Embrace the Night (14 page)

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Authors: Caris Roane

Tags: #paranormal romance

BOOK: Embrace the Night
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Another tall, arched, diamond-paned window filled the entire north wall, giving an almost cathedral-like impression. The ceiling, with a dozen exposed dark beams, slanted at an angle at least eight feet above the tops of the heavy wood bedposts.

She felt overwhelmed because within the walls of this chamber lay Jude’s history, the marriage to his Naomi, the birth of his daughter, Joy, whom he’d cherished, and the life the couple had been in the process of creating for themselves.

“I feel honored to be here.” She spoke quietly, her voice almost hushed, as she moved into the room.

Jude lifted his head, craning his neck to see her. He didn’t say anything right away, but his gaze slowly went down her body, dwelling for a moment on the sheer fabric over her breasts then taking his time to have a long look at her legs. His spicy, peppery scent rolled through the air, which drew her toward him.

He was so gorgeous with his black curly hair, an exotic, animal-like mane around his shoulders and down his back.

Stay put,
she pathed.
I just want to take a moment.

He nodded slowly, setting his brush on the bed next to him.

How far they’d come, she thought, in just a couple of days, from her efforts to ignore him in the doorway of the Gold Rush Communication Center to this moment, seeing him seated, wearing only a towel on the end of his bed.

She knew he’d never brought another woman here, not in all these decades. One more reason why her time with him right now felt important, even sacred. She still had the conviction that it was temporary, so she wanted to make the most of every moment.

“So you feel honored?” he asked, his gray eyes questioning.

She nodded, moving close to him now. The bed was built up high so that his long legs were at an easy angle to the floor. She put her hands on his knees and slowly pushed them apart, moving between. The light blue towel split at the same time, so she decided to hurry it along, pulling each side to fall on the bed next to him and exposing him.

He was in a beautiful, aroused state, the size and strength of his cock a perfect representation of who he was. She leaned her hips into him so that she could feel him against her body while she took his long, thick hair in both hands, entwining her fingers. “I thought a lot about doing this, about getting so tangled up that I could never get free.”

His hands slid beneath the negligee, landing on her waist, kneading gently. “And I’ve pictured you here in my bedroom.”

“I wanted to be here.” The thought flitted through her mind that these circumstances, that she was a blood rose and carried within her an anti-mist weapon, might have been the only way she could have landed here with Jude. Was it a miracle or some kind or a curse?

Right now, though, she didn’t care. She was here. Jude was here. Nothing more needed to be said.

He dipped his head to her cleavage and ran his tongue the length. She shivered, tugging on his hair, leaning close to smell his spicy scent.

She realized she’d always loved the way he’d smelled. Only now, it was all mixed up with his maleness and her need for him. He lifted up and kissed her, surrounding her with his arms, pulling her close.

Deepening the kiss, he plunged his tongue inside, which took her breath away. His cock moved against her abdomen at the same time, hunting to be inside her. His hips arched and she felt the length of him glide up her stomach then back down.

He was just so much man to savor, touch, caress. She carefully unwrapped her fingers and slid her hands beneath his still-damp hair. His muscles rippled beneath her touch as she traveled down the center of his back, leaning over his shoulder to reach his waist.

Then her hands journeyed north again, feeling the width of his back all the way to his massive shoulders.

Pushing his hair down his back, she fondled his left shoulder, rubbing her fingers along the dips and swells, following with her tongue and her lips, licking and kissing.

She loved that he responded by nuzzling her neck and pulling her closer, pressing his hips into her again and again.

“Jude, may I do something to you?”

He drew back, smiling at her. It amazed her that a man who could look so ferocious just by frowning, could appear incredibly tender with just a smile. “Anything you want, Hannah. And I do mean anything.”

“Good.” Her cheeks warmed, because this was all so new and she was demanding things. “Why don’t you peel back the comforter all the way to the floor, then stretch out on your stomach.”

“My stomach?” His lips twisted. “You sure that’s what you want?” He let her feel him again, as he curled his hips.

