Echoes of a Distant Summer (106 page)

BOOK: Echoes of a Distant Summer
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“Oh, I thought you were talking to yourself.”

“I was talking to
! Was someone smoking cigars?”

“Yeah, Uncle Jax. He’s got a box of them on the table.”

Franklin went over to the table and exclaimed, “Portugas! These are some of the best Cuban cigars! I’ll take a few of these!”

“You better ask Uncle Jax, they belong to him!”

Franklin retorted, “The way some people talk, he owns every damn thing! Hell, I’ll take the whole box! He has enough money to buy more!” Franklin scooped up the box and turned toward the stairs.

Rhasan repeated, “Those don’t belong to you!”

“You young punks are so disrespectful! You better watch it or I’ll have to teach you a lesson! You use that tone with me again and I’ll knock you down!”

Rhasan looked at Franklin and said, “You may knock me down, but I will get up!”

Franklin started toward Rhasan. “You little punk—” His harangue and forward motion were stopped by Jackson’s entrance.

“What the fuck are you doing down here?” Jackson demanded as he walked toward Franklin.

Franklin drew himself up and retorted, “I’ve got as much right to be here as you do!”

Rhasan volunteered, “He’s stealing your cigars, Uncle Jax! And he was going to try to slap me around!”

Franklin declared, “He needs it! I won’t tolerate insolence from street thugs!” He turned toward the stairs.

Jackson quickened his step and intercepted Franklin before he reached the bottom of the stairs. When Franklin spun around to face him, Jackson did not hesitate: He hit Franklin with a hard right on the side of the head. Franklin went sprawling on the floor and as he started to rise, Jackson kicked him hard in the gut. Jackson put his cigar in an ashtray, stepped back, and growled, “Get up, Frankie. It’s time for another ass whipping! Come on, I only have one hand!” Jackson held up his bandaged left.

“Wait! Wait!” Franklin pleaded as he pulled himself up. He discovered that he was standing next to a rack of cues. He pulled one off the rack. His face filled with anger as he clutched the cue like a club. “I’ll show you who’s going to get their ass kicked!” He swung wildly at Jackson, who gave ground around the pool table.

Franklin was swinging the cue so hard that he was uncovered after every swing. Jackson timed him after one particularly wild swing and rushed him. Jackson did not even bother to grab the cue. He aimed for Franklin’s throat but caught his chin with his right fist and knocked Franklin down again.

This time Franklin did not get up. Blood was running from both his nose and mouth. He screamed out, “Help! He’s trying to kill me!”

“Shut the fuck up!” Jackson ordered. “If I wanted to kill you, you’d already be dead!”

Franklin screamed again. “Help! He’s—”

Jackson kicked him hard in the stomach and cut off his air, then stooped down and dragged Franklin to his feet. He slammed Franklin into the wall at the bottom of the stairs and growled, “I know you are a traitor! Samantha told me about you calling Braxton’s office every day this week! I know all about you, but you don’t know me! If you ever do anything against me again, I’ll have you killed!” He jammed his elbow under Franklin’s chin, pressing it against his throat. “Do you understand me? You can be dead tomorrow!”

Serena heard the front doorbell and went to answer it. She was feeling happy and could not keep the smile off her face. Elizabeth stepped
in when she opened the door and gave her a warm hug, which she returned. Serena walked arm in arm with Elizabeth down the main hall.

Elizabeth asked, “Did the reading of the will go well?”

“It went as expected. Everyone but Franklin is happy. Jackson’s friends and their wives all seemed pleased. And I am extremely happy. Jackson gave me this house. So Elroy and I will continue to live here. For me this is the happiest period in my life in a long time. I’m looking forward to spending my remaining years in the bosom of my family. I must say I was a little surprised that you weren’t here for the reading.”

“I had a doctor’s appointment.”

Serena stopped walking and turned to look into Elizabeth’s face. “A doctor’s appointment? Is there something wrong?”

Elizabeth was about to answer when the sound of a muffled scream came through the closed door that led to King’s old office. Both women rushed to the door and opened it. Below them at the bottom of the stairs, Jackson was pressing his forearm against Franklin’s throat.

To Serena it was déjà vu. It was the powerful slope of Jackson’s shoulders and the angry frown on his face. It was the fear in Franklin’s eyes and the blood that was dripping onto the floor. She had seen many such scenes before. Everything that had been gained seemed on the verge of being destroyed. Without thinking, she screamed out, “King! Please, don’t hurt him!” Franklin looked up at her with pleading in his eyes, but Jackson’s concentration on Franklin was unbroken by the sound of her voice. It looked like he intended to kill Franklin. She turned wordlessly to Elizabeth, begging for assistance.

