Elect (Eagle Elite) (25 page)

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Authors: Rachel Van Dyken

BOOK: Elect (Eagle Elite)
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Also by Rachel Van Dyken
The Bet series

The Bet

The Wager

The Eagle Elite series


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“I have a proposition for you.” Kacey should have run the minute those words left Seattle millionaire Jake Titus’s mouth. It’s been years since Kacey’s seen her childhood friend Jake, but the minute Jake mentions his ill grandmother, Kacey is ready to do anything for the sweet old woman. And if that means pretending they’re engaged for her sake—so be it.

But Kacey wasn’t counting on Jake’s older brother Travis still being there. She calls him “Satan” for a reason: she’s never forgotten the way he teased and taunted her. Yet when they meet again, Travis’s gorgeous smile is a direct hit to her heart… and Kacey’s more confused than ever. As the days pass, only one thing starts to become alarmingly clear—she never should have accepted Jake’s deal…

* * *

Lose a bet, lose your heart…

What is it about a junior-high crush that can send an otherwise intelligent woman into a tailspin? TV reporter Char Lynn wishes she knew. Jake Titus is too rich, too handsome, too arrogant: a trifecta that once lured Char into the best night—and worst morning after—of her life. Now they’ve been thrown together in a wedding party. It’s awkward, but survivable… until Jake stops acting like a jerk, and starts acting like the man she’d always hoped he could be.

If watching your brother marry your best friend is weird, being attracted to your best friend’s
best friend is downright bizarre. Unfortunately for Jake, Char hasn’t forgotten how he once tossed her aside. Worse still, Jake’s already-nutty grandma is even crazier about Char. Cue meet-cute shenanigans and all manner of meddling, and somehow, Jake’s falling. For Char. Now all he has to do is make her believe it…

* * *

For Tracey Rooks, life with her grandparents on a Wyoming farm has always been simple. But after her grandmother’s death, Tracey is all her grandfather has. So when Eagle Elite University announces its annual scholarship lottery, Tracey jumps at the opportunity to secure their future and enters. She isn’t expecting much—but then she wins. And life as she knows it will never be the same…

The students at Eagle Elite are unlike any she’s ever met… and they refuse to make things easy for her. There’s Nixon—gorgeous, irresistible, and leader of a group that everyone fears: The Elect. Their rules are simple. 1) Do not touch The Elect. 2) Do not look at The Elect. 3) Do not speak to The Elect. No matter how hard she tries to stay away, The Elect are always around her and it isn’t long before she finds out the reason why they keep their friends close and their enemies even closer. She just didn’t realize she was the enemy—until it’s too late.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2013 by Rachel Van Dyken

Excerpt from
copyright © 2013 by Rachel Van Dyken

Excerpt from
The Bet
copyright © 2013 by Rachel Van Dyken

Cover design by Elizabeth Turner

Cover photo © Stock Shop Photography LLC / iStockphoto

Cover copyright © 2013 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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First ebook edition: December 2013

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ISBN 978-1-4555-5422-5


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