Embraced by Fire (29 page)

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Authors: Louise Delamore

Tags: #Vampires and Shapeshifters, #Dragons, #Suspense, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

BOOK: Embraced by Fire
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“It’s too late for this conversation now, and our emotions are all over the place. Hell, I know mine are. We need to sleep. We’ll talk once we’re rested. Right now all I’m doing is making an ass of myself.” He tugged the sheet away from her, and bundled them both underneath the covers.

He waited and after a moment she relaxed beside him, her head resting against his shoulder, her arm over his chest. Snaking his arm around her, he pulled her close, marvelling at the way it felt so natural, almost as if they had been sleeping this way for years.

“Are you all right?” Her words were so quiet he wasn’t sure he hadn’t imagined them.

“I should be asking you that. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but you seem…angry.”

“Not at you—well, only for a moment—I was angry at me.” He was still angry but, he acknowledged, feeling the
of the bond quivering between them, he wouldn’t give up the link now even if he could.
She was his

“Why? You didn’t do anything wrong because you didn’t know. It was wonderful, more than wonderful. It was the best first time a girl could have.”

“Thank you.” He rubbed his hand over her arm. “But it’s more complicated than that. You don't understand what this means to me.”

“Then explain.” Kait stroked his chest hesitantly.

“I can’t, not right now.” He gave a growl and rolled over, wrapping her more firmly in his arms. Silencing anything else she wanted to say as his lips stole hers in a deep kiss.

Chapter 29

Rap! Rap! Rap!

The abrupt sound tumbled Kait out of sleep. Disoriented she reached for Ryu.

He wasn’t there.

She sat up with a jolt, blinking the sleep out of her eyes. Her heartbeat dropped back to normal when she saw him, dressed only in jeans, opening the door. It also explained the banging.

“Morning, Delilah, come in. Your delicate knock could wake the dead.” Ryu stepped back. “Kait, this is Delilah, one of my team mates.”

Feeling at a distinct disadvantage, Kait watched as a gorgeous, mahogany-haired woman sashayed into the room. Pushing her sleep dishevelled hair off her face, Kait wished she wasn’t still in bed. Delilah struck her as the sort of woman best dealt with in full female armour, or at the very least showered and dressed. She twisted her lips, even if she were out of bed, she didn’t have a whole lot of options when it came to dressing.

“I’ve brought some clothes and other bits and pieces for Kait,” said Delilah. Her light brown eyes taking in the one neatly made bed then the rumpled warzone where Kait huddled. Kait detected a faint smile flash in the other woman’s eyes as her gaze flicked between the tousled Kait and the half-dressed Ryu.

“Great. Any news on Johnny?” asked Ryu, apparently completely oblivious to Kait’s discomfort and Delilah’s amusement.

Delilah dropped a red gym bag on the bed next to Kait. “Help yourself.” Then she turned to Ryu. “No, not yet. We got a warrant to search his house last night and we have some leads, but nothing solid. Adrian’s put Spock and Hass on it.”

After the “no” Kait didn’t wait to hear anymore. Wrapping the sheet around her naked body as best she could, she grabbed the bag and darted into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She turned her back on the toga party victim in the mirror and switched on the shower.

While waiting for the water to heat up she leaned against the wall, glad to be out of Ryu’s intoxicating presence for a moment. She needed to gather her thoughts and being with him kept sending them skywards.

She stepped into the shower and washed slowly. Despite Delilah’s unnerving arrival, her body felt languid and deeply satisfied. Although muscles she hadn’t ever been aware of reminded her with an ache she was no longer a virgin. She watched the soap swirl down the drain. She didn’t understand why Ryu had been so angry when he found out she was a virgin. He’d tried to cover it up by saying he’d been disconcerted. But he hadn’t been disconcerted, he’d been angry.

She reached for the tiny bottle of two-in-one shampoo and conditioner which came in the vanity pack and scrubbed her scalp. Ryu’s response puzzled her, although he’d been wonderful afterwards. But what did she know about how guys reacted? This was the first time she’d been close enough to find out. And what a first time.

Fine spray dashed against her upturned face and smiling lips. His anger afterwards may have been a surprise, but everything else had been beyond her wildest dreams. Two weeks ago she’d been infatuated with a memory mixed with a dream, but the real man pushed out the phantasm.

