Earthcrack: A Lin Hanna Mystery (22 page)

BOOK: Earthcrack: A Lin Hanna Mystery
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“ Neal is a friend and he comes in fairly
often,” Sessions spoke evenly but there was tension in his voice, “but I don’t
recall his introducing me to this Cullen person—perhaps he knew him and
maybe he brought him to the shop.
That would explain the card and Neal’s number—but I don’t know
anything about him.
Why don’t you
ask Neal?” Sessions was losing patience, “I really must get back to work—thanks
for your business.”
Sessions picked
up a stack of orders and headed for the back of the shop—leaving Lin
standing at the counter.

“He knows something,” Lin thought as she
picked up the card and exited the gallery, “otherwise, why would he have been
so upset by the inquiry? ”

Session’s reaction had convinced Lin
that, even if he hadn’t actually met Cullen, he must know something—maybe
something Neal Smith also knew…she had to keep pursuing the answers.
She had no proof of anything but she was
convinced that both Neal and John Sessions had had some sort of earlier contact
with Cullen Honeyestewa—something that they did not want to talk about.

Lin was still a bit early for her lunch
date with Sue so she walked to her car and locked her purchases in her
She then entered the
building next to Heritage Square that housed the Old Towne shops.
She spent the next twenty minutes
browsing through some unique and unusual boutique shops—one on the lower
level even housed a barbeque restaurant.
Emerging onto the plaza area of the square she saw Sue seated at a table
under a colorful umbrella.

“I’m hungry,” Lin announced as she
approached Sue. “What’s good around here?”

“How about a burger,” Sue responded. “Diablo
Burger has some great sandwiches.” She indicated an open-air food counter

The ladies placed their orders and soon
returned to their table loaded with burgers, fries and soft drinks.
Lin savored the first succulent bite, “
This is fantastic!
One of the best
I’ve had!”

“I’m afraid they are too good,” Sue
replied as she bit into a crispy fried potato, “ I wish Walnut Canyon were not
so close to town.
There is too much
temptation here!”

A few moments later, initial hunger
satisfied, Sue spoke again, “ I saw the paper this morning and you mentioned
that something else happened yesterday—tell me about this latest

Lin proceeded to fill Sue in on the
previous day’s discovery.
telling her the entire story, she sat back, “ You can see what questions this
newest incident raises.
I think
even Deputy Taylor may be wondering if these deaths are connected to the
earlier one.
At least he seemed to
me to be questioning this situation.”

“ Well, he should,” Sue responded, “I
think the accidental death ruling was a rush to judgment.”

Sue’s demeanor turned more serious, “ Of course,
the presence of that eagle-head belt buckle makes the connection even more
You and I both saw that
buckle at the Honeyestewa home last Sunday.”

“ I know,” Lin eyed her remaining French
fries, realizing she had already eaten too much.
She pushed her plate back, “ You and I
both know where the buckle was, but so do the authorities—they returned
it to the family.
I didn’t mention
our trip,” she confessed, “ I knew that they would make the connection
themselves and I wanted to be free to pursue my own research as to what
happened to Cullen.
I didn’t want
to get involved in this case.
let the authorities deal with this one—it is obviously a crime.
I just want to learn more about what
happened to Cullen—perhaps help his family feel closure.”

Sue sat back in her chair, “ It may be
too late not to get involved.
Remember there are some seeming connections between the two
Tell me what happened
with the business card from the gallery.”

Lin told Sue about her meeting with
Sessions and his denial of knowing anything about the card or the person who
might have picked it up. “ I suppose that could all be true,” she said, “but I
know he is a friend of Neal’s and that was Neal’s number on the back.
He seemed rather nervous and impatient
for me to leave; I think he knows more than he’s willing to admit.
I can’t help but feel that there is some
connection between Cullen, Sessions, and Neal Smith.
I just wish I knew what it was and if it
had anything to do with Cullen’s death last year.”

Sue seemed thoughtful. “ Well,
unfortunately, hunches and feelings don’t prove anything.
All of these seeming connections may
mean nothing.
Cullen could have
picked up the card casually.
He could
have added Neal’s phone number later.”

