Eden's Mark (3 page)

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Authors: D.M. Sears

BOOK: Eden's Mark
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Chapter Four

I limped in the doorway using my aunt and uncle as crutches.

“How did you injure your foot, Eden? I see you have a cut on your head, as well.” Lex used precision and skill as he worked my foot, assessing the damage.

I explained about going into the woods and falling. The strange encounter with the mystery man never made the conversation. That tidbit was mine for the dreaming, which I am certain will be soon. I felt so tired. I felt the heat again and decided to calm myself before I gave something away.

As Lex finished up, Val hugged me tight. “I am sorry. I wasn’t staring at you because I thought something was wrong with
. Eden, you have no idea what your birthmark means.”

“It is just a sprain. You were very lucky you didn’t break it, little miss. Your head wound wasn’t as deep as I first thought, so sutures are not needed.” I caught the wink and grin.

“I will go make you a pack for your ankle and something for that cut. Be right back.” Val left me with Lex.

I searched my uncle’s expression for any type of answer to why my mark was a bad thing. Nada. The sun was starting to come into the sky. Pinks, purples, and mute oranges were on the horizon brightening the room.

With a bowl in her hands, Val struggled with white bandages and a towel as she sat in front of me. Her gentle hands rested my ankle on the rolled towel and I watched her ladle a clear gelatinous concoction over my ankle. It smelled of lemongrass, mint, and rosemary. Mmm, the smell was soothing. It began to set, turning green, and paste-like.

Val wrapped the bandages around my foot carefully, “Maybe we have talked enough tonight. You should elevate your leg a bit and get some rest. We can discuss more after you have slept.”              

Fishing out a small tin, Val rubbed some clear goo on my cut.             

“I can’t argue with you. I am tired. Promise you will finish the story when I wake up?”

“Of course, sweetheart. I promise.” Her eyes darted away from for one split second and I felt as though she really didn’t want to replay the rest of the story to anyone.

“Thank you. By the way, I am sorry I ran. I had to think about some things, ya know?

“Eden, Lex and I were young once, we understand.”

“Alright you two, let’s get Eden to bed.”

The three of us made our way to my room and I collapsed on my mattress. The sweet black abyss of sleep was a welcomed comfort.

I woke in the afternoon. Rays of sunlight shown across the wood floor adding to the quiet atmosphere. Stretching my arms above my head, my yawn big, I flexed each muscle, tensing and relaxing them.

“What a day.” I covered my face, remembering the conversation and mystery man. Panic seized me a moment. I was a fairy and a mage, Val and Lex are my real aunt and uncle, and my parents lived in another place that was not in my world. How was a teenager to cope? At this moment, I would love to be in a coma as to not deal with this crazy drama. Sigh…

“Enough of this self pity.” I put my feet on the floor standing cautiously remembering I had hurt my ankle.

“Sweet, thank you, Aunt Val and your magic mojo.”

My mouth tasted disgusting and I was in some serious need of some liquid. I walked down the steps and into the kitchen hoping to find my family. We had things to talk about. As I got to the sink, I saw Lex outside in the backyard talking to a figure hidden by the tree line. It was a little weird, but then again, after everything I had heard early this morning, weird was becoming my new norm.

“Good morning sleepyhead!” I turned to see Val behind me looking younger and very refreshed in her fuchsia tank and khaki shorts. Her hair had a shine to it. She kissed the top of my head as she reached around me for a glass.

“How is the ankle, do you feel any pain? Your cut is almost fully healed.” Her smile was infectious.

“I don’t know what you mixed together, but it feels just like new. Maybe you can cure my clumsiness?” I gave her a beaming toothy grin.

I knew our conversation would have to be finished, but at this moment, to see her in a good mood, how could I be upset? I missed her happy and carefree.

“Wonderful to hear dear. One day I will fill you in on all my remedies. I always hoped to pass down the family book to you. Now you know about our heritage, so I can! As for the lack in coordination, I am afraid you get it honestly, from your mother.” Val giggled at her own comment.

I sputtered in my juice, “You mean it?” I was definitely excited now! I had seen her with a worn leather book that was so thick you needed two arms to carry the thing. Val never let me see inside the pages, she always locked it up once she was finished with it. All my fear of the fairy mage thing vanished. How cool to be like her.

“Of course I mean it.” Val sat at the table gesturing for me to follow. “Now that I can tell you all I know about our family, I have no reason to hide the book anymore. This is your past, present, and future, just like it’s mine. Your mother would have wanted you to learn and use your gifts.” Val sipped her spiced milk.

Busily engrossed in our discussion over certain plants she wanted to add to our garden, Lex came into the room excited.

“How are my two best girls this afternoon?” Lex seemed more relaxed as well, as if he had just come back from vacation. His eyes were the color of an ocean in the Caribbean, so clear and warm. He kissed Val on the cheek and came over to me kissing the top of my head.

“Good, thanks to Aunt Val.”

A tear dripped from her chin. “You called me aunt.”

“Yeah, is that okay? I mean you are my aunt, right, and you my uncle?” I tried to gage their reaction.

