Embrace of the Damned (42 page)

BOOK: Embrace of the Damned
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Stepping toward the man, Broder grabbed the back of his neck like he might a kitten, twisted, and pushed him down to the ground in a flurry of flailing arms and legs. “Take a nap, Loki,” Broder growled a moment before his massive fist connected with Loki’s head.


Loki went limp, as if his bones had turned to water, and lay still.


Jessa stood, her hands still curled around the pendant, magick still faintly tickling her palm. She knew she appeared stunned—eyes wide, lips parted.


“Jessa?” Broder approached her, reaching out with one hand as though he feared she’d bolt at any moment.


Her shock broke and she launched herself into his arms. He caught her around the waist, lifting her, and she twined her legs around his midsection, burying her face in his chest and inhaling the wonderful scent of him.


This time she didn’t need to memorize that scent. Anytime she wanted it, all she’d have to do was this—hug him, kiss him.


Broder was hers to love forever.


He held her and kissed her all over her face, then slanted his mouth across hers and took her in a deep, possessive kiss that seemed meant to mark her soul with his. Finally, her feet touched the ground again and she clasped his hand as they walked toward his bike, stepping over Loki’s prone body.


“Will he be okay?” she asked, glancing back.


He shrugged. “He’s a god.”


“Why did he stick around for that beating?”


“Ego. And probably surprise. Whatever the reason, I’m glad he did. That felt good.” He flashed a grin.


Blood marked his lip where Loki had landed a punch. “It is true you no longer have your fantastic healing ability and strength.”


“It’s true, but I have something better. It’s a good trade-off.”


They mounted his bike and he started it up. The engine roared to life, then settled into a kittenish purr, sounding as satisfied and happy as she felt. “What will we do now?”


Broder shrugged again. “We’ll figure it out.” Then he pulled away from the gravel at the side of the road and started them on their journey.


A brand-new one.


Jessa rested her chin on Broder’s shoulder, smiled, and closed her eyes as they traveled off into the muted oranges and reds of the setting sun, the wind tangling her hair.


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