Read Elly & Kent - The Complete Story: Includes Books 1-3 Online

Authors: Marie Cole

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Friends to Lovers, #New Adult Romance, #Second Chance Romance, #College Romance, #Contemporary Romance

Elly & Kent - The Complete Story: Includes Books 1-3 (14 page)

BOOK: Elly & Kent - The Complete Story: Includes Books 1-3
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"It's a rite of passage, Elly," he tried again.

"No. I'm not going to bust in on your prom date."

"Are you really going out with Jake?"

Damnit. He had me cornered. Prom or Jake. Prom or Jake. It had been painful enough lying to him the first time. But if I told him that I wasn't going out with Jake then he would probably tell Jen and then she'd hate me even more. I was stuck and committed.

"Yes! Is that so hard to believe?"

"No, I mean, yes. I just figured you'd go out with someone you could actually hold hands with and stuff."

I felt my anger steaming. I could find someone, the most repulsive of guys, probably, but I didn't want that. I didn't want anyone except the one guy I couldn't have.

"I'm sure what Jake and I do is way more exhilarating than anything you do with Jen in real life."

I watched as his eyes went wide, "What does that mean? What are you doing with him?"

"That's none of your business. It's between me and Jake."

He scoffed. "Because you aren't doing anything."

"We are! Late at night when my mom is sleeping! Why do you think I've been so tired lately?"

It had really been because of Kent but I could twist this to my advantage. What was one more lie?

"Pft. You are so full of crap."


We walked a few more minutes in silence before he couldn't contain himself any further. "Do you cyber with him?"

I almost gave myself away by scrunching up my nose. Almost. I pushed him on the elbow gently. "Stop it. It's none of your business and if you don't quit you're going to imagine things you wished you hadn't."

His jaw was twitching and his ears were turning red and he avoided my gaze. I finally smiled. Any discomfort he was experiencing was totally his fault. Okay, maybe partly my fault.

"This is your stop, Kent. See you later." I moved to go across the street but his hand grabbed me.

"So it's serious?"

I looked down at his hand which was so tight it was causing slight pain.

"Yeah. I applied to Texas State. If I get in then I'm going there to be with him."

I swallowed hard as I watched the emotions swim over his face. First surprise then disappointment and pain and finally sadness.

"Oh. Great."

"Is there a reason I shouldn't go to Texas State?"

His eyes were on our feet and he shrugged his shoulder, dropping his hand and shoving it into his pocket.

"Nope. I'm sure it's a great school and the weather will be great and yeah... you'll get to be around all those country music lovers."

I don't know why I was expecting him to say something along the lines of
I love you, Elly, please don't go! I would die without you
, but I did. And of course, I was disappointed.

"I can block out the country music or maybe it will grow on me."

"Probably. You're pretty good at adapting."

Was I? I didn't think so.

"See you later?" I was eager to go and get away from his sad puppy dog eyes. He would get over my fake choice to go to Texas State soon enough.

"Yes. At prom. If you're going away to Texas State then I'm demanding it. You're going to come with me."

"And Jen."

"Well, yeah, and Jen. I'll buy your ticket."

I shook my head. "They don't allow threesomes, you know that."

He was blushing and once I realized why I slapped his arm. "Kent! Quit being such a perv. And ew. Never."

Chapter Seventeen


I paced back and forth in the kitchen waiting for Elly to come downstairs. I'd wanted to stay up there and help her get dressed if she needed it, maybe get a reassuring hug from her too before Jen arrived. The limo was going to arrive with her in it any minute now.

My mother was sitting at the table observing me, she certainly wasn't making things any better. "Son, you can't rush a lady." I wasn't rushing her, I just... I wanted to see her. I wanted to know what she looked like in a pretty non-black dress. I'd never had the opportunity because she never wore them because of her self-esteem.

