Elf Lords: 02 - Last of the Elf Lords (23 page)

BOOK: Elf Lords: 02 - Last of the Elf Lords
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Natis saw the black disk that had been used to transport Seebaul—or at least a portion of his being—to them. He knelt down and picked it up. When he stood, the Elf Lord was smiling at him. Seebaul looked fondly to Seth. “Farewell.” He spoke, and then his image began to shimmer and fade. In no time he was gone.

“By the nameless god of the elves.” Seth whispered.

Landis ushered Natis to the portal and sent him out, then he stood alongside of Seth, Doogal, Tessa, and Weslocke, keeping watch in case any beings from the Dragon Realm arrived. When the last of the children had exited, Landis sent the others out, waiting until he was alone in the Dragon Realm. He looked about the place, noticing for the first time that there was nothing but darkness on the horizon. Landis saw no signs of life anywhere. He wondered if anything even lived here anymore. Dismissing the thought, he turned and walked through the gateway.

“I was beginning to think that we had lost you.” Tessa said when she saw Landis coming through the opening between the two worlds.

The half-elf raised his sword and pressed the hilt against the gate. “Let’s close this thing.”

The amber glow began swirling as Seth put the green staff against the gate. Colors formed, mixing about in a circular fashion. Tessa and Doogal knelt beside each other and put the red and black pearls into place. The light flickered out. The stone beams were once more crisscrossing the lifeless arch. Shadow ran over to stand beside Tessa, licking her face until the Ranger agreed to rub the elven-wolf-hound’s head. “Good girl.” Tessa said to the dog.

“It’s closed.” Landis reassured them before retrieving the Sword of Alexon. When he turned around, he saw Weslocke gingerly stepping through the bones that littered the cave. “Poor bastards.” The dwarf commented.

“Better them than us.” Landis countered.

“Aye, that is true. But nobody deserves to have their flesh dissolved off of their bones this way. It must have been an agonizing death.”

Natis helped Katryn over to Landis. When she fell into his arms, Landis asked, “How are you?” He asked her.

“Exhausted, but we did it.” Katryn kissed him with great passion.

Trevor coughed, “Perhaps we should be going now.”

Landis reluctantly released Katryn. “You are correct.”

Natis was smiling in a way that Landis had never seen from the mage before. “We did it, Landis. We moved part of the Tilsaw forest all the way to Sedau. Those kids are running around outside in a new land. I can feel the magic of the Tilsaw forest out there. We actually did it!”

“Now we have to lock this cave up.” Landis advised.

Natis held the red stone. “Seebaul told me how to do it.”

Landis and Katryn stood before the four Dragon Gates. Landis was still unable to comprehend the fact that when they stepped outside of this cave, that they would be in the Westland. Doogal, Tessa and Seth stood nearby. Shadow sat behind the female Ranger. They watched as Landis took the Sword of Alexon and thrust it, point first, into the ground. “Doogal, Tessa, hang your pearls on the hilt of the sword.” He instructed.

“Why?” Tessa asked.

“These pearls have been a curse upon the world since they were first created. I suggest that we leave three of them here inside this cave, and let Seth keep the Green Staff in our world. That way no one can have all four.”

“Wise decision.” Natis agreed.

Tessa and Doogal followed Landis’ instructions, hanging the chains holding the red and black pearls on the hilt of the Sword of Alexon.

“Now we can leave.” Landis declared.

Hand-in-hand, Landis and Katryn walked out of the cave. Landis looked out at the forest below. It looked nothing like he last remembered it. “
is Sedau?”

“I do good work.” Katryn said.

“You did this?” Landis asked.

“With Seebaul’s help. This land needed healing, and that
my specialty. There are a few dryads here who helped me. After today, they may be the last ones left.” She spoke the words with sadness.

Natis turned back to the cave. “Weslocke, would you mind cutting an opening at the top of the cave big enough for me to place this?” He held the red stone in his hand.

The dwarf approached the cave. He raised his axe above his head and drove it into the hillside, cutting a deep opening. “How is that?”

“Perfect.” Natis complimented. He reached up and slipped the stone into the opening made by Weslocke’s axe, sliding the stone back and forth until it remained in place. Natis took several steps back, then held his arms outstretched. He began mumbling mystical words and slowly brought his hands together in the process. As he did so, the mouth of the cave closed up. When Natis was finished, there was no sign of the opening.

“Illusion?” Weslocke asked.

Natis patted the solid wall of the steep hillside. “Not at all, the cave is completely sealed.” He pointed to the part of the red stone that was still visible. “I believe that you have something to do.” He suggested.

“Oh yes.” Landis agreed. “Seth, do you remember the order?”

“Green, White, Red, Black.” Seth answered.

“Then do it.” Landis instructed.

Seth walked to the stone and whispered a single word. When he had stepped aside, Landis did the same, followed by Tessa and then Doogal.

“It is closed and locked.” Natis assured them. “If you ever need to get back in there, then you need to repeat those four words in the reverse order.”

“I don’t ever see a need to unlock it.” Landis vowed.

Tessa patted Shadow’s back as she surveyed the forest. Doogal stood on the opposite side of the dog. “I guess this land could use the services of a Ranger.” He suggested.

She grinned, “I suppose so.”

Jordan and Megan joined Landis and Katryn. “You got
daughter home.” Jordan praised his old friend.

Seth came alongside them. Landis looked at his newfound son and daughter, “I lost a father, but gained a family.”

Katryn squeezed his hand. “Welcome home.”


