Emerald Fire (8 page)

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Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

BOOK: Emerald Fire
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He was so confused. Were the feelings coming to the surface real or simply his desire to be complete again? With every fiber of his being, he wanted to be what she needed. Was it selfish of him to want to be normal again? The one thing that held him at bay was his ability to protect her from harm. He’d failed once, and his wife and son had paid the ultimate price.

“All set. Are we ready to go work on the house?”

He jerked from his thoughts and caught the smile she flashed him. It would melt any man’s heart, including his.

He rose and walked to the sink, rinsed his cup and placed it in the dishwasher. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. Her silky hair was like a caress on his lips. “Thanks for helping. You’ve been a rock through all this, and it means a lot to me.”

She tipped her head up, gazing at him as if searching for something. “I’m happy to be there for you.” She placed her palm on his cheek. “Even if we weren’t mates, I’d still be your friend.”

He waggled his brows. “Friends with benefits?”

She laughed. He loved her laughter. It lightened his heart and made him forget his troubles, even if briefly. He would have to remember to make sure she laughed often.
Here I go again, planning a future with her.

“Well, considering I was teetering on the edge of insanity due to the lack of sex, I’d say it would have been a good possibility.” She traced a finger down the center of his chest. Her lips curled into a seductive smile. “I’m looking forward to sharing a shower with you later.”

He pulled in a breath. “Darlin’, we’d best be going before I strip you right here and now.”

He took her hand and pulled her out the door before either of them could change their mind. Elias would be coming over to help them soon, and he didn’t want the younger prince standing around waiting. Brock led Sarah across the sandy beach to the back of his house.

“Didn’t you say you have a friend coming to help today?” Sarah asked, stepping through the open door.

“Yep. The prince’s younger brother, Elias.” He watched Sarah’s face turn five shades paler. His gut dropped and filled with dread. “What’s wrong?”

Sarah licked her lips. “I… I’m sure it’s a coincidence.”


“The other demon I met…his name was Elias.”

Brock’s jaw dropped, but he quickly regained his composure. “I don’t know any other demons named Elias, so the chance it’s him is pretty good.” Sarah made a beeline for the door, but before she could pull it open and make the escape she seemed intent on, Brock grabbed her arm. “Where are you going?”

She swung to face him, panic on her face. “I need to leave before he gets here.”

He suddenly wondered what had happened between the two of them. Did they have sex, and she’d lied about it? He couldn’t imagine what reason she’d have to not be truthful. “Did he do something to you? Hurt you in some way?”

She shook her head. “No. I told you he kissed me, but that was it.” She gave a nervous glance out the window then back to him. “He’s your prince. What will he do to you if he finds out you’re the competition?”

“Elias is a good man, and he’s not going to do anything to me.” He shrugged. “Besides, technically, he is not in charge. His brother is.”

She tried to pull from his grasp, but he held firm.

“Sarah, you keep telling me to face my demons and let go of the past. Perhaps, you need to take you own advice.”

She stopped struggling, sucked in a deep breath then let it out. “You’re right.”

“Well, well. What do we have here?”

They both looked up to see Elias standing in the living room. Apparently, he’d come in through the front sliding doors. Brock released his grip on Sarah and crossed the kitchen to where his friend stood, looking a bit confused. Brock extended his hand, and the demon grasped it in a firm shake.

“It would seem my friend that we share the same mate,” Brock said.

Elias raised a dark brow. “So you’re my competition?”

“I guess so.” Brock’s gut dropped. Things had changed. Earlier, he’d wondered if he was worthy of Sarah but had considered giving things a chance. Now? Things had changed. He was no fool and knew damn well Elias was the better man. He could provide everything Brock couldn’t.

Elias chuckled. “I wondered who was in the area besides us, and now, I know.” He slapped Brock on the back. “I’d wish you luck, but you can understand why I don’t.” Elias moved away and stepped closer to Sarah. “You look lovely. So,” he crossed his arms over his chest, “when do I get my chance to show you the pleasures that awaits you?”

