Eight Days to Live (43 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Crime

BOOK: Eight Days to Live
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“Then by all means, save the day, Caleb,” she said dryly. “You do it so well.”

“I do, don’t I?” he said cheerfully. “I’ll work on it.”

later. “I can’t find a way to get Millet away from your Eve. He doesn’t want to leave the temple on the day of the Offering. That’s his big day. He’s in his glory.”

“I’m sure you can arrange something. I meant it. I’ll make sure you never get those coins.”

“I realize that you’d do it. We all have our weaknesses, and yours is Eve Duncan.” He paused. “So I’ve got to find a way to give her to you. But you’re the one who has to make sure Millet is far enough away from her to make it work. He’s given you the option of choosing the transfer point. I want him at least forty minutes away from the temple.”

“But I don’t know where this temple is,” Jane said. “And he’s supposed to bring Eve for the transfer, remember?”

“But you don’t really think that’s going to happen? He knows that he has you. He’ll scout out the area and set up an ambush. He’s not a great brain, but he’s very clever at what he does.”

“He won’t bring Eve?”

“No way on earth. He’ll hold her in case something goes wrong.”

“At the temple.”


“Then how do we get her out of that temple?”

“We send Millet after you, and we go in and get her.”


“There’s a secret tunnel that leads from outside to the corridor going to the Offering Room. Only the Guardian was supposed to know that it exists, but Adah Ziller was very persuasive. She told me that she and Millet used to play some of their erotic games in
the passage. It was a kick for her. Later, she used the passage to sneak into the Offering Room and steal the tablet.”

“Why do I have to go? Why can’t you bring her out that way yourself?”

“Because we have to go past Millet’s guards to get to her. They know your face. They probably know that an exchange is going to take place. I’ve made sure that Millet’s men don’t know me. I couldn’t get to the room where Millet is keeping Eve without an okay from Millet.” He paused. “Unless it seemed I had a purpose in those corridors. What better purpose than bringing the sacrifice for the Offering? I get you and Eve out of the room with some pushing and shoving and general rough handling, and we go back down through the passage.”

Jane was silent a moment. “It’s too much of a risk. I couldn’t trust you.”

“But you’ll still have the coins. We’ll meet at a designated spot a few miles from the temple, and I’ll have your bottle examined by my expert. You can bring one man, Gavin or MacDuff or anyone else you choose, and have him stay with the coins until we bring Eve out of the temple. Of course, I’ll also have someone there to guard the coins on my behalf. Unfortunately, I have as little trust as you, Jane. The moment that I take possession of the coins, you’re free to go. I’m quite certain you’ll protect your right to do that.”

“But then I’ll know where your temple is located.”

“But will I care? The Judas coins are all I ever wanted. I’m afraid I’m not truly a religious man. It was useful to me on occasion. On the offering table, I disposed of two business associates who got in my way. But I’m careful. No one can prove I’m one of the chosen. Money blurs the memory and twists truth. I’ll let you and Millet battle. I don’t give a damn who kills whom after I get
the coins.” He said softly, “I’ll be the only one who really wins. So what about it, Jane? It’s the best deal I can give you.”

“Where should I meet you?”

He chuckled. “So that you can figure out the location of the temple? No, I’ll tell you the meeting place after you’re in the air and five minutes from the destination.”

She hesitated. “Then how can I tell Millet where we should arrange the exchange?”

“I’ll give you the coordinates for that.” He paused. “Agree, Jane. It’s your best shot.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Don’t think too long. I want those coins. I might have to have a talk with Millet about enjoying his time with Eve to a greater extent.” He hung up.

She turned down the volume and glanced at Caleb. “You heard? He wants me to walk into the lion’s mouth.”

Caleb’s gaze was on her face. “And you’re thinking about doing it.”

“We can make it safer. We can make sure that Millet is a good distance away from the temple. We were going to bring Jock and the others into it anyway. He told me that he was good at guerrilla tactics.”

“There’s no way it can be safe,” he said flatly.

