Elizabeth of York: A Tudor Queen and Her World (82 page)

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I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my editorial director, Anthony Whittome, not only for his creative guidance but also for his original and convincing theory about Elizabeth of York and the Buck letter.

I should add that the conclusions I have reached in this book—and any errors—are my own. Having researched firstly from primary sources, I had formulated my own conclusions on many aspects of Elizabeth’s story before I came to read the secondary sources and found that some historians had evolved similar theories. Those whose views and insights have had a bearing on my work have been credited in the notes.



Abell, Adam: The riot or quheill of tyme (National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, N.L.S. MS. 1746; ed. Stephanie Malone Thorson, Ph.D. thesis, University of St. Andrews, 1998)

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(ed. L. Lyell and F. D. Watney, Cambridge, 1936)

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André, Bernard:
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, ed. James Gairdner, Rolls Series, 1858; published as
The Life of Henry VII
, trans. and introd. by Daniel Hobbins, New York, 2011)

The Annals of Ulster
(ed. B. MacCarthy, Dublin, 1895)

Anthology of Catholic Poets
(compiled Shane Leslie, New York, 1926)

The Antiquarian Repertory: A Miscellany, intended to Preserve and Illustrate Several Valuable remains of Old Times
(4 vols., ed. F. Grose and T. Astle, London, 1775–84, 1808)

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(102 vols., Society of Antiquaries of London, 1777–1969)

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The Babees’ Book: Medieval Manners for the Young
(trans. Edith Rickert and L. J. Naylor, Cambridge, Ontario, 2000)

Bacon, Sir Francis:
The History of the Reign of King Henry VII
(London, 1622; ed. Brian Vickers, Cambridge, 1998)

Balliol College Oxford MS. 354

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Bernaldez, Andres:
Historia de las Reyes Catolicos
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Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript. Ballads and Romances
(3 vols., ed. J. W. Hales and F. J. Furnivall, London, 1868)

Bodleian MSS. (Bodleian Library, Oxford)

The Book of the Fraternity of Corpus Christi (Guildhall Library, London)

The Book of Howth (Carew MSS., Library of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin)

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British Library Harleian Manuscript 433
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History of the Life and Reign of Richard III
(B. L. Cotton MS. Tiberius, E.X; 5 vols., ed. George Buck, nephew of the author, London, 1646; reprinted in
A Complete History of England, Vol. V
, ed. White Kennett, London, 1719; ed. as
The History of King Richard the Third by Sir George Buck, Master of the Revels
by A. N. Kincaid, Stroud, 1979, revised 1982)

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(17 vols., ed. G. A. Bergenroth, P. de Goyangos, Garrett Mattingley, R. Tyler,
et al.
, H.M.S.O., London, 1862–1965)

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(ed. W. H. Bliss, London, 1893)

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(H.M.S.O., London, 1897)

Calendar of Patent Rolls: Edward IV: 1467–1477
(H.M.S.O., London, 1899)

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(H.M.S.O., London, 1901)

Calendar of Patent Rolls: Henry VII: 1485–1509
(2 vols., H.M.S.O., London, 1914–16)

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(ed. Allen B. Hinds, London, 1912)

Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to English Affairs preserved in the Archives of Venice and in the other Libraries of Northern Italy
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et al.
, H.M.S.O., London, 1864–1947)

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(London, 1588, 1607)

Capgrave, John:
The Book of the Illustrious Henries
(ed. F. C. Hingeston, London, 1858)

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Caxton’s Blanchardyn and Eglantine, ca.1489: from Lord Spencer’s unique imperfect copy, completed by the original French and the second English version of 1595
(ed. Leon Kellner, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1997)

The Cely Letters, 1472–1488
(ed. Alison Hanham, Early English Texts Society, Oxford, 1875)

Cessolis, Jacobus de:
The Game and Play of the Chess
(William Caxton, Bruges, 1474; ed. W.E.A. Axon, St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1967)

Chamber Receipts (E.101) (The National Archives)

Chapter Records XXIII to XXVI (The Chapter Library, St. George’s Chapel, Windsor); Chapel Archives and Chapter Library at

Charter Rolls (C.53) (The National Archives)

Christ Church Oxford MSS.

The Chronicle of Calais in the Reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII to the year 1540
(ed. John Gough Nichols, Camden Society, London, 1866)

Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London
(ed. John Gough Nichols, Camden Society, Old Series 53, London, 1852)

Chronicles of London
(ed. C. L. Kingsford, Oxford, 1905)

Cole MSS. (The British Library)

A Collection of all the Wills, now known to be extant, of the Kings and Queens of England
(ed. John Nichols, London, 1780)

A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household made in Divers Reigns, from King Edward III to King William and Queen Mary
(Society of Antiquaries, London, 1790)

College of Arms MSS. (The College of Arms, London)

Commines, Philippe de:
(3 vols., ed. J.L.A. Calmette and G. Durville, Paris, 1824–25; trans. and ed. M. Jones, London, 1972)

Cotton MSS. (The British Library)

Court Rolls (S.C.2) (The National Archives)

The Croyland Chronicle Continuation, 1459–1486
(ed. N. Pronay and J. Cox, Stroud, 1986; see also
Ingulph’s Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, with the continuations by Peter of Blois and anonymous writers
, trans. and ed. Henry T. Riley, London, 1954)

Dineley, Thomas:
The Account of the Official Progress of His Grace Henry the first Duke of Beaufort
(1684; ed. Charles Baker, London, 1864)

Documents and objects extracted from the record series in Chancery Lane (EXT 6) (The National Archives)

Dodsworth, Roger, and Dugdale, William:
Monasticum Anglicanum
(2 vols., London, 1655, 1661)

