East to the Dawn (98 page)

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Authors: Susan Butler

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Leh, Dorothy (Dot)
Leonard, Royal
Levine, Charles
Lilly, J. K.
Lindbergh, Anne
Lindbergh, Charles
Atlantic solo flight
circumnavigation flight by
commercial endorsements by
Lindbergh Line layed out by
Mexico City-Washington flight
Mexico flight
Livingston, Clara
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Lockheed Electra airplane
Locklear, Owen
London Times, The
Long, Ray
Longitude and latitude
Los Angeles, California
as Amelia and George Putnam's home
as Earhart family home
Lowenstein-Wertheim, Anne
Lucky Strike cigarettes
Ludington, Charles Townsend
Ludington, Nicholas
Ludington airline.
New York, Philadelphia and Washington Airway Corporation (NYPWA)
Ludlam, George
Lukens, Paul
Lyman, Deacon
Lyon, Harry
Mabie, Janet
MacElwee, Helen Collins
Macfadden, Bernard
Mackay, Elsie
Macready, John A.
Maddux, Helen
Maddux, Jack
Maddux Air Lines
Mann, Clinton
Manning, Harry
Mantz, Myrtle
Mantz, Paul
as Amelia's business partner
Amelia's circumnavigation, role in
Amelia's Pacific flight, role in
background of
Markham, Beryl
Marsalis, Frances
Martin, Ida Challiss
Martin, John A.
Martin, Rex
Martin, Ruth
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
May, Wesley
McGregor, James
McKneely, Bo
McLintic, Aloysia.
Aloysia McLintic Huzar
McLoughlin, Cornelia
Mellon, Ailsa
Mellon, Andrew
Menasco, Al
Mermoz, Jean
Merrill, H. T.
Mexico, Amelia's flight to
Miami, Florida
Miller, John
Miller, William (Bill)
Minchin, Colonel
Minor, Terry
See also
St. Paul, Minnesota
Amelia's childhood summers in
Minton, Walter
Mollison, Amy Johnson
Mollison, James
Monroe, Harriet Earhart
Montijo, John (Monte)
Morley Maynard
Morrissey, Muriel Earhart.
Earhart, Muriel
Morse, Nancy Balis
Musick, Edward
National Aeronautic Association (NAA)
Boston branch
on women's air records
National Air Races and Aeronautical Exposition.
See also
Women's Air Derby
National Airways, Inc.
Boston-Maine Airways
National Geographic Society
Neely, Fred
New Guinea
New York, New York. See
Columbia University
Amelia's living arrangements in
Amelia's visit after
New York, Philadelphia and Washington Airway Corporation (NYPWA)
New York Herald Tribune, The
New York Times, The
flight to
layover in
Nichols, Ruth
air records broken by Amelia
Atlantic solo flight plan
in Bendix air race
as commercial pilot
overlooked for
Pacific flight plan
as top American aviatrix
transport license of
women aviators organization and
in Women's Air Derby
Nikrent, Joe
Ninety-Nines organization
Amelia Earhart awards of
Amelia's efforts to organize
flying outfit proposed for
G. Putnam's opinion on
hat contest
naming of
recruiting members for
Women's Air Derby and
Noonan, Fred
Amelia, relationship with
drinking problem of
in Miami
as navigator, second circumnavigation attempt
as Pan American navigator
as relief navigator, first circumnavigation attempt
Northampton, Massachusetts
Northeast Airlines
Noville, George
Noyes, Blanche
Nungesser, Charles
New York, Philadelphia and Washington Airway Corporation (NYPWA)
Oakland airport
O'Day, Caroline
Odlum, Floyd
O'Donnell, Gladys
Ogontz School (Pennsylvania)
Omlie, Phoebe
Orteig, Raymond
Ortman, Earl
Otis, Alfred Gideon
Amy's marriage and
death of
Mark Otis, relationship with
mental illness of
will of
Otis, Amelia Harres
Amelia's childhood stays with
children of
death of
loneliness of
marriage of
will of
Otis, Annie Maria
Otis, Carl
Otis, Charles
Otis, Ephraim
Otis, Grace
Otis, Isabel
Otis, James
Otis, Maribel
Otis, Mark E.
financial affairs of
personal attack on Amy Earhart by
as trustee for Amy Earhart
Otis, Theodore H.
Otis, William
Owen. H.
Pacific flights
Painlevé, Paul
Pan American Airways
airplane refueling stations
New Zealand service
radio direction finders used by
support for Amelia's circumnavigation
Parachute use
Paramount News
Paramount Studios
Paris, Neva
Park, Ann
Park, Virginia (Ginger)
Parks, Charlie
Parsons, Bill
Paul, Alice
Pellegreno, Ann
Pennsylvania Railroad
Perkins, Frances
Perkins, Marion
Perkins Institute for the Blind
Pethybridge, Thomas
Peyre, Andrée
Phipps, Howard
Phipps, John
Pitcairn, Harold
Pitcairn Aviation
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pollock, William (Bill)
