Elf Killers (33 page)

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Authors: Carol Marrs Phipps,Tom Phipps

BOOK: Elf Killers
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short - yoynyrpstnipyr (trollish)

silver maidenhair -
Ginko genetrex-argenteus R
. also
called "mother tree" by the Fairies and

Gwaelic Elves, its leaves and stems are covered
with a silver colored cuticle, hence its

name. It lives in symbiotic association with the
mycelia of Fairy ring mushrooms, and

whilst its leaves, stems, fruit, bark and roots are
each said to have potent medicinal

properties, the tree's great rarity has prevented
substantial empirical study.

sledge (Manx) (Gwaelic Elven) - in this case, a
travois like contrivance used by the Gwaelic

Elves called a sleayd

snot - nefnephntirr (trollish)

step (take a step) - nyrdinyrrdarr (trollish)

stop it, halt - nyrvyrnirrtrad (trollish)

Strah black dots -
Rudbeckia viridosus R
., a
composite closely related to black-eyed susans
with jet black reproductive flowers and emerald
green ray flowers used for a green dye by the

Gwaelic Elves of the Great Strah.

Strah cobra -
Dendroaspis pratum-sicariusvenenosus

Strah flax - see rescue flax

Strah fowl -
Tympanuchus cupido gwaeli R

Strah hen - see Strah fowl

Strah owl -
Asio flammeus R
. has a scratchy bark-like

Strah deer - (Strah stag)
Cervus unicolor R.

strike falcon - shawk spoogh (Gwaelic Elven),
Phororhacos longissimus R
., an 8-9 foot tall,

flightless gruiform raptor, a member of the True
Bird (Adar Gwir) Dynasty, indigenous

to the open tall grass strah of the Eastern
Continent, where it was the top predator of the
biome, a strict carnivore capable of bringing
down mammals weighing up to 450 pounds

or more. Though it usually hunted singly or in
pairs, it was known to form into

formidable foraging packs on rare occasions.
Human habitation and livestock grazing

remained utterly impossible on the Great Strah
until all strike falcons were exterminated

in the wild, only three Elven generations ago
(1000 yrs.). Today all known strike falcons

live symbiotically with the Gwaelic Elves, where
each bird is assigned upon hatching to

its personal, life-long Elven trainer called an
austringa. The falcon must be placed at

hatching with the austringa within mere hours of
the austringa's seventh naming day

(99th birthday), and they remain in perpetual
contact with one another until the death of

one of them. Strike falcon and austringa form a
deadly military assault unit for the

defence of the Gwaelic Elves, particularly from
the ravages of the Elf Killers,

neanderthalinsis gwaelii R
., also known as
Social Trolls. 

strike falcons - shawkyn spooghey (Gwaelic Elven)

Summer Solstice - Shass Greiney Souree (Gwaelic

tall - nyrnip (trollish)

the mean one - vafagyrfniyy (trollish)

the People - Dyrney (trollish)

there - nyrreyi (trollish)

thirteen wattled bellbird -
tridecimcarunculata R.
is a 13'' to 15'' long
plump bodied member of the Cotingidae family
living in the dense maidenhair forests, high on
the coastal slopes of the Eternal Mountains. The
males have a brilliant pink head and neck

and a dark olive body with a stubby fan shaped
tail and thirteen fleshy worm like wattles

attached to the base of the beak. The topmost
wattle is erectile, while the other twelve

writhe or hang limp. Females are olive all over
and have no wattles. The males may be

the loudest birds on earth, with territorial calls
which can be heard as far away as a mile

and a half. An approximation of it might be:
"BARNK! seee k' k' see k'berk," or,

"BARNK! See k' k' berk see see see BARNK!"

thunder - toirneach (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic

thunderbolt - taarnee (Gwaelic Elven)

Toss one... toss two...

Toss three... four...

Ursula has a boyfriend...

One after the other. - Caith aon... caith dha...

Caith tri... ceithre...

aici buachaill...

duine i ndiaidh an duine eile.
(Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven)

Tramp the grass flat! - Ntnrof nyrdinyrrdarr
snyrfuynipryoyayi! (trollish)

travel or magical instantaneous travel - taisteal
(Jutish Elven or Old Gwaelic Elven)

trius n. - tight leggings, each leg pinned independently to the breeches

troll-brute - male troll

turd - ganf (trollish)

urinate - fnadripf (trollish)

urination - fnadripf (trollish)

vamp - fnarryirrny (trollish)

vile, poor, miserable, sick - gwael a. (Old Niarg

war - fnanar n. (trollish)

watch - nyrnirrfnyr (trollish)

Watch the meat! - Adpyrfn nyrnirrfnyr! (trollish)

whang - 16th century Borderland word for thong, till
n use in Appalachia 

What? - Fafnyoydfyphn (trollish)

white plew -
Myocastor coypus R
. an albino aquatic
beaver-like rodent kept in captivity for meat

and fur by the Fire Sprites 

whore - fnarryirrny (trollish)

wizard - dyrjiny (trollish)

worm - gnophn (trollish)

yes - aoofn (trollish)

yoo hoo - oouyuyf (trollish)

you - nyr (trollish)

you are coming - dyrija (trollish)

you are ugly - nigspoonfi (trollish)

your slave - ninardern (trollish)

































Written by

Carol Phipps
Tom Phipps





















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