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Authors: A.E. Via

Embracing His Syn (29 page)

BOOK: Embracing His Syn
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I have a linen closet?”
Syn frowned.

Furi just grinned and shook his head
disbelievingly. “You have a quaint bed here, Syn. I like that it’s
not overly huge. Makes things more cozy.”

Thank you,” he whispered
absently, still eyeing the items Furi had laid out. The small,
weird, cock-shaped device held his attention the most. He finally
looked back at Furi, who was smiling in amusement.

Do you know what that
is?” Furi’s eyes were so dark and simmering with lust, Syn just lay
there staring at him. “It’s a prostate massager.”

You’re gonna put that
thing in me?” Syn’s deep voice was hardly recognizable to him. He
knew what a prostate massage was ... in theory. He’d heard things,
good things. Suddenly he was anxious.

I’m gonna do anything I
want to do to you, and you’re going to let me,” Furi said
lasciviously and ducked down to take one of Syn’s nipples between
his teeth.

Syn’s back bowed at the erotic
feeling. “Furious,” he hissed. Damn, he’d never realized how
sensitive his nipples were until Furi swiped his tongue repeatedly
over one taut bud while pinching the other one. “Oh, fuck

Syn thrust up hard, desperately
wanting more friction on his weeping cock. Furi pushed back,
answering him and moved his hot mouth over to the other nipple. Syn
dug his hands into Furi’s hair and pulled lightly while moaning,
“Fuck, feels good.”

Furi looked down between their
connected bodies and chuckled slyly. “I love how fucking responsive
you are. So damn needy and ready. Mmmm. Look at that beautiful
dick, just begging to be licked and sucked.”

Yeah. Suck it, babe,” Syn

You are not in control,
Syn,” Furi said matter-of-factly against his abdomen. Teasing him
with quick flicks of his tongue.

No, no. I don’t want to
be in control, I just want you to suck me, please.”

Furi laughed softly,
traveling down further until his lips were poised over Syn's dick.
Syn held his breath, waiting on that first lick.
Come on, damnit
. Furi
just braced himself over his groin, rubbing his stubble along Syn's
inner thigh. “Reminds me when I first blew you, baby. You came so
goddamn hard, I thought I was going to choke on all that

Furious,” Syn groaned
again, squeezing his eyes shut.

Look at me.” Furi stuck
his pink tongue out and slowly dragged it up the underside of Syn’s
cock, flicking it against the cap when he got to the

Yeah, that’s it.” Syn
watched his man put on a very erotic show.

Syn’s hips seemed to move
with a will of their own. He braced his feet on the bed, legs
spread wide and watched as he thrust his wet cock between Furi’s
pretty lips. Oh it was wonderful getting familiar with that
talented mouth again. Furi’s brow was creased in concentration and
it drove Syn crazy that he was so intent on pleasing him. Although
he wasn’t thrusting fast, he was pushing in deep – almost to the
base – and Furi was taking it. One hand rolled Syn’s balls around
in their sack while Furi’s hand jacked the base of his cock in time
with his thrusts. His head instinctively fell back and his eyes
rolled in his head.
I’m gonna fuckin’
Damn, Syn was there already. Furi
hadn’t even been sucking for two minutes. “Right there. Fuck!

NO!” Syn yelled out, not
caring how loud he was. Syn felt something tight clamp around his
cock and balls, quickly suppressing what may have been his most
explosive orgasm ever ... a desperately needed orgasm. “Augh, fuck!
What are you doing?”

You’ll come when I say
you come,” Furi said, way too calmly for Syn’s liking, and grabbed
more supplies off the nightstand.

