Electric Moon (13 page)

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Authors: Stacey Brutger

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #contemporary fantasy, #Kick-Ass Heroine, #paranormal romance, #Electric Moon, #Romance, #Lions, #Brutger, #Conduit, #stacey brutger, #Murder, #Tigers, #Bears, #alpha, #Magic, #Urban, #A Raven Investigations Novel, #Wolf, #Witches, #Moon's Call, #urban fantasy, #Vampires, #Action & Adventure, #werewolf, #Myster, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Shapshifter, #Electic

BOOK: Electric Moon
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“Is she aware of your gift?”

“She suspects something. If she knew, she would’ve used me
as a weapon.”

A normal alpha could help others in the pack shift, could force
a shift. Others had the ability to stop a shifter from turning, but only in
pack mates. None she knew of could cut off their animals so completely like

“You are starting to understand my predicament.”

Raven did understand, everything but one important fact. “But
why come to me?”

“Father’s done everything he can to protect me, but he can’t
take any overt action against Vivian. Other packs would see it as a weakness. My
mother is too strong. If they fought, she would see him dead, somehow, someway
when he couldn’t protect himself. The pack needs him too much to risk it over
me. Any protection he could provide from inside the pack would keep dying. The
closer the conclave draws, the more desperate her attempts have become.”

Raven closed her eyes, feeling stupid for not seeing it
sooner. “So if she comes for you herself, I’m the only thing standing in her
way. Another female alpha can kill without the worry of immediate
extermination. You’re using me.”

He shrugged as if her death were of no consequence. “You
accepted the deal. You’re getting what you want in return. Besides, you’re the only
other alpha that might be able to win. We’re just hoping it doesn’t come to that.”

Her shield pulsed in reaction to her emotions, increasing in
intensity until the kid shuffled his feet. “Does Jackson know?”

Aaron shook his head. “No one would ever think to kill a
female. Whatever he told you for the reason of me being here is the truth as
far as he knows it.”

Raven reluctantly stepped back, her fingers curling into
fists as she resisted the need to use the energy sizzling under her skin. It
bit at her, angry at being denied. She was coming to hate the convoluted pack
politics and all their hidden agendas.

“You’re different than I expected.” He paused a moment,
appearing stumped by her. “Genuine.”

A harsh knock sounded on the door a second before it popped
open. “I didn’t realize you were busy.” Griffin acted all innocent, but she had
no doubt he’d been listening at the door for some time. How much had he heard?

“Liar, but come in anyway.” Raven nodded to Aaron, secretly
pleased when he returned the gesture so seriously before he left.

He would make one hell of an alpha with that type of power
and control. She didn’t know if she should be fearful or not.

As he left, the calm surrounding her all day vanished with
him, and she’d realized he’d kept her sane. She’d thought she’d been gaining control
over the moon’s touch but it’d been him all along. The possibility of his gift
boggled her mind.

No one could ever know or they would either enslave or kill
him outright.

“I see you’ve made another conquest.” Griffin watched
Aaron’s departure with interest. When she would’ve spoken, he lifted his
arrogant chin. “You’ve summoned me?”

“With the increase of moon heat comes the need to have sex.
How does the council monitor the packs?”

Griffin snorted then gave a tired sigh. “You’re so innocent
in the shifter world, they’ll gobble you up.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“If it’s just sex, you only need your alpha’s permission. If you’re not a
breeder for your pack, you’re free and clear.”

“And alphas?” Heat built under her skin.

“Females are required to mate. You can choose your own
lovers, your own mates even, but since you are an alpha, you’ll need permission
from the council to take a Consort.”

“And if an alpha doesn’t give permission?”

“Then punishment is meted out. If the female isn’t from the
same pack, they could also end up paying a hefty fine in retaliation.”

“Jackson mentioned I need to show proof of ownership for
Taggert. What should I expect?”

Griffin smiled, openly amused for the first time. “You might
want to consider petitioning for pack position first, then go back and fulfill
your claim to Taggert. It will give you better leverage.”

She acknowledged his words, but wouldn’t be deterred. “And
what can I expect?”

Those calculating eyes surveyed her, trying to read
something. “Not to worry on that account. Since you are a rare alpha female,
not to mention single, you will only be tested if you’re challenged.”

For some reason, his words didn’t reassure her. “You have no
clue what tests I’ll have to pass.” She tightened her lips, reaching for the
gun at her waist and unclipping it. Opening a desk drawer, she let it drop
inside, glad to have the weight gone. The stun gun followed. Her hand hovered
over the badge before she set it and the clips down as well. She slammed the
drawer shut then locked it, all the while never taking her gaze from his.

“The test is unique in each situation, tailored to the petitioner.”

Raven hated the way he dodged the questions, brushing her
concerns aside as if they didn’t matter. “Then if you don’t want to talk about
the conclave, why don’t we discuss about what you’re doing in my house. We both
know you are well able to take care of yourself without my protection.”

Silence filled the room.

“Why don’t we start with where you disappear each night?”


