Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1) (35 page)

BOOK: Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)
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“It’s a fetish,” he replied casually.

“It’s disgusting,” Kayci snapped.

Michael looked at Adrian, apparently insulted. “Then why did I get a call to come here?”

Adrian nodded his head at Michael, indicating he should stay quiet. Seeing Kayci’s reluctance, Adrian quickly grabbed Michael’s arm and lifted it in the air. He ran his nail across Michael’s arm, causing the skin to split and blood to pour out.

Kayci backed up immediately. The smell of the blood hit her nostrils, causing cramps in her stomach. She couldn’t think of anything else. She stared at the red liquid and felt her lip curl back. She rushed at Adrian and Michael and yanked Michael’s wrist from Adrian’s grasp and lifted it to her mouth. She let the delicious blood fill her mouth. It soothed the aching in her stomach. She opened her eyes to see satisfaction in Michael’s eyes. It sent a revolting chill through her body. She dropped his arm away from her mouth.

She was disgusted with herself. She wiped the blood from her lips and ran to the elevator. Adrian rushed after her to stop her from leaving. He approached the elevator doors when Kayci lifted her arms in the air and muttered an incantation aloud. Adrian felt a gust of wind develop from the ground and lift him in the air. He was thrown back several feet. He peered up at Kayci just in time to see her anger-filled eyes as the doors closed.

“What’s wrong with that one?” Michael asked, confused.

“Go home,” Adrian growled.



Chapter 32


Kayci marched past the blond vampire at the desk. She gawked at Kayci with obvious interest. She started to say something. Kayci’s hand abruptly went up to stop her.


Kayci rushed out of the condominium and into the streets. She let herself feel what it was like to run with vampire speed. She passed several streets without even losing her breath. Completely freeing. She turned onto a street with apartments facing the beach. She followed the scent of the clean ocean. She listened to the people talking nearby. A young couple walked along the water, whispering romantic words to one another.

She hid in the shadows of the palm trees, observing them as they walked by. She could smell their arousal and the alcohol they had consumed. It drifted toward her in the breeze. She bit back the desire to approach them. She held herself steady until they passed. Once they were farther down the beach, Kayci moved out of the shadows toward the ocean. She kicked her shoes off and stepped into the cool ocean water. She closed her eyes, sucked in the salty breeze, and let it soothe her tense muscles.

The man’s sweat spoiled the refreshing salty breeze. She heard his feet hitting the sand rhythmically. He was jogging. Alone. Her eyes jolted open, and her head turned in his direction. He saw her standing there staring at him. She could tell the sight of her startled him. Her eyes were no doubt golden. Her fangs pressed against her lip. As he turned to run, her predatory instinct kicked in. She had him in her grasp within seconds. Her fangs clenched down on his neck as he bellowed and tried to fight himself free. Her strength was incredible. A man of his height and build should have been able to easily throw her off. He couldn’t budge her.

She moaned from the delicious blood filling her mouth. She drank eagerly as his vein pulsed wildly from the blood being pulled to it. The smell of his fear emboldened her. She held his arms still as she leaned her head back, swallowed, and then sunk her teeth in for more.

“Stop.” She heard Adrian’s resounding voice from behind.

Kayci released the man from her solid grasp. He fell to one knee and outstretched his arm, trying to catch himself from falling to the ground. Adrian grabbed hold of Kayci and forced her into a sprint. He stopped when they were surely nowhere near humans.

“If we’re lucky, he’ll think a psychopath attacked him, or hopefully no one believes him if he does tell anyone that he was bitten and had the blood sucked out of him,” Adrian stated sharply.

“What are you doing, Kayci? This is the exact behavior that gets vampires killed and threatens our existence.”

Kayci squatted on the ground. Her elbows pressed against her knees. Her shaky hands shifted over her temples.

“I couldn’t stop myself, Adrian. I’m a monster.” Her face tightened into an expression of anguish. “I can’t even cry.”

Adrian sat down next to her. “If you believe that, then I’m a monster too.”

Kayci looked at him with despair in her eyes. “I don’t think you’re a monster.”

“I know this is difficult for you, but it will get easier. One day you may even like being a vampire. Until then, I’ll help you every way that I can. You can’t go off attacking humans though. It’ll only make you feel more like a monster. I can help you, Kayci. I can teach you how to feed without hurting anyone. You’ll find that you’ll feel less like a monster and more like the vampire that you are.”

Kayci stared out at the ocean, avoiding eye contact with Adrian. “What if I don’t want to stay like this?” Kayci asked softly.

Adrian swallowed the knot in his throat. “You can wait for the sun to rise.”

Adrian watched Kayci look solemnly out at the ocean. He feared that she may actually choose to embrace the Dawning. The thought of it made his chest tighten. He didn’t want to lose the one woman who had made him feel alive again. The one woman who had made him feel like he wasn’t a monster. He wanted to be pleased that she was like him now, immortal. Yet, he couldn’t be. She had been turned against her will, which only led her to fear and detest what she was. The only thing he could do was show her the worthwhile parts of being a vampire.