Sarah was speechless and unsure how to handle the situation currently unfolding before her. Having two mates was bad enough, but this was ludicrous. She sifted through her memory and couldn’t remember hearing about anything like this. Two mates, yes. However, ones who knew each other? Never.

Guilt settled in her gut and rolled around, causing bile to rise. Part of the process in choosing a mate was having sex. With both of them. Again, normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but these two were friends.

“Thanks.” She intentionally ignored his question and cast her gaze in another direction. She couldn’t look at either of them. She shoved her hands deep in her pockets to keep from touching Elias. The need to trace her fingers across his hardened muscles was as alluring as drugs to an addict. Desperate.
How the hell am I going to get through this day?
The pheromones in the air would drive her to her knees.

Brock stepped up. “Sarah, would you like to start upstairs with painting while Elias and I work down here getting the kitchen updated?”

She let a sigh of relief escape. Working on the upper level would at least take some of the edge off. She could only imagine the tingling sensation that would rack her body if she had to witness both men with their shirts off, all slick with sweat.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and wondered why she had to conjure that mental image. “I’d love to. Just tell me what I need to do.”

Brock looked over at Elias. “Do you mind getting started while I show Sarah what needs to be done upstairs?”

Elias’ brows shot up. “As long as you don’t take unfair advantage.”

Sarah rubbed her forehead and looked down at the floor, wishing she could slither away. She heard Elias chuckle. Did he think her position she was funny? She lifted her gaze and shot him a menacing look. It was enough to wipe the smirk off his face.

“Sorry. It seems I’m once again apologizing for my conduct.” He flashed a sexy smile, but this time she would not be placated.

“Seems so.” She turned and headed for the stairs, not caring if Brock followed or not. She needed space away from both of them so she could think clearly. It didn’t take long before Brock slid in next to her.

“Look, Elias isn’t that bad. He just has a warped sense of humor sometimes. Once you get to know him, I’m sure you’ll like him.”

“It sounds like you want me to get to know him better,” she retorted, her nerves on edge.

“Well, of course, I do. How can you make a sound choice otherwise?”

Sarah stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, only to realize where she’d ended up. They were in the master bedroom, the place where Brock and Mina used to sleep together. A chill ran up her spine, but she shook it off. Her head needed to be clear. “Are you even in this competition, Brock?”

He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. “What do you mean?”

Right. His body language said it all. Her anger rose until her cheeks felt flushed. “I mean you sound as if you have no intention of fighting for me. For us.” She studied his reaction carefully, looking for any sign she was wrong.

He rocked back on his heels, giving away nothing. “You know the rules. You must sate your sexual desire for Elias before you can even state there is any
.” He glanced around the room as if only at that moment realizing where he was. He couldn’t hide the sadness in his eyes when he looked to where the bed used to sit. The bed
had once shared.

“You’re never going to move on, are you?” She fought for control of her emotions, not wanting to be angry with him.

He met her stare. “Look, I told you I’d take this slow, but that was before I knew about Elias. He’s not damaged like me, Sarah. He will love you and I…I can’t make that promise.”

Her heart shattered. He would give up a chance at happiness for a dead woman. A cold draft swept past her and caused her to shudder. Brock didn’t seem to notice.

“If you’re in agreement, I think you and Elias should sleep together tonight. It’s best you figure it out now.”

“I see.” She headed to the center of the room and began opening the paint can. She knew he was right, and there was no reason to put it off. It was better for all involved. She reined in her emotions. “Will you be joining us then?”

“I will do whatever you wish. If you want me there, I will be, but the two of you need to spend time together without my touch.”

She looked up from the painting supplies. “It’s your duty as first chosen to make sure I am safe.” Sarah knew it was a low blow, but at the moment, she didn’t really give two shits.

“I am well aware of my duty, but I also trust Elias with my life and of course yours. He won’t try to force a mating on you.” There was absolutely no emotion in his voice, and she hated this situation even more.

“Good. Since you’re aware of the rules, I’ll expect your presence tonight, as well.”