 Chapter Thirteen



later, annoyance still flickered through Raven the way Griffin had so craftily
wiggled out of providing her any answers. Those green and yellow eyes of his had
dilated slightly at her inquiries, but dammed if he hadn’t managed to dodge her
probes. She didn’t toss him out on his ass like she probably should. He was too
dangerous on his own. She would rather keep an eye on him than be blindsided

There was an edge to the night that warned of danger. Even
with Jackson and Taggert in tow, walking toward the club left her feeling

She was being watched.


She could ignore the innocent curiosity. It was the cowards
hiding in the shadows that were beginning to annoy the crap out of her.

In preparation for the visit, she’d shut down her shields to
a tiny trickle. Pressure built up in her chest, the need to scratch off her
skin to relieve the ache intensified as she drew closer to the club. She
scanned her surroundings, but without her full senses, she couldn’t even pry sounds
out of the shadows.

Tension ratcheted up a couple of notches until the cool
night air became stifling. She had demanded this visit. She must put aside her
unease to make this work.

This was her last chance.

If she couldn’t cut being around the shifters tonight, she’d
fail in front of the conclave and lose everything that’d become so very important.

Raven allowed Taggert to lead the way as they entered the
club, his leather pants so formfitting every muscle could be ogled at will. The
black silk shirt caressed his body, all but begging for her hands to explorer.

He tossed a smile over his shoulder, confident he’d find her

And the bastard was right.

“Here.” Jackson grabbed her arm, directing her to the table
Durant had reserved for them. His touch drew her attention, and she glanced at
his face.

Tension held him rigid, lines bracketed his mouth as he
surveyed the crowd, but she had no doubt his annoyance was directed straight at

“Relax. Nothing’s going to happen.”

Jackson cast her a shuttered look, and it maddened her that she
couldn’t read him. All the walls between them were back. After their last
conversation, his withdrawal left her bereft. Then he relented and gestured to
the crowd with a small nod. “What do you see?”

The first glance revealed nothing out of the ordinary. If
not for the damn moon heat, she’d swear it was like any rowdy club across

Then she noticed subtle differences. The males were more
aggressive with other males. The women fewer and more protected. The excitement
and lust sharpened to an almost frantic degree.

Not only were there more people in the club, the amount of
bouncers had doubled. The clothes were skimpy, what little clothes there were,
anyway. Raven’s boots, long sleeve shirt and gloves felt downright matronly.

Anticipation infected the air. People brushed up against
each other in complete abandon as they danced.

Other paranormals were there as well, but they appeared to
be observing, plotting in preparation for the coming days. The atmosphere last
week had been polar opposite. “Everything is harsher, the violence almost
physical, as if brewing.”

Then there were the stares that tracked her every movement.

“It’s their beasts. They’re hunting for a mate. The younger
the shifter, the harder it is to control their baser needs. The older the
shifter, the more desperate they are to find their mate.” The words were bland
as if they were nothing out of the ordinary.

“But that doesn’t explain why it’s so much worse tonight.”

Jackson sent her a sharp look, his eyes splintering to
yellow. “Being in the same room as an alpha can take off the edge of the moon. When
these young ones are left to their own devices, their animal rises. You are
probably the only alpha here tonight.”

The rough quality of his voice had her breath catching at
the back of her throat.

Jackson felt the connection between them, too.

Only he hid it better.

“With no clue how to help them.” But maybe she could help

Wishing to ease him, she grabbed his arm and pulled him to
sit next to her. Muscles jumped at the contact, and she swore that he growled.
Unable to help herself, she petted his arm. An unfamiliar current hummed under
her skin, trailing over him with every caress. His wolf rose beneath the surface,
sniffing to pick up her scent.

The animalistic sound that rumbled from his chest halted her
movement. She didn’t look up at him, half-afraid what she’d find. Taggert took
that moment to sit opposite them. “The drinks are on the way.”

Then he slowly slid around the booth until he was pressed
against her other side. The heat of their bodies seeped into hers, and the
desperate need that wrapped around them slowly eased to a manageable hunger.

“Here you go.” Cassie had their drinks on the table before
their seats were warm, a tight smile on her face. Taggert and she shared a look
that had Raven opening her mouth to ask what was wrong when Taggert spoke.

“Dance with me.” He threaded his fingers with hers and skillfully
withdrew her hand from Jackson.

Only when she was on the dance floor did he take a deep breath,
dragging her up against him. Her body came alive with the desire to touch him
back, give herself over to the mood of the club, and she groaned in complaint.

“Now isn’t the time to distract Jackson.”

She peeked over Taggert’s shoulder. Jackson’s hungry eyes
devoured her, and she quickly jerked her gaze away. “I was trying to help. It
worked with you and Durant.”

“Because we’re pack. Your touch impacts us differently than
it does him.” Before she realized his intent, Taggert yanked the clip out of
her hair. The strands tumbled around her shoulders, and his eyes darkened as he
stared at the silvery tips that shimmered in the limited light.

