Eleanor and Franklin (175 page)

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Authors: Joseph P. Lash

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and Franklin's vice-presidential campaign, 314

handles new bonus army, 460

as “hater” in politics, 551

ideal guest at Campobello, 330

illness and death of, 546–48

major comfort to Eleanor, 364

pitches Eleanor into lecture circuit, 388

and Subsistence Homestead Program, 496, 498–500, 501, 504–8

success in running campaign, 219

and Teapot Dome affair, 361–62

upset by Franklin's support of Osborne (1918), 266

in Washington with Roosevelts, 232–33

on women in politics, 552–53

and women's-division work in 1932 campaign, 440

writes poem on Eleanor's fears, 438–39

Howe, Mary, 319, 411

see also
Baker, Mary Howe

Howland, Hortense, 181

Howland, Rebecca, 143, 144

Hughes, Justice Charles Evans, 230, 252

Hull, Cordell, 360, 434, 486, 583, 726, 727, 740, 785, 808, 866, 889, 909

Hull, Mrs. Cordell, 751

Hunting Big Game in the Eighties
(Elliott Roosevelt), 16, 34

Ickes, Harold L., 487, 582, 588, 593, 738, 740, 784, 786, 787, 799

on Eleanor's relationship with Hopkins, 638

on establishment of OCD, 815

on Franklin and World Court issue, 709, 710

and Marian Anderson concert, 666–67, 668

mistrusts Eleanor's influence, 574

and 1936 campaign, 558, 559

racial issue and, 659

on Roosevelt family debate, 613

seeks Eleanor's patronage, 577–78

and Subsistence Homestead Program, 495–96, 499, 501, 502, 504, 505, 507–8, 512–13, 514

Ickes, Jane, 575

Ilma, Viola, 688–89, 835

International Student Service, 776

It's Up to the Women
(E. Roosevelt), 357, 477, 484, 489, 490, 638

Ivens, Joris, 720

Jackson, Andrew, 226, 454, 464, 783

Jackson, Gardner, 790

Jackson, Hugh, 822

Jackson, Robert H., 678

Jacobs, Mrs. Solon R., 360

James, Henry, 92

James, William, 108, 480, 492

Jennie, Aunt,
Delano, Mrs. Warren

Joffre, Marshal, 255

Johnson, Charles, 648

Johnson, Hiram, 707, 708, 709

Johnson, Hugh, 496, 548, 583

Johnson, Louis, 574

Johnson, Mordecai, 648

Johnson, Mrs. Alma W., 540

Johnson, Nelson T., 873

Johnston, Alva, 623

Jones, Jesse, 595, 913–14

Jones, Sam, 561

Judd, Walter, 865

Jusserand, Jules, 233, 255

Kassie, Aunt,
Collier, Mrs. Price

Keen, Dr. William W., 332, 333–34

Keliher, Alice V., 544

Keller, John, 547

Kelley, Florence, 388–89

Kellogg, Paul, 760, 822–23

Kelly, Edward J., 793

Kenny, Robert W., 724

Kent, Frank R., 758

Kenyon, Judge Dorothy, 565

Kerr, Mrs. Florence, 812, 814, 816

Keynes, John Maynard, 590, 698

King Mackenzie, 852

Kleeman, Rita Halle, 645

Knox, Frank, 671, 677, 733, 834

Knudsen, William S., 677

Kraus, Charlotte, 739

Krech, Margaret (Mrs. William Sheffield Cowles, Jr.; Bobbie), 359

Krishna Menon, Vengalil Krishnan, 845

Krock, Arthur, 551, 576, 594, 716–17, 757

Kropotkin, Princess Alexandra, 757

Kuhn, Mrs. Hartman, 126, 165, 166, 199, 764

Laas, William, 537, 631

LaFollette, Robert, 362

LaGuardia, Fiorello, 676, 677, 799, 802, 831

dismissed as OCD head, 825–26

as head of OCD, 814–16, 823–26

Laidlaw, Mrs. James Lees, 348

Lamont, Mrs. Thomas W., 349

Lamont, Thomas W., 750–51

Landis, James M., 821, 823
, 825–26, 827, 830–31

Landon, Alfred M., 556, 559, 563, 564, 565, 733

Lane, Anne, 550

Lane, Franklin K., 233, 253, 267, 290, 307, 321, 495

Langdon, Sophie, 73

Lang John, 682

Lansbury, George, 713–14

Lansing, Robert, 248, 290

Lape, Esther, 351–53, 354, 357, 365, 381, 397, 433, 570, 599, 640, 750–51, 781, 802, 895, 909, 923

