Embattled SEAL

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Authors: J. M. Madden

BOOK: Embattled SEAL
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Embattled SEAL

J.M. Madden

Copyright © 2015 J.M. Madden

Kindle Edition

Cover by Viola Estrella

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Any logistical, technical, procedural or medical mistake in this book is truly my own.”

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Other Books by J.M. Madden



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


Also by J.M. Madden

About the Author

If you would like to read about the ‘combat modified’ veterans of the
Lost and Found Investigative Service
, click on the covers below to learn more.

Other books by J.M. Madden

A Touch of Fae

Second Time Around

A Needful Heart

Wet Dream

Love on the Line Book 1

Love on the Line Book 2

The Awakening Society – FREE

Tempt Me

Urban Moon Anthology

If you’d like to connect with me on social media and keep updated on my releases, try these links:






And of course you can always email me at
[email protected]


As always I have to thank my husband. If it wasn’t for your never-ending support I could never have realized my dream. Love you, Babe!

Donna and Robyn, you girls are simply amazing! You have the best advice. Thank you for reminding me to stick with my gut.

To the Madden Militia, you ladies rock! Sandie, Mayas, Mary, Elizabeth, Andrea, Mistie, Karen – thank you all for your input!


I had the pleasure of attending a meeting last year with retired US Navy SEAL Don Shipley and his wife Diane, as well as an amazing group of fellow military writers. As incredible as Don was, I remember being incredibly impressed with Diane. She loved her husband but she had an iron hard will that I’ve only ever seen in single mothers and other military wives.

This is for all the servicemen and their families, especially the women (and sometimes men) that keep everything together at home. I know it’s not an easy life and I admire every one of you that manages to make a life centered around the military.

Thank you!

Chapter One

ive million thoughts
raced through her head as Cat shoved her way through a group of men and into the hospital room. She had no idea who the men were, only that they were keeping her from her husband.

As she stepped to the side of the bed and took in everything attached to him and in him, she wanted to rail at the world. This wasn’t how she wanted to reconnect with Harper. This wasn’t how it was supposed to play out. Damn it. She wanted to jerk him up and hold him against her, make him open his beautiful storm-cloud silver eyes and tell her he loved her.

But he hadn’t done that for a long time.

Her eyes catalogued the machines. He was on a ventilator; saline dripped steadily into his arm along with another clear fluid she couldn’t see the sticker of. Probably some kind of pain med or antibiotic.

There was a deep scuff on his heavy jaw and dark hair had already begun to shadow his cheeks, but the top of his head was swathed with bandages. Both eyes were completely covered and her stomach bottomed out at the worry that caused. They’d left the johnny hospital gown hanging untied, merely draped over his massive chest. They probably couldn’t have tied it even if he’d been vertical. Her husband was usually too big for one-size-fits-all.

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