Embracing Danger (15 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Romance, #Military

BOOK: Embracing Danger
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Fuck getting his heart broken.

Fuck keeping his distance.

She was gorgeous tonight and he could barely peel his gaze away from her. Her beauty practically glowed and everyone could see it tonight. Part of him wanted to hide her away just for himself, and the other part wanted to show her off. It was primitive, almost caveman-like behavior and it didn’t make any damn sense. After all, she wasn’t his to hide or display.

“And then he ran into the house like the devil himself was on his heels. What exactly did you say to him, Shane?”

“I just said that perhaps he should keep his hands to himself when the lady wasn’t interested.”

He felt her sigh on the skin of his neck, her breath warm and scented with chocolate. “Did you threaten him? Tell the truth.”

“Not in the least but I’m pretty sure he wanted to clock me. I did tell him that wouldn’t be wise.”

“That’s the truth. You had at least four inches and sixty pounds on him, not that I haven’t seen you tangle with someone bigger than you and win. I suppose I should thank you for defending my honor.”

He let his hand slip from her cheek all the way down to the small of her back where he splayed his fingers and pulled her closer. Her eyes grew wide and her lips parted in surprise but she didn’t protest or try to tug away.

All be damned.

“You don’t have to thank me, princess. It was purely my pleasure.” His phone vibrated in his pocket. “Sorry, I need to see who this is. I’m expecting a call from Jason.”

He stepped back to answer and saw Wyatt’s name displayed on the screen. Swiping his thumb, he lifted the phone to his ear and prayed the man had good news for Arden.

“Wyatt, how’s it going?”

There was music in the background as if he was in a bar or nightclub. “Not bad. I wanted to check in with you and let you know what’s going on.”

“Any leads?”

The sound of a door opening and then the music stopped. Wyatt must have stepped outside wherever he was. “Sorry about that racket. I was meeting an informant but he never showed. That’s one of the two things I wanted to talk to you about. I have a few leads on Cavendish’s whereabouts but nothing concrete. I think he’s in Chicago based on some sightings, but he’s still using cash so I can’t pinpoint his location. Yet. But I will. It’s only a matter of time.”

Wyatt had the instincts of a prize bloodhound so Shane had no doubt that the man would succeed. “I appreciate all the work you’ve put into this. You said that was one of two things. What’s the other?”

“Hold on while I get in my car.” The sound of a door opening and then slamming shut was heard, then an engine firing up. “I was working on a lead with Jason and he had some information you might want. Since I was calling you anyway, he asked me to give you the particulars. He found the detective that worked on Susannah Hollis’s murder investigation.”

That was great news. The case file had been a joke. “That’s terrific. Where does he live and I’ll go talk to him.”

“The last address he found was in Plainfield, just outside of Indianapolis. I’ll text it to you. I hope he can help.”

“I hope so too. Thanks for passing that on. I think I’ll go talk to him tomorrow.”

“I need to get back to work. I’ll call when I know more.”

Shane hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket, giving Arden a smile. “Good news. Wyatt’s connections have sightings of your father in Chicago. That means he’s alive and well, at least for now. We’re closing in on him.”

Tears sparkled in her eyes and her fingers pressed against her lips. “Thank God. I’ve been so worried, Shane, and honestly I really still am. He’s into something bad and I don’t think he’s safe.”

“I can’t argue that but let’s hold on to the good news part. He’s alive right now but he’s still using cash, so he is determined to stay under the radar.”

“I’m scared,” Arden whispered. “After everything I’ve learned since he left, I need my dad more than ever.”

Shane didn’t even hesitate, drawing her back into his arms. She laid her head on his chest while his fingers played with a few silky curls at the nape of her neck. “We’re doing everything we can to find him and get him back to you safely.”

“I’m angry with him.” Her voice was soft and he barely heard her over the cicadas chirping in the background. “I’m so mad that he kept all of this from me and then when I need him the most he’s gone. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold myself together and act normal.”

“You’re doing awesome, just amazing. I just need you to hang in there a little while longer.” He tipped her chin up so he was looking into her eyes. “You can always lean on me. I’ll be here for you no matter what.”

Her chin quivered and her arms tightened around his middle. “I can’t expect that of you.”

She meant because of their past but all Shane could think about was this moment, right now. He had the woman he loved in his arms and every instinct inside of him had welled up to protect her with everything he had, even if it meant giving up his own life.

“I’d be a real bastard if I left you to deal with all of this yourself. My mother raised her sons better than that, Arden.”

Their gazes clashed and something hot and elemental passed between them so quickly he might have thought he imagined it. But no. It had been there. She might not still love him but she still wanted him. There had been remembrance in her eyes, and he knew without a doubt she was thinking about all the nights they’d lain in the back of his truck looking up at the stars under a homemade quilt.

Naked as the day they were born.

His heart accelerated under her palms when she didn’t drag her gaze away, instead looking at him boldly. “I always liked your mother. She was sweet to me.”

“She liked you.”

The moment seemed to stretch on forever and the rest of the world was forgotten until reality reared its ugly head and Aunt Lydia bustled onto the patio, throwing up her hands.

“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. There are some people I want you to meet. They were friends of your mother, Arden.”

They both stepped back and Shane instantly felt the loss of warmth from her body. Arden smiled at her aunt but the sideways glance she gave Shane looked wistful. He was sure he was imagining it. It had been a moment but it was over and she was probably glad.

He, on the other hand, wouldn’t sleep a wink tonight.

Chapter Seventeen

on’t take me
back to the hotel. Not yet. Take me somewhere. Take me anywhere.”