“Kayci, will you give me this night to show you the pleasures of being a vampire?”

Kayci finally met his eyes. He saw a glimmer of her inherent curiosity. He reached out his hand. Relief swept over him when she put her own hand into his.


Adrian pointed down at the distant street below. Kayci leaned over the ledge. She noted the amount of stories from roof to the ground.

“You seriously want me to jump?”

“No, I want you to go to the ledge and let yourself fall. When you get close to the ground, you’ll sense it and instinctively brace yourself for landing. Like a cat,” Adrian quipped. “You’ll land on both feet. I assure you.”

Kayci leaned over the ledge once more. As crazy as it seemed, she believed him, and her curiosity had admittedly been piqued. Kayci gave Adrian a smirk before placing her boots on the ledge. She glanced back at him briefly before letting herself fall forward.

As the wind whipped past her face, she outstretched her arms and closed her eyes. She let all thoughts and feelings escape her. She surrendered to the pleasure of the cool air as it pressed against the weight of her free-falling body. She rushed past the darkened windows and shiny metal framework of the building. She soared through the sky, intoxicated by the rush. As she neared the ground, she sensed the urgency and need to pull her legs toward her chest and brace herself for landing. Her feet hit the ground with barely a sound. She stood up. A smile spread across her face. She looked up just in time to see Adrian land next to her.

“What do you think?” Adrian asked confidently.

“Let’s go higher.”

Adrian smiled with satisfaction.

“I thought you might say that.”

Kayci placed her hand into Adrian’s as she peered down at the tiny street below. To have her touching him again offered him comfort. He quickly pulled her toward him before she let go, and pressed his lips eagerly against hers.

Kayci clung to Adrian, needing support for the wave of arousal that swept through her body. She shivered from the eruption of pleasure his kiss caused. She swept her tongue against his fangs, and after a brief moment of unease, she gave in to the familiar feeling of pleasure. She let his hands aggressively roam over her. She moaned from his touch.

The usual humming began to swarm around them, only this time she noticed a difference. The energy now reverberated off her to him and then back, some of the energy clearly escaping her own body. She could feel it. It was riveting. Sensual. She felt hungry with desire and bloodlust, yet calm and controlled.

Adrian put Kayci’s face into his hands as he gently pulled away from their kiss.

“Do you feel that, Kayci?”

Kayci nodded.

“That’s the vampire enchantment that you’re feeling. You’ve had it all along. Every time we were intimate, I felt it. That’s what you’ll use to feed. You’ll never hurt anyone, and they won’t even remember it happened.”

Kayci stared at Adrian in surprise. Then she smiled. A mischievous, seductive smile.

“I’ll see you at your condo,” she told him just before letting herself fall backward over the ledge.

Adrian’s smile grew, as did his arousal. He quickly followed her over the ledge.

Kayci slammed Adrian against the door the moment he stepped in. She kissed him sensuously and violently.

Adrian turned her and pushed her back against the door. He lifted her hands above her and held her tightly by her wrists as he pressed his hardened erection against her. She moaned with pleasure as his kisses spread down her neck. She pushed him forward just as his fangs grazed her skin. She tore his shirt from his chest and eagerly removed his pants.

Adrian wrapped his arms around Kayci’s back, slid his hands over her buttocks, and then gripped her thighs as he lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips. He carried her to his bed and carelessly removed her shirt. He quickly pulled the pants from her legs and removed every bit of clothing in his way.

Adrian drove himself into her eagerly and forcefully, reveling in her breathy moans.

Kayci thrust her hips upward and gave into each wave of pleasure that swam through her. As her sexual desire rose, her bloodlust intensified. She arched her back as another wave of pleasure coursed through her. As her hips lowered, her head tilted forward, as did her fangs. Kayci reached up and caressed Adrian’s neck and shoulder. She pulled him closer to her. She yearned to taste him. To have her release. When she looked at him, she saw he wanted the same. He lifted her from behind and brought her face close to his. When he pulled her toward his own neck, she knew he was hers.

Kayci sunk her teeth into his skin and let the warm, delectable blood fill her mouth. She drank slowly and calmly, savoring every bit of him. She pulled away from him slowly. He covered her mouth with his own, giving her an impassioned kiss. Kayci gently leaned back and brought her fingers to his lips. He took her hand in his and kissed it gently once, then again, then dipped his fangs into her palm and drank fervently.


Chapter 33


Adrian woke alone in his bed. His chest tightened when he realized Kayci was not in his condo. He rushed out onto his balcony. It wasn’t long until sunrise. Adrian dressed quickly, then hurried to the roof of the condominium. As he reached the top of the stairs, he found her sitting on the ledge, staring at the sky. He sat down next to her. His jaw tensed. His muscles constricted. He remained next to her in silence, afraid.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Kayci asked him, never taking her eyes off the sky.

Adrian stared out into the horizon.

“What’s it like never getting to see it?”

“It’s like watching a magnificent movie and never seeing the ending,” he answered honestly.