“We are, but you should address us as you feel comfortable. I will say… uncle has quite a ring to it though.” The cocky expression on his face gave way to laughter from the three of us.

“What?” Lex gave a wink and went to pour himself a cup of coffee.

“Who was the person you were talking to, in the backyard?”

“That was a friend of mine. He will be coming over tomorrow for dinner. Until then, I think we should finish our little talk.” Lex took a chair by me and put his hand over mine.

“Hold on, all this stuff is kind of hard to take. I just have issues with believing I am a fairy and mage. I want to believe you; a part of me knows what you’re saying is true. However, all I ask is that you don’t get upset with my reactions to what you tell me.”

“Honey, we aren’t upset at you. What we have told you is fantastical and certainly unbelievable. We both know it’s tough accepting who you are.”

“Eden, I should have told you a long time ago. The memories are painful, but this is your life too, and you had a right. Anger is expected. I hope to someday make it up to you.” Her voice carried regret.

“It’s okay, I just need time to process, that’s all.” The reassuring squeeze from Lex made my heart tighten at my family.

“Val, I think you stopped at the marriage.”

She gave a simple nod, “We needed some answers from somewhere, and we decided to go see Amend, our tribe’s Shaman. If anyone had the answers we sought, he did. Only one high mage was in power at a time. Some have lived over 300 years, and he was already 230 and had been around long enough to give us some insight.”

“Does every mage live so long?” So cool.

“Some do, some don’t. On the average mages and the other races in Ellethny live significantly longer than humans in this world.”

“He lived in a small basic house that had a table, two chairs, a bed, and then shelves holding strange items; ingredients for potions, charms, other items as well as books. I liked being in his house. So much power radiated through it. He was wise beyond his years and we knew he could tell us about this strange connection.”

Lex took over, “I am a direct descendent of Amend, my uncle. I never knew my parents because they both died when I was very young and thus spent my childhood at his home. He taught me about spells and our use of them. My uncle told me a spell had gone wrong and killed my parents. I disliked magic after that and over the years couldn’t live there anymore. I ran away and came here.” I saw just a tiny hint of a fire behind his eyes as he thought about his parents. I understood his reaction completely.

“There are portals set up in different parts of Ellethny that can take us anywhere in the world. I ended up here, and it was a good thing I did. I wouldn’t have met Valora otherwise.” He smiled a loving smile at his wife and then returned to me.

“A long time ago a prophecy was made. It stated a child would be born from a couple tied by heaven’s light. The child would be marked to take their place as the ruler of Ellethny and unite all the races.”

Say what! I understood why they wanted to wait to tell me.             

“You think my parents are the couple from the prophecy?”

“At the time we weren’t sure. Now, it seems it’s true.”

“They fit the profile; we never received a definitive yes or no. Amend left us to believe what we wanted. Even so, we all thought they were the ones spoke about. Who would have thought my sister would fulfill a prophecy? It did seem only natural since she was so special. Both of them exceptional, their mist of light gave us the reassurance we craved. No one could sleep, as to be expected, so we sat up making a plan. We would have to keep them from touching in public, and maybe, if people didn’t see the light they wouldn’t think about the prophecy.”

I contemplated for a second, “What I don’t understand is why it was bad if people knew they were
couple? Wasn’t it a good thing, I mean to have all the races united together?” They looked at me as if I was so young and naive.

In my mind, if a world of people being repressed and downtrodden knew they were going to be free from oppression, you’d think they’d be happy.

“Their lives would be at stake, Eden. Every race would love to get their hands on their child. Unlimited power would be in their grasp.” Val stood up and crossed the kitchen and looked out the window.

“What do you mean, unlimited power? I am confused.” My voice, tinged with an eagerness to know more, echoed in the room.

Lex looked me in the eye, “This child would be extremely gifted. Possessing powers none can even begin to grasp, not to mention a great bartering item, whether for the side of good or evil.  What about the many people who did not want a united world? They would want to kill the child and stop the prophecy.”

I guess I didn’t think about it that way. It was hard to wrap my head around people wanting to harm a child over something one man said

“Can’t prophecies change? I mean, just because one person said it may come to pass, that doesn’t necessarily mean it

“That’s true, but most people don’t reason these things out. It was just better if it stayed concealed. After all, people would be upset that a mage and a fey married.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Your mother and father did very well about their contact in public. After we announced the marriage, the council went into an uproar, Lander and Circenn refused to talk to your father. Most people seemed happy; some fanatics were upset but that is to be expected. Their union overjoyed the few council members that were more free thinkers. One-step closer to peace in our lands, or that was the hope, anyways.” She sounded far away then.

“A few months later, we found out your mother was expecting a child, Eve had an amazing glow about her. Your mom and dad were the picture of euphoria. We all knew Eve and Marcus would have to go away soon, at least until you were born, we hoped she could stay for a few more months. Eve was about eight months along when she started to have some labor pains. One day, when they were in the market, she had one of her spells and leaned on Marcus for support. The mist of light reeled around them and everyone in the market place saw.” Her voice was shaky.

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