Embracing Us (Embracing Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Embracing Us (Embracing Series)
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It’s been five weeks since
Lila woke up. It’s great to have her home with us. She seems to be doing well, she hasn’t said much about her trip to New York or Evan. The day he came to the hospital it was written all over his face. But I could tell he was hurting, and he seems to really care about the lady that was with him.

How do I tell my wife that I know
she cheated on me, and that the baby she is carrying might not be mine? Doesn’t matter who the father is really. The baby is mine. In my eyes, that’s our child. We haven’t told the twins that we are expecting yet, we want to make sure everything is fine before we tell too many people.

As I
lie here next to my beautiful wife, watching her sleep, I think how fucking lucky I am that she is alive and all mine. She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. When I was in the reserves the memory of her smile, her face, her touch got me through the days and the loneliness of the nights. Along with her pictures, her letters, and knowing that someday we would spend the rest of our lives together here, in this house. My parents loved this house, I loved growing up here.

, I’m able to give my children everything my parents gave me. Sometimes watching the girls play on the beach brings back memories of my childhood. Playing football with my dad, all of the big family get togethers we had here.

Once both my parents died and I had to leave here
, I was really heartbroken. However, it lead me to my beautiful wife; the day I walked in and saw her talking with Ads, I knew right then she would be worth whatever I had to go through to be with her. Hell, even to this day I feel the same, no one can take the love I have for her away, and I will love her until my heart stops beating.



“Good morning
, beautiful. How did
you sleep?” I ask Lila right before I kiss her. We haven’t been intimate since the accident. The doctor said it would be a good idea if we waited six weeks, due to her injuries and from her being in a coma for so long.

“I slept wonderful knowing that I was wrapped up in your arms and that our beautiful girls are sleeping peacefully
in their room.” She says as she straddles me.

“Baby, you know what the doctor said. We have to wait before we can make love
, your ribs are still healing.” I say as I run my hands along her beautiful legs. She has the most beautiful legs, they are long, and tan. Not too skinny, not too chunky.

She slid
es her body down mine, just as she reaches the top of my boxers and says, “I know exactly what the doctor said, he didn’t say that I couldn’t love my husband in other ways, now did he?”

, I guess he didn’t, but I want you so bad right now Li, I don’t know if I could handle anything except being deep inside you.” I say as wrap my hands in her hair. She pulls my boxers off in one tug and grabs my length in her hands.

She look
s up at me and licks her lips and says, “I’ve been wanting to taste you since I woke up in the hospital. I love feeling you in my mouth, Liam.” Then she goes full force sucking hard, and I have one hand in her hair and the other pulling the sheet off the bed. Holy fucking shit, this is why I love this woman; she sees what she wants and goes for it.

“Lila, baby, I need you so bad
climb back up here. Now!” I know the doctor said to wait, but hell, if she’s in control, she knows her limits, and I’m not going to deny her any pleasure that she wants and needs.

She look
s up at me with swollen lips and says, “I knew we couldn’t wait any longer.” She slides back up and climbs on top of me. My dick is still very hard and ready to be inside her.

With the wetness of her heat
, I glide straight in. She was so damn tight. As she rocks back and forth, wrapping around my dick moving in and out of her, I could see how much she loves me. The look in her eyes. The touch of her hands. The way she’s so ready for me. The way she comes completely undone, as soon as I enter her. I grab her hips and sit up on my knees, as I hold her tight and make love to her for the first time in months. I didn’t know how much longer I could go. My hand just wasn’t doing it for me anymore, so I haven’t got off in months, and God, I need to come so damn bad.

I want to make sure she
gets hers, so I lay her back and start kissing her breasts, nipping and sucking on each nipple before I make my way down her chest to her abdomen. I kiss every inch of her stomach, making small circles around her navel. As my mouth works its way further down, until I reach her heat. God. Her pussy is beautiful, even after two kids, she looks damn good. I slide a finger in her and then, run my tongue over her clit. “Oh, Liam. Holy fucking shit, Liam. Finger me hard baby, use three fingers.” She yells. Damn, my girl likes it a little rough.

“Come for me Lila,
then I will slide back in.” I push my fingers in as deep as I could, reaching that spot that I knew would make her lose control. She arches her back and throws her head back, and rides out her orgasm fucking my hand, screaming my name over and over. I want to kiss her so bad, but I know she hates tasting herself on my lips, so I bury my face in her breasts. I guide myself back inside of her and pump one, two, and three. “Lila, you have the best goddamn pussy, ever… Fuck!” I roar.