“It’s a shame that people don’t truly appreciate something until it’s gone.”

“Will you be staying for it?” Adrian asked, his chest tight.

Kayci sat silent for a moment, clearly in thought. She continued to observe the sky as it lightened.

“No, Adrian, I won’t be. I’m not here to embrace the Dawning. I’m here to watch the magnificent movie.”

Kayci looked over at Adrian’s face, filled with relief. She admired the beautiful golden eyes of the vampire staring back at her. The vampire she loved.




Kayci opened the unlocked door of the condo Adrian had offered Thorne. A briefcase-like shoulder bag sat on the bed, surrounded by a few items of clothing, a laptop, and folders of paperwork waiting to be packed. He continued to pack even after she entered.

“Adrian tells me you’re leaving.”

“I am,” he answered. “I assumed after your transition that you’d prefer that I not be here.”

Kayci had a mixture of resentment and dejection about him leaving, yet she was still furious about what he had done.

“You’re right. I am angry with you, but running away again seems like a cowardly thing to do.”

“I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you. I hope someday you can understand why I did it.”

Kayci’s irritation grew. She straightened her back and spoke more confidently.

“I understand that you abandoned me as a child because
thought it would keep me safe. I understand that you came back into my life to
protect me. What I don’t understand is how you think you had the right to take away

Kayci’s fangs extracted. Anger penetrated her pores.

Thorne picked up the packed briefcase and headed toward her and the door. He stopped in front of her and studied her new appearance for several moments. His expression was affectionate. His eyes were filled with sorrow.

“Your name isn’t Kayci Pierce. It’s Katerina Salvitto. When you’re ready to embrace who you truly are, who you were truly meant to be, ask Adrian for what I’ve left you. I love you, Katerina. I will always love you.”

Tears filled Kayci’s eyes as she watched Thorne walk out the door.


Vladimir and Adrian sat to Kayci’s left, while Rosemary sat to her right. They each studied her, wondering what Kayci’s intentions were by calling this meeting.

“I can see that each of you are interested in why I’ve invited Rosemary, a witch, to a vampire meeting.”

“We are, yes,” Vladimir confirmed.

“As the new Covenant leader, I’d like to make my first order.”

“What is that?” Adrian asked, giving her a proud smile of approval.

“I’d like to add a few new members to the Covenant. Not just vampires,” Kayci added. “Rosemary is here because I want to offer her a seat on the Covenant as a representative from the witches. I’d like to invite at least one more witch to the Covenant from Rosemary’s choosing. I’d also like to invite two werewolves to represent their kind.”

Kayci read Vladimir’s and Adrian’s surprised expressions. She continued.

“We need to have allies if we’re to hold the peace among the different species as well as maintain control over our own.”

Vladimir and Adrian stared at one another. It had been three months since Kayci had transitioned. She’d already led them to a rogue coven in the Smoky Mountains, which had locals believing a mountain lion had moved into the area, with the way hikers and campers were being attacked. She’d sent a message to any other rogue vampires out there that had intentions of threatening their existence by dispatching the entire rogue coven with little more than a raise of her hands.

Her practice of sorcery had proven to be a natural talent. Her skills had grown considerably in the short time since her transition, especially with Rosemary’s guidance. Word was spreading to the thirteen remaining covens as well as to the witch covens and werewolf clans that Katerina Salvitto, the new Covenant leader, had no tolerance for rogue vampires and showed favor toward witches and werewolves.

Vladimir and Adrian had come to value and respect her decision making and weren’t about to question it now.

Vladimir and Adrian nodded their private approval to one another.

“Do you agree to this, Rosemary?” Adrian asked.

“I do. I believe it’s a beneficial decision. I’ve received support from several covens. They’re pleased to have me appointed as a representative for our kind. We feel it’ll give us an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between all three of our kind. I am concerned though that the werewolves may be more difficult to persuade.”

“I do see the value in making such offers,” Vladimir stated. “However, I feel strongly that we should enlist more vampires. We could use the assistance.”

Kayci nodded. “I agree. I know Adrian would prefer to be back in the field instead of dealing with internal affairs of the Covenant. Let’s each suggest someone to invite as a member. I’d like to start with finding a vampire named Edward Allis.
Edward Allis,” she added.

As soon as Kayci said the name, Adrian thought it sounded familiar. Perhaps he’d met him at some point. He wondered how she knew of him.

“I’ll find Dr. Allis. Shouldn’t be too difficult if he’s still alive,” Adrian said. “There’s a vampire or two that I have in mind. I’ll pay them a visit while I look for Allis.”

“I’ll go west. There is a vampire there by the name of Frederick that I feel would be a valuable asset. I might as well pay a visit to the MacCabe clan while I’m out there. I’ve received word that Natalia has fled to that area of the country. I may be gone awhile.”

Adrian looked at Kayci affectionately before he spoke. “Can you ladies handle things while we’re away?”

Kayci smirked at him.

“We’ll be just fine.”


BOOK: Embrace The Dawning (The Covenant Series Book 1)
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