Read Emerald Eyes Online

Authors: Julia Talbot

Emerald Eyes (4 page)

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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“Uh-huh.” He scraped again, then used his palms, sliding them down to push against Reuben’s ass and bring them together.

That muscled butt flexed, hard as a rock. He approved. Hell, he wanted to take it, slide his cock between those firm cheeks.

He groaned at the thought of them, rutting, fucking each other with sure, hard strokes. Yves wasn’t picky. He’d pitch or catch. Either way he’d get to come.

Hell, maybe he’d get to come twice.

He was all over that.

“Focus, kitty.” Reuben pinched the slit at the tip of his cock closed.

He yowled, the sting just about perfect. The tiny burst of pain did help him focus, got him stroking Reuben’s ass, his lower back, pulling them hard together over and over.

The friction rasped against the thin skin of his cock, making him burn. He grunted, working back and forth, harder. Faster. His ass clenched, and he pushed up, wanting Reuben wild for him.

Reuben growled low, teeth bared, and his cat responded with a sharp scream. That big body convulsed atop him, hot, wet seed splashing over his belly and cock, and that drew his orgasm, his balls emptying in a rush.

“Fuck, that’s it, honey. Feel how fucking hot you are.” Reuben rubbed their combined spunk into Yves’ skin.

“Uhn.” He pushed back into a kiss, hungry for another taste of Reuben. The kiss went long and slow, thorough as could be.

Reuben acted as if he had all night and nothing better to do.

Weirdly enough, that worked for him. It shouldn’t, but it did. He wrapped his legs around Reuben’s hips and his arms around those wide shoulders and hung on.

“Slinky. I approve.” Reuben pulled him in and one large paw slipped down his spine.

“I am a cat,” he agreed. Reuben was more solid, more direct.


“I know. Weirdo.”

“Don’t make me swat you, puppy.”

“Try it,” Reuben growled, the Alpha sound making goosebumps rise on his skin.

He raked his nails down Reuben’s side, then popped one hip. He couldn’t resist a challenge.

“Oh, bad kitty.” Reuben laughed, but that big body covered his, pressing him down against the floor until he could hardly breathe, let alone move.

He would have panicked, but Reuben had caught his gaze, was staring into him and it calmed him, almost hypnotized him. Those eyes glowed a deep gold, so perfectly enticing that he was caught deep within them.

Then Reuben bent and bit his throat, the burn maddening.

He arched up, the motion long and slow and utterly instinctive. That was -- Reuben was marking him. Yves had never allowed anyone to do that.

“This isn’t... I don’t... Damn...”

“Hush.” Reuben bulldozed his worry, spreading his legs to settle between them.

“Yeah.” He wrapped one leg around Reuben and pushed up to shut them both up. The kiss bruised his lips, his body bucking and rolling.

Reuben spread him, cock nudging his hole, the wet tip slicking him. Naughty puppy, pushing so fast. Good thing he wasn’t all human and that he liked it rough. Reuben’s growl didn’t hurt the situation, the low sound making him shake.

“In,” Reuben said, pushing that heavy, hard cock inside his body.

His eyes went wide and he was frozen there, caught in Reuben’s eyes again.

Reuben stopped as well, staring down at him, the wolf so clear in those bright eyes. Then that big body began to move. He felt every inch scraping along his insides, demanding his attention, his pleasure.

“That’s it, kit,” Reuben said, the words guttural, forced out between clenched teeth.

“Shut up and fuck me, puppy.” He could growl, too.

Reuben laughed, the sound huge and joyous, and thrust strongly, really giving him what he wanted.

Yves held onto those strong shoulders, braced himself as Reuben drove into him. He opened up, then bore down, wanting to grip that cock deep, hold it inside.

“Fuck. Fuck, that’s good.” Reuben bared his teeth, belly going tight and hard.

“Mmm. More,” Yves demanded. Never say he didn’t take what he wanted.

“Pushy kit.”

“God yes.” He braced himself on his elbows and drove them together.

A low growl came from deep in Reuben’s belly. Yves felt it vibrate through him. Then Reuben worked their bodies against each otherso hard their skin smacked audibly.

Lightning shot through him and he roared, the sudden pleasure near unbearable. Stretched, Yves felt wide open, exposed, which was not something he allowed often.

He would fight it, he would, except that Reuben watched him, pinned him with that gaze. Hypnotizing, those golden eyes.

So he moved, riding the pleasure, letting them share this. His body lit up, his nerve endings fraying, sparks flying inside him.

He swore he could feel Reuben swelling within him and Yves grabbed his prick, helping them along, stroking hard in time with Reuben’s thrusts.

Reuben’s eyes went wide, the cords in that heavy neck standing out.

Fuck, yes. His shoulders left the floor, and his ass scraped on the hard floor.

“Uhn!” Reuben slammed into him, moving them across the tile, that cock growing impossibly hard deep within him.

“Now! Come
!” He snarled the words, about to lose it.

“Fuck!” Arching up, muscles standing out in glorious relief, Reuben came for him, hot, long pulses of need filling him. Like that pushed the seed from him, Yves arched and shot, spunk spreading over his belly.

“Smell that,” Reuben moaned, reaching down to gather some of his seed, then bringing it to that hot mouth so Reuben could taste him. Those fascinating eyes stared at him. “Now I’ll have your scent forever.”

God, that was erotic. Terrifying. Wild.

Possibly inconvenient if he ever needed to give Reuben the slip. Wolves. What the hell was he thinking?

Reuben kissed him and his eyes crossed. Oh. Right. That was it. That hot mouth tasted of him now, the sensation as odd as it was intensely sexual.

He wrapped one arm around the back of Reuben’s neck, holding them tight together. The worry about what the heck he was doing could wait. Right now he could let himself have this.