Arden had spoken those words when the party was over and before they left for Indianapolis. The fact was she felt restless and it was because of this man next to her. He’d held her in his arms, touched her, comforted her and it had been as close to heaven as she could possibly get here on earth.

She’d never forgotten how good his body felt pressed so closely to hers, but the memory had dulled over the years apparently because with one touch he’d awoken a million little nerve endings in her flesh and they all craved one thing.


Keeping her distance hadn’t worked. Then trying to be strictly friends wasn’t succeeding either. This wasn’t even about the past anymore, which shocked her the most. This was about the man he’d become. Shane was strong, caring, protective, funny, and smart and she’d fallen in love with him all over again, but this time as a grown woman. It made her feelings for him then seem small in comparison.

It was madness, of course. But she simply wanted what little she could have of him while they were together. Soon her father would be found and she’d be back to her old life. Shane would go off with the latest in a long line of gorgeous Barbie dolls and all she’d have was her memories to keep her warm at night. So she might as well make them good because they’d have to last a hell of a long time.

Now they were racing down a dark street on the outskirts of Hemingdale on the back of a borrowed motorcycle. Shane had seen one of the caterers dismount from an older model bike when they’d arrived and after her declaration had gone back inside the party to hunt him down. Much to the man’s astonishment, Shane offered him a large sum of money for a short term “rental” of the bike. He hadn’t believed it at first but when Shane assured him he was serious and showed him the cash, the younger man had been more than happy to make a quick buck. Especially after Lydia assured him that Shane could be trusted.

Thankfully it was a warm and humid night, summer’s last hurrah here in the middle of the country. Arden had laughingly hiked up her dress and thrown her leg over the seat, thrilled that they were going for a ride. There was nothing like the hum of the engine between her legs or the way Shane’s muscled back felt against her front, her arms wrapped around him tightly. Their bodies moved in concert with each dip and turn until he finally brought the motorcycle to a halt in a grove of trees far from the lights of the little town.

A small stream gurgled nearby and a few crickets chirped, but otherwise there was silence all around them as if they were the only two people on the planet. Much like earlier, but this time the tension was strung even tighter after their ride and her legs were shaking as he helped her off the bike.

Her high heels sunk into the soft ground as she stood in front of him, not wanting any excess distance between them. She could smell the tang of aftershave and the hint of clean sweat mixed with the aroma of earth and night sky.

“Thank you.”

There wasn’t anyone for miles, but she whispered anyway not wanting to disturb this fragile peace between them. One wrong move and they’d be back where they’d started that night at the charity party that felt so long ago but had really only been a few weeks. So much had happened, but mostly her heart had overruled her head time and again.

Even now it pounded against her sternum as she struggled to take in her next breath. Their gazes were locked and she could swear she’d seen that look in his eyes before, but it was probably all just a fantasy her mind had conjured up out of the twinkling stars. A bit of make-believe romance to make herself feel better about falling so far and so fast for him.


She’d been a goner that summer fifteen years ago, practically love at first sight. He’d been the sexier than sin older guy at a picnic and she’d been dazzled from the moment he’d said hello, that dimple in his cheek showing. How she’d ever found the strength to leave him in the end she didn’t know, but perhaps that girl had been wiser than the grown woman.

“You’re welcome. Are you okay? Do you want to talk?”

The last thing she wanted to do was talk. Highly overrated, it wouldn’t fix the hole that had been in her heart since the day she’d left. It wouldn’t bring back her blissful ignorance of her family’s past.

And it sure wouldn’t erase the reason she’d left him to go away.

But there was one thing he could do to stop the pain, if only for a little while. It was a band-aid on a broken limb, but what was a woman in love to do at a moment like this? The woman she’d become might walk away and worry about her dignity but the girl she’d been?

Grab onto all she could get with two greedy hands.

“No, I don’t want to talk. I want…”

“Yes?” Shane moved closer, his body radiating heat and she pressed her hands to his chest. “What do you want, my princess?”

Her lips parted to say it but fear clutched at her chest. If he turned her away, she’d crawl away and die.

Her mouth was dry and she licked her lips, her voice shaking with desire and terror, all at the same time.

“I…I need…”

His gaze softened and his fingers traced her jaw before caressing her mouth. Her breath escaped in one painful exhale as her tongue lapped at his thumb. His other arm yanked her against the hard planes of his body, the heat of his flesh searing through the thin material of her cocktail dress but she welcomed the burn.

It had been so long. Too long.

Shane bent his head and buried his face in her neck, his voice rumbling in her ear. “Tell me what you want.”

Arden’s throat was tight but she managed to croak out one word. “You.”

It was enough.

His mouth came down on hers hot and urgent as his callused hands plucked at the zipper on the back of her dress, tugging it down so the material fell off her shoulders and pooled at her waist. The sound of his groan tightened the coil in her lower abdomen and ratcheted up her arousal level almost instantly.

The bulge in his slacks told of his own want and need and she reached down to cup him through the fabric. He felt hot and hard, seeming to grow beneath her fingers and she rubbed his length until he was gasping with pleasure. If she only had tonight, she wanted to give him everything.

Reluctantly, he pulled back with a grimace. “Easy, honey. We don’t want this to be over before it starts. I’ve got a lot of plans for you. Every inch of you, in fact.”

She shivered at the promise in his words and was rewarded with another soul-searing kiss that curled her toes and took her breath away. His deft fingers, far too skilled with ladies’ lingerie, made quick work of the clasp on the back of her bra and she felt it slide down her arms. The night air tightened her nipples and she moaned in pleasure when his tongue rasped over an already pebbled bud.

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