“True,” Lin responded, “ but I think you’ll
agree that, at least, Cullen had some reason to have Neal Smith’s number—whether
it was connected to Sessions and his gallery or not.
That much has to be true and I fully
intend to find out more from Neal Smith the next time I see him.
He may not want to discuss this but I’m
not going to let it drop!”
Lin was

“Just be careful and don’t push him too
hard,” Sue advised, “ You’ve already said he seems to get put out with you when
you bring up the subject.
Tell you
what, you pursue learning more from Smith and I’ll take to the Internet and see
what I can learn about John Sessions.
He is a businessman, an art dealer.
I’ll bet he has a web site.”

“He does,” Lin
said, “ I remember his assistant saying
they did a lot of mail order business.”

“ Well, I was an investigative reporter
for many years,” Sue offered, “ I’m pretty good at finding out information by
digging through public files.
amazing how much information is out there—about everyone!”

“That would be great,” Lin thanked
“ We can get together to share
what we find out in a few days.
the meantime, I’ll also try to find out what the authorities do with this new
In the back of my mind I feel
that there may be a connection to Cullen’s death.”

“Perhaps,” Sue responded.
“It would seem to be a strange
coincidence if the incidents are not related—however, a connection could
be hard to prove after all this time.”

“True, but I know Deputy Taylor realizes
these recent deaths were the result of criminal activity so, at least, he’s
open to finding out all the facts.
It may lead to something related to Cullen’s death eventually.”

Sue got up to leave. “ I have to get back
to work but I’ve really enjoyed our lunch and I certainly am interested in
finding out more about all this.
give you a call in a few days and we can catch up on what we might have
learned.” She paused thoughtfully, “ Lin—do be careful as you pursue this
My experience as a reporter
has taught me to always be cautious when nosing around possible criminal
If there are connections
here, as you suspect, that means that a killer is on the loose somewhere around

“I know, and I will be careful” Lin
grasped Sue’s hand in friendship, “I appreciate your help with this.
I know we ‘ll find some answers.”

The two women parted, heading in opposite
directions toward their cars.
was in a bit of a hurry as she had just enough time to return to the park and
get ready for her afternoon shift at the visitor center.
I wonder when we’ll hear about the
results of this new investigation, she thought.
She had a deep, uneasy feeling
about the presence of that belt buckle at the crime scene.
That was a strong piece of evidence and
it pointed directly to the Honeyestewa family.


Lin got up earlier than usual the next
morning so that she could take a walk before reporting to the visitor
She was determined to get
back into a regular exercise routine.
The previous afternoon had been pretty quiet in the park for this time
of year.
Lin wondered if word was
spreading about the Lomaki area being closed because bodies had been
She had thought that might
bring out more curiosity seekers but maybe not. Danielle had requested that one
of the Sunset Crater employees be placed on loan for a few days and had
assigned him to patrol the Lomaki area.
That would certainly help.
Men from the sheriff’s department had also returned to the scene to search
for any further evidence they might find.

Today promised to be busier.
It was the park’s “birthday” and an open
house was being held this afternoon.
Admission was to be waived and local media had publicized the
Several area artists had agreed
to come and display their work.
promised to be a busy but fun day and Lin was excited about it.
She had promised to pick up Sarah Chee
later this morning and was looking forward to seeing the older woman again.

Lin arrived at the center shortly after
opening and was soon busy helping to set up display tables for the various
artists who were expected later.
There wasn’t much room in the center itself so most of the tables were
being placed on the patio and on the walkway that led out to Wupatki ruin.

“Don’t forget to save two tables for
refreshments,” Danielle directed, “put those as close to the door as possible
so it will be easy to carry things.”

“ And we will need a large trash can,”
Toby added, placing one just to the right of the doorway.

When everything that could be done this
early had been completed, Lin grabbed the keys to a park SUV and said she was
heading out to Sarah’s house.

“She wanted to come in early and help get
things ready so I promised her I would be out this morning,” Lin said.
“She can help us set up refreshments and
maybe help the artists set up when they arrive.”

“Great,” Toby responded.
“We can use all the help we can
Danielle is going to make
another run out to Lomaki to see what is happening there.”

