Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists

BOOK: Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists
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Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in


What the hell had she been thinking? Edwina hates the cold but

ends up working in Antarctica as a helicopter pilot. When her

chopper is sabotaged, she and her companions must somehow

survive the harsh environment and walk to safety.

Kieran and Jake Kodi have a secret that means they aren't quite

as lost as Edwina might think, but protecting the foul-mouthed,

independent, quick-tempered woman will test their patience like

never before. That's why it's so surprising to realize they want her

as their mate.

Kieran, Calvin, Jake, Brian, Simon, Evan and Gary never really

believed the seven brothers would all fall for the same woman—

regardless of their heritage—yet when they meet Edwina all that


But will the secret they harbor be more than Edwina wants to


Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

47,356 words



Rachel Clark


Siren Publishing, Inc.



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IMPRINT: LoveXtreme


Copyright © 2011 by Rachel Clark

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-481-2

First E-book Publication: May 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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For Scarlet Hyacinth – a great beta reader, incredible writer and an

amazing friend.




Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

Edwina Callahan turned to see her boss, Ralph
the asshole

Peterson, striding toward her “Eddie, I need you to fly two science

geeks out to the Kendall Research huts.” She pressed her mouth

closed and squashed the urge to roll her eyes in irritation.

Thank fuck her time here was nearly over. What the hell had she

been thinking when she signed up for three months as a helicopter

pilot in Antarctica? She must’ve been out of her mind.

Then again at the time she probably had been. Her father’s new

wife, although picture-perfect and pleasantly spoken, had been

difficult to deal with, and Edwina simply couldn’t shake the feeling

that it wasn’t real. Nobody was that nice. It didn’t help that the

woman’s son—Edwina’s brand-new stepbrother, Keith—had been

making romantic advances toward her since the day they’d met.

So she’d taken this job as a means to escape their constant

attention. Too bad she’d forgotten how much she hated being cold.

Hell, it was February and considered summer here, but she was

freezing her ass off. She had no intention of being here in winter.

“Edwina,” her boss said, clicking his finger in front of her. God,

this guy was annoying.

Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


“What?” she snapped. It was quite liberating to realize that she no

longer had to put up with this creep’s sexist and derogatory attitude.

“Science geeks. Kendall Refuge. Now!”

“Don’t they usually walk to that one?” she asked, hoping that she

wouldn’t really have to go out in the cold one more time. Fuck, she

was more than ready to fly her little helicopter back to Wilkins

Aerodrome and get the hell off this ice cube called a continent.

Her boss just shrugged. “Weather’s good. It’ll save them some


“Fine,” she said in a tone that suggested it really wasn’t. She

silently promised herself that this was the very last one. To hell with her contract. She went home in two days, and she’d fake a middle ear

infection or something if they asked again. It was just too damn cold.

“Chopper’s fueled and ready to go,” her boss said nonchalantly as

he turned and walked away. She glared at his retreating back. Not

fucking likely. She always ran her own pre-flight check. It was her

one golden rule—never trust her safety to someone else.

Fifteen minutes later two of the most gorgeous men on the planet

walked over to her helicopter and climbed onboard. She tried not to

stare, but as hunk number one pushed his fur-lined parka hood off his head, she was completely mesmerized by the perfect whiteness of his

hair. Not gray or blonde or platinum but pure snow white. She’d

barely convinced herself not to be rude when the second man revealed

the same color hair.

“Wow,” she said, forgetting her manners completely, “you two

sure give a new meaning to—” She cut herself off before using the

words “science” and “geeks” together and tried to cover her gaff with something—anything—less offensive. “To…um…camouflage,” she

finished lamely. She tried to smile but got the distinct impression that hunk number one was not amused, and hunk number two was fighting

to keep a straight face. Great, one thought she was an annoying fool, and the other thought she was just annoying.


Rachel Clark

Trying to remind herself that it didn’t matter what these men

thought of her because she’d be gone long before they got back to

Mawson base, and she’d never have to see them again, Edwina

plastered a false smile to her face and pointed to the seat belts and headset equipment. Obviously familiar with traveling via helicopter,

both men moved to their seats and buckled in. She tried to keep her

voice sounding professional as she went through her usual passenger

spiel, checking destinations and other important information, before she lifted the machine off the ground. She especially didn’t want to

head in the wrong direction in this cold weather.

Unfortunately, their answers proved that these two men were the

ones her boss had said to fly to Kendall shack. It was only about

ninety miles south of their current position, so with a bit of luck she’d drop these two off and make it back to the base in time for dinner.

Hunk number two had taken the copilot’s seat and seemed to find

glee by annoying the man in the seat behind her. “What’s your

name?” he asked through the headset. Edwina had to assume the other

man knew his name so figured his question was aimed at her.

“Edwina,” she said, “but everyone calls me Eddie.”

“Why?” he asked with a radiant smile that confirmed his teeth

were as white as his hair. Her camouflage comment came back to

haunt her, and the meaning of his question was lost.

“Why what?”

“Why do they call you Eddie?”

“I don’t know,” she answered, still feeling confused. “Everybody

just always has.”

“I prefer Edwina,” he said in a tone of voice that suggested they

were going to be lifelong pals. Not fucking likely. Two days. Two

long, lonely, freeze-your-ass-to-the-toilet-seat days more and she was out of here. No way would she consider staying—not for all the tea in China, or all the ice in Antarctica, or all the cute scientists therein.

Edwina and the Seven Snowed-in Scientists


She rolled her eyes at her own ridiculous notions. Could extreme

cold mess with a person’s normally sensible thought processes? She

sure was beginning to think so.

“Okay,” she managed to say belatedly. At this rate they were

probably wondering if they were safe in an aircraft she controlled.

Despite her years of flying experience, she was beginning to wonder

that herself. She had the craft off the ground before conversation—

stilted as it was—resumed.

“Edwina,” humorless hunk said from behind her, “why did you

offer to fly us? We were already set to leave when your messenger

contacted us.”

“My messenger?” she asked, feeling completely bewildered. “My

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