Embracing The Lion (Gray Bears 6) (9 page)

Read Embracing The Lion (Gray Bears 6) Online

Authors: Natalie Kristen

Tags: #BBW, #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Lion Shifter, #Mate, #Wishes, #Vampire, #Supernatural, #Mating Heat, #Short Story, #Danger, #Protection, #SciFi, #Destory, #Townsfolk, #Community, #Together, #Evil Forces, #Monster

BOOK: Embracing The Lion (Gray Bears 6)
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Everyone laughed and yelled
together, “By having a par-tay!”


Tara grabbed the sizzling
steaks from the barbeque grill and plated them. She was careful not
to overcook them. She pressed the middle of the steaks and smiled
when she saw blood oozing from the meat.

“Seasoned and charred
on the outside, juicy and bloody on the inside,” she announced
as she handed the plate to Rosalina.

“Perfect! Thank you,
Tara!” Rosalina beamed and went to share the steaks with her
coven members.

Gramma and Ne-ma grinned at
her. They were roasting the corn, peppers and potatoes at the other
grill. The vampires had banned them from cooking the meat, so Gramma
and Ne-ma put themselves in charge of the vegetables. And they were
doing a wonderful job, judging from the long line in front of their

The roads were closed, and
the whole town was out in the streets, enjoying the biggest, longest
barbeque ever. The party started once the sun went down, and Tara
had been grilling steaks and blood sausages non-stop. All the
vampires congregated at her station, while the fae folk and witches
crowded round the humongous barrels of beer.

Gareth had supplied twenty
barrels of beer and bloody bourbon, while the fae owners of The
Thirsty Toadstool, another popular pub in Shadow Point, sponsored
another ten barrels of beer and mead.

Gareth came up to her and
offered to take over while she went to get some food. “Go and
grab a bite,” he said. “Elle has baked over a hundred
different types of treats for tonight. I know you love her cupcakes.
Go grab one before they're all gone! I'll man the barbeque...”

“I'll do the cooking!”
Olivia interrupted, finishing her blood sausage in two bites. “I
want to grill more sausages for myself, so I'll grill something for
everyone along the way. But I'll feed me first!”

“Okay, thanks!”
Tara laughed and passed the barbeque tongs to her. She took Gareth's
hand and strolled towards the long table that was laden with so many
dishes, desserts and treats.

She saw human children,
vampire young and shifter cubs running around the town square,
chasing one another and squealing with glee. As she helped herself
to the food, she laughed and chatted with the townsfolk, soaking in
the relaxed, carnival atmosphere.

She had made so many friends,
and gotten to know almost all the townspeople. She had gone from
door to door to personally thank everyone who had helped her that
night. The townspeople had risked life and limb and courageously
fought off Phillip Lancastle and his fiendish friends. The townsfolk
opened up their homes and hearts to her. She had been invited into
the homes of many vampires families, and she saw that they were all
lovely, kind people.

By a bizarre twist of fate,
her turning had freed her from the shackles of her slavery, and from
a loveless, hopeless life.

She had long forgotten how it
felt to belong to a loving family. But this small town felt like one
big, happy family. Sure there were squabbles and disputes, but by
and large, the townspeople looked out for one another. When there
was danger, they put aside their differences and stood as one to
defend and protect their home.

And this was what Shadow
Point felt like. Home.

Tara never ceased to be
amazed at how much love and happiness she felt every single day. She
was so grateful to be alive, to be surrounded by so many people she
loved and who loved her right back.

“This is the best
barbeque ever,” Rosalina declared as she made her way to Gramma
and Ne-ma's grill. Tara blinked in surprise as she watched the
Master Vampire saunter to the back of the line and queue up like
everyone else for buttered corn. No preferential treatment was given
to anyone, and everyone was equal in this quirky, lively little town.

“Hey, come over and eat
your vegetables,” Rosalina nagged at her coven members. “Too
much red meat is bad for you.”

Tara laughed as the vampires
grimaced and made faces at their Master, but obediently got in line,
grumbling under their breaths.

Tara rested her head on her
mate's strong shoulder and sighed with utter contentment and bliss.
The night breeze carried the smell of food and cooking down the
streets as happy shouts and laughter rang through the whole town.

She loved every sight, smell
and sound. Everything and everyone was just so warm and familiar.

This was her home, her
family, her town.

This...was her


About the Author

Natalie Kristen is a writer
who enjoys mixing the sweet with the spicy, the light with the dark,
the possibilities with the unimaginable. She enjoys exploring
paranormal and dystopian worlds, deep desires and inspiring romances.
She is hopelessly addicted to coffee, chocolate, reading and
writing. She loves to hear from readers so please feel free to
follow her on Twitter and Facebook, or visit her blog for the latest
news and updates.







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