Read emma_hillman_hired Online

Authors: emma hillman

emma_hillman_hired (4 page)

BOOK: emma_hillman_hired
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Did having sex with him make her happy? He
recalled her shouts of pleasure, the way her pussy had clenched around his
cock, her nails digging into his shoulders as she writhed on his lap. Fuck, he
was making himself hard again! “Dumbass,” he growled at himself. He needed a
plan, something that would push her to keep working on the parchment. He needed
to give her incentives.

Yes, that was it!


* * * *


“Excuse me?” Jessica looked at the man
standing in front of her, unable to believe he’d really said such a thing.

“You heard me. For every sentence you
translate, I will give you one orgasm.”


“Do I look like I’m joking?”

She eyed him and his muscular body, the one
she’d been so disappointed to see clothed again when she’d woken up. She could
still discern his erection through his tented pants however. And even though
she’d already had some fun with that cock, she wouldn’t mind taking it for
another spin or two.
Argh, what was she saying?
“No, but…that just
sounds so preposterous!”

“Why’s that?”

“I’ve already told your First Man I would
translate the damn thing. That, and may I remind you you’d said you would
triple my salary?”

“I remember. But, may I remind you, Jessica,
that you’ve only translated a few sentences and you’ve already been here four
days. We were told you were the best in the region, and yet nothing I have seen
so far attests to that.”

Her eyes flashed and she took a step towards
him. “I can’t believe you’re insulting my…my work like that!”

He completely ignored her outburst. “So, can
you understand why I thought you needed other incentives?”


“Why not?” He shrugged. “You seemed to like
it well enough earlier. So, what do you say, baby? One sentence, one orgasm.
That’s a pretty good deal, wouldn’t you say?”

“Do you really need that translation so
urgently? That parchment is thousands of years old.”

His face hardened. “Do we have a deal or

The guy appeared serious. She wasn’t too sure
what was going on, but something was definitely happening behind the scenes.
Why were they so impatient to get their hands on that text? She’d already
promised them she would translate it after all. They were paying her
handsomely. She’d been given free food and board, and even an amazingly sexy
bodyguard, all that just for her. So, why was he suddenly offering sex on top
of things? It looked liked she was missing a piece of the puzzle. Hmmm. “Okay,

“Good.” He nodded. “Then get to it.”

Her eyebrows rose up in wonder. “What? Now?”

“You want that orgasm, my dear, you’ll have
to work for it.” His teeth seemed to shine in the semi-darkness of the room,
the sound of his chuckle reaching her and hitting her low inside. “You’ve
already tasted what I can do. You know how much pleasure I can give you. So,
why don’t you get to it while I think of what positions I can bend your body

Breath left her, image after image popping
into her mind. She found herself falling back into her chair, her pussy wet and
clamoring for more. But no, she had work to do first. She gritted her teeth and
bent down to grab her books, doing her best to ignore what she’d done on that
very desk only an hour ago.

It worked. More or less. She didn’t use that
pen however. Even she had limits!


Chapter Five


“The Age of Reason will be different for
every Immortal,

but even more so for their Mates.”

Ambrotos (Translation by Jessica James)


“That’s odd,” Jessica muttered as she reread
the last words she’d translated. The sentence just didn’t make sense with what
she’d translated earlier in the week. She grabbed the parchment and squinted,
deciphering the Greek letters in a slow perusal. She made sure to reread that
sentence and her translation, then her earlier transcripts. “No, I’m sure I’m

“Is there something wrong?”

Drake’s breath hit her nape and she couldn’t
help the shiver than ran up her spine. “No. Yes. I don’t know.”

“That’s very clear,” he teased as he moved
his chair closer to hers and added, “What’s wrong?”

“Something doesn’t make sense. In the text.”
She pointed towards the latest words she’d translated. “See, that’s the
sentence I’ve just finished. This is what I translated earlier in the week. I’m
sure of my translations but the meaning doesn’t make sense!”

“Let me see.” He grabbed her notepad and read
what she’d painstakingly worked on.

She watched him read, knew he’d found
something interesting by the way his eyes lit up. “It’s wrong, see?”

He looked up, a wide grin gracing his face.
“Oh no, my dear, it’s definitely right. You’re nearly there!”

“Nearly where?”

“We’ve been searching for another way for
hundreds of years, and it’s right there.”

He looked down at her cheap notebook as if it
held the Holy Grail, and she suddenly realized that maybe, for them, it did.
She’d been dumped into this world of theirs and hadn’t fully understood the
consequences of her translating this ancient text. Oh, she knew it was very
important for their leader and his wife, but what if it changed everything for
their race?

“I see you’ve completed one sentence.” His
voice was low and husky, interrupting her inner ramblings quite effectively.

She looked at him, lust spiking inside her,
her fingers clenching until her nails began to dig into her palms. “Drake...”
His name came out as a groan. It would have been sexy if her stomach hadn’t
decided to rumble at the same time. She felt herself start to blush when he
chuckled. “I’m sorry.”

“I forget you’re mortal. Your body is right
though. Why don’t you wait here while I go get some food?”

“I... I guess.”

He tilted her head up, tracing her lips with
his eyes before adding, “I want you naked and wet by the time I get back.

Her eyes widened. “Naked?”

“And wet.”

“I’m already wet.”