Elizabeth called out, “St. Clair! Let him go! St. Clair!” For the first time, Jackson looked up the stairs, then he backed away. As soon as Franklin was released he scrambled up the stairs, happy to escape.

Jackson warned him, “Don’t ever come down here again!” Franklin did not stop or turn around. He pushed past the two women and ran down the hall.

Serena was so thankful, she grabbed Elizabeth and gave her a hug. “Thank you, dear. Thank you!”

Elizabeth kissed her cheek and said, “For nothing, Grandma T. Let me go down there and corral my man.”

Serena nodded and closed the door behind her. She rested for a moment against the wall. Everything was not going to be milk and honey. The family still needed the help of a kind and gracious God. Serena
knew intuitively that her primary duty in her remaining years was to keep Franklin from doing something stupid that would cause Jackson to kill him. She had seen the look on Jackson’s face and realized that King was not absolutely dead. His presence was alive and well in his grandson.

Elizabeth went down the stairs to Jackson, who stood waiting for her at the bottom. “What was that all about?” she asked.

Rhasan blurted out, “That slimeball was trying to steal the cigars that Great-grandfather Tremain had left Uncle Jax and he was going to try and slap me around for telling him that he was stealing! But Uncle Jax took care of him but good!”

Jackson turned to Rhasan with a smile on his face and asked, “Would you mind going upstairs and letting Elizabeth and me have a moment of privacy?”

“Sure thing, Uncle Jax, but can I ask one question first?” When Jackson nodded, Rhasan asked, “Were those rules you told me about this room the ones you had to follow?” Jackson nodded again in response and Rhasan smiled and said, “I knew it! That is so strong!” He put his cue in the rack and ran up the stairs two at a time. At the top of the stairs he turned and said, “I picked up the cigars and put the box on the table.” He went through the door and closed it behind him.

Elizabeth looked at Jackson and said, “For a moment there, it looked like you thought you were back in Mexico.”

“Funny you should mention Mexico. I am back there, but more on that later. What did the doctor say?”

“I was right. I

“And you’re sure that it’s Deleon’s child?”

“There’s no doubt. It’s in the very early stages.” Elizabeth paused and looked into Jackson’s eyes. “Don’t worry, I scheduled a date for an abortion.”

Jackson studied the smooth skin of Elizabeth’s face then said, “But you said you never wanted to have an abortion.”

Elizabeth looked down at the floor and sighed. “It gives me problems, but I never thought I would be raped by the enemy of my fiancé.”

“Can you have more children after this? Will there be any complications?”

“No, the doctor said that things should be pretty routine. She doesn’t foresee any problems.”

Jackson walked over to the table and sat down. He picked up and relit his cigar. Elizabeth joined him at the table. He puffed on his cigar and blew a smoke ring then said, “I’ve been thinking hard about this since you first mentioned it and I’ve reached a different decision. I think you should have this baby. I don’t want our marriage to start with any more deaths. This baby isn’t an enemy. This baby is going to be a Tremain. Maybe the only way to truly end the feud is to raise this child as my own. I will not make the mistakes that my grandparents made. This will be my child in every way and he or she will never know any other father.”

Tears filled Elizabeth’s eyes. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I know I don’t have to do this, but that’s what makes it a good decision and a right decision.”

Elizabeth grabbed his hand and said, “Then you need not worry; Tremain blood will be flowing in this child’s veins because I am a Tremain. And all my children will be Tremains. In my life I will have no other last name. I am your wife, your lover, your partner until the heart stops beating in my chest.”

Jackson kissed Elizabeth’s hand. “I love you, woman, particularly when you’re dramatic.”

Elizabeth smiled and her big eyes flashed. “You sound like Dan. Tell me about you being back in Mexico.”

“A letter that my grandfather left informs me that I have an eighteen-year-old son living in Tampico, and that the San Vicentes are looking for him. If they get him first, he will be used as a hostage and tortured until I come for him.”

“A son! You have a
! When do we leave?”

“Hey, you’re a pregnant mother. We don’t want to endanger either you or this child.”

“St. Clair, you’re not going anywhere without me. Understand that! Where you are, I am. We’re a set.”

“Honey, please—”

“Honey nothing! I’m going! Don’t waste time arguing.”

