Elemental (2 page)

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Authors: Serena Pettus

BOOK: Elemental
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was utterly frustrating at times, but the best and sweetest friend she’d ever
had. He was a rare find in this day and age, having such a giving and carefree
she was amazed that he’d befriended her at all. Yup,
she was the official loner on campus, but he’d not given up on her and
eventually broke down a few of her walls, moving right on in.

this is too much.” Mandy shook her head in exasperation, tears welling up in
her eyes. “I really don’t deserve to have you for a friend.”

right, because you deserve so much more,” he replied softly. He took her hand
in his and gently brushed his thumb over her knuckles. “You’ll love my brother,
Mandy. I think the two of you will get along quite well.”

still trying to fix me up with him, aren’t you? Is this why you’re so adamant
about my going home with you?”

he confessed. “The fact that you’re working and studying yourself into the
ground is the major factor, though.”

know,” she huffed. In all honesty, she had no doubt that she would ace her
exams in the coming week, but she had no social life outside of her time spent
with Jonathan, so she studied. “Thank you, Jonathan. This will be the first
time that I’ve actually traveled anywhere.”

love it,” he promised, excitement shining in his eyes. “I’ve already got our
tickets, and once we get your passport then we’re home-free.”

couldn’t help but smile when he beamed at her. He was simply too handsome for
his own good.

sat across from her in the tiny café, his raven hair looking as silky as ever,
the longish strands falling over his brow. He was lean and muscular, though not
bulky, and never failed to cause a stir whenever he went down to the pool, or
the gym, or really anywhere for that matter.

couldn’t help but be attracted to him physically too, but she found she
couldn’t actually see herself pursuing him romantically.

right then,” Mandy said as she closed her book, “Let’s get this done with. You
said that I need a passport?”

we’ll head over now and get the records you’ll need to obtain it. In about ten
days it should arrive and then a few days later we’ll leave.” His excitement
was clear to see in his sparkling eyes and Mandy noted the women in the café
all openly staring at him.
Yup, too handsome for his own
“I’m so glad you’ll be coming with me. I hate to think of my
brother spending the holidays alone.”

should always spend the holidays with the ones you love,” she spoke softly,
suddenly feeling a little out of sorts. Did she really want to be the outsider
at a family holiday function again? She remembered her childhood Christmases
and how she was always ensconced in her room for the duration of any parties
that her foster parents threw. Her gifts always came from yard sales or thrift
stores, and only so that if any social workers asked what she got for
Christmas, she would have something to tell them.

can see the wheels turning in that pretty little egghead of yours. I love you
like a sister, Mandy, and I want you to spend the holidays with me and my
brother in the mountains.” He took her books in one hand and rose from the
table, extending his other hand to her. “Let’s go, honey—we’ve got a lot to


* * *


was beyond excited over the upcoming trip. Mandy was slowly becoming more
accepting of his gifts to her, though still a little skittish about the coming
flight. She was simply the sweetest, hardest working person he’d ever met. The
fact that she was exceptionally easy on the eyes didn’t hurt anything either.

was a bit of a loner, and the men on campus weren’t sure how to approach her,
which suited Jonathan just fine. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of having to
chase suitors away from his brother’s destined mate. Mandy’s glorious spiraling
red hair was like a beacon, the copper highlights shining in the sun and
drawing the eyes of males and females alike with looks of awe and envy. Her
eyes were an enchanting shade of green that reminded Jonathan of the spring
fields near his home. Between the red hair, green eyes and creamy complexion,
Mandy could easily pass as a Supernatural herself. She’d certainly bewitched
half of the men on campus. If it wasn’t for her bookworm-
nature, she would have been bombarded with date requests, but her intelligence
seemed to intimidate the majority of the guys.

knew Nicolas would no doubt admire her drive to educate herself, since he was
constantly taking courses online in various fields. Mainly, he figured that
Nicolas was bored and simply looking for a way to occupy his mind.

brother was looking forward to their spending time together over the long
break, and was glad to hear that Jonathan was bringing Mandy home as well.
Nicolas was skeptical about the possibility that she could be his, but Jonathan
was certain that she was his brother’s destined soul mate and he was determined
to see that they met.

Elementals, Jonathan and his twin, Nicolas, were very rare in the immortal
realm. Their family had long lived deep in the Carpathian Mountains inside a
stone castle that many considered frightening at first glance.

were able to enjoy all of the perks of being immortal, with none of the
drawbacks. They could enjoy the sunlight without damage, suffered no allergies
such as silver or
, healed rapidly, and held
control over the elements.

every other way that mattered, they lived as humans. They ate, drank, and lived
normally, aside from their extra talents. The castle, which had been in their
family since its construction, was roughly ten miles from a small village, its
towers visible over the forest surrounding it.

course, the forest wasn’t the only thing surrounding their home. Other
roamed these mountains as well. There was a
very good explanation as to why the Carpathian Mountains were steeped in stories
of werewolf and vampire lore…because they were full of them. These mountains
were the perfect home to all paranormal beings in existence and because of the
lore surrounding the area the villagers were well secured in their homes by
nightfall, rarely venturing out past dusk, and never before dawn.

