Emerald Windows (32 page)

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Authors: Terri Blackstock

Tags: #General, #Christian, #Fiction

BOOK: Emerald Windows
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As I sat in my pew and listened to that announcement, I found myself struck with grief, as if a family member were saying good-bye. Selfishly, I mourned the fact that such a stable, humble, precious part of my spiritual life would be moving on. I mourned for myself and wanted to cling and cry and ask him not to go. I wanted to run to him and ask, “What about
” But I couldn’t speak at all, so I swallowed back my tears and decided to speak to him another time when I could be less selfish and think, instead, of all that God has in store for us as our church turns this corner.

I didn’t realize how important this man was to my life, since his work in this megachurch made it impossible for frequent one-on-one contact with him. He had his hands full with eight thousand sheep. But over ten years
ago, when I joined his church as a broken, grieving, divorced mother of two, Frank Pollard’s flock embraced me and drew me in. His philosophy was that church should be a healing place, not an execution chamber. He said time and time again that when hurting people came to our church we would send an ambulance and not a firing squad. In the triage of that wonderful place, my wounds were bound and my broken heart was healed. I was able to rediscover Christ there because he smiled at me from the faces of the members and he touched me through their hands. And through Frank Pollard’s two weekly messages, I grew in my walk in the Lord. His prayers and those of his flock unleashed God’s power on my life as I gave my career—my last holdout—to the Lord.

So if my books have ministered to you, then you owe Frank Pollard too.

But this is not about one man. This is about the power of the church. I often receive letters from Christians who aren’t plugged in and don’t have that support system, that accountability, that love. Some belong to dead churches where that support and ministry don’t really exist. They praise God alone from barren places and don’t know the joy of assembling together with other believers, belonging to a family to whom they can turn in times of joy and stress and devastation. They don’t know the joy of being challenged by a preacher who calls them to a closer walk with Jesus.

For those, I pray that God will lead them to a new church, one where the Holy Spirit is evident at the front door, where his power is at work in the ministries of that church, where they can be engaged and active, and experience the joy of riding in that ambulance that goes to the hurting world, and tells them that healing can be found in Jesus Christ, and that he’s waiting to give it to them, if only they’ll give themselves to him.

God was so good to give Frank Pollard to our church as a minister of his love. May each of you find a shepherd like him, to lead you toward the Great Shepherd.

—Terri Blackstock

About the Author

erri Blackstock is an award-winning novelist who has written for several major publishers including HarperCollins, Dell, Harlequin, and Silhouette. Published under two pseudonyms, her books have sold over 3.5 million copies worldwide.

With her success in secular publishing at its peak, Blackstock had what she calls “a spiritual awakening.” A Christian since the age of fourteen, she realized she had not been using her gift as God intended. It was at that point that she recommitted her life to Christ, gave up her secular career, and made the decision to write only books that would point her readers to him.

“I wanted to be able to tell the truth in my stories,” she said, “and not just be politically correct. It doesn’t matter how many readers I have if I can’t tell them what I know about the roots of their problems and the solutions that have literally saved my own life.”

Her books are about flawed Christians in crisis and God’s provisions for their mistakes and wrong choices. She claims to be extremely qualified to write such books, since she’s had years of personal experience.

A native of nowhere, since she was raised in the Air Force, Blackstock makes Mississippi her home. She and her husband are the parents of three children—a blended family which she considers one more of God’s provisions.

Terri Blackstock

is a novella of the heart—poignant, gentle, true, offering an eloquent reminder that life is too precious a gift to be unwrapped in haste.

Sarah Rivers has it all: successful husband, healthy kids, beautiful home, meaningful church work.

Corinne, Sarah’s sister, struggles to get by. From Web site development to jewelry sales, none of the pies she has her thumb stuck in contains a plum worth pulling.

No wonder Corinne envies Sarah. What she doesn’t know is how jealous Sarah is of her. And what neither of them realizes is how their frantic drive for achievement is speeding them headlong past the things that matter most in life.

So when their mother, Maggie, purchases plane tickets for them to join her in a vacation on the Gulf of Mexico, they almost decline the offer. But circumstances force the issue, and the sisters soon find themselves first thrown together, then ultimately
together, in one memorable week in a cabin called “Seaside.”

As Maggie, a professional photographer, sets out to capture on film the faces and moods of her daughters, more than film develops. A picture emerges of possibilities that come only by slowing down and savoring the simple treasures of the moment. It takes a mother’s love and honesty to teach her two daughters a wiser, uncluttered way of life—one that can bring peace to their hearts and healing to their relationship. And though the lesson comes on wings of grief, the sadness is tempered with faith, restoration, and a joy that comes from the hand of God.

Hardcover: 0-310-23318-6

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Founded in 1931, Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Zondervan, a division of HarperCollins
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