Shortly, Lin was on the road heading to
Sarah’s house.
It was a beautiful
day and good to be out.
On such
days it seemed easier to push troubling thoughts away and focus on the beauty
of the northern Arizona desert.

When she arrived at Sarah’s home she
found the older woman ready to go and waiting on her porch.
She smiled and waved as Lin parked the
vehicle and walked toward the house.

“I’m glad you came early.
I’m ready to go.
I don’t get many chances to spend the
day away from here.
It’s a treat!”

“It’s a treat for me too,” Lin responded,
“I always enjoy a birthday party and I’m looking forward to seeing the work of
the artists who are coming.”
helped Sarah down the porch steps and into the SUV.

As they pulled away from the house Sarah
spoke. “By the way, you will not need to bring me home later.
My nephew Jimmy is planning to come and
he will bring me home.
Jimmy is a
jewelry maker and he’s planning to bring some of his work to display.”

“Great,” Lin responded. “I’ll look
forward to meeting him.”
She wondered
if Sarah had heard about the bodies found earlier in the week—probably
not, unless Jimmy had been by to bring news.

“Have you heard that we had more trouble
up near Lomaki the first of this week? Two more men were found dead out beyond
the box canyon.” Lin asked.

Sarah had not heard and she was genuinely
shocked. “What is happening out here?
These evil things keep happening.
Something is wrong in this part of the world.” She went on to explain
the Navajo view of harmony and beauty in the world. “When everything is in
harmony, we walk in beauty,” she said, “We are right with the world and with
each other.
When evil happens it
means things are not right.
is no beauty.
We are not in harmony
with our world.”
She continued, “
When all of this is settled and ended we will need to have a sing to make
things right—at least for the Navajo that is true.”

“Well, it’s certainly true for all of us
that things are not right in our world at the moment,” Lin responded. “ The
Honeyestewa family is Hopi, but I know that they need to know what happened to
their son and brother.
They need
closure so they can move forward with their lives.
I’m trying to help them learn more about
what happened to him.”

Sarah looked thoughtful. “You be careful
if you are asking questions of others.
You do not know who might be angry.
Evil might find you also.
you think these new deaths are related to the first one?”

“I think it would be a strange
coincidence if they were not connected in some way.” Lin didn’t wish to discuss
any details of the case.
She didn’t
think it appropriate at this point.

“Well, you be careful.
There are evil ones about.
That much is certain.” Sarah warned.

They had arrived at the visitor
Lin parked the SUV and
helped Sarah get out of the vehicle.
Nothing more was said about the incidents.
Soon they were both absorbed in
preparing the refreshments and helping the various artists to set up their
displays as they arrived.
remaining hour of the morning passed quickly and soon it was time for Lin’s
lunch break.
She was happy to have
time for a short respite before the busy afternoon.

By the time Lin returned to the visitor
center, all of the artists were present and attending their displays.
Some had brought tools and were
demonstrating their crafts.
were a number of visitors already present.
Lin went down to the ruin trail to monitor visitors who would be there.
She and Toby had agreed to split the
time so that both could enjoy the reception and still have the ruin monitored
with all the extra visitors about—she had the first shift.

For the next couple of hours, Lin
stationed herself at various points along the ruin trail, talking to visitors
and answering questions as they arose.
She could tell that the free admission had significantly increased the
It was good that these
occasions enabled visitors to come who might not have otherwise felt they could
do so.
The time passed quickly and
she was surprised when Toby approached her.

“My turn to be here,” he smiled, “There
are lots of folks in the visitor center—one in particular is asking about

“And who is that, if I might asked?” Lin
was curious.

“I believe it is one Dr. Neal Smith,” Toby
was grinning now, “I think you certainly have his attention!”

“Sometimes, maybe,” Lin responded, “when
he isn’t aggravated with me for asking too many questions about that earlier
incident when his class found those first remains.”

“Well, he seems happy enough now,” Toby
offered, “and he’s asking where you are.
I told him you were coming up shortly.”