and shifters lived with their own kind under the guise of small secluded
villages, and the vampires tended to haunt the castle ruins which littered the
mountain range, while the Fey could be sighted on rare occasions during the
changing of the seasons, or if they chose to don their glamour and venture into
the villages amongst the humans.

vampires were not much of a problem, usually taking care of any rogues of their
kind on their own. The Fey were peaceful creatures for the most part, and
usually stayed out of the public eye. The werewolves, however, were another

mountains were full of wildlife, both natural and
and sometimes telling the difference between a wolf attack and a werewolf
attack could be nearly impossible.

had voiced his concerns over having Mandy come to the castle while such attacks
were occurring, but conceded to the fact that he and Jonathan were more than
capable of protecting her.

to Nicolas, women in the village had been attacked by a large black wolf. The
three women had survived, though one just barely, and were having a hard time
coping after their ordeal.

there were large wolves throughout the area, the size described, and the fact
that only women were being targeted, led the brothers to believe a werewolf was
behind the attacks. Now they just needed to discover why and put a stop to the

was well known throughout the region that the twins were the last of their
line, though all of the other
to give them a wide berth.

family had been poisoned nearly eight hundred years before, during a feast
being held for a visiting prince. They were unaware that the Fey Prince
actually coveted their home. It seemed the arrogant son of the Fey King had
planned to simply poison the lot of them and move in.

had been on their side, as the twins—only twelve at the time—had been sent to
the village that morning to gather some fresh fruits and wines for the
festivities. On the way back to the castle, the weather had turned wicked,
centering over their home, and the brothers abandoned their goods to race
forward, recognizing that something was seriously wrong.

visiting Fey were panicking under the roiling clouds and vicious winds. As
lightning lit the sky, Jonathan and Nicolas got their first good look at the grounds.

people—their family—lay dying on the ground, using the last of their strength
to fight back, while some of the Fey ran and the Prince’s guards watched

Fey Prince stood behind these guards, smiling in the faces of the ones he’d
ordered to be killed, and the brothers immediately lashed out. They called
forth their fire and began to incinerate every fairy
had yet to flee. Soon the prince and his two guards were all that remained.

he shouted, and immediately the Fey King shimmered into the room. “They are
trying to kill me!” the prince accused as he jabbed a finger toward the twins
in accusation.

“Murderer!” both brothers shouted.

the King bellowed, but Nicolas was having none of that.

dare to come into our home as a guest, kill our family, and call your father to
save you? You are a damned coward!” he snarled, trying to launch an attack
against the foul Fey.

Jonathan struggled with his brother and his own burning rage, he watched as the
King took in the scene before him.

of ash were scattered where the traitorous Fey had been torched by the
brothers, while some of the Elementals were still barely clinging to life.

have you done?” the King whispered in horror, eyes wide,
gone pale. “These people invited you as a guest and you repay them with death?”

you do not understand,” the prince began, only to be cut off again.

are no son of mine.” The King turned to face the furious brothers and bowed. “I
am truly sorry for what has been done here. I wish for you to know that this is
not the way of the Fey. We are peaceful, though, as with every creature, some
corruption is there as well. What crimes have been committed here are yours to
punish as you see fit. You need not fear any retribution on my part.”

will die,” Nicolas growled, his hands already glowing as he began to call the
fire to him once again.

he should for such a crime, and I only ask that you take the guards as well, as
I cannot see them as trustworthy after having been party to this.” With one
last look at his son, the King shimmered and was gone once again.

brothers both used their gifts to destroy the last of the Fey inside their
home, and then set themselves to the grim task of burying their own.

was a day they would never forget, and a day that had made them legends of the
local lore. To this day they were still feared by the Fey—though only the
elders still recognized them on sight—and the other
had left them in peace as well.


after eight hundred years, they would reaffirm their station with one and all,
making an example of this rogue werewolf. Jonathan just hoped they could take
care of the situation discreetly. He didn’t want Mandy to become involved.




Chapter Two



was beyond grateful to have her feet back on solid ground after not one, but
two lengthy flights. Jonathan had booked them in first-class for the flight to
Europe, and then they boarded a private jet for the trip into the mountains.

was sure that she’d scored his arm with her nails when they’d hit the first bit
of turbulence, but Jonathan never complained. He was actually very patient and
understanding during the whole trip, gently pointing out the scenery or
striking up random conversations in an attempt to distract her from her fears.
The man should be nominated for sainthood.

they were crossing the tarmac and heading to where a black SUV awaited them.
“We’ll be driving to the village first and then on to my home,” Jonathan spoke
softly as he opened the passenger side door. “They’re bringing the luggage now,
so we’ll be leaving in just a moment.”

could see the excitement in his eyes and she quickly kissed his cheek. “I’m
glad that you brought me, Jonathan. Thank you.”

grinned, “You’re thanking me after nearly being traumatized on the flight
over?” He shook his head and laughed. “I’m thinking of buying you a pair of
mittens for the flight back.”

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