There was a knock at the door at the top of the stairs and then Rhasan’s voice, “Grandma T says you should come on up, it’s time for dinner.”

The dinner table was set for eleven when Jackson and Elizabeth entered the dining room. Elizabeth went immediately into the kitchen to help with the serving. Serena was seating Elroy at the head of the table.

Jackson asked, “When do you want me to start carving, Grandmother?”

Serena answered, “Thank you, but Elroy and Gabriel took care of it. I’d like you to say grace, though.” She gestured for Jackson to take the chair at the other end of the table.

Jackson asked, “Where are you sitting?”

Serena tapped a chair at the center of the table. “I’ll sit here, comfortably in the middle of my family. You and Elroy are the heads of this family. You two will sit in the end chairs. Everyone else will sit where they choose.” She waved Carlos, Julio, and Reuben to sit down. Nora and Gabriel sat next to Elroy. Rhasan was sent into the kitchen to help bring in the food.

“Where are Franklin and Victoreen?”

Serena gave Jackson an arched eyebrow and replied, “They saw fit not to join us this time. I hope that will change in the future.”

Elizabeth and Samantha came in from the kitchen bearing platters of sweet potatoes, pot roast, and chicken. Elizabeth said to Jackson, “Save me a seat next to you.” She set down her platter and returned to the kitchen.

Once the food was on the table and everyone was seated, Serena nodded to Jackson.

Jackson looked down the table at Elroy and said, “I defer to my uncle Elroy.”

Elroy nodded and said, “I do want to say a few words of thanks, but the grace is still on you, young blood.” Elroy looked around the table then bowed his head. “Lord, I haven’t been too big on prayers in my life, yet right now I feel truly blessed. I’m sitting here at a table piled high with food and I’m surrounded by family. My own family! I want to thank you for letting me live long enough to learn something from my mistakes. I want to thank you for my son and daughter-in-law being present. I admit I wasn’t much of a father to him or his brother. I was hard and I was cold. Lord, I’m so thankful that you have let this son grow large enough to forgive me my shortcomings and my faults. I can take no credit for his manhood. He is a good man and a good human being in spite of me. I love him with all my heart and will do everything I can to earn a place in his life. My only regret is that I didn’t have the wisdom to say these words to his older brother.

“Lord, I want to thank you for my mother, Serena Tremain. We found each other at the right time. I needed her and she needed me. I thank
you because she is the mother I always dreamed of and wished for. Thank you for this miracle! To my nephew Jackson and the rest of the family, I am happy to be a part of the Tremain family. I am committed to earning a place in each of your hearts and becoming a pillar that can be leaned on. In Jesus’ name, I say thank you.”

There were more than a few wet eyes around the table when Elroy finished. Serena was weeping openly. Samantha was dabbing her eyes, as was Elizabeth.

Jackson cleared his throat and said, “I don’t think anything that I can say will be more gracious or grateful than what Uncle Elroy has just said.”

Elizabeth squeezed his hand and said, “We still need a grace, St. Clair.”

Jackson took a deep breath and said, “Well, let’s get some family business out of the way first. Rhasan wants to move out of his mother’s house. I have recommended that he move in here, Grandmother, if you don’t have a problem with that.”

Serena could not speak.

Jackson continued, “He will comply with all the house rules and in the summer, this is where he’ll return until he has completed college. Is that all right with you, Grandmother?”

It took Serena a moment to gather herself, for she was emotionally overcome. She turned to Jackson and said through her tears, “To recommend him to my care, this means you must think that I—that I have done something right, that I have something of value to give! Oh, my grandson, you have truly touched me this moment! This is what I have dreamed of my whole life! To have my house filled with family, happy family.” Serena stood up and put one hand high above her head. “Lord, let me be the one to say thank you, for I am the true sinner in this gathering! I am the one who lost her way! And I am the one who has caused those she loved so much pain! This day you have given me blessings I do not deserve. I have been petty. I have been envious. I have been small. And through these things I have destroyed those I have loved and lost others that I never knew. Yet in your beneficence and grace, you have given me back the family that I thought I had driven away completely.” The tears began in earnest and Serena choked up. “Lord, I’m overwhelmed with your generosity, with this gift, with this miracle! I am so grateful! Thank you! Thank you!” Serena collapsed in her chair.
Elizabeth and Samantha immediately went to her side and held her. The emotion had flowed back and forth across the table like a riptide, sucking everyone in its path under its roiling forces. It took a moment for all at the table to regain their composure.

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