and Eleanor's relationship with, 322

and fight against AMA for social health legislation, 586–88

World Court issue and, 706–9

Lash, Joseph P., 430, 610, 678, 698, 761–64, 767, 877–79

Lasser, David, 766

Lauder, Sir Harry, 849

Law, Nigel, 274

Lawrence, John S., 365

Leach, Agnes, 394, 409, 428, 434, 558, 602

Leach, Henry Goddard, 428, 500, 540, 680

League of Nations, 350, 352, 354, 432, 433, 434, 435, 706, 710

see also
Roosevelt, Eleanor; Wilson, Woodrow

Leahy, William D., 244

Ledyard, Ruth, 384

Lee, John, 847

LeHand, Marguerite (Missy), 334, 336, 365, 366, 368, 400, 407, 425, 427, 428, 436–37, 438, 441, 448, 464, 513, 589, 608, 636, 787, 892, 907

controls executive side of White House, 634

death of, 912

hired by Franklin, 319

on Hopkins, 637

relationship with Franklin, Eleanor and, 640–44, 645

Lehman, Herbert H., 395, 402, 404, 442, 883

Lehman, Irving, 405

Leigh, W. Colston, 529–30, 532

Lenroot, Katherine, 578, 580

Lerner, Max, 723

Leslie, Mrs. Frank, 387

Levenson, Eleanor, 757

Lewis, John L., 672, 770, 776, 790, 864

Lilienthal, David E., 522–23, 916

“Limps,” the, 117

Lincoln, Abraham, 5, 31, 464, 668

Lindley, Betty, 526, 775, 820, 822, 827

Lindley, Ernest K., 402, 425, 526

Lippmann, Walter, 361, 395, 434, 770

Littell, Norman, 763

Litvinov, Ivy, 751

Litvinov, Maxim, 706, 750–51

Livingston, Chancellor, 18

Livingston, Mrs. Robert, 339–40

Livingstons, the, 17–18

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 289, 351

Loeb, James, 897

Lomax, Alan, 738

Long, Breckinridge, 809

Long, Huey, 548, 550

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 3, 29, 52, 88–89, 124, 129, 154, 155, 163, 173, 217, 263, 289, 313, 352, 446, 452, 561, 598, 790

account of Chevy Chase Club incident, 300

anti-New Deal cracks of infuriate Franklin, 644

asked to be bridesmaid by Eleanor, 170

and canteen work (World War I), 264

childhood relationship with Eleanor, 38

as debutante, 114

Eleanor a “do-gooder,” 12

Eleanor lunches with, 644

on Eleanor's autobiography, 545

Eleanor's thrust at for attack on Franklin (1936 campaign), 564

father quoted on her social life, 119

jealous of Eleanor as First Lady, 472–73

in lime light due to father's presidency, 108, 109, 113

Lucy Mercer and, 278

marriage of, 189

as newspaper columnist, Eleanor contrasted with, 537, 539

reaction to Eleanor's engagement, 169

rebels against family, visits with Eleanor, 88–89

Longworth, Nicholas, 189, 361

Looker, Earle, 423–24

Lovett, Dr. Robert W., 333–36, 338

Low, Seth, 109

Lowen, Irving S., 898–900, 901, 902

Luce, Henry, 864

Ludlow, Edward H. (great-grandfather), 18, 31

Ludlow, Elizabeth Livingston (great-grandmother), 18

Ludlow, Mrs. Edward H. (Great-Aunt Maggie), 52, 62, 170, 172

Ludlows, the, 17–18, 19

Ludwig, Emil, 643

Lynch, Thomas, 307, 308, 319, 346, 364, 418

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 745, 874–75

MacDonald, Ishbel, 470

MacDonald, John Ramsay, 469, 470, 753

Mack, John, 205, 207, 307, 346, 805

MacLeish, Archibald, 269, 314, 786, 911, 918

Macy, Louise,
Hopkins, Louise

Madeleine (nurse), 75, 105

Magee, Ralph, 467

Magidoff, Nila, 919

Mahoney, Helena T., 367

Maisky, Ivan, 865

Mallet, Hector, 83

Mann, Thomas, 716, 728–29, 742, 743

Marbury, Elizabeth, 360, 399, 425

Margaret, Princess, 839

Marié, Peter, 27

Marsh, Reginald, 654

Marshall, Gen. George C., 834, 918

Marshall, Thomas Riley, 231, 246

Marshall, Thurgood, 669

Martha (of
), 862, 863, 864, 891, 892, 912

Martin, Prestonia Mann, 482–84, 680

Martineau, Cyril, 312

Martineau, Mauriel, 285, 286, 328, 471

Marvin, George, 353, 391, 426

Marvin, Langdon P., 213, 217, 334, 336

Mary (of
), 846, 847

Masaryk, Jan, 846

Mason, Lucy Randolph, 585

Matthews, J. B., 762

Maude, Aunt,
Gray, Maude; Hall, Maude

McAdoo, William G., 254, 308, 312, 436–37

McAllister, Dorothy, 583

McCabe, “Packy,” 216

McCarthy, Charles, 313, 319

McCloskey, Mark, 687, 695, 835

McCook, Janet, 159–60, 188

McCormick, Anne O'Hare, 535

McDonald, James G., 733

McEachern, Elspeth, 179–80

McGrady, Edward, 583

McIntire, Dr. Ross T., 587, 787, 804, 805, 889, 890, 919, 920

McIntyre, Marvin, 353, 465, 468, 561, 567, 648, 651, 656, 657, 694

McKellar, Kenneth, 501

McKelvey, Thelma, 775

McKinley, William, 746

McLaughlin, Kathleen, 739

McMichael, Jack, 763, 769, 771

McMillin, Lucile Foster, 486

McNary, Charles, 707

McNutt, Paul V., 701, 814, 821

Meloney, Mrs. William B., 757, 782

Mencken, H. L., 701

Mercer, Lucy Page, 270–71, 274–79, 293, 310, 373, 422, 430, 449, 479, 543, 889, 893, 911, 921, 923