I stopped pacing long enough to wipe some sweat that had fallen from my brow. I didn't want it to stain my tux or make it translucent or whatever sweat did to fancy, stuffy clothes. "I'm just a little nervous." That was a lie. I was extremely nervous. Why? Because my girlfriend was picking us up and I was bringing another girl to prom with us.

"Well don't ruin your shirt before your date even gets here." Mom stood from the table and came over, putting her hands on my shoulders. She looked me in the eye, her face trying to be a calming force. "It's just a dance."

"It's not just a dance. This is prom."

"It is prom, that's true. Why are you going as a threesome again? Couldn't Elly find a date of her own?"

I instantly came to her defense. It wasn't that Elly couldn't find a date, it was that she... "Because Elly is my best friend and I couldn't let her skip prom just because her boyfriend doesn't live here and couldn't make it. Besides with Jen and Elly being friends now it just seemed like the right thing to do." I smiled a little, trying to cover the twisting knot in my stomach. If I hadn't been in a relationship with Jen I would've asked her. Gladly, without hesitation. I tried to lie to myself and tell myself it wasn't because I had more than friendly feelings for her, but I knew that wasn't it. But I had Jen and Jen was perfect. I had to see where it went with her or I would regret it for the rest of my life.

I pulled my mind away from that as I glanced at the clock. In roughly three minutes Jen's limo was going to be here. "Where is El--" my voice dropped in my throat as my eyes met the answer to my question. Elly was coming down the stairs and to me she looked better than any video game character I secretly had the hots for. What did it matter she had a little more weight on her than the average girl? She was absolutely beautiful.

"This is ridiculous, Kent. Why are you making me go?"

After my eyes stopped committing her to memory I realized she'd spoken to me, "Because it's prom, Els. Everyone has to go. It's a rite of passage." As I came closer I felt a lump forming in my throat. I swallowed it down somehow and with hot cheeks I admitted, "You look very pretty."

"Of course you would think so. I look more like Jen than ever."

That stung, I'd paid her a compliment and she, like always, brushed it off. Before I could retort my mom pushed me towards the stairs. I grabbed onto the rail for assistance as she lifted her camera.

"Get together, quickly, your ride will be here any minute."

I smelled Elly's perfume as she stepped in closer, but not close enough to touch me. I didn't touch her either, I didn't want to mess up her clothes. Or other things.

"Could you two act like you like each other?" My mom waved us inward, signaling for us to get closer. She took a tiny baby step towards me and I manned up and grabbed her around her shoulder, pulling her into my side. I felt her relax against me. I smiled and was instantly blinded by the flash on my mother's camera.

"Did you get it, Mom?" I asked, still holding onto Elly. Not quite ready to let her go. I hadn't been this close to her in months. Perhaps longer.

"Let me get one more." The flash blinded us again and as I stared down at Elly I saw spots on bits of her face. She was smiling up at me and just before I could comment the doorbell interrupted. I quickly released her and straightened out my coat. I wondered if Jen was going to notice that I smelled like her. "Ready to go?"

"Um...sure," I heard Elly say behind me. She did nothing to actually try to convince me that those words were true.

"You two have a good time." My mom opened the door. I was expecting Jen to be standing there but the driver was there instead.

"Kent Lytle?" I nodded to the driver and then looked behind me to make sure Elly was following. She was.

I kissed my mom goodbye and then led the way to the limo. After the driver opened the door I climbed in and almost instantly felt myself being pulled down. Warm lips met mine and for an instant I was frozen, trying to get my bearings. I returned the kiss and then she pulled away, letting me sit down fully.

"Hey baby," Jen said. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I took in her low cut red sequin dress. It was enough to tempt any man.

I cleared my throat, "Hey Jen." I tried to avert my gaze from her cleavage and my eyes landed on Elly's ass as she walked the little way to the seat farthest away from us. Firm fingers rested under my chin and pulled my gaze away. I smiled innocently at Jen.

"Do you like my dress?"