“Mmm…I’m so gl
ad you think so. I can’t stop coming. This orgasm makes me feel like I’m floating on a cloud. But then I feel our mixed juices flowing in and out of me, and know I’m lying on the sheets that are completely soaked.”

Fuck, you look so damn beautiful. Stay right there, enjoy that high. I’m going to run you a bath.”

go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and run a nice bubble bath for my wife. I go back to the bed and she’s still lying there in her orgasm high. I kiss her and go to check on the girls, which were both still sound asleep. I go back to our bedroom, pick Lila up, and carry her to the bathtub.

“Liam, I can walk you know.” She laugh
s as I sit her in the tub. I run back and grab the baby monitor and sit it on the counter, then I slide in the nice warm bath with my wife. I sit behind her with my legs wrapping around hers. I reach behind me and lite a candle, pick up a loofa and her favorite Bath and Body Works body wash. I wash and kiss every inch of her body. As she does mine, she of course uses her body wash, and I will smell like her all day.

I love carrying you. Do you know how lucky I am, I’ve almost lost you, twice. We are never flying anywhere, ever again.” I say as I stand up reaching for a towel. I dry myself off, and then dry her off as she laughs at me. I know we need to talk, so I’m planning on taking her away for the weekend. My mom loves watching the girls. She said she missed out on my childhood, so she wants to see the girls as much as possible.

are our girls this morning?” Lila asks before she starts brushing her teeth. Damn, with her standing here in front of me with nothing but a towel on and watching her brush her teeth, was making me hard as hell.”

They’re still sleeping, I will start breakfast then wake them.” I say then I kiss my beautiful wife. Addie and Maddie were like her, they would sleep all damn day if you let them. They will be four-years old in a few months, and we were planning on having a party at the Bounce House. I promised AJ he could go with us, he is a few years older than the girls, but he loves to hang around them. They remind me of Ashton, Addison, and I when we were all that age. We were always together.

I check
-in on my girls before heading down to make breakfast. Since we moved in the house, we only use the housekeeper mainly on the weekends. Miss Rosa, she was the same housekeeper my parents had for so many years. The girls fell in love with her instantly as did Lila. When Lila was in the hospital, she stayed here and took care of everything.

“Hey handsome, what are you thinking about?” Lila
says as she grabs a cup of hot tea, and makes me a cup of coffee. She has pulled her hair up in a messy bun, as she calls it, and put on a little makeup. She is wearing a pair of yoga pants, and a very thin tank top. Fuck, she is gorgeous.

I grab her waist and pull her in for a kiss
, and look in her beautiful blue eyes with a smile and say, “You as always.” She smiles and kisses me.

“I love your lips and kissing you. I need to call Megan about a case, I have to appear in court Tuesday. We will be back by then right?”

“Call her, yes, we will. I’m going to get the girls, so they can eat. You know they love blueberry pancakes.

“Okay, I’m going to call her and then meet you at the breakfast bar.

I walk up the stairs, and I know the girls are probably still asleep. They love to sleep in. The
y each have their own bed, but most of the time they sleep together. Before Lila’s accident they slept with us most nights. I open the door and I can see that they are awake.

“Hey girls,
are you ready for breakfast? Daddy made your favorite pancakes.” I say as help get them dressed.

“Hmm, did you make the blue cakes?” Addie says as she runs and grabs her stuffed rabbit.

“Yay, blue cakes. And apple juice.” Says Maddie as she places a hand on each hip.

“Yes and apple juice. Come on, mommy is waiting for us.” I say as I pick both girls up and carry them down stairs.
As I round the corner, I see Lila. She had made the girls plates, on their favorite princess plates. She also cut bananas and strawberries up and made a smiley face on the pancakes.

, where’s my smiley face?” I laugh as I lean in and kiss her cheek.

“Aww, does daddy want a smiley face
? Girls, do you want to help daddy make his pancakes look like yours?” She asks as both girls jump up and down, screaming.

“Me do, I want to put the face on the cakes mommy.” Addie says.

“I too, let me do it too, Addie.” Says Maddie.