Meyer, Agnes, 450

Michell, Lucy Sprague, 512

Michelson, Charles, 555, 556, 557, 559, 560

Milholland, Inez, 213

Miller, Adolph, 233, 336

Miller, Earl, 425–28, 544, 599, 608

Miller, Emma Guffey, 422, 555, 583

Miller, Izetta Jewel, 483

Miller, Mary, 336, 550

Miller, Nathan L., 323

Millin, Sarah Gertrude, 751

Millis, Walter, 786

Mills, Harriet May, 327, 345, 357

Robbins, Muriel

LeHand, Marguerite

Roosevelt, Martha Bulloch

Molotov, Pauline Z., 751

Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 864–65

Montgomery, Florence, 84

Morgan, Forbes, 114, 154, 597

Morgan, Geraldine, 146

Morgan, Mary Newbold, 384

see also
Newbold, Mary

Morgenthau, Elinor, 346, 357, 360, 385, 391, 392, 398, 419, 428, 466, 575, 599, 633, 672, 703, 798, 919

and divided-White-House-loyalties issue, 639

and Eleanor's resignation from Colony Club, 665

in Gridiron Widows parties' skit, 629–30

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 312, 346, 366, 373, 391, 408, 412, 567, 577, 636, 805, 829, 920

discusses Germany's future with Franklin, 905

and divided-White-House-loyalties issue, 639

in London with Eleanor, 844

Morton, Edith, 232

Morton, Levi P., 232

Morton Robert, 648

Moses, Robert, 402–3, 404, 405

Moskowitz, Belle, 391, 394, 402–3, 404, 405, 412

Muir, Raymond, 466

Munn, Mary, 274, 275

Murphy, Charles F., 211, 213, 309, 358–59

Murphy, Frank, 594, 761, 819

Murphy, Robert, 905

Murray, Pauli, 662–63, 859

Mussolini, Benito, 680, 710, 730, 736, 737, 786

My Boy Franklin
(S. D. Roosevelt), 146

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 650–51, 653–54, 667, 668

National Industrial Recovery Act, 477, 480, 486, 799

National Youth Administration, 681, 684–87, 690, 692, 698, 700, 701, 702

see also
Roosevelt, Eleanor

Neal, Claude, 653

Nesbitt, Henrietta, 452, 466, 633

Newbold, Mary, 113, 145, 188

see also
Morgan, Mary Newbold

Newbold, Thomas Jefferson, 207, 309, 330

Newman, Pauline, 491

Nicholson, Mrs. Jesse W., 390, 392

Niles, David, 790

Norrie, Margaret, 326, 347, 360

Norris, George, 495, 795, 799

Norton, Mary T., 393

O'Connor, Julia, 291

O'Daniel, W. Lee, 592

O'Day, Caroline, 385, 388, 398, 419, 558, 667, 734

Odum, Howard W., 856

Office of Civilian Defense, 814, 815, 816, 820

see also
Roosevelt, Eleanor

Olaf (of
), 846, 863

O'Laughlin, John Callan, 594, 828

Olvaney, George, 395

O'Reilly, Leonora, 291

Osborn, William Church, 215, 216, 245, 266

Osborne, Thomas Mott, 210, 216, 218–19

Osthagen, Henry, 606

Oursler, Fulton, 642–44, 645, 683–84

Overlock, Dorothy, 820

Overstreet, Bonaro W., 807

Paish, Sir George, 717

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 295, 308

Palmer, Charles F., 812

Parish, Henry, 51, 121, 157, 168, 214, 234, 599

Parish, Susan (Cousin Susie), 51, 105, 134, 137, 152, 154–55, 156, 163, 168, 170, 171, 187, 210, 214–15, 258, 372, 384, 599

Eleanor rebels against, 302

objects to Eleanor's settlement-house work, 121

self-preoccupation of irks Eleanor, 234

as traditionalist as Sara, 190

Parker, Alice, 127

Parsons, Frances Theodora, 17, 22, 238

Passavant, Carola von,
Schaeffer-Bernstein, Carola von

Patri, Angelo, 375

Patterson, Capt. Joseph, 545

Patterson, Cissy, 474, 631

Patterson, Robert M., 671, 901

Patton, James, 896

Peabody, George Foster, 367

Peabody, Rev. Endicott, 118, 147–48, 168, 296, 334, 666

Pearson, Drew, 532, 668

Peek, George, 574

Pegler, Westbrook, 538, 828, 831

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