“Thanks, Toby,” Lin responded.
She grabbed her water bottle and her hat
and started up the trail.
It was
crowded with visitors and several stopped her with questions but soon she was
approaching the patio where numbers of folks were gathered near the refreshment
She was surprised to see so
many visitors and was glad that they had not been forced to cancel the
The Sheriff’s department had
seen no reason why the party should be canceled since all of the planned
activity would be in and around the visitor center.
In fact, that might mean even fewer
visitors in the rest of the park.
Besides, the extra patrol was still at that area and could radio if help
were needed.
So far things appeared
to be going smoothly.

Lin noticed Neal Smith standing near one
of the artist’s displays.
He caught
her eye and smiled, “There you are.”
He crossed the patio to greet her. “ I’ve been looking for you.
This is quite the special occasion.”

“Yes, it is,” Lin returned his smile. “Everyone
seems to be having a good time.”

Lin was beginning to think that Neal
Smith was a bit of an enigma.
Sometimes, like right now, he was all smiles and obviously happy to see
Then, at other times—mostly
when the topic turned to those remains they had found earlier—he seemed
irritated and didn’t want to talk.
Lin could not shake her questions about his connection to all this.
For now though, she decided to simply
enjoy the attentions of this very attractive and personable professor.

“ I hope you don’t have any plans for
later,” Neal was speaking. “ I thought when this event is over we might drive
up to Cameron and have dinner at the trading post—have you been there

“Just for breakfast,” Lin replied, “my
friend, Sue and I stopped there last week when we went up to the reservation—playing
I’d love to go up again—I
haven’t tried the Navajo taco yet.”

“It’s a must,” Neal responded, “there are
several other great native dishes on the menu also.
I’m glad you are free—it’s a date.
I’m going to hang around here and enjoy
this party.
We can go after it’s
Smith saw someone he
apparently knew and moved away to talk to him.
Lin went into the center to get some
more food for the refreshment table.
Afterward, she made the rounds of the artist’s displays admiring their
work and enjoying the demonstrations where they were offered.

The afternoon passed quickly.

There were only a few folks left by
closing time for the center.
observed that Neal Smith was in conversation with Danielle outside on the
Artists were breaking down
their displays and loading up their wares.
Toby had returned to the center so Lin joined him in helping to put up
the tables and chairs.
Sarah Chee
and Jimmy were still there, resting on one of the benches near the
As Lin and Toby were
returning from the storage closet after putting up the last of the tables,
Danielle was coming in from the patio—Neal Smith was right behind
He smiled when he saw Lin and
moved to stand near her.

“Deputy Taylor called a short time ago,”
Danielle said, “ They have identified the victims found on Tuesday and have
released photos of them hoping to gather more information from people who might
have known them.
He said the photos
were online.”
She moved toward her
office, indicating that they might follow her.

Toby, Lin, and Neal followed Danielle to
her office.
Lin noticed that Sarah’s
nephew Jimmy was coming also but Sarah shook her head and indicated she would
not come.
She doesn’t want to see
these dead men, I guess, Lin thought.
I guess Jimmy is not so much of a traditionalist.

They all gathered behind Danielle’s desk
as she brought the photos up on the computer.
These were images of the driver’s
licenses of the two men so the photos were not extremely clear but the names
were evident—Henry Piestewa and Darren Steele.

“I was right about Henry,” Danielle said,
“I’m pretty sure I never saw this other fellow.”

Jimmy leaned toward the computer. “I
recognize him.
Actually, I never
met him and I didn’t know his name but Steele looks like the guy I saw at BJ’s
bar maybe a week ago.
He was
asking questions and talking about looking for some old pottery out here in the
park area.
He was pretty drunk so I’m
not sure about all that pottery talk but that looks like him alright.”

“Looking for pottery?” Danielle asked. “Lin
told me you had mentioned that to Sarah earlier.
What have you heard?”

“Nothing much really,” Jimmy responded, “but
I did hear this man talking that night and there had been some rumors
Some folks had mentioned
that ‘people’ had been asking questions.
Not sure who.
Just rumors
you know, but maybe they should be looked into.
It wouldn’t be the first time someone
had tried to steal artifacts around here.
It’s an ongoing problem on the reservation and other areas too.”

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