“Safer,” she repeated. “And we knew that Millet wouldn’t give up Eve if he could prevent it. She’s a witness against him. So Roland is right. Millet would set a trap for me.”

“That doesn’t mean that Roland isn’t going to do the same thing.”

“You’re not telling me anything I don’t know.” She stared thoughtfully down at the phone. “But we might work out a way to use this ploy of Roland’s when there wouldn’t be a chance if I dealt
strictly with Millet. And I’d be with Eve. I’d be able to help her more if we’re in the same place.”

“And you wouldn’t trust anyone else to be there for her,” he said roughly. “Only you. Okay, I know you wouldn’t trust me, but what about Jock Gavin. What about Joe Quinn? Let someone else take the risk.”

She raised her gaze. “You know that I’d have a better chance to get to Eve. And you know that Millet will kill her if he thinks he’s going down. She’s hurt, Caleb. Someone’s got to be there if she needs help.”

He muttered a curse. “And who’s going to be there if you need help?”

“Who do you think?” She smiled faintly. “Eve.”

“A united front,” he said curtly. “And you think that’s all you need. But this time, you may find it’s not quite enough.”

“Then we have to do whatever is necessary to make up the difference.” She added, “I’m not fool enough to think that I can do this alone. That would be crazy. All I’m saying is that we’ve got to have a plan that will give us a chance.”

“And still lets you go into that damn temple with Eve.”

“Yes.” He wasn’t going to like this. “And I want you to be the one to stay with the coins and guard them.”

“Hell, no. Don’t try to stick me with that kind of bullshit milk-toast job.”

“Milk toast? As soon as Roland takes me away from those Judas coins, whoever he leaves with you is going to have orders to take off with them.” She paused. “And that means that you’re going to be in the way.”

He thought about it. “If I protect your coins and get rid of Roland’s man, who’s going to try to cut my throat, am I on my own?”

He was always on his own. He meant he wanted her blessing to turn hunter.

Why not? she thought recklessly. He would probably do it anyway no matter what she said. He had told her that savagery could be selective, and if it concerned Eve, she would have no qualms about it.

It did concern Eve. Tomorrow, Eve could live or die depending on what they all did or didn’t do to save her. It was time to forget about anything but getting her away from Millet alive.

“Do what you like.” She lifted her phone again to call Jock. “As long as it doesn’t interfere with any plan we can put in place to get Eve out.”

“I won’t interfere.” His lips twisted. “And I’d be touched that you trusted me enough to give me carte blanche if I didn’t realize that this time you really didn’t give a damn. You wouldn’t care if I brought that temple down like the biblical Samson did.”

Is he right? Jane wondered wearily. The answer came back clear and direct as an arrow. Of course he’s right.

Stop the killing. Let their damn Judas temple collapse on the heads of those bastards.

Day Eight

down at the knoll they were flying over. “And I believe that’s our Mr. Roland and party.” He glanced at Jane. “Last chance to change your mind.”

She shook her head and turned to Marc Lestall, the pilot. “But fly around that knoll and make sure there’s no one else there but them.”

“Right.” Marc banked to the left.

Three men as Roland had promised, Jane thought. The expert to examine the bottle, Roland himself, and the third man, who was probably fairly lethal. A jeep and a motorcycle parked in the trees.

“Clear,” Marc said. “Should I land?”

“Just a minute.” Caleb dialed Jock. “Millet?” He hung up and turned to Jane. “Ten minutes south of here heading toward the place you agreed on with a jeep full of men and firepower.” He paused. “And no Eve.”

It was what they had expected.

“Then we’ll have to go find her. Remember, try to delay any move you make against Roland’s man in case Roland checks back with him. I want to keep from bringing the situation to a head before we have to do it.” She nodded at Marc. “Let’s go down.”

Three minutes later, the helicopter was on the ground, and Jane jumped out of the aircraft.

“You’re late,” Roland said. “But considering that your nerves are probably coming into play, I’ll forgive you. You’ve been dreading this day for some time, haven’t you?” He smiled. “And Millet has been looking forward to it with anticipation.”