Her smile slipped as reality hit her like a splash of cold water. In her dreams they’d lived happily ever after, but this wasn’t a dream.

She recalled his reluctance in the beginning to take things further than a few kisses. He’d talked about her emotions running hot, he’d only made love to her because she practically begged him. She sighed and turned off the water, heaviness creeping into her muscles. In the end he’d probably thought they could both do with the emotional and physical release.

One night, something casual, they’d both feel better, no strings attached, she could imagine his reasoning. Heck, that’s probably why he was so upset she’d been a virgin, it took things a level beyond casual when a girl gave you her virginity.

I want more than one night
, she thought, her heart a painful weight in her chest,
I want forever

She dragged on the sweatpants and t-shirt Delilah had supplied. Delilah, she was probably the sort of woman Ryu normally went for, sophisticated and slick. As far as Kait could tell, the only thing she herself had going for her was red hair and Ryu’s professed fascination for it. How could she compete?

She stepped out of the bathroom to see Ryu, now wearing a shirt, and Delilah sitting at the small circular table. Ryu was eating breakfast. They looked far too chummy for her liking. Delilah laughed at something Ryu said, and Kait ground her teeth. Just then Ryu looked up and his eyes met hers. She swallowed her anxieties and gave him a weak smile.

If only Delilah wasn’t here, they needed to talk about last night. She needed to know where she stood. She needed to know if there was a chance of convincing him to give things a chance to develop beyond one night. To give her a chance.

“Breakfast, or actually lunch given the time, enjoy.” Ryu pushed a takeout bag across the table toward her.

“I’m not particularly hungry. Wait, what time is it?”

“Two in the afternoon.”

“What?” Kait stared at him in horror.

“We didn’t get to sleep until early this morning, and your body’s been through a lot, it needed sleep.”

She felt herself blush at the mention of her body’s exertions.

Ryu’s eyes flickered to Delilah so fast if Kait hadn’t been watching his face she’d have missed it. “Traumatic events can tire a person out,” he said.

Okay, so he hadn’t told Delilah they’d slept together. Whatever the other woman may have guessed, he hadn’t confirmed it. Was that because he didn’t think she would want anyone to know, or because he didn’t want anyone to know?

Thinking about it upset her and she grabbed the food bag. Her stomach growled as the smell hit her. Ryu raised an eyebrow at the sound.

“Okay, I’m hungrier than I thought,” she admitted, biting into the cheeseburger.

“Adrian and I talked this morning, you need to join us at ops central.” Delilah nicked one of Ryu’s fries.

“I can’t leave Kait.” Ryu moved his fries out of her reach.

“She knows so much already, bring her with you,” Delilah said, getting up. “By the way, I need to ride back with you. Derek dropped me here but he didn’t wait.”

Ryu glanced over at Kait. “That all right with you? I’m sure we can arrange a guard if you’d rather stay here.”

Stay here, was he kidding? “No. After all this, I want to know what happens next.”
And I’m not letting you out of my sight until we’ve talked
, she added to herself.

After they’d grabbed their things, she followed Ryu and Delilah to the door. It might be crazy, but a brush with death had given her a whole new appreciation for life, and she wanted to experience it to the full.


“Don’t worry,” Ryu said, as they got out the car at the motel his team was using. “They’re a good bunch of people.”

“Humph.” Delilah’s snort reached Kait as the woman walked around the car and joined them.

“Delilah, be nice. We don’t want to scare Kait before she meets everyone.” The humour lurking behind Ryu’s glare reduced its power, and Delilah poked her tongue out at him.

The by-play between them reduced Kait’s nerves. Seeing their obvious friendship gave her hope everyone else would be as approachable. The car trip over had effectively diluted Kait’s trepidation around the other woman. Despite her svelte elegance, Delilah was friendly and unintimidated by Ryu’s dangerous edge, and already treating Kait like a younger sister, although Kait suspected she may actually have a few years on the other woman.

Delilah led them toward one of the indistinguishably drab motel rooms. Kait was glad to have Ryu’s strength at her back as she prepared to meet his team, friends and fellow agents. Her stomach jumped, she was meeting secret agents. She felt like Alice down the rabbit hole. Just as Delilah was about to open the door two men tumbled out.

