Eat Meat And Stop Jogging: 'Common' Advice On How To Get Fit Is Keeping You Fat And Making You Sick (12 page)

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About The Author



Mike Sheridan is a research-obsessed Nutrition and Fitness Expert on a mission to uncover the backwards advice on what it takes to be healthy and fit.  As an aspiring professional football player, Mike’s obsession with nutrition and exercise began at an early age, and directed him towards a career in personal training and nutrition.  Although Mike has been able to help a tremendous amount of people transform their body and their life, he has an inherent need to extend his reach and communicate the enormous gap between the scientific evidence and the message to the public.  Instead of growing uneasy and frustrated, as the faulty advice continued to negatively affect the health and body composition of those around him, Mike invested the extra energy into relentless self-study.  After years of research and nearly a decade of personal practice, Mike shares his knowledge and experience in
Eat Meat And Stop Jogging









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