“It’s just another day. It’s you ghouls who have made it into something horrible.” She called to Marc, who was still at the controls. “Get out of here, Marc.”

The pilot’s gaze was on Roland. “You’re certain?”

“Go,” Caleb said.

A moment later, Marc was lifting off.

Jane handed Roland the portable container. “You turn the switch to open the case. Where’s your expert?”

He turned to a thin, tall man wearing glasses. “George Kandor. George, take the case and run a check on it.”

“Be careful,” Jane said. “And don’t remove the stopper.”

“I know my business.” Kandor took the case and turned back to his equipment beside the tree. “I won’t be able to tell much, Roland.”

“I just want to make sure that bottle contains the same objects that were in the photo.” Roland turned to Jane. “This won’t take long. I know you’re eager to be on your way.” His gaze shifted to Caleb. “You must be Seth Caleb. You’re something of an unknown factor to both Millet and me. We’ve been able to access your CIA and Interpol records, and they’ve come back with very little information. Which means that you’ve been exceptionally law-abiding or that you’re very clever.”

“Guess,” Caleb said.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ve got both possibilities covered. Though I really expected Jane to bring Jock Gavin. Gavin has the reputation of being lethal.” He gestured to the fair-haired man, who had been silent throughout the exchange. “Carl Trobell. Naturally, I can’t tap Millet’s resources, but Trobell comes with excellent references.” He smiled. “He has almost as much experience as Jock Gavin, and he’s fully capable of protecting my coins.”

Trobell nodded, but didn’t speak.

Dead eyes, Jane thought. Like the photos of killers you see in the newspapers who had committed hideous crimes, and you realized that there was nothing behind those eyes that had anything to do with humanity. She quickly glanced away from him. “They’re not yours yet.”

“Soon.” Roland paused. “I’m sure you have a weapon. Give it to me.”

“Go to hell.”

He shrugged. “I can understand your concern. I’ll let it pass as a gesture of good faith.” He turned to Kandor, who was replacing the bottle in the case. “Well?”

“It appears to be the same as the photo you showed me.”

“I thought it would be.” He turned back to Jane. “You wouldn’t take a chance on cheating me. You have too much at stake. Shall we go? I have a jeep parked in the trees, as I’m sure you verified on that pass.”

She nodded and started to turn away but suddenly whirled back to face Caleb.

“It’s all right,” he said quietly. “Stop worrying, Jane.” He smiled. “I’m Samson, remember.”

But he hadn’t been Samson when he’d faced Faruk yesterday. He’d been tragically, almost fatally weak. What if Trobell was like Faruk? Or even if he wasn’t, every instinct was telling her that Trobell was every bit as deadly as Roland claimed.

“Eve,” Caleb reminded her.

Yes, Eve. Eve needed her, and she couldn’t change her mind now.

She whirled and headed for the trees.

out of the jeep and gazed at the sign that was posted on the barbed-wire fence. “What does it say?”

“Contaminated. Deadly.” He swung open the gate. “Words to that effect, I believe. I don’t speak Russian.”

“Russian? In the middle of Syria?”

“Yes, the Russians did some bacteria experiments here during the Cold War.” He got back in the jeep. “Do you see that huge building over there? It was the main lab before the accident. One day there was an unfortunate leak in one of the tanks, which killed several scientists and about two hundred workers. They examined the ground surrounding the lab and decided that it was going to
be deadly for the next century. The installation has been deserted ever since then.”

“ ‘Unfortunate leak,’ ” she repeated.

“Unfortunate for them. Fortunate for the chosen. The temple is in the mountains directly behind the lab. Hadar made sure that it was well hidden in the rocks, and it was safe for centuries as long as it was guarded. But modern-day technology made it more difficult to conceal.” He smiled. “So we decided to take advantage of the lab. After the accident, the Syrian government was only anxious to conceal the deal they’d made with the Russians. The Russians discreetly pulled out of the area.”

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