Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3) (20 page)

Read Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3) Online

Authors: Rebecca Pond,Rebecca Lorino

BOOK: Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3)
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“Oh my little Earth mate, I am so sorry for the life
that you had to suffer through.” The serious tone in his voice made her look up at him. She was totally surprised with the look in his eyes. His eyes that were normally copper with flecks of gold were now completely gold. She had never seen his eyes look like this before, even when she had made him angry with her for trying to escape through the ventilation shafts on the ship. “If I could, I would kill the bastard for you, I would. He had absolutely no right to take advantage of a younger female. Gods, I feel the urge to go back to Earth right now and kill him!” He let go of one of her hands and ran his fingers through his short cropped hair. He looked as if he was struggling to control the anger that was brewing from the deepest part of his soul.

Emma, I want you to know that he will never hurt you again. No one will ever hurt you again. I made a vow that I would protect you with my life if necessary when I first looked into your eyes. I want to make you happy and spend the rest of my life doing so. You were meant to be with me, and I was meant to be with you. I will never force you to do anything that you do not want to do. You are so very important to me.  I want you to understand that I will cherish you forever.” His eyes were slowly changing back to their normal color of copper as the anger had left his voice and body. She could tell that he was speaking the truth to her.  Something deep inside told her that he had never lied to her about his feeling for her and never would.

“Do you really mean that
Brylon?” Her voice shook with emotion as some of the pieces of the wall she built around her heart began to crumble and fall down.

Brylon reached for her face then held it in his hand, his thumb softly runnin
g across her bottom lip, “I meant everything I said. Are you ready to go home now?”

She sniffled, wiped her nose
with her sleeve and then said, “Oh no, you promised I could find Nana a friend.”

He laughed and said,
“Ok, let’s go find Nana a friend then we will head home. It has been a long day.”


Leaving the food area, the two of them started the long walk back to the vehicle. Emma kept her eyes peeled for a tent selling the furry little rewas. She was excited about getting another one. Nana sometimes looked so sad when she didn’t have anyone to play with.

Emma was searching
the stands around her when Brylon tugged on her hand then said, “Over there, my love.” He pointed in the direction of a brightly colored tent that was surrounded by people and aliens alike. She seized his hand in an iron clad grip and literally dragged him to the tent.

my God, there are so many of them,” her green eyes were sparkling with excitement as she looked from cage to cage. She didn’t know which cage to approach first until Brylon pulled her over to a small cage that only had a handful of rewas that were quietly sleeping inside of it. “Which one should I choose?” Her eyes dashed up to Brylon’s face then back down to the tiny creatures.

“The decision is yours. Nana is pink and a girl
, so just make sure you choose a girl so that we don’t have a bunch of baby rewas running around the house.”

“But…but ho
w do I tell if the rewa is girl?” She scrunched up her nose in a face Brylon had never seen on her before. She had such an innocent face that set his heart on fire every time he looked at her.

“Let me go get the vendor,” he said and walked away, leaving her standing there staring down into the small cage.


Emma watched the
rewas in the cage as they were sleeping. There were about eight of them all huddled together in a corner, purring and sleeping away. It was like watching a litter of new kittens all curled up around each other and sharing their body heat. One of the little rewas in the pile shifted its position a fraction of an inch causing the one lying right next to it to crack open one of its three little eyes. This rewa was mainly blue, but it had a green stripe running down the center of its little body. Its eye opened a bit further to eye her down suspiciously then lost interest and closed its little eye, returning to its slumber.

“Emma, this vendor will get
the rewa that you want. That cage is girl rewas so just tell him know which one you are interested in.” Brylon had returned with a strange looking man, but Emma really didn’t pay the vendor very much attention, as her attention was completely focused on the blue rewa that looked at her just a minute ago.

“I think I want the little blue one rig
ht there.  Do you see her on the edge sleeping, the one with the green stripe?” She pointed to the one she wanted.

“Yes, my lady.” The vendor politely said
and then opened the cage. He reached into the cage and gently lifted the blue rewa away from the sleeping pile. But, as he started to pull the rewa away, the little creature that the blue one had been sleeping right next to woke up. Instantly, its three eyes widened in surprise at the sight of its bed fellow being removed from the cage. It started to moan and cry out in sounds that Emma had never heard Nana make before.

Emma watched in horror as the green rewa desperately tried to reach for its friend, only to be
a second too late in grabbing for its hand. Both of the rewas were now screeching and reaching out for one another. Her heart broke at the sight of the two creatures being pulled apart.

“Why are they doing that?” She said over the lump that was starting to form in her throat.

“It is not uncommon for siblings to do that when they are separated.” The vendor removed the blue rewa from the cage then shut the door. The green rewa had scurried over to the door and was reaching through it with its tiny little arm. Could it be that rewas could cry? Because, she didn’t think that she was imagining her little eyes filling up with tears.

o, you can’t separate them. Their hearts will be broken,” Emma replied as she clutched Brylon’s forearm, shaking it. “Brylon please, oh my God, put her back in with the other one!”

It is not unusual for this to happen. It happens all the time. The rewa will be fine once she is settled in your home.” The vendor moved to place the little blue female rewa in her hands. “Here you are Lady.” Emma took the rewa as she glanced back at the other one start to sit down, and she heard the soft cries coming from inside the cage.

“We will take both of the rewas,” Brylon blurted out startling Emma and the vendor.

The vendor looked to his customer, “Both Sir? Are you sure?”

I can have both of them?” She looked over to Brylon, confused. When he nodded back to her she squealed in delight, “Oh thank you.” Emma was happy as a lark now, and watched as the vendor reached in the cage to remove the green rewa and place it in her other hand.