Syn threw his head back against the
pillow and gritted out, “Take that fucking thing off me,

Furi stopped what he was doing,
dropped the prostate massager on the bed beside his thigh, and
dragged his body slowly up Syn’s, his chest making sparks fly along
Syn’s ultra-sensitive cock. Syn thrust upward but Furi rose up on
his elbows and looked down at him. “What was that? I didn’t hear
you.” Furi glared down at him. “Your cock is mine to do with what I
want tonight. Until you just relax and feel, trusting me to take
care of your needs, then I’m gonna make you wait for

Syn was more turned on than before –
damn, how was that even possible? Furi all dominant made for an
extremely sexy sight. Syn rubbed Furi’s arms trying to show him he
was calm and he trusted him.

That’s good, baby." Furi
lowered himself back to Syn’s chest and attacked his mouth with a
ferocity he hadn’t felt before. All that long, chestnut hair fell
against both sides of Syn’s face, cocooning him from the world
outside him and his lover. Syn brought his hands up and ran his
fingers through the thick strands, turning his face to deeply
inhale the intoxicating scent that always lingered within those
waves. “You smell so good ... all the time,” Syn moaned. Furi was
smiling against his forehead, laying soft, sweet kisses there as he
braced himself over him on his elbows and Syn shamelessly buried
his nose in Furi’s armpit, enjoying the light-headed sensation
basking in his man’s scent caused.

Furi laughed throatily and dipped
down, taking Syn’s mouth again, he didn’t stop kissing him as his
hand worked its way between their bodies, latching on to Syn’s
straining cock.

Mmmm. Yes.”

Furi stroked their leaking
dicks together and Syn damn near lost his mind. If he wasn’t
confined in a cock-ring, Syn would’ve blown his load all over them,
as Furi strangled his cock, killing him with a slow, erotic death.
It looked as if his lover was struggling to keep it together as
well; Furi gripped Syn’s thighs in a punishing hold and spread him
wide, just staring at his hole as if awestruck. Furi’s lips were
moving but no words were coming out. Syn squirmed beneath the
scrutiny. Was he too hairy? Was his hole ugly? Hell, Syn hadn’t
seen many assholes but he had assumed his was normal.
Just do me for fuck’s sake.
A smile ghosted across Furi’s beautiful face as he made
himself comfortable between Syn’s thighs. Furi pushed Syn’s legs
back and delved into his most private part, lapping with long slow,
flat-tongued licks over his anxious hole.

Syn hissed and pulled his
legs up higher, not caring about how the position made him look.
Furi was doing something indescribable to him. The gentle prods and
figure eights Furi made with his tongue had Syn bucking his hips
wanting way more, way deeper. Furi pushed Syn’s hips down against
the firm mattress, forcing him to stay still, but it was proving
difficult. Syn rose on his elbows and looked down at the sinfully
sexy sight between his legs.
Furi was working him over good.

Syn was winding his hips within the
space Furi allowed him to maneuver. It felt so erotic and nasty, it
felt carnal; but sensual, it felt like all the things Syn had
wanted to feel for a very long time. His bandaged hand was resting
on his forehead and he used his other to play with his already
stimulated nipples. He pinched and flicked each one, crying out
when he squeezed with just enough pressure to cause a little bit of
pain at the same moment Furi shoved his long, hot tongue inside
him. Syn was no longer worried about coming, because he knew when
he did, it was going to be epic. He just enjoyed all the unique and
foreign sensations careening through his body.

Syn was so lost in the
feelings it hadn’t registered that Furi was nudging at his hole
with something other than his tongue. It was blunt, slick, and
cold. Syn stared down the bed, marveling at the look of complete
confidence on Furi’s face. When the object breached the first ring
of muscle, opening him up, Syn let out a startled grunt. It wasn’t
a sound of pain, but of blissful relief. “Fuck, Furious.” Syn had
something inside him, this was
. Although it wasn’t Furi’s long
cock, it still gave him the heady feeling of being taken. Furi
looked up at him, watching him through strikingly dark hooded eyes
as he slowly pushed the slick object in further. Syn was hyperaware
of it curving inside of him, sliding against his walls.
Fuck. Feels so fucking good.
Damnit. If he’d only known. Syn was already addicted to the
feeling and he wasn’t even sure if this constituted sex. They were
still in foreplay mode, they hadn’t even gotten to penetration with
Furi's cock yet.