Ignoring his shenanigans, Raven concentrated on her latest
blunder. She could just kick herself. “I didn’t know. What did I do?”

The smile that lit Taggert’s face did little to soothe her.
“I’d say you just made yourself a target for one very determined wolf. And you
know how they love to stalk their prey.”


Taggert laughed, seemingly undisturbed. He drew her closer,
moving them to the beat of the music. His body flowed around hers, making her
feel inept and very much worshiped by his. Each light brush of his body lured
her closer.

“You don’t appear worried.”

Teeth flashed as he smiled. “You’ll make him pack.”

“You seem awful sure.”

“You claimed him when you first met him. You just didn’t get
around to sealing the deal.” Taggert grabbed her hips, directing her with the
music, pulling her snug against him. Their bodies moved in a rhythm that made
her muscles turn to mush. “You like him too much to let him go.”

The dance floor grew crowded, the air around them warmer. He
stood a good four inches or more above her. His lips hovered over hers, and she
curbed the irrational need to taste him.

“Do it.”

She blinked, dazed by the heavy pounding of the music, the
flashing lights, and the delicious tang of his lust as it swamped the air
around him. “What?”

“Taste.” He cupped the back of her head, drawing her inexplicitly
closer until his body covered hers.

She found his leg pressed between her thighs, the movement
of his hips heating her blood to boiling. Her lips feathered against his
throat, and she inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of forest. She licked her
lips, accidentally brushing against his neck. He shuddered. A low groan
vibrated in his throat, and he tipped his head to give her better access.

The slave collar gleamed, a reminder that he wasn’t free.
When she would’ve drawn back, he quickly distracted her.

His hips moved in time to the beat, and the need for more
contact nearly drowned her under the onslaught. His hair was tied neatly at the
back of his neck, the highlighted strands capturing the light.

Urging her to touch.

The angles of his face appeared harsh in his restraint. That
he left her in control to do whatever she wanted only increased her need to
ruffle him a little more and take what he so unabashedly offered.

That they were in public didn’t matter.

“Do it again.”

Raven lifted her chin at his plea, unaware she’d shuffled
closer until her breasts rubbed against the muscular wall of his chest. His
hands settle on her ass, seducing her, until they were both balanced on the
delicious edge of what could be if she just stopped resisting.

She licked his neck again, enjoying the way his breath
caught. Then she nibbled on his neck, her teeth nipping lightly at his tender
skin. His pulse thundered under her lips, the power of his blood calling to her.
His arms turned to bands around her, squeezing the air out of her.

Not that she minded.

She inched her hands down his back, enjoying the flex of his
muscles under her palms, the way he shuffled her closer in invitation to take

Then he was ripped from her arms.

Jackson’s hand settled on her elbow, his grip bruising,
though she didn’t think he was aware of it, and dragged her toward the table.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Raven had to clear her throat twice before she could speak.

In truth, she hadn’t been thinking at all.

Jackson plunked her down in the seat then all but sat on
her. “You are supposed to be here to find control.”

Taggert took a seat across from her, the heat in his eyes a
promise. When he reached across the table to tangle his fingers with hers,
Jackson growled and pulled her hands out of reach. Then refused to relinquish
his hold as if Taggert would try to steal her from him. He leaned down until
his lips brushed against her ear. “You are the alpha. Isn’t it time you start
acting like it?”

The reprimand smarted, all the more so because it was true.
When dancing, she lost all thought of time and place. Sanity slowly trickled
back, and some of the unrelenting heat washed out of her. Embarrassment stung
her cheeks at the public display of what should’ve been an intimate moment
between her and Taggert.

“Jackson, you’re being an ass.” Taggert’s sexy smile had
vanished. “She showed more restraint out there then most everyone else.”

A muscle ticked in Jackson’s jaw. “And you’re not helping

“Stop it.” Their bickering would be comical if their
attitude didn’t annoy her so much.

Raven tugged her hand away from Jackson, but he refused to
release her. A comical tug-of-war ensured before she conceded defeat. The way
he brushed his thumb across her skin matched the intensity of Taggert’s
seduction on the dance floor. “How am I supposed to act when no one tells me

She scanned the club, taken aback to find so many hungry
eyes locked on her table. At least they were keeping their distance.

For now.

“How about not making a target of yourself.” Jackson grunted,
and Raven suspected the Taggert had kicked him under the table.

“I can’t hide myself away like a scared little mouse. That
will only make me a bigger target.” She shifted, trying to put some distance
between them, only to have him follow. His hold tightened as if he felt her
slipping away from him and couldn’t stop it.

“Ease up before you break something.” Jackson’s hold on her
fingers vanished, a faint color staining his cheeks. In a perverse way, now
that he released her hand, she missed his touch. Instead of moving away, she
let herself relax against him slightly.

He tensed, not looking at her, but some of the tension
drained from him as he scanned the crowd. Taggert nudged her foot with his, his
knee coming to rest against hers, and shot her a content smile.

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