“You both can.” I say as I grab the bowl of strawberries.







haven’t told Lila where
we are going for our weekend. I packed our bags, the girls’ bags, and load the SUV. My mom lives about a half an hour away, we are dropping them off and I’m taking Lila to a little resort. I’ve heard nothing but good things about this place and know she will love it. I’ve already called and made arrangements for them to lay out rose pedals, chocolate covered strawberries, and sparkling grape juice.

booked two nights but we may stay an extra night. Lila isn’t going back to work until Tuesday, and I work from home. I took over my father’s business, I run it with Ashton and uncle Gill. I rarely go into the office. Ellis Wine Venue is one of the largest wine companies in California. I’ve been thinking about doing private investigating, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. My cousin, Kade, is thinking about moving here from Texas, and he is a great private investigator.

“So you still aren’t telling me where we are going are you?”
a curious Lila asks as we drop the girls off to my mother. My mom knows where we are going, but she promised she wouldn’t tell Lila anything and let it be a surprise.

“Nope, you will see.” I
say with a wink. She crosses her arms like a five year old and makes a pouty face, then sighs.

“Fine, do you really want to know?” I
ask as I place my hand on her leg.

!” she squeals and claps her hands. The twinkle in her eyes makes me smile. All I could do was laugh, and she looks at me and says, “Well, you going to tell me? Or laugh at me all day.”

“You are so damn cute, you know that
, right?”

“Yeah, so I have been told.” She
says with a wink she then leans over the console and starts rubbing my leg. Damn, she makes me so hard just by touching me.

Miss can’t let me surprise her. We are going to a small resort. I thought it would be a good getaway and we can talk. We haven’t really had much alone time since you have been home, I heard about this place, and thought it would be the perfect time and place to be alone with you.”

“Sounds like you kno
w exactly what I need, Liam. It’s been so crazy since I have been home, and with us having a new baby, I think we need this too. I miss our girls already though. They were so excited to see Nana, that’s all they kept talking about last night.”

“I miss them
, too. I had to promise them that we would take them to the bounce house when we come back. Ashton said he and AJ would join us there. Speaking of the devil, he’s texting me. I’ll call him when we get there, he and Christa are going at it again. We’re almost there. You hungry?”

Not for food.” Lila says as she licks her lips and winks at me. I love when her pregnancy hormones kick in. When she was pregnant with the twins we had sex everywhere. Hell, we even went to a steakhouse and made love in the women’s bathroom. All her idea of course. I’d never been so turned on as I was that night.

“Trust me when we get there, I will be eating.” I laugh with a wink.

“Oh.” She says then she bit her bottom lip. I love the way she bit down and sucks it between her teeth.

As we
pull into the parking lot at the resort, I could see her smile as she gazes out the window, taking in all the beauty of this amazing resort. Our room looks like something out of a magazine. It is a large suite with a small boardwalk to the ocean. The bed is a canopy with all white sheer material around it. There are rose pedals everywhere, including all around the hot tub. Lila just stands there taking everything in. I pick her up and carry her to the bed.

“Liam, this is
absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much, babe. We’re going to have a great weekend.” She giggles.

, are we now? I know I am. The things I plan on doing to you this weekend, will have you screaming my name. Glad we are the only ones around.” I laugh as I kiss her, her kisses are so sweet. Every time we kiss it was like the first kiss. I will never forget our first kiss, I had wanted to kiss her for years.

,” she says as she twirls a strain of hair between her fingers.

“Liam, have I told you how much I love you? And how lucky I am to be you’re wife?”
she says as she places her head in the crook of my neck.

“Love, I’m the lucky one. I always knew I would marry you and we would make beautiful little Liam and Lila’s.” I
say as I kiss her forehead. I notice she was crying and it wasn’t a few tears, it was like someone turned on a sprinkler. I lift her chin and look into her ocean blue eyes, “Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“I’m sorry, I was just thinking abou
t some things. I am so glad we’re here. I feel kind of hungry now, can we call room service?” she says as she sits up and wipes her tears. I knew that moment what she is thinking about and who. I kiss her and got the room service menu. I try to hide my pain and not let her see that it is killing me.

Once our food
arrives, we sit and eat and talk about the weather. I have my beautiful woman all alone in a secluded resort, and we are talking about the goddamn weather. We finish eating, and I could see that she was still thinking about her previous thoughts.

I want to take away all of her pain, and tell her that I know she slept with Evan. I didn’t have proof, I just know my wife. She slept with him the day she ended things with him in New York, then when he came to California, and three months ago I believe. I want to hate him, I can’t, though.    

e’s a nice guy. I know that he’s moved on. He just needs to stays away from my family.

“Lila, you know you can tell me whatever you want. Whatever is bothering you, let me in. Let me know
what you’re feeling.” I say as I rub my hand up and down her back. Letting her know that I’m here and not going anywhere.

“Thanks, I know you are. I do need to talk to you about some things, I’m just not ready yet. Can you give me time? I need to process everything I am going to tell you. It may change our lives
, Liam. I don’t want to lose our family because of my mistakes.” She says before the sobs escapes her and she falls into my arms. I hate seeing her like this, it isn’t good for the baby either.

“Whenever you’re ready, and Lila nothing will change. We will be a family for the rest of our lives. Anything you have to tell me can wait until you’re ready. It isn’t going to change the way I love you or our kids
, including the one in your belly.” I say as I kiss her she lets out a small gasp. Then takes my hands in hers and say, “How can you love me after everything I have done?”

I didn’t say anything, I just held her as she
cries in my arms. When she is ready, she will tell me everything, and until then I won’t pressure her into telling me. We are here to have a good time and that’s what we are going to do. I took Lila’s hand in mine as we walk outside, I grab a blanket with the other hand.

lay the blanket down and pull her into a deep hug and start kissing her, I lay her down on the blanket. I kiss her so hard, her breathing is rapid. I look down into her eyes, she raises up, and I pull her shirt off then she takes mine off. I cup her breasts in each hand, I kiss her neck then I lift her up to un-hook her bra. I slide her yoga pants down and notice that her baby bump is showing a little. She is fucking beautiful.

As I lean down, to take her panties off
, I kiss her stomach, big tears formed in her eyes. “I love you baby bean, and no matter what happens, I will always be your daddy.” I whisper. I hear Lila gasp and let out a small sob. I kiss her stomach again and work my way further down, I could feel the heat from her opening. I know she wants me to taste her as bad as I want to. I take my pants off, then slide my boxers down, I’m fully erect and ready to take her, but I want to give her what she needs first, I love pleasing her.

Spreading her legs open furth
er, I kneel in between them and start kissing her lower lips, I love that fact that she was always shaved. As I suck on each one, I hear her moan. “You’re so wet already, and tasting so sweet.” I say and I take my tongue and lick her inside and out. I slid a finger inside as I wrap my tongue around her clit. She has both her hands in my hair, pulling hard as she rocks back and forth on my face. She arches her back and throws her head back screaming my name over and over as she pushes my head into her as far as she can. I’m so fucking hard, I don’t know if I could go another second not being inside her. I kneel between her legs and position myself.

I slide inside of her, and she comes instantly. “Oh God, Liam, you feel so good, baby.” She says as she kisses my neck. I didn’t try kissing her, since she doesn’t like to after I had went down on her, but she grabs my head with both hands and pulls me into a deep kiss. She kisses me so hard. I know she can taste the saltiness and sweetness of herself.

hold each other tight as we make love, with every thrust in and out of her, I feel my release building up. “Liam, come in me, baby.” She says as she rocks back and forth on my dick.

“You ready beautiful, you want it now
?” I say as I felt my swollen dick getting ready to explode inside her.

“Now, please
! Liam, now, please.” She screams. I grab her hips and lift her up, she gets on her hands and knees as she pushes her ass into me. “Please, I need you in me now, I can’t wait any longer,” she begs.

I grab her hips and start thrusting in and out as hard as I could, “Baby, you ready?
You want all of it?” I groan.

“God, yes
, Liam. Harder, harder,” she moans. I start thrusting in and out so hard, with every thrust I can feel her getting tighter around me as she comes.

, baby, you ready?” I says as she screamed my name. “I. Fucking. Love. You. Lila. Ellis.” I say as I come in her beautiful pussy.

I pull Lila into my arms and
hold her as we sit there staring into the water. I know I should be hurt and mad at her, but I can’t be. I love her too much to treat her any differently. “How about we go for a quick swim, then head back in to watch a movie and eat popcorn?” I ask as I stand up.

“Sounds good to me.
I love you, too, Liam Ellis! Always have and always will.” She says as she kisses my chest.


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