“Give it to me, Derek, or I’ll kick your ass.” The tall, wiry man hissed as he leapt at the bear of a man he was chasing.

“You can try, Hass, but you’ll be the one ending on your ass.” Derek’s voice was lighter than she expected for a man his size but somehow it suited him. He held something behind his back, keeping it out of reach.

“What are you idiots doing?” Delilah stood, hands on hips, watching.

Delilah’s voice clearly surprised Derek, who had his back to her, because he tripped in his haste to turn around. Hass grabbed his opportunity, reaching for what Derek held. Derek dodged in the nick of time.

“Delilah, see what you’ve done now. I was having fun.” Derek’s affected petulance made Delilah’s lips twitch.

“We’ve got a visitor so you need to be on your best behaviour. Give Hass back his iPod,” she said.

“Ahhh, but he has lousy taste in music.” Derek reluctantly gave it back.

Hass gave a little bow. “Thanks, Delilah, you’re a queen.”

“Kait, meet Derek and Hass.” Ryu voice whispered against her ear as he led her over. “Boys, this is Kait.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Kait shook hands with both men before stepping past them into the motel room.

Inside there was another man.

“Spock,” introduced Ryu.

The blond Adonis at the computer spun in his chair at her entrance and smiled a greeting.

“And this is Adrian, my boss,” said Ryu.

She started as another man prowled from the shadows at the back of the room, he’d been so still she hadn’t noticed him.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kait.” He took her hand with a polite smile, his piercing pale eyes at odds with his dark hair.

“Uh…thanks, nice to meet you too.” She found a smile but felt like a defenceless mouse before a clever cat.

Adrian’s eyes left hers and he looked at Ryu standing behind her. “We’re waiting for a phone call. We had men in the area last night and, after you called, one of them picked up Johnny’s trail not far from Kait’s house. He’s following him now. I expected to hear from him earlier but he hasn’t made contact yet.”

“We better find Johnny soon, after last night I’m not feeling very forgiving.” Ryu’s voice was hard.

“Adrian, we have a call. I think you should hear this.” It was Hass, the man she’d met outside. He handed the phone to Adrian.

Adrian’s eyes turned glacial as he listened to whatever the person on the other side was telling him. “You’re sure?...fine, send me the photographs…was there anything else on the body? Send me that too…no, we don’t have time …”

“What’s happening?” Kait whispered to Ryu, whose gazed was glued to Adrian’s face.

“Don’t know, but it looks like bad news.” Ryu didn’t look at her as he spoke.

Adrian hung up the phone. “The man I told you about, the one following Johnny, we won’t be getting a phone call from him. He’s dead.”

“Dead?” Derek came up on Kait’s other side.

“His contact found the body a few minutes ago. We’ve got a few leads from notes he’d already passed on and the GPS in his phone, but time is running out. This is escalating far too fast. There is more going on here than we thought.” Adrian looked at the people in the room, including Kait in his glance.

“If Razor’s boys found out Johnny’s been keeping a copy of the information, they’d assume he was playing a double game and take action,” said Ryu.

“Who’s Razor?” Kait tried to keep up with the conversation.

“Razor is the man we believe is in charge of this information racket. He’s the one giving Johnny jobs. If he thinks Johnny’s flipped on him, he’s the one who’ll give the kill order.” Ryu glanced at Adrian as he spoke, obviously confirming what he could tell her.

“Who killed your friend, Johnny or this Razor?”
Please don’t say Johnny
, she thought.

“Probably Johnny,” Adrian replied. “He believes he’s destroyed your copy of the drive, now he’s protecting his trail.”

Johnny. Nausea surged wildly in her stomach and bile burned her throat. She clenched her teeth, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts. How could she have been so mistaken about him? These things…he wasn’t the man she’d always thought. Stealing, setting fire to her house, almost killing her. He was undoubtedly the one who trashed her car probably hoping she’d be scared and try to return the drive. Now outright murder.

Kait couldn’t cope. She’d always prided herself on her ability to deal with anything that came her way, but this, this was something else. In time she might be able to put it behind her. Her gut clenched sickeningly. That time couldn’t come soon enough.

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