Embrace the Night (27 page)

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Authors: Crystal Jordan

BOOK: Embrace the Night
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Jerking away, he stared down at her, his pupils so huge that only a thin rim of silver remained. His lips were as red and swollen as hers felt. His chest heaved with each bellowing breath. “Bed. Now.”
He swept her off her feet, carried her to the king-sized mattress, and dumped her on it. With a flick of his fingers, the bedroom door swished closed and locked. Oh. She'd forgotten all about that when she'd told Ophelia to leave. Oops.
Holding his hand out, fingers splayed, he intoned, “Naked.”
She arched in startled reflex as her clothes fell away and left her bare to his gaze. He was just as nude, and she let herself look at him. Golden muscles rippled in the lamplight, hard cock dripping pre-cum, gray eyes flashing silver with barely leashed power.
His eyes closed for just a moment, and a wave of magic swept out from him, tingled as it passed over her skin. She felt a boost in the strength of the shields around the apartment. A smile tilted her lips. Safety first. Always in command of the details. She understood his obsession better now, and for all of their sakes, she was grateful for it, if not for the events that made him so conscientious. Still, she wouldn't change the man for anything. She loved him just as he was.
When he looked at her again, she held out her arms and let her grin widen. “Come here.”
“Not just yet.” He shook his head, taking a moment to trail his gaze over her body. The air-conditioned breeze in the room made her nipples bead tighter, and she felt the heat of his gaze touch her skin.
She let her legs fall open against the mattress. His nostrils flared as he dragged in the scent of her wetness. He licked his lips, his gaze locked on her pussy. She knew her folds would be swollen and slick with cream. A little smile curled the corners of her lips, and she cupped her breasts, circling the areolas and teasing herself while she teased the man watching her. The rapacious look on his face, the way lust tightened his features, told her exactly what kind of effect her actions had.
When she let one hand drift down her torso until she could dip her fingers into her wet sex and rub her hardened clit, Merek's resistance snapped. His hand shot out with that startling speed of his, wrapping around her wrist to pull her fingers up to his mouth. Leaning forward, he sucked the juices from her fingertips. Then he set her palm back on her breast. “You do that, I'll handle this.”
And then his mouth was on her, his hot tongue licking at her damp flesh. Her body arched off the bed, and his hands controlled the motion. He held her legs flat to the bed, shoving them open with his broad shoulders. Slipping her fingers into his hair, she tugged him nearer, excitement a twisting thing inside her. The feel of his lips closing over her clit, suckling her, made her scream as orgasm broke through her in a rush so overpowering, she couldn't contain the explosion.
Pulses continued to hit her in rippling waves as he teased her with his tongue. She lay limp on the bed, dazed and unsure how he'd made her come so fast without using any kind of seduction spell. Then she gave a breathless chuckle, her heart still thumping in her chest. Her chemistry with Merek was the most powerful turn-on she'd ever come in contact with. Spontaneous combustion. Contentment spread through her limbs, and she sighed when he rolled off her.
“Hold on to the headboard.” The rumble of his voice was deep and rich. Commanding. Sexy.
She reached her hands up, grasped the bottom of the headboard, and used the leverage to lift her body toward him. Something hot and burning with magic wrapped around her wrists, locking her in place.
Her breath caught, and she froze. Tugging on the spell bindings, she found she couldn't escape. The last time she'd been tied down had been . . . A horrible flash of a Fae woman's face flooded her mind, dark magic seeping into her skin, bronze burning her flesh. She shuddered, jerking spasmodically at the golden chords that glowed around her wrists.
Heart pounding, her gaze flew to Merek where he sat beside her, but not close enough to touch her. His expression was quiet, knowing. He waited to see what she would do, how she would take this utterly vulnerable position.
She swallowed, feeling more stripped bare than she ever had in her life. “I'm not sure . . .”
“Just say ‘safe,' and the spell unravels.” His hand closed around her thigh, and she realized her legs weren't bound.
“I can get loose any time I want?” She licked her lips, and his gaze followed the motion, the gray sparking with silver as he watched her.
He nodded. “Any time you want, sweetheart. Trust me.”
“I do.” More than that, she loved him. If this was the only way she could tell him, then so be it. She relaxed against the bindings and offered him a smile. “I want you.”
A grin broke over his angular face, and he shook his head. “You are the most amazing woman I have ever met.”
“Come show me how much you appreciate my amazingness.” She let her gaze lock on his thick cock, and licked her lips again with slow relish.
He bent forward to scoop his pants off the floor, slid his hand into the front pocket, and pulled out the little bottle he'd tucked in there earlier. “I'm going to show you exactly how much I appreciate every single inch of you.”
Her breathing shallowed out to nothing, and she swallowed. Oh, gods. The thought of him fucking her ass made her palms dampen and her heart hammer. A blush suffused her face, burning with scorching heat. “Yes.”
“I told you. Amazing.” He gave a flashing grin, tossed the bottle onto the mattress beside her, grabbed her ankles, and yanked her down the bed. The spell rope stretched, so her wrists were still bound, pulled straight over her head.
The distinct creaking
of the bottle opening made her shiver in anticipation. He brushed his lips over hers, a brief kiss before he drizzled the cool oil over her hot skin. Her moan was a helpless sound and made his lips curl in a satisfied smile.
Then his big hands stroked her.
He took his time, worked the oil deep into her flesh, using hot little pleasure spells to make her gasp in shock or sigh in delight. He started at her feet, pressed his thumbs into her arches until her toes curled. Her ankles and calves were massaged, her knees kissed, her thighs opened so he could blow a breath on the puffy, wet folds of her pussy. A spell lit her sex; fire and ice had her shuddering with lust that made her heart rate rocket.
