didn't want to be away from you."

His arm cradl
es me, and he runs his hand through my hair before pulling me closer to him.

What's wrong
, Jeremy?

It's a new experience for me, this whole being affectionate and caring, but I am able to identify it for it is. I look up at him again and see his face is set in a hard line.

I lift my head up and place a kiss on the corner of his mouth, surprising even myself. His eyes dart back to mine. He seems shocked too, and he wears that secret smile again. Before I can say anything, he beats me to it. "Agent Turner, you can be quite sweet sometimes, did you know that?"

I blush, because I wasn't aware that I had the capability to be sweet
either, but I tense at the name. "Please don't call me Agent Turner. I don't like it."

His face still seems set in stone, but his eyes
ignite warmly. "To be honest, I don't like it either." He scoots his body down so he can kiss me. It's quick, but when I feel his lips against mine, his shoulders relax. I weave my fingers into his blond mess of hair, tugging him away from my lips so that I can look up at him. The lines around his mouth tell me he is stressed, but he still manages a smile.

Oh, that
"Jeremy, tell me what's wrong."

He closes his eyes and buries his face into my chest. His shoulders tense
, and he squeezes me against him again in a tight embrace. He needs comfort. It's obvious. Jeremy is strong, but when it comes to the people he cares about, he can be adorably vulnerable. Who knew the stoic big shot would have such a soft side? It almost makes me jealous. His emotional range is vast, and mine seems so limited in comparison.

I continue running my hands through Jeremy's hair, letting him come to me when he wants to. It feels good to feel needed this way. Jeremy doesn't need my guns and my protection
. He needs me.

Abruptly, he pulls away, locking his arctic stare with mine, commanding my attention. He opens his mouth to speak
, but nothing comes out, and he shuts it almost immediately.
Oh no.
I'm flooded with worry so I do the only thing I know: I press my lips to his. He moans into my mouth, and his kiss turns urgent. He ravages my mouth, opening it up and tangling his tongue around mine as he lets his free hand cradle my face. One by one, his muscles relax, and he pulls away enough to trail sweet, adoring kisses down my neck.

"I. Need. You. So. Much."

I brace myself for tension, but it never comes. Instead, my heart swells and my chest tightens—but in a good way. I don't know how to deal with these feelings,
so I stay silent. He lifts his head from the crook of my neck with that secret smile, as if he knew saying such things would knock me off balance.

I smirk, and his face softens as if
Jeremy is finally returning from a stress-filled abyss. He kisses me chastely. "It's OK not to know what to say."

It is as if he can read my mind.

I don't know why, but my first reaction is annoyance. Maybe because it sounds like some weird, twisted challenge to succeed at this relationship business. He seems more like some innocent teen who got the girl and has no notion of pain; whereas me, I am on the edge my seat waiting for it all to crash down around me. Jeremy came from a loving home, and I, on the other hand, didn't.

I sigh, roll my eyes, and decide the best remedy to this situation is his lips. He accepts mine willingly
, and the hand cradling my face makes its rough, leisurely decent down my body. He cups my behind, swinging my leg around his waist. I cradle him between my legs, and I don't want to be anywhere else.

We hit a bit of turbulence
, and I yank my face away from his reflexively. He places a quick kiss on my jawline and laughs. "Nothing to be afraid of, babe."

This time when he says babe
, my heart skips a beat. When I look back, he's smiling. "I'm not afraid," I quip.

"Uh-huh." His smile remains on his lips
, and he simply rests his chin on my chest, taking in a deep cathartic breath as he closes his eyes.

I run my hand through his blond hair
, and then drag my fingertips down his sideburns to his bottom lip. His angular features are as striking as a Viking god.

He's acting as if he has never been more comfortable.
He takes another breath. Tension still lingers in his body though.

"I talked to Marcus," he

"And?" My tone is quiet and calming as I stroke Jeremy's hair, and sometimes down his neck to his shoulders.