He nodded. “Shall I inform Elias, or would you like to do the honors?”

“You can tell him.” She had no desire to face the other man at the moment, too afraid she would lose the last bit of restraint she held on her emotions.

Brock nodded again then turned and left the room. As soon as the door shut, Sarah let the tears streak down her cheek. She liked Brock, and something deep in her heart said he was the right choice, but could she live without his love? Would he ever come around?

“Don’t give up on him.”

She gasped and spun toward the voice. A ghostly woman stood on the other side of the room, and it took her only a second to realize who she was. “Mina.”

“Yes.” The woman floated closer.

“Why are you here?” Sarah knew Mina should have moved on to the next plane of existence. She’d never heard of someone coming back once they’d left their world.

“Brock’s broken heart has kept me grounded here. I can’t move on until he lets go. You are his last hope.”

Nothing like a little guilt to spice up the pot.
“I’m so sorry.” Suddenly, she felt her face flush for what she and Brock had done last night. Had Mina been witness to it? “I-I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do.”

“He needs to move on. You are his new potential, Sarah. This will be difficult for him, and he is going to need your help.”

“Are you saying I should choose him? I’m not sure he can ever love me like he does you.” Saying the words hurt.

“Don’t give up on him so easily. Brock’s heart is full of love. He just needs to be reminded how much he has to give.”

Sarah dropped her head into her hands. She was already falling in love with Brock, but was it real? Did she even know what love was? Brock was right. She had to give Elias a chance.

“I’m so confused.” She lifted her head and found the room empty. She swiped the back of her hand over her eyes and wondered if she’d imagined Mina. Realizing she had a harder choice to make now than before, she poured paint into the pan. It would be a long day, and right or wrong, she would be sleeping with another man tonight.

Chapter Nine

Sarah had spent the afternoon alone and managed to finish painting most of the upstairs. Now, she let the hot water caress her skin, washing away all the dirt and sweat from the day’s work. She only wished her troubles would go down the drain along with the soap bubbles. She still hadn’t come to any conclusions regarding her mate problem, other than be careful what you wish for. She’d gone from longing for her mate to having to choose between two. Many women would kill for such a dilemma, but she wouldn’t wish this on even her worst enemy.

The men had left earlier, going to their respective homes to clean up and would be coming back to her house later. Anticipation zinged across her skin when she thought about what was in store for her. Though her mind wasn’t sure, it was obvious her body was. Already moisture coated the fleshy lips between her thighs, and it took every ounce of strength she had not to push her fingers into her core and bring satisfaction. No, she needed to save her pleasure for later.

Sarah stepped from the shower and ran a towel across her skin. Glancing at the clock, she realized she’d taken too much time. Brock and Elias would be here in a half hour. She quickly ran a comb through her hair then headed to the dresser. Pulling open the drawer, she fingered a soft tee.

“No. This will never do.” She pushed it closed and opened the one above it. A smile formed on her lips, and she reached for the black, matching bra and thong. No sooner had she pushed the material up her thighs and settled it on her hips, than the doorbell rang. She did a quick glance in the mirror then headed down the stairs, positive they wouldn’t mind if she greeted them in her underwear.

When she flung open the door, magic swarmed her and sent bumps across her flesh. Brock and Elias weren’t wasting any time in getting the party started. Sarah was unable to tell yet whose magic belonged to whom, but hopefully after tonight, she’d have no trouble.

“Come in.” She held the door wide so the two could enter. Her eyes swept over both men. Brock wore faded jeans that hugged the shape of his ass and a gray tee. Elias had on dark denim that didn’t hide his growing arousal and a black T-shirt. Both men looked good enough to lick, and their scent made her mouth water. It took her a minute to realize they were staring at her.

“Do you always greet your guests in such attire?” Elias asked.

Sarah raised her chin. “And so what if I do?” She was feeling defiant, and everything would now be a test. How would each man react to certain situations? Would Elias be a control freak? She looked deep into his eyes and waited his response.

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