There was no pain, just a pleasantly
full sensation. The stretch was noticeable but easily dealt with,
more of a ‘give-me-a-second-to-get-used-to-it' feeling. Not a
fraction of what he’d imagined the pain would be. The slight sting
and burn wasn’t uncomfortable, hell no, it made Syn feel alive.
Then that magical toy did or touched something in him that made
stars flash before his eyes and his cock jerk against the confines
of the cock-ring.

Furious!” Syn yelled out,
his hips bucking, seeking out that feeling again.

Yeah, that’s it ain’t’
it? You like that?” Furi eyed him mischievously. “You want some

Syn just nodded his head like a
madman. Unable to speak, in anticipation of– “Ahh, yeah! Fuck!
More, baby please.” Syn couldn’t finish a single thought as Furi
worked that wonderful gadget inside of him like a professional sex
toy representative showing him all the features of the little
wonder. Furi stroked Syn’s hard cock with one hand, concentrating
on the blushing head every few strokes while working the toy in and
out of him, increasing in intensity and speed. Syn was so
overwhelmed by sensation he was babbling some language that even
Rosetta Stone couldn’t teach.

His eyes were shut tight, his teeth
bared while he took all Furi had to give him. He just let go of
every inhibition and allowed himself to feel. There were no
worries, no problems that needed fixing, nothing that needed his
management. All he felt was complete serenity and bliss. Syn’s eyes
rolled in their sockets. “I trust you,” Syn whispered.

Yes,” Furi spoke in own
lust filled whisper. When Furi snapped the cock-ring off, Syn’s
entire body jerked from the rush of power that surged through him,
slamming viciously into and through his cock.

Fuck! I’m gonna come.
Furi! Fuck, I’m coming so fucking hard!” Syn yelled.

Furi turned a switch on that toy that
sent strong vibrations streaming through Syn’s throbbing channel,
while pressing firmly into that sweet spot. All Syn could do was
let his body feel, yell, buck and take it. In his own bed he was
completely powerless to Furi’s merciless sexual onslaught. Furi
gripped Syn’s ass in a grip sure to leave finger-marks and slammed
his hot mouth over his cock, taking him down to the base in one
swallow. An animalistic lust coursed through him with an intensity
he’d never felt. Syn was hit hard with hunger and he roughly
grabbed two handfuls of Furi’s hair and pumped his cock as far down
his throat as it could go while he loudly groaned his release.
Sweltering heat surrounded his cock as he shot jet after jet of
hot, thick come inside that heavenly cavern. Syn had absolutely no
poise or courtesy as he used the hell out of Furi’s mouth, fucking
his dick in between those pretty pink lips until he had no strength

Furi feverishly jerked his own cock.
His hand moving so fast on his length, it was a blur. Syn wished he
could see his lover’s face, see him in the throes of passion. His
head was too heavy to lift and Furi’s face was buried in his damp
pubic hair, his red, swollen mouth still hovering near Syn's
sensitive dick, panting hot breaths on him as he howled his own
release into the red-lit room, coating Syn’s thigh with wet heat.
Furi dropped between his thighs and rested his head on his groin,
his chest rapidly rising and falling as his orgasm left him weak as
well. Syn absently ran his hand through Furi’s long tresses, while
they both came back down to earth.

Syn shook his head back and forth in
bewilderment. He was glad Furi’s head was still down there,
otherwise Syn would be embarrassed by the goofy grin stretching his
mouth. Furi had shown him the reality of what it meant to blow
someone’s mind. Syn was a changed man. He was a fucking bottom, and
he embraced that designation. He loved the feel of something
penetrating his ass, stretching his hole. It was so much so fast,
but he wasn’t looking back and he damn sure had no




BOOK: Embracing His Syn
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