* * * *


He nearly laughed at her mumbled confession.
She was a thoroughly intoxicating mix: innocence and sexiness wrapped together
in a package that was growing on him; something that he wouldn’t have thought
possible at first. He wasn’t sure if it was the link between them that was
making him think things, but right now all he cared about was her and how hot
she was.

“Are you really?” he asked, his gaze falling
to the V of her shirt.


He watched as she bit her lower lip, the
nervous gesture making him smile. “That’s good. In that case, I want you to get
naked before lying on the desk once more.”

“On the desk?”

He nodded. “Yes. You are not to touch
yourself or make yourself come until I’m back. I want you wet and ready for my
return. Is that clear?”


He stood up. “Good. Now get those clothes
off, Jessica. I owe you an orgasm, and I intend to claim it...very, very soon.”

He could feel her gaze on his departing back,
and even as he locked the door behind him and stepped into the darkened night,
he had to force himself to keep on moving. His cock was begging him to go back
there, to take her and make her his. His pants tenting in front of him, he
hurried towards the compound’s Italian restaurant and prayed they wouldn’t be
busy. He needed a pizza to go, and pronto!


* * * *


When the front door opened and banged against
the wall twenty minutes later, his control was close to snapping. When he’d
been waiting for his order, his ferocious gaze keeping everyone else at bay, he
had suddenly begun hearing her thoughts inside his head. It shouldn’t have
happened. It was unheard of to share a mind-to-mind connection with someone who
wasn’t Immortal, but it was definitely happening and he’d nearly freaked out.
Him, the Guardian! It wouldn’t be so damn important he’d be laughing.

But he certainly wasn’t. Especially not now
when the connection grew even louder in his mind, taunting him with her
whispered inner thoughts. Her
inner thoughts. He dropped the pizza
box on a nearby chair and stalked to her prone form. Her face was turned toward
him, her eyes widening with each step he took. Her legs were spread out, her
nipples hard and reaching for the sky.

She was a feast ready to be


“What if he wants to tie me up? Or worse,
spank me? What then? Shoot, I’ve always wondered about those, but I’m not sure
I’m ready. He looks like the type who’d get a kick out of BDSM though. He’s so
powerfully built and dark and handsome. And so freaking dominant! He’s so hot I
can’t believe he wants lil old me. I don’t understand but I should stop caring.
I mean, I’m naked and he’s looking at me as if he wants to eat me. Oh God, here
I go again. That desk is gonna be unusable soon with all my juices ruining it


In a flash, he was at the end of the table,
spreading her legs wider and checking out what she’d been thinking about. There
it was. A wet spot underneath her, her juices spreading on the hard wood as if
it would bring rebirth to the decades-old furniture. His mind spinning with her
thoughts and his own, with her desires and his wants, he took a deep breath and
dove right down.


* * * *


She squealed.

She couldn’t help it, his sudden move
bringing her out of her waiting torpor. By the time his hands had slid up her
legs, she was nearly shaking. “Drake!”

“One orgasm.” She heard him murmur as he
grabbed her waist and pulled her forward.

Her butt on the edge, her legs curling around
the desk’s, she was on offer and should have felt unsure but weirdly enough all
she felt was lust. Lust and need and…hunger.

His mouth found her clit, the tip of his
tongue flicking it back and forth, back and forth, until she found herself
writhing under the caress. Her body had been so ready, so aroused, that it
wouldn’t take much more to make her come. And for the first time, she truly
hated being able to orgasm so quickly. She wanted to savor this, savor
But he’d only promised her one, and as soon as she reached for the stars and
exploded against his lips, juices running down his face, juices he eagerly
lapped up, nearly sending her spinning for a second time, she knew it was over
for the night.

And she was right.

He moved away seconds later, letting her get
back down to earth before she moved off of the desk and put herself to rights
once more. They shared a silent supper and as soon as they were done, Drake
announced it was time to leave.

When they got to his house and he paused in
front of the room she was occupying, Jessica thought maybe she’d been too quick
to judge him. But no, he only told her good night and hurried to his own room.

Damn it
, she thought,
she’d really wanted to see how it
would feel to make love to him on a proper bed!


Chapter Six


“As the secret is revealed, so will the
recipe for Immortality.”

Ambrotos (Translation by Jessica James)


Drake knew the moment Jessica completed
another sentence. Her impatience roared inside his own mind, her thoughts
switching from possible translations and words to needy yearnings.


“Please, please, please. Let him fuck me. I
need him!”


Growling, he felt his cock harden from the
half rigid state it’d been in all morning. All night, if he was truthful. It’d
been hell leaving her at her door, knowing she wanted nothing more than to fuck
him some more. He’d tried to shut her thoughts from his mind but he hadn’t been
able to, and so he’d listened to her inward fantasies, had known when she’d
reached another climax but by her own hands this time before finally going to
sleep… He had too, but only hours later. And now here they were again, and he
was so fucking ready!

She was already watching him, her eyes intent
on his face as if she was trying to discern what he would do next. He’d
listened to her though and he already knew what he wanted to try. She wanted to
be tested. She wanted to try things she’d never done before, so sure that she’d
never see him again once she completed the work she was here for. His gut
tightened at the thought, and he knew then things wouldn’t be that easy.

The connection between them was getting
stronger by the day, so strong that he wondered when she’d be able to hear his
thoughts. It wasn’t a case of if but when, he was sure of it. Too bad he wasn’t
ready for it. God knew his status as Guardian made him privy to things she
wasn’t allowed to have access to.

BOOK: emma_hillman_hired
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