Pollock, Kathryn Challiss (Katch). See Challiss, Kathryn (Katch)
Pomeroy, George
Post, Wiley
Postage stamps as financing method
“Powder Puff Derby.”
Women's Air Derby
Prodger, Clifford
Puerto Rico
Pulitzer, Seward
Purdue Research Foundation
Purdue University (Indiana)
Putnam, David Binney
Putnam, Dorothy Binney
Putnam, George Haven
Putnam, George Palmer
Amelia's career managed by
Amelia's circumnavigation, role in
Amelia's death and
flight, role in
Amelia's Mexican flight, role in
Amelia's Pacific flight, role in
Amelia's solo Atlantic flight, role in
on Amelia's transcontinental flight
background of
courtship of Amelia
first meeting with Amelia
Lucy Challiss and
marriage to Amelia
publishing career of
search for Amelia and
Putnam, Palmer
Pyle, Ernie
Radio equipment
circumnavigation flight
direction finders
Pacific flight
Spirit of St. Louis
Railey, Hilton
Amelia's Lucky Strike endorsement, role in
as Byrd's publicist
flight, role in
as Nichol's publicist
opposed to Amelia's circumnavigation
Railey, Julia
Rasche, Thea
Ray, Jim
Raymond, Allen
Reichers, Lou
Reid, Helen and Ogden
Richey Helen
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Riley, John A.
Robinson, T. Douglas
Rodgers airfield (Pittsburgh)
Rogers, Emery
Rogers airport (Los Angeles)
Rogge, Florence
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Ross, David
Roy, Gladys
Royer, Lloyd
Ryan, Frederick
Rye, New York
Amelia as guest of Putnams in
Amelia's home life in
Sablan, Josepa Reyes
Safety of flying .
See also
Women aviators
Schlee, Edward
Schleman, Helen
Scudder, Vida
Searching for Amelia
Selfridge, Gordon
Senate Air Safety Committee
Seversky, Alexander
Sewell, Sumner
Shedd family
Shuttleworth, Vernis
Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury
Simkhovitch, Vladimir
Smallwood, Joey
Smith, Elinor
Smith, Henry Templeton
Smith, Page
Snook, Neta
Snow, Crocker
Sobel, Dava
Soles, Audria
Solomon, Sam
South America
Southampton, England
Southern Cross
Southgate, Richard
Spirit of St. Louis
St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Paul Central High School (St. Paul, Minnesota)
Stabler, Frank
Stabler, Marian
Amelia's letters to
Amelia's visits to
meets Amelia at Lake George
Standley, Admiral
Stephens, Orville
Studer, Clara
Stultz, Wilmer (Bill)
as Boll's pilot
death of
drinking problem of
as first non-stop New York/Cuba flight pilot
flight salary
flight to Newfoundland
layover in Newfoundland
flight to England
arrival in England
post-flight tour
Sutherland, Abby
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT)
Teterboro airport
Thaden, Louise McPhetridge
in Bendix air race
flying outfit designed by
Ninety-Nines, role in
in Women's Air Derby
Women's Air Derby and
Thaw, Russell
Thayer, Eli
They Flew the Bendix Race
Thomas, Joan
Tissot, Ernie
Tonsing, Orpha
Topping, Robert W
Toronto, Canada
Trans-Atlantic flights.
Atlantic flights
Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT)
Transcontinental flights
Trans-Pacific flights.
Pacific flights
Trepassey, Newfoundland
Trinity Episcopal Church, Atchison, Kansas
Trippe, Juan
Trout, Bobbi
Trumbull, Walter
Turner, G. M.
Turner, Roscoe
20 Hrs. 40 Min., Our Flight in the Friendship
Ulm, Charles
United Air Services
United States Bureau of Air Commerce
reorganization of
support for Amelia's circumnavigation
Vidal as Director of
United States Department of Commerce
air licenses granted by
Bureau of Air Commerce.
United States Bureau of Air Commerce
Upton, Frank
Vega airplane
Vidal, Eugene (Gene)
Amelia, relationship with
Amelia's circumnavigation, role in
Amelia's support for career of
background of
as Boston-Maine Airways partner
as Director of Bureau of Air Commerce
search for Amelia and
Vidal, Gore
Vidal, Katharine (Kit)
Vidal, Nina (Gore)
Wada, Yuichi
Waggener, Balie
Walton, Sarah
Warner, Buster
Washburn, Bradford
Wasp airplane engines
Waterman, Waldo
Weber, Helen
Wedell, James
Wells, Fay Gillis.
Fay Gillis
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Whyte, Edna Gardner
Wiese, Otis
Wiesman, Bernard
Wilkins, George
Wilkins, Hubert
Williamsburg, Pennsylvania
Williams, Clarence S.
Wilson, John A.
in aviation industry jobs
careers for
promotion of flying and
Women aviators
Great Depression, effect of
opposition to
organization for.
Ninety-Nines organization
recognition for air records of

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