He closes his eyes. "I had to lie." He sounds like he's confessing. His tone is stern. I can sense his distaste.

"You lied? What did you lie about? I didn't realize making up with Marcus was going to require a lie."

His overwhelming huff says it all. "Well, it did."

He rolls
off me and back onto the bed. I don’t want him resenting me.
I don't like making the people I care about lie.

"I'm sorry
, Jeremy."

He ignores my apology
. "I tried my normal
I'm sorrys,
but he wasn't taking the bait, and then it hit me." He pauses to rub his face as if the epiphany is baffling. "I told him I'm on my way to see my dad, and Marcus thought my dad was sick again." He rolls over, perching his head on his hand to look at me. "I knew that my apologies weren't cutting it, and when I realized that Marcus still cared about my dad, I lied. I knew it was the only way. I told him my dad's cancer had come back. At the time, it was easy. I didn't realize lying to him would make me feel so ... I don't know"—he sighs before he looks back up—"terrible. My dad's cancer is not something I like to lie about, regardless of the reasons. But I knew that I had to. It was the only way." I can see in his eyes that he feels awful about it.

Instead of speaking
, I crawl next to him and nuzzle into the crook of his neck. He wraps an arm around me.

"Something is going on with Marcus. I mean, obviously he is plotting something terrible, but beyond that, he isn't the same. He seemed fine last week
, but overall, he has been progressively more on edge. He didn't even sound like my best friend. I felt like I was apologizing to a stranger. Maybe it's the drugs, I don't know."

My head perks up in surprise
. "Did you say drugs?"

He shrugs as if it's no big deal
. "Yeah, Marcus starting doing coke about, I don't know, maybe six months to a year ago. I never approved, and technically, it could cost him his job, but he's my best friend, ya know? I didn't want him to get into trouble, so I told him as long as he kept it under control and only did it socially I would let it go. He dabbled with it in college, so I didn't think it was a big deal."

eyebrows furrow in concern. "It is a big deal though. Doing a drug like that can alter your moods, thought patterns, and behavior. A serious user can become desperate, irrational, and dangerous."

Jeremy's eyes widen
. "Marcus has always been an in-control
kind of guy."

"Obviously not
, Jeremy. Marcus could be a loose cannon at this point, depending on his usage, but this could also be a way in. Drug users like other drug users."

Jeremy's body tenses
. "Excuse me? You're not thinking about doing it with him, are you?"

"No, I don't want to, but let's say I see him Saturday and he gives me the cold shoulder. I could use his habit as leverage to get closer to him, to get him to confide in me, or even to trust me."

He sits up. "I don't like that."
Of course, you wouldn't.
I can see that getting used to what my job entails will be a rough road for him, so I decide to try a different angle. "I can seduce him if you prefer?" I clamp my teeth on my bottom lip, knowing the reaction I will get.

Jeremy's blue eyes frost over with, what? Jealousy?
He climbs over me and grabs my arms, pinning them on either side of my face as he presses his hips into mine. "No, I would definitely not like that." His tone is commanding, heated, and hot.

I smile
, and he leans down to grab my bottom lip with his teeth, tugging it free of my grasp. "I don't share."

He doesn't allow my smart mouth to respond as he kiss
es me, and as urgent as before. In a way, this is my favorite version of Jeremy. He's secure, commanding, and confident. I don't have to think when he is in this mode. He owns me, and I think he knows it and enjoys it. When he's like this, I don't fight back—well, for the most part.

He moves from my lips, then
kisses down my jawline and takes my earlobe between his teeth. The move is my kryptonite. I moan into his ear, and he presses his hips into mine. His erection teases the apex of my thighs through the material of his jeans, and it does things to me. I want to claw at his shirt. I try to jerk my hands free, but he tightens his grip, growling while nipping and kissing down my neck to my cleavage.

"Attention, the plane will begin its decent into Sedona, Arizona, Airport momentarily. Please return to your seats immediately."

He collapses in defeat onto my chest, still pressing his hips into mine. "You have got to be kidding me

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