“That will be one hundred kryins, my Lord,” the vendor stated and held out his hand as Brylon handed over the money. Once the transaction was complete and the two rewas were securely settled back together again in Emma’s arms, they proceeded to make their way back to the vehicle. There wasn’t any talk or chatter between them because she was so captivated with her new charges. Brylon silently watched and observed how this tiny Earth female could be so gentle and loving to her little pets. She had so much love to offer, and up to now, no one in her life had ever taken the chance to accept that love from her.

All he knew at this moment in
time was that he loved this beautiful creature walking next to him, and he desperately wanted her to love him too.



Chapter 1


Later that evening, when the sun had gone down and the two moons of Theron were shining brightly in the night sky, Emma sat in the middle of the big bed playing with her three rewas. Nana had taken to the two new creatures instantly and even tried her hand at mothering them, even though she wasn’t much older than they were. The three of them had played hard all evening long, and were now lying on the bed with her, rolling around. She laughed as they made the quiet purring sounds and then would lick each other in the face.

“So, what have you named them?” Brylon walked into the bedroom
, returning from his visit with Zeb.

“I think I am going to name the blue one Hanna and the green one Panna.” She smiled at him as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Those are interesting names.”

“Well, I used to have a doll
y when I was little that I named Hanna, and the Panna comes from this little girl I was in foster care with. She couldn’t say Hanna for some reason and always said Panna.” She spoke to him with such ease sometimes. Without warning the three new friends shot off the bed chasing one another into the hallway and down the stairs, leaving Brylon and Emma alone together on the bed.

“I want to thank you for a wonderful day. I had so much fun exploring the market and seeing all the new things. Your world is an incredible place. Thank you
for taking me out to see it.” She had risen to her knees and had inched her body closer to where he was sitting.

don’t need to thank me for anything, little one. Actually, I should be thanking you.” He reached to caress her check with his rough, callused hand.

“Why would
you feel the need to thank me? I didn’t do anything.”

, you did Emma. You told me very important aspects of your life that you’ve kept hidden for a very long time. Though, I do wish to know much, much more about you.” His thumb ran over her moist bottom lip. His eyes were fast becoming full of desire as he continued to look into her green eyes.

Emma’s heart sped up a notch as she contemplated moving closer to
the man who had claimed her as his mate. Her body was telling her that she wanted him to feel her and explore her body, but her mind was struggling to tear down the remaining walls that she built around herself. She wanted to love this man, but she was so afraid that, like the many times before, she would end up broken hearted.

Her body urged her
to move forward, despite the fight that was going on in her mind and before she knew it she was within inches of his face. She could feel the touch of his warm breath as it traveled across her cheeks. She knelt in front of him as he moved his hand that had been resting on her cheek, to the back of her head. He cradled her head in his palm as he pulled her face closer to his.  Soon enough their lips were touching. God, his lips felt so soft and warm. Her hands slid slowly up his chest to rest on his shoulders. She parted her lips and felt him slide his tongue into her mouth. An electrifying feeling shot through her body.  It was a feeling that she had never felt before. She could feel the ache at the base of her womb as she noticed that the opening of her pussy started to get wet and slippery with her desire.  She felt her breasts tighten beneath her shirt as her nipples peaked and made their presence known.

He growled into her mout
h as his tongue danced with hers hungrily. His hands let go of the hold he had at the base of her neck and slide just under the fabric of her shirt.  He began to scout out what was hidden beneath, that was hidden from his view.

in return, moaned into his mouth and leaned further into his hands that were now over the material of her bra. His hands were large and warm and completely covered her small breasts as they kneaded the flesh within them. He brushed his thumbs across the fabric that covered her nipples. The intense pleasure she was feeling pulsated down to her very core and was incredible. She pulled her head away from his mouth and sat herself onto his lap, wrapping her legs around his back and locking them at the ankles.

The color of his eyes changed again.  Now, he was s
taring at her with eyes of the deepest color of copper possible, while his pupils looked like small golden flames of desire. He asked her with his voice shaking, “Are you sure you want to do this, my love?” He didn’t move as he asked her this. He was probably too afraid that she would back away like she did the other night, but he obviously didn’t want to proceed any further without making sure that this was what she wanted.

A wicked little smile was spreading across her face as she replied, “Yes.”

His smile in return was so genuine. Her heart grasped onto the meaning behind that smile, his unrelenting love. She determined at that moment that she was going to give her heart away to this man, this alien warrior. She wanted him to take possession of her completely, in every way possible. She wanted to feel him enter deep within her body in an act that would join them together forever.

moved in closer, pressing his broad and muscular chest against her tight and aching breasts. And when she settled herself back down on his lap, she could feel the bulge of his cock through the front of his pants.  She sat tightly against his hardness and felt the waves of pleasure that emanated from her pussy. She leaned in to capture his lips again and at the same time began to rub the folds of the sensitive skin around her clitoris against the bulge that clearly wanted to be released from its confining space within his pants.

“I want you so bad
right now, Emma. I want to press my cock into your pussy. I want to feel your body clenching around my cock as I make you mine.” He lifted the edge of her shirt, pulling it up over her head, tossing it over the side of the bed without another thought. “You are so beautiful.” He slid the straps of her bra slowly down her shoulders as he placed a soft kiss on her shoulder and neck. He traced a trail of kisses from one shoulder to the other as his hands continued to their journey of releasing her breasts from the confines of her bra. Once her breasts were free, her nipples were standing at attention, and begging for his lips to seek them out. “Gods!” she heard him whisper before he lowered his head to capture one of the perfectly circular nipples into his mouth. He fully covered it with his mouth then to her surprise, flicked his tongue across the sensitive flesh of her nipple. She threw her head back, moaning in ecstasy with the pleasure he was giving her. He continued his exploration of her breast until he decided it was time to give the other one the same amount of attention.

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