Inwardly I sighed in relief, she hadn't noticed me ogling my best friend. "Yes. It's very pretty." I smiled and looked her over again. What the hell was she doing with me? She was much too hot to be hanging around with a geek like me. I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe tonight would be the night when I was elected prom king only to have a bucket of blood dropped on my head.

"You'll be the most handsome guy there, I'm sure." She leaned forward and pressed another kiss to my lips. "I'm so lucky."

I frowned. The irony lost on me that neither me or my best friend were very good at taking compliments. Her fingers went to the corner of my mouth and pushed them upwards.

"Smile, Kenny. We're going to prom!" She gasped suddenly, making me jump, "I know what will make you feel better!" She un-handed me and slid off the seat. She went to the little fridge under the window and pulled out a little bottle of clear liquid courage. She came back and sat next to me, a mischievous grin on her lips as she wiggled the bottle back and forth in front of my eyes. "Drink me, Kenny."

"I dunno, Jen. We could get into a lot of trouble." My eyes couldn't help but follow the bottle back and forth. On the one hand I wasn't a drinker, I hadn't ever seen the appeal of wanting to lose yourself and act like an idiot. On the other hand I could definitely see the merit of wanting to lose myself tonight. My best friend was across the limo, fists balled up in her pretty lap, no proper date by her side. And then there was Jen, who looked good enough to eat, and who might still be pulling the ultimate prank. Whatever happened tonight I was going to need a little extra help. One shot wouldn't hurt.

She opened up the cap and pushed it against my lips. I didn't want to ruin my tux so I tilted my head back and drank as she said, "Loosen up and drink it!" It burned all the way down and when it was empty I turned my head to the side and coughed.

I heard clapping and Jen cheering and then another dribble of liquid was trying to hit my shirt. I tilted my head back and drank, seeing no other way out. I coughed again and put my hand to my stomach. Before I got my wits about me a third one was forced upon me. I drank it. I didn't want to seem like a wimp.

I glanced towards Elly. Was she going to be upset that I gave into peer pressure? We used to make fun of people who did. Before I could think that through further Jen's lips were on mine. She was alluring and forceful and as the alcohol seeped into my bloodstream I didn't mind. I even let myself go a little, forgetting for a moment that we weren't alone.

I didn't notice that the limo had stopped until I felt Elly's high heel crushing my shoe. I winced but didn't cry out as I climbed out after dislodging myself from Jen who was giggling, I assumed because I was already clearly inebriated.

As the crisp air hit my face I inhaled deeply, taking the sweet oxygen-rich fresh air into my body. Jen pressed herself against me as I leaned on the limo, her red manicured fingers slightly digging into my chest. It would've been hotter if my head didn't feel like it might float away into the evening sky like a lost balloon.

"This is going to be the best night of our high school years. You ready for some fun?" she asked as she pressed another soft kiss to my lips.

I nodded and smiled. She smelled good and felt good as my hands slid over her waist and around to her ass. I gave it a nice squeeze before pushing off the side of the limo to try to stand on my own two feet. "Best night." She took my hand and kissed the back of it before pulling me towards the dance.

I looked around as I followed after her, wondering where Elly had disappeared to. She was supposed to be dancing with me. At least once. I was half her prom date. Or was she half my prom date and I was her whole one? Whatever. I shook my head as Jen took ahold of my hand and kissed the back of it before pulling me towards the dance.

Just inside the hotel we were pulled aside for a formal picture. Jen posed next to me and I posed for the second time of the evening, removing my glasses for the picture. We held onto each other and I forced a smile so we could get it over with. The camera flashed once and then I looked away, trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of Elly. The camera flashed again and I heard the camera man yell, "Next!"

Suddenly I was pulled to the side and pushed up against the wall.

"Oh my god. You took off your glasses. You know how hot that makes me. No fair. Can we go somewhere? I can't wait anymore, Kent. I have to have you."


BOOK: Elly & Kent - The Complete Story: Includes Books 1-3
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