Queen Petra Sergius looked absolutely radiant as she strolled down the hallway, dressed in her most formal gown. Her long blonde hair was adorned with the small, informal, tiara that she preferred to wear to signify her station, rather than the more bulky crown representing her office. She was beaming with joy when she entered the quarters provided for the
of the bride. Jordan, already dressed in his royal attire, was helping Landis to put on a new, tailor made, formal dress coat. The half-elf was obviously uncomfortable in the fancy clothes he was wearing.

“You men are as handsome as ever.” Petra complimented.

Landis brushed the front of his coat. “I am not accustomed to wearing such garb. It is very restricting.”

Jordan chuckled. “You only have to wear it for today. I have to dress in this manner all the time.”

Petra smirked, “I will not have you walking our daughter down the aisle in that tattered cloak you are so fond of. Seriously, it looks like the same one you had when you brought me back to Alexon.”

the same cloak.” Landis replied, “At least most of it is. I’ve had to repair it a few times over the years.”

“Men,” Petra blurted out as she walked over to straighten Jordan’s collar. “It does not matter if you’re human, or part-human; you are all the same.”

“How is Megan?” Jordan asked.

“As jittery as any bride would be.” Petra commented. “I’m just glad that she permitted us to hold the wedding here at Eric’s palace. I do so wish that she would have agreed to come home to Alexon for the ceremony.”

“She has chosen her home.” Jordan reminded his wife.

Petra agreed, “She has indeed. I was uncertain about her decision at first, but she has made it on her own in Sedau for close to a year now without changing her mind.”

“I doubt that a wedding in Alexon would have been for the best anyway.” Landis suggested.

Petra nodded, “True, it might have been a difficult situation back home, what with her marrying a commoner from Roole, and being walked down the aisle by her half-elf father, who lost the Sword of Alexon,
.” She grinned at Landis.

“I did not lose it. I know exactly where it is.” Landis retorted.

“And it is best that it stay there.” Jordan added.

Petra continued, “I understand that Megan is doing very well as the Mother Caretaker for the orphanage.”

“You should be proud of all that she has accomplished.” Landis said.

“I am very proud. From what I have seen, the orphanage is quite nice. And she has always had the skills to care for others. I will miss her though.”

“At least you have one of the orbs to use to communicate with her, whenever you want to.” Landis offered.

“That will be helpful.” Petra agreed. “Not only can I keep in touch with Megan; knowing that she can call us whenever she needs anything helps to reassure me that she is safe. It was a smart thing giving Eric one of the Orbs too.”

Jordan laughed, “With a Commandery of Knights of Alexon to protect her, and the funding that Alexon and Birhirm are providing, the Sedau Orphanage will be the envy of the world. Children will probably run away from home to live there.”

“And Seth’s discovery of honey producing bees will bring in a nice income too.” Landis offered.

Petra smiled, “I cannot believe that he is able to make honey that does not crystallize.”

“Well, the bees actually make it,” Landis chided.

Petra playfully slapped Landis’ arm, “I know that, silly. How does he do it?”

Landis shrugged his shoulders, “I am not really sure. Katryn says that it is a combination of a lot of things. Some of the trees and plants that teleported here from the Tilsaw have cross-pollinated with those already here in the valley. That, combined with the magic brought from Tilsaw Forest, along with the magic used by Katryn to heal this land, has somehow produced all the right elements. The local climate also helps. If that makes any sense to the two of you, then you are a step ahead of me. All I know is that Seth and Katryn both claim that this is the only place in the world that this type of honey can come from.”

Jordan grinned, “All I care is that it tastes very sweet. Once you have enough to begin exporting that honey, and the wax byproducts, it should provide a nice income for the orphanage. I like the name too: Birhirmian Honey.”

“Sounds better than Sedau Honey.” Landis agreed, “The bees are also very helpful for farming.”

Petra spoke up, “I see that Doogal and Tessa were able to come to the wedding. I understand that they have become more than friends during this past year.”

Landis nodded, “They have indeed. They are settling down in small place near the river. She has really helped Doogal to adjust to his new life. I just hope that the Westland can take the addition of elven-wolf-hounds to our forests. Shadow bore a litter about nine weeks after we arrived here.”

Jordan chuckled, “Why is it that our adventures always end up with people being matched up together.” Seeing the look in Petra’s eyes, he quickly changed the subject, “Elven wolf-hounds; maybe we can take one back home?” Jordan suggested to his wife.

Petra shook her head at the comment, and then looked to Landis, “I am so glad that you found Katryn. It simply amazes me at how she transformed that horrible land into such a beautiful place to live.”

“It is remarkable.” He agreed.

“It is a shame that she could not come to the wedding.” Petra continued.

“It is best that Katryn stay in the area around Sedau. She can travel into the orphanage, and outside of the area for short distances, but we cannot risk taking her too far from home
The magic of the forest enables her to age like a normal human. If she traveled too far, then she would die within weeks.”

“I can think of many worse places to live out your life,” Jordan remarked, “you two are living in paradise there.”

Petra lowered her voice, “How well are the Dragon Gates and pearls concealed?”

Landis looked around before speaking, “Without a guide who can traverse the magic, no one should be able to find the hillside. Even if they do, it will take the passwords of four of us to unlock the magical barrier just to get into the cave. We have agreed never to share those words. When the first of us dies, the Dragon Gates and the Pearls of the Elf Lords are lost forever.”

Petra gave the two men a once over, “There, you two are ready. Now let’s get a move on.
daughter is no doubt pacing the floor, waiting for you both to come and walk her down the aisle.”

About the Author

Richard Saunders lives in Northern Virginia. In addition to his “day job” working in IT for a local healthcare provider, he serves as a professional pastoral counselor, enjoys riding his Harley-Davidson Road King Classic, performing magical illusions and escapes, and takes pleasure in seeking out new adventures with his wife, Teresa.

For more information on books written by Richard Saunders go to http://www.saundersbooks.org.

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