Doort, Abraham van der: A Book of all such the King’s Pictures, as are by His Majesty’s especial appointment placed at this present time remaining in Whitehall in the several places following (1639–40, Bodleian Library Ash-mole MS. 514; published as
Abraham van der Doort’s Catalogue of the Collections of Charles I
, ed. Oliver Millar, Walpole Society, 37, Glasgow, 1960)

Dugdale, William:
Monasticon Anglicanum
(3 vols., London, 1693)

Dunbar, William:
Selected Poems
(ed. Harriet Harvey Wood, Manchester, 2003)

Egerton MSS. (The British Library)

English Coronation Records
(ed. Leopold G. W. Legg, Westminster, 1901)

Erasmus, Desiderius:
The Epistles of Erasmus
(ed. F. M. Nichols, New York, 1962)

Excerpta Historica
(ed. S. Bentley and H. Nicolas, 1831)

Exchequer Records: Exchequer of Receipt: Warrants for Issues (E.404) (The National Archives)

Exchequer Records: Issue Rolls (E.403) (The National Archives)

Exchequer Records: King’s Remembrancer, Accounts Various (E.101) (The National Archives)

Exchequer Records: King’s Treasurer’s Accounts (E.404) (The National Archives)

Exeter College MSS. (University of Oxford)

Fabyan, Robert:
New Chronicles of England and France
(London, 1515; ed. Henry Ellis, London, 1811)

The Fifteen Oes and Other Prayers
(printed by William Caxton, ed. S. Ayling, London, 1869)

Fisher, John:
The Funeral Sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby
(ed. T. Baker and J. Hymers, London, 1840) Fisher MS. (University of Toronto)

Foedera, Conventiones, Et … Acta Publica inter Reges Angliae
(ed. Thomas Rymer, London, 1704–17)

Formulare Anglicanum: Or, a Collection of Ancient Charters and Instruments of Divers Kinds, Taken from the Originals
(ed. Thomas Madox, London, 1702)

Four English Political Tracts of the Later Middle Ages
(ed. J. P. Genet, London, 1977)

Fuensalida, Gutierre Gómez de:
Correspondencia de Gutierre Gómez de Fuensalida, embajador en Alemania, Flandes e Inglaterra (1496–1509)
(Madrid, 1907)

Fuller, Thomas:
History of the Worthies of England
(London, 1662)

Gainsford, Thomas:
The True and Wonderful History of Perkin Warbeck proclaiming himself Richard IV
(London, 1618)

Garrett MS. 168 (Princeton University Library)

Grafton, Richard:
Grafton’s Chronicle, or History of England
(London, 1569; 2 vols., London, 1809)

The Great Chronicle of London
(ed. A. H. Thomas and I. D. Thornley, Guildhall Library, London, 1938, privately printed)

The Great Wardrobe Accounts of Henry VII and Henry VIII
(ed. Maria Hayward, London Record Society, 2012)

“Gregory’s Chronicle”: The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century
(ed. James Gairdner, Camden Society, London, 1876)

Guildhall MSS. (Guildhall Library, London)

Hall, Edward:
The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Families of Lancaster and York
(ed. H. Ellis, London, 1809; published in facsimile 1970)

Halsbury’s Laws of England
(ed. James, Lord Mackay of Clashfern, London, 1998)

Harington, Sir John:
A New Discourse of a Stale Subject: The Metamorphosis of Ajax
(ed. E. S. Donno, London, 1962)

Harleian MSS. (The British Library)

Hawes, Stephen:
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(1509; Fili-Quarian Classics, 2010)

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(Strawberry Hill, 1757; reprinted Reading, 1807)

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The Life and Reign of King Henry VIII
(London, 1649)

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The Scale of Perfection
(ed. J. B. Dalgairns and Harry Plantinga, Oxford, 1995)

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(ed. J. Bruce, Camden Society, London, 1838)

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(London, 1577; 6 vols., ed. H. Ellis, London, 1807–08)

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Illustrations of Ancient State and Chivalry from Manuscripts preserved in the Ashmolean Museum
(ed. W. H. Black, London, 1839)

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(ed. Margaret Sanders, Stroud, 1959)

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(London, 1576)

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(2 vols., ed. James Gairdner, London, 1861–63)

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(ed. Muriel St. Clair Byrne, New York, 1968)

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(2 vols., ed. J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, London, 1848)

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(ed. Anne Crawford, Stroud, 1994)

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(3 vols., ed. Mary Anne Everett Green, London, 1846)

Liber Regie Capelle
The Book of the Chapel Royal
) (ed. Walter Ullman and Derek Howard Turner, Henry Bradshaw Society, 1961)

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(Venice, 1499)

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(ed. Muriel St. Clare Byrne, London, 1983)

Lopes, Alvaro:
Alvaro Lopes de Chaves, Livro de Apontamentos, 1438–1489 códice 443 da colecção Pombalina da B.N.L
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The Lord Chamberlain’s Accounts (LC.9) (The National Archives)

Malory, Sir Thomas:
Le Morte d’Arthur
(ed. Helen Cooper, Oxford, 1998)

Mancini, Dominic:
De Occupatione Regni Anglie per Riccardum Tercium
(trans. and ed. as
The Usurpation of Richard III
by C.A.J. Armstrong, 2nd edition, Oxford, 1969)

Manners and Meals in Olden Time
(ed. F. J. Furnivall, Early English Texts Society, 32, 1868)

Marche, Olivier de la:
Mémoires d’Olivier de la Marche
(ed. H. Beaune and J. Arbaumont, Paris, 1883)

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