“I won’t deny that you tempt me, but I’d like to indulge in another of my fantasies.”

He groaned softly, leaned close and nipped her throat, then moved around the foot of the bed to strip away the unnecessary bedding.

When he was face down, spread eagle, she sighed with great contentment. She drew near his feet, stroking his thick calf muscles, then climbing up on her knees between his legs. She took turns with each leg, kissing and licking, steadily moving up until she could stroke his sack and his buttocks at the same time, then added more kissing and licking. His occasional groans and the flex of his hips told her she was on the right track.

Jude had muscles everywhere so that even his buttocks were tight, worthy of tongue worship. She spent several minutes fondling and licking all over his bottom.

She parted his almost waist-long hair, and worked her way up his back, massaging at times, fondling, kissing and licking. She wanted to remember Jude stretched out like this, letting her enjoy his body, for as long as she lived. Especially, since she had no confidence that they really could build a life together. Their lives were too disparate.

She stretched out on top of him, her legs on his, her toes reaching a little lower than mid-calf. “Spread out your arms.”

He obeyed quickly and she did the same, so that her arms were on top of his. She drew in a deep breath, wondering why this felt so good.

“What made you think of this?” he asked.

Hannah chuckled. “I love how you look. Even before I developed a serious desire for you, I used to watch you play darts just to enjoy how you moved. And once, when you were a little drunk, you picked Paul up, who is a big man, and spun him on your shoulders. You have such athletic grace. And now I’m feeling all that muscle beneath my body. It just makes me happy, like I’m balanced on top of a raft, heading out to sea.”

His turn to laugh. “A raft, huh?”

“Sure, why not.” She wasn’t certain if she’d ever been so content in her life as she was now. “But I have a question for you, Jude. What’s your pleasure? What would you like from me? Did you have certain fantasies that played over and over in your head, I mean besides the ones you mentioned when we were together last?”

Chapter Six

Jude decided he’d died and gone to heaven. For a woman to ask what his pleasure was, pleased him not just sexually but deep within his masculine soul.

Of course, the last thing he’d expected was for Hannah to spread out on top of him, and he sort of thought the ‘raft’ thing fit. He loved the idea of moving through heavy seas together, joined like this.

Mostly, he loved that she took so much pleasure in his body. He worked out and he battled the Invictus almost nightly, so yeah, he was fit. But experiencing her appreciation made the hours he put in all the more worthwhile.

As for his fantasies, she’d already fulfilled one just by walking into his bedroom and wearing a very short nightie, which was sheer enough that he could see her breasts and her beaded nipples.

She still wore the nightie. So yeah, there was at least one thing he wanted to do to her while she had it on.

“I want you on your back.”

She slid off him quickly, maybe as anxious as he was to move things along. When she was lying beside him, he took his time and caressed her face, then kissed her, loving that her hand caught his arm and she dug her nails in a little.

He slid his hand lower to first stroke her throat where he intended to bite her later, then lower to caress her breast. “I love this,” he murmured, running his hand over the sheer fabric.

“I’m glad, but you’ll have to thank Mary. I asked for a nightgown, thinking about one of my long comfortable flannels and this was what she packed.”

He chuckled. “Mary deserves a raise.”

Hannah smiled her lovely smile. “Yeah, she does.”

He kissed her again, then shifted to look down at her. Sweet Goddess, she was beautiful and her violet eyes glowed. The air had become perfumed with her roses-and-seashore scent.

He moved lower and kissed her throat licking several times, teasing her vein then descending to her cleavage where he set up shop. He loved Hannah’s breasts and as he kissed her, he pathed,
This was a fantasy, taking time with you like this, exploring.

“It feels so good.”

He shifted just a little, and through the very thin fabric, he flicked her nipple with his tongue until it puckered for him, then he settled in for a suck.

Working her breast, he forced it into a mound so that he could devour, taking as much as he could into his mouth, stroking and suckling at the same time. That Hannah made cooing and moaning sounds, caused his hips to flex. He wanted to take care of her in every way possible right now, to pleasure her, to take her to the pinnacle, repeatedly.

He decided to start right now. Pivoting slightly, he moved his body off to the side of hers. Using his free hand, he massaged her between her legs, feeling her wetness, which again had his cock begging for mercy.

But he wanted to take his time.

While he continued to suckle her breast, he pathed,
Spread your legs for me.

She moaned again and her hips dipped into the mattress as she let her legs fall wide. “Jude. Oh, God Jude. You’re barely touching me and I’m so close.”

He wanted to help that along right away, and sent a gentle vibration through his fingers.

She cried out, her body arching. “Jude!”

He eased two fingers inside, moving slowly, but he increased the vibration, loving that he could do this for her. Her hips reacted by rocking in a steady motion, and her hands dove into his hair. He suckled her faster so that she cried out repeatedly.

He moved his hand in quick thrusts, driving in and out of her well.

She panted now, her body in a state of beautiful tension.

I’m going to take you over the top now.

“Yes,” she breathed. “Please.”

He increased both the vibration and the speed of each thrust of his fingers, and just like that, she cried out long and loud, her well pulsing, her breaths like puffs, her body writhing.
Jude … so wonderful … can hardly breathe … and it keeps coming.

He sustained all that he was doing, savoring her hands pushing and plucking at his head almost at the same time, until at last she eased back down.

He let his fingers rest inside her and he released her breast. Her nipples were in stiff peaks now, and he kissed each one, loving that she’d orgasmed and that he’d done that for her.

His motivation of course could never be pure since each climax would flavor her blood, and he wanted to taste her pleasure each time he sucked her vein. His cock twitched at the thought.

When he removed his fingers, he stretched out beside her and kissed her, nibbling on her lower lip, and working her mouth once more with his tongue. He loved making love to her.

After a moment, she said, “Do you know what I’d love to do?”

“What?” He stroked her cheek with his thumb, then kissed her again on the lips.

“I want to feast on you Jude, and I want to feel your vibration in my mouth.”

His whole body arched hard at the thought, and he groaned with the thought of her mouth on his cock.

She smiled, leaning up to kiss him. “I take that as a ‘yes’?”

“Unh-huh,” was all he could manage.

She took her time though, and made him suffer, because when she sat up on her knees, she lifted the lace hem of the nightie and slowly drew it up and over her head. His eyes feasted, then his hands, because he couldn’t keep from touching her. He was so ready that he almost pushed her onto her back and climbed between her legs.

But she caught his right shoulder and held him back. “I want to do this first.” Her violet eyes glittered.

He nodded, incapable of speech.

As he spread his legs, she moved her knees between then lay down so that part of her legs dangled off the bed. Her hands worked his thighs as she dipped and nibbled his sac.

His hips arched when she moved to the base of his stalk. He gripped the sheet in both hands, his hips now pulsing as she kissed, nipped, and sucked her way up his cock.

The anticipation of her warm, wet mouth, had his cock jerking with need. She lifted up and rimmed his crown first with her tongue, which sent a groan past his lips again.

She didn’t suck right away, instead she plucked at him with her lips, then swept her tongue over him. She even got him wet then blew on him until he was mad with desire.

When she finally took him in her mouth fully and began to suck, a series of heavy grunts left his mouth. “Hannah, that’s amazing. I love that you’re doing this to me.”

But after a moment, something changed that increased the heavenly sensation. He felt warmer. Was she adding her fire-gift? “Are you doing that?”

She pathed,
I may not have your ability with vibration, but I thought you might enjoy a little heat. Do you?

He released a heavier groan in response. His lips parted and his breathing grew ragged.

Can I feel your vibration now?

He obliged her, releasing a gentler version for her mouth.

That’s fantastic,
She pathed.

But as her sucking grew warm and more rapid, coupled with the vibration that had his cock in an uproar, he grabbed her shoulders and cried out, “Stop.”

She chuckled as she shifted position, planting her hands on either side of his waist. “How did you like the heat?”

“Unh,” came out as another eloquent expression.

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