But he didn't touch her there, just left her aching, needing. Needing him. Always him. “Merek.”
“Shh. Just relax, sweetheart.” His voice was as seductive as any magic ever dreamed up, sliding over her sensitive nerves like warm velvet. A little rough, a little soft, totally rich and decadent.
More oil slicked her thighs, the curve of her belly, the softness of her breasts. He swirled his blunt nails over her nipples, coaxing them to tight points. His strong fingers worked her shoulders and arms before he rolled her over and kneed her thighs apart.
“Close your eyes.” He bent forward to kiss the nape of her neck, between her shoulder blades, the small of her back, each globe of her buttocks.
A purr was the only answer she could give as she obeyed him. For once, she wasn't afraid of the darkness. Merek was there, and everything in her focused on him.
Time drifted as she let herself float on a cloud of sensuality. There was nothing in the world except the magic of his hands and what they did to her body. Her muscles were pliant, warm and soft, all tension melting away as she turned herself over to him and anything he wanted to do to her. She knew he'd make it good for her.
He kneaded her neck and shoulders and back, and her pulse picked up speed as he cupped her ass in his big palms. Slipping a hand under her belly, he lifted her hips and slid a pillow underneath her. She sucked in a deep breath when he knelt in the vee of her thighs, spreading her wider. Cooler oil trickled between her buttocks as he parted the cheeks, the liquid quickly heating when it touched her skin. Her breath seized at the sharp difference between her overheating flesh and the chilly oil. His slick fingers trailed down, teased the rim of her anus.
Desire punched through her, and her body flexed as she arched herself higher for him. “Take me there, Merek.”
“Here?” One finger probed at the tight ring of muscle, pressing just the tip into her ass.
“Yes,” she gasped. She moaned and lifted herself into his hand as he began to stretch her anus for penetration, her arms jerking against the bindings. Her racing heart thudded against her ribcage, heat flowing through her veins.
His finger worked deeper, massaging until he could slip in a second digit. He thrust slowly, the oil making the slide exquisite.
“Merek, please,” she breathed. She twisted in her bonds. Even though she had no desire to escape, she couldn't stop moving.
“Pleasing you is part of my plan.” He brushed a kiss over her shoulder, nipped at the flesh.
A choked laugh ended in a gasp as he added a third finger to her ass. “I like this plan.”
His low chuckle made her grin into the pillow. “I had a feeling you would.”
Those diabolical fingers pumped slowly in and out of her ass, widening her passage until she thought she'd die. Her hips undulated, her ultrasensitive nipples chafing on the smooth sheets. She whimpered and closed her eyes, turning herself over to the sensations she couldn't control, didn't want to control. She wanted to feel, wanted to experience every moment of Merek's touch.
She bit her pillow when his cock replaced his fingers, the head nudging into her anus. It stung, he was so big, but she breathed through the pleasure-pain. He gripped her waist, his heavy thighs forcing her legs even wider for him as he surged deeper into her ass. He froze when she cried out, bucking against the glowing bonds around her wrists.
“Are you all right?” His grasp tightened when she didn't answer. “Chloe?”
“Give me a second.” She forced her body to loosen up, muscle by muscle, accepting the thick penetration of his cock. He shifted a little, and a ripple of pleasure went through her. Just that small movement, and more juices flooded her pussy. “Okay. I'm ready.”
Torment roughened his tone. “I don't want to hurt you. We can stop now, if—”
“No.” She rolled her hips experimentally, using the spell ropes to gain some leverage. A gasp ripped from her as the slippery oil made the first few inches of his cock slide in and out of her ass, each stroke easier as she relaxed.
Goose bumps broke out across her skin as he began to rock with her, tiny plunges that made ecstasy streak through her. His palms skimmed up her back, down again, gentling her. His voice was a deep growl that urged her onward.
“Faster,” she breathed, writhing in the bespelled cage of her bonds.
He obeyed her, his thrusts picking up speed and force until his muscled stomach spanked against her backside. Her sex fisted each time he entered her ass, and need sliced through her like a werewolf's claws. She moaned, bowing her back until the bonds snapped tight. He kissed the nape of her neck, his breath whispering against her hot, damp skin. “You feel so good, Chloe. Amazing.”
I love you.
The words were there, hovering on the tip of her tongue, but she bit them back. “More. Please, more.”
He rotated his pelvis against her, and she cried out at the pleasure that flooded her. He gave her more, just not as much as she needed. She tightened her muscles around his cock, and he groaned, the helpless sound vibrating against her back. “Yes, Chloe. More. Give me more.”
The ropes glowed brighter as their passion built, blinding her until she had to close her eyes to escape the light, but that only focused her more on the physical: the glide of their oil-slicked and sweat-dampened skin; the rough hair at his groin that stimulated her; the groans between each gasping breath; the flex and release of muscles as they moved together.
It was pure magic, no pleasure spells required.
He slid his hand between her body and the pillow he'd placed under her hips, forcing her to arch her ass higher into his thrusts. She sobbed and then screamed when his hand dipped between her thighs and rubbed over her wet folds. Every deep thrust rubbed her clit against his stroking fingers. “Merek! I need . . . I can't . . .

She knew she made no sense, but somehow he knew what she was begging for. His hips bucked faster, driving his cock even deeper than he'd ever been before. His fingers pressed down directly on her clit, and she exploded into an orgasm that left her shrieking, sobbing, and heaving under him.
A rough groan from him told her she'd dragged him along with her, and soon he filled her ass with hot fluids. Great shudders racked his body, and he wrapped his arms around her to hold her close.
“Gods,” he gasped. “That was . . . amazing.”
“Amazing.” She echoed the word at the same time, a bubble of sweet laughter slipping from her. “Yeah. It really was.”

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