After all, it wasn’t hurting anything at all.

This was just a distraction. Then he could get back to work.



God, Reuben was bored.

Yves sat hunched over his laptop, muttering and punching keys, often pausing to scribble in a notebook.

Every so often his kitty would say something totally unintelligible and vaguely nasty sounding, too. Maybe in some language Reuben had never heard, and he was conversant in five.

Finally, he quit trying to be all polite and shit and plopped down next to Yves. “Whatcha doing?”


“Uh-huh. What?” He poked Yves in the ribs.

“It’s dangerous and complicated and probably better for you if you don’t know.”

“Too late for that.” The poking was fun, so Reuben did it again.

“Don’t make me bite you now.”

“I might like it. Come on, Yves. I’m bored out of my mind. I can help. Half of my job is investigation.”

Yves gave Reuben a long look and he was ramping up for another argument when Yves simply sighed and said, “I’m trying to translate a necromantic spell. The demon language is challenging.”

Okay, whoa. Demon language? On purpose? “That’s some heavy stuff. What’s your interest in necromancy?”

Couldn’t be sex. Reuben had proven Yves liked live ones.

“I want my big brother back.”

Holy shit moly. “Is this like the Monkey’s Paw? You know they never come back normal.”

“Look, you asked. I’m not expecting anyone to help.” Yves leaned back to work and... man, for a second Yves looked bug nuts crazy.

Trick of the light.

He shook his head, figuring maybe it was better if he didn’t help. Yeah, he would check in with the bosses instead. Reuben headed over to the wall outlet where he’d plugged in, keeping an eye on death magic boy.

Yves shot him a glance, then gave him a bittersweet smile and sort of just disappeared in the whole laptop glow.

Damn. Yves had given up on real life; Reuben saw it clear as moonlight. He opened his contacts, ready to call Deke. Then he thought about that smile and decided to go kidnap his kitty instead.

Yves looked up when he pushed the laptop closed. “What the fuck?”

“Time for a break.” He grinned, wiggling, trying to entice Yves to play.

“I’m... a break?” Those emerald eyes were stunning and Reuben wanted them fastened on him again.

“Yep. I might even feed you. How do you feel about General Tso?”

“I love spicy.”

“I knew it!” He could order enough for an army after they romped. Yves had to know how to tear around. Here kitty. Chase the puppy. Reuben began to strip.

“I’m not playing with you.” The low rumble in Yves’ chest proved differently, though.

“No?” He kicked out of his pants, then set clothes and boots aside. He closed his eyes, calling on the wolf to come.

He felt the answering music of a change, the cat in Yves brought out like a dream.

His wolf self sniffed the air, the cat musk strong, making him bark, his tail waving like a flag.

Yves stood on the table, peering down at him, whiskers twitching madly. That tail lashed back and forth, Yves’ hindquarters vibrating visibly.

Reuben barked sharply, knowing that might throw Yves off balance a moment, then he took off for the other end of the building.

He heard claws scrabbling furiously on wood, then the thump of a body hitting the floor. Woo. He knew that jaguar body could beat his wolf in a flat out race, but this was about strategy.

Strategy and fun. His favorite things. He heard the low growl and feinted left before ducking right.

He skidded when Yves caught him with a paw, the claws carefully avoided when the blow landed. He barked out his surprise and pleasure at the catch. Good kitty!

Yves yowled for him, then turned and leaped away, letting him give chase this time.

Oh. Oh, running! Running! He hauled after that fine sleek ass, hunting Yves’ tail. Irresistible, it was, so fluffy.

He nipped the very tip and Yves turned on a dime, bashing at him with those heavy paws, claws carefully sheathed.

Reuben stumbled back, tail waving, and put his head down, his butt up. He barked, taunting.

Yves roared for him, and that sound gave him chills. Neat! The whole room seemed to vibrate with the noise, making his paws wiggle.

He shared his howl. It only seemed fair. Yves was singing for him.

They stared at each other, those glowing green eyes catching his gaze. Yves plopped to the ground, rolling over to expose his soft, fuzzy belly.

Reuben gave up playing and went to sniff, unable to resist all that fuzz. Yves wrapped around him, batting at him harmlessly before leaning hard and biting his ear.

His breath whooshed out for a moment, those legs surprisingly heavy.

The bite turned into ear cleaning and then grooming. Again. Yves was obsessed. He guessed kitties were way more clean-freaky than wolves.

Maybe he should return the favor. He threw himself on Yves and nibbled the heavy ruff.

Yves broke out into hard purring, paws kneading the air.

Okay, that was adorable. Completely. Total slut Yves, just blissed out and kittenish. He kept on grooming and touching. So much nicer than trying to raise the dead. Possibly less gross, too, though there was a lot of drool going on here.

Yves swatted him lazily in a plain order to pay attention.

Right. Grooming. Licking. Furballs.

All the good stuff.

And no resurrections to speak of.

Chapter Three

Come on. Come on. Yves was deep in his research, searching madly for the final pieces of the ritual.

All the signs pointed to them being here, in town bordered by the rivers, the magical city.

He just needed a hint, someone to slip up.

Yves blinked, his eyes so tired. Reuben had finally fallen asleep, leaving him time to work uninterrupted. Reuben. There was something weirdly undeniable about him, something about the goofy, happy son of a bitch that drew Yves. Reuben was a terrible threat, making him want to forget everything else.

He couldn’t do that. Girard deserved this. Deserved better.

Yves bent his head to his work, running one search after another. A pattern began to emerge when he began to tie in related collections. Gemstones. Archaic magickal books. High-end auctions for spell components.

One name -- one that he had heard before -- kept coming up, again and again.

Mic Silvia.

Goddamn it. This was going to be inconvenient, at best. Awkward. At worst, suicidal going after the man.

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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