Earth (28 page)

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Authors: Timothy Good

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“The producers of the show got the support of the Chilean Navy and searched for the island. They eventually located what they believed to be the island but didn't find any traces of an alien base. There was also the allegation of a mysterious ship called
, which would transport people to the island and was not registered with the Navy as required by Chilean law. That part of southern Chile with literally hundreds of small islands would provide a perfect site for an alien base since it's so remote.”

Enter the CTR
—and UTI

One of the many problems associated with—and to their credit acknowledged by—those involved with the W56 group is the alleged conflict between the W56s and a large group of aliens aiming to dominate Earth—the so-called “CTRs,” named after the Italian word
(“enemies”). In conversation with one of the W56s at the Zanarini coffeehouse in Bologna in 1967, Stefano was informed as follows:

“The CTRs are the result of an experiment [by W56] that has run out of control. They are robots, in the full meaning of this word, even if centuries
ago they [began] biological reproduction. To you, at this point, it's no longer possible to discriminate between a natural being and a biological robot … you would agree that a synthesized human body, with a conscience and a will imposed from outside upon a pre-existing amorphous structure, might be called a robot.”

The man went on to explain that he and his colleagues, however, were able to determine such a distinction. “We do not consider this situation as a war, because no war can exist between natural [and artificial] beings.”
“The reason the CTRs are here,” Stefano told me, “is to study us because they understand that there is a difference between them and us. They were created—I don't know where—and distributed in the universe. They want to understand how to cover the gap between themselves and us….”

The CTRs—encountered by Stefano and his colleagues on a number of occasions—created divisions within Amicizia. On several occasions, for example,
of some of the participants supposedly were “produced” to sow confusion and dissension among the group. Some—including Bruno Ghibaudi—even left the group, no longer able to cope with the situation. