Embracing Us (Embracing Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Embracing Us (Embracing Series)
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It’s been over a week
and Evan hasn’t returned my call. I call Nikki to see if they have heard from him. She said she wasn’t sure if Brody has spoken to him or not, so she would call him herself. I hope she wouldn’t say anything before I’ve got a chance to. Liam isn’t home, he and the guys, are at the new location for their new business. The girls and I just got back from a shopping trip, and they are napping. So I call Meg, to come and hang out with me. I don’t want to be alone since I’m this far along.

“Hey doll, you home.” I hear Meg say as she
walks through the foyer.

“I’m in the kitchen, babe.” I say as I grab me a bottle of water and her a glass of wine.

“How are you? You look bigger than you did yesterday.” She says as she hugs me and then sits on the stool next to the breakfast bar. I don’t know what I would do without her, she is a wonderful friend. I know she has a past, she just isn’t saying anything about it. She has no family here in California.

“I hope that you mean t
hat in a good way.” I laugh as I punch her arm. “I’m so miserable, I can’t wait until Greyson gets here so can have my body back. His head feels like it’s popping out of my vajayjay, and his Ellis feet are digging in my ribs. And I swear his ass is right here,” I say as I rub the side of my very large belly.

“You will be back to normal soon, I can’t wait for the shower. Is Nikki coming out for it?”

“Yes, she will be here for a week. That’s if Brody will let her. She has to have her dressed altered, and so do I. She is going to have a belly walking down the aisle. She text me a pic of her ultra sound, I’ll show you.” I say. As I grab my phone it starts ringing. I look down at the screen and it’s a number I don’t notice at first and then I notice that it’s him.

“Holy fuck, it’s him Meg.” I froze and she grabbed my phone out of my hands.

“Hello, Lila’s phone. Can I help you?” She says smiling.

. Hello, Ma’am. My name is Evan Martin, and I am returning Mrs. Ellis’s call.”

“Well hello
, Mr. Martin, give me just one second and I’ll see if Mrs. Ellis is available.” She says as she shoves the phone in my hands. “Talk to him babe, it’s now or never. Don’t chicken out, I’ll hold your hand.” She says as she grabs my other hand.

can feel my pulse getting rapid and my heart is fluttering, I clear my throat and take a sip of water. Meg squeezes my hand and gives me nod indicating I should speak. I can hear his breathing on the other line. I want to hang up, I’m now regretting my decision.

“Hi, Evan. It’s me
, Li-Lila. How are you and Tatum?” I ask as soon as her name left my mouth, I wanted to kick myself for mentioning her name.

“Hey Li
la, we are good. Thank you for asking. How are you and Liam doing? Is everything okay with the girls?” he asks. Awe, he asked about my babies. I’m just going to blurt this out, that’s the only way of telling him. God I can use some wine. In another month, I’m drinking the biggest bottle I can find.

“Evan, we are good. I was calling because I’m pregnant and the baby
might be yours, we will need to get a DNA test once the baby is here.” I say it all in one breath, and sigh once I got it all out.

“Did, you say the baby
might be mine? We haven’t slept together since you were here. How is that possible? You would be ready to have the baby by now, it’s been like nine months”

“I’m due next week, I either got pregnant before New York, and that would make Greyson, Liam’s. Which is what we are hoping for. Or I got pregnant the weekend in New York, when you and I spent the weekend together.”
I can feel my tears streaming and Meg staring at me.

“And you are just now
fucking telling me that you might be having my child next week? And you haven’t thought to tell me before now? Is that what you are saying Lila Rae?” he yells into the phone. I can feel a lump in my throat. Evan never yells.

“Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I wasn’t sure, and the more I thought about it, I thought you should know. Liam will take the test when the baby is born, and then we will contact you then
if you want. Or you can sign your rights away if you are.” I know I shouldn’t had threw that part in there but hell, I wasn’t thinking straight. Hearing his voice made me even more nervous than I already was.

“I will be there, and I will not be signing any
of my fucking rights away to anyone. If this is my child, he did you say? He will be taken care of by me as well as you and your husband and my fiancée. He will get to know his siblings. Tatum is pregnant also. She is three months.” Of course he has to throw that in there, why the hell did he want my baby then, if his precious Tatum is pregnant?

“Oh, okay. Well my due date is next Thursday. You both are welcome to come to the hospital, they can perform the test once I deliver.” That’s all I say and I hear silence, from both of us.

“Li, I will be there in a few days. I have to tell Tatum and see if it’s oaky for her to travel. But I will be there, and if this child is mine, you two better not keep him away from me. Ever! Thank you for calling, I’ll be in touch soon. Take care of yourself and the baby.”

Evan, thanks, you too. Goodbye.” I hang up the phone and fall into Megan’s arms sobbing, not little cries but big ugly cries. I can’t believe all this is happening, this baby might be his and he already wants to steak his claim. I should have known it wasn’t going to be easy, there is no way he would ever give his rights up.

“Shh, it’s okay
baby girl. Call Liam now. Or do you need me to?”

“No, yes. I don’t know. Yes call him, I need him. Evan will be here in a few days. I finally blurt out.

She calls Liam, and I go check on the girls, they are both still sleeping. I text Nikki and tell her everything. She sent me a text back saying,
“I did the right thing and she was proud.”
What have I done, I’m not only destroying my family but Evan’s too. I can’t give him my child, mine and Liam’s Greyson.





Sitting at lunch, with the
guys and just shooting the shit and my phone rings. I notice it’s Megan, I instantly pray nothing is wrong with Lila, or my girls. Li, is so close to delivering I hate leaving her alone. I answer and she informs me everything is okay. But Lila talked to Evan and wants me to come home.

I excuse myself from the guys and head home. He better not have yelled at her, I wanted to be there when she talked to him. I knew this fucking shit was going to happen. Goddamn it. I yell as I hit my steering wheel. I just want to get home and hold my wife
and tell her everything would be fine. We are going to get through this. But who the hell am I kidding, this shit is tearing me apart just as much as it is her.

All I
can think about was him coming and taking my child, then my wife going with them. No way in hell he is getting my family. I will do whatever it takes to keep them. My phone starts ringing again and I see that it’s Ashton.

, bro, what’s up?” I ask, I just left him at the restaurant. But I didn’t say anything because Kade doesn’t know yet, but I’m sure Ashton knew what was going on.

“Brother, everything okay? Did Evan call? I didn’t want to say anything in front of Kade.”

“Thank you for that, yes he called. I’m on my way home now. I don’t know what he said to her. I talked to Meg. So I’ll call you when after I talk to Li. And Ashton, thanks for caring man. I love you, brother.” I say and I can hear him sigh.

“Anytime, man. I love you too. Please call me and let me know that Li will be okay. Should I tell Kade anything?”

“Yeah, tell him. I’m sure he will ask questions though.”



“Lila, babe where are you.”
I yell as I walk through the front door, I’m worried about her though. She went into labor early with the girls. This pregnancy has been smooth sailing, but I hate thinking he may have upset her or yelled at her. I will beat the shit out of that home wrecking bastard.

“Liam, oh baby. He called, I told him everything. He said he will be here next week and he will not sign
his rights away, that he and Tatum will be in Greyson’s life. I was so nervous and I was just rambling. But he was upset, he didn’t really yell but I can tell he wanted too. He wanted to know why I was just now calling him.”

It’s okay baby, we will get through this. I will not leave your side. I will handle Evan, he won’t ever yell at you.”

“I don’t want you guys fighting
, Liam, he has a right to be upset. I know I would if someone called me nine months after you slept with them and say they might be having your baby.”

I want to say that wouldn’t happen because I wouldn’t do anything like that. But I didn’t. I don’t want to upset her any more than she already is. I hope he is ready to be confronted when he arrives, I’m not holding anything back. I’m telling him exactly what I think of him, and how he fucked my wife, not only once, but
four times.

“I won’t fight with him
Li, I am talking to him though. About everything. So as soon as Greyson is born they can do the test, right?”

“Yes, it can be done that way. Liam, I think I need to lie down. I’m not feeling so well.” She
says as she grabs my arm. I help her to the bedroom and lay her in the bed.

“Is that better love, you look a little pale. Are you having any pain at all?” I want to make sure she
isn’t having contractions, she can go into labor at any time now and that shit scares the hell out of me.

“No, I’m good. Just a little tired. Can
you see if Meg’s okay and if she will take the girls out on the beach. I want you to stay with me.”

“Yes, Ashton and Kade are on their way here. Kade knows, I hope aren’t mad.”

“No, he probably just thinks I am some sort of whore.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss her, I know she isn’t a whore. She’s only been with two guys.

“Stop, no one thinks that. Now rest, I’ll be right back.”
I say as I pull the blanket over her body. Her belly is huge. I know Greyson will be here very soon.

go down stairs to ask Meg to take the girls out and she already has them out on the beach. I see Ashton and Kade pulling into the driveway. I walk out to talk to them, I can tell Ashton already told Kade by the way he’s staring at me.

“Hey brother, everything okay?” Ashton
asks as he gives me a bro hug.

“Yea, Li
, is tired. I’m going to lie down with her for a while. Meg has the girls on the beach. Why don’t you get AJ and come back, and I’ll grill some steaks and chicken on the grill.”

“I’m going to find, Meg.” Kade
says smiling.

“No public affection in front of my babies.” I say laughing. He shakes his head and walks on.

“I’ll get AJ and come back, you need anything?”

“No, I think we have everything. I’m going to
lie back down with Li. She looks really worn out and miserable.”


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