Eight Keys

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Authors: Suzanne LaFleur

BOOK: Eight Keys
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Text copyright © 2011 by Suzanne M. LaFleur

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Wendy Lamb Books, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Wendy Lamb Books and the colophon are trademarks of Random House, Inc.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
LaFleur, Suzanne M.
Eight keys / by Suzanne LaFleur.
p. cm.
eISBN: 978-0-375-89905-8
[1. Self-actualization (Psychology)—Fiction. 2. Middle schools—Fiction. 3. Schools— Fiction. 4. Friendship—Fiction. 5. Family life—Fiction. 6. Orphans—Fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.L1422Eig 2011

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For Erika,
who has shared several keys with me

Part I

Why My Life Really Stinks

The trouble all started right before the first day of sixth grade, the last time Franklin and I played Knights.

Knights works like this: we get our swords, we head out to the woods, and we go on chivalrous missions to battle ghost knights.

Uncle Hugh made our wooden swords when we were six, which is when we came up with the game. Franklin’s mom wasn’t happy about him making us weapons, but Uncle Hugh assured her that the worst that could happen was we would get splinters—and that’s only happened a couple times.

We never really battle each other.

Or at least, we never had before.

Franklin met me in the woods with his purple bicycle helmet on. Some days he wears his helmet when we play. It’s weird, but I don’t say anything about it. It’s not like it matters, anyway.

Franklin almost always begins the game. He did that day, too.

“Kneel before me,” he announced in his deepest voice.
I knelt and bowed my head. “Your quest shall be to find the missing cast of King Alberto.”

“I think it’s a cask,” I interrupted in a regular voice, looking up. “With a k.”

“I’m not sure,” Franklin admitted, also in his regular voice. Then he whispered, as if it were a secret from the game, “What is that, anyway?”

“I don’t know.”

Franklin shrugged, put his serious face back on, and continued in his deep voice. “You are to find the missing cask-t of King Alberto. Rise, Sir Knight, and go forth upon your quest.”

He tapped my shoulders lightly with his sword. I stood and knocked his sword with mine, which was his signal to go forth upon the same quest.

We took off, slowly at first, until Franklin yelled, “Ghost knight, behind you!” I stopped to battle the phantom who aimed to ruin our quest. Franklin let out another scream and ran past me to battle a few more ghosts.

My ghost killed by decapitation, I paused for a minute to watch Franklin. He looked funny, swinging his sword and yelling at things that weren’t really there. I had never thought about what we looked like playing. Was it a silly thing to do, really?

An abandoned cardboard box lay close by.

I summoned my deepest voice.

“Halt, human!” I yelled. “Halt!”

Franklin stopped, breathing hard. “Yes … Good Knight?”

“Good Lady,” I corrected in my deep voice.

“Huh?” he asked, in his regular voice.

“I am a lady knight,” I said.

“There are no lady knights,” he said.

“Of course there are. I am a lady ghost knight, possessing the body of the knight you thought you knew. And I have found your sacred casket, and it belongs to me.” I set my foot on the cardboard box like an explorer stepping off his ship onto new land. “You have no choice but to fight me.”

Franklin thought for only a second before falling back into the game.

“You shall never have our sacred casket, demon! And I shall free my fellow knight from your possession!”

He dove at me, sword outstretched, and I met his sword with my own. There was no neat clash of metal, just a dull
of wood smacking wood. We both hit hard. After a few strong hits, which sent Franklin darting backward, I turned and ran, scooping up the cardboard box—the cast or cask or casket or whatever-it-was now—looking back to swipe at Franklin every few feet. He was putting up a good fight. This was definitely one of the best games of Knights we had ever played.

But when you’re playing Knights in the woods, you have to be careful of these things all at once: where you swing your sword, that you don’t drop your treasure, and that you look where you’re going.

It’s not hard to guess which one I forgot.

We came to a stretch of the woods where the path ran above a steep hill. I twisted to take another hit at Franklin, but my front foot slipped, and I fell.

After the world had stopped tumbling, I heard “Elise, Elise, Elise, Elise!”—Franklin hurrying after me through all the rocks and leaves and vines and shrubs and prickers that lined the hill.

“Next time,” Franklin panted, when he’d caught up with me where I was lying curled up in a ball, “you should wear kneepads. Kneepads and shin guards.”

The front of my legs, from my knees to my ankles, ended up covered in bloody streaks. Aunt Bessie made me sit for her to clean all the cuts, but they dried in yucky scabs all over me for my first day at my new middle school. Aunt Bessie and Uncle Hugh both vetoed the long jeans I was wearing to hide my wounds.

“It’s too darn hot for that sort of silliness! You’ll pass out!” declared Uncle Hugh.

“The material will rub against those cuts and open them right up,” insisted Aunt Bessie.

I sat on the edge of the bathtub in my shorts with a box of Band-Aids—plain ones, thank goodness—and stuck them all over my legs. When I had a crisscross of at least twenty peach bandages over my tan legs, I realized that trying to hide the scabs was even worse that just letting them show. I rested my head on my knees and then let out a huge “
” of frustration.

“Elise! The bus will be coming.” Aunt Bessie peeked around the door. “Do you want us to walk you?”

“No,” I said. As I walked out the front door, some of the Band-Aids drooped off my legs, not sticking on one side. I
grabbed one to yank it off, but the other side was tightly glued to the hairs on my leg. “Ow!” I yelled as it ripped off. I added “Bye!” before leaving Uncle Hugh and Aunt Bessie standing on the porch, looking kind of worried.

When I made it to the bus stop, the usual kids from our grade were there: Franklin plus Sam, Ben, Stewart, and Diana. I had never really gotten to know the other boys, and what I knew about Diana was that she wore funny cat sweaters. Because it was hot, she was in a cat T-shirt. Pink, with a black-and-white cat patched on in other materials.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi,” I answered.

“I went to camp all summer and there was no electricity and no real toilets.”

“Sounds awesome,” I said, not sure if that was awesome. Talking with Diana always made me feel uncomfortable. She was so weird.

The older kids who had gone off to middle school before us were clumped together a few yards away, talking and laughing and ignoring us. No parents had come to the bus stop.

Once we got on the bus, it was totally like usual—just me and Franklin on our own, in our own seat, having our own conversation. That was how the whole school day always used to go. We didn’t really need to get to know the other kids because we had each other.

Franklin, of course, didn’t comment on my yucky legs. It was like he couldn’t see them, even though I couldn’t help but stare at them the whole time, thinking about how messed up they looked. He was suddenly Mr. School Facts, telling me
all these things about what can go wrong at middle school. You could be placed in the wrong math class, be picked on by eighth graders, fail to conjugate verbs properly in language class (whatever that means).… Then he moved on to all these worries about
middle school, which has three different elementary schools feeding into it. There would be hundreds of kids there we didn’t know. And then he actually calculated how many that would be by taking the average number of kids per grade in our area’s elementary schools and multiplying that by the number of grades in the middle school and multiplying
by the number of feeder schools (minus ours, of course) and by the time he had gotten to the answer I was definitely Not Listening.

It didn’t matter how many new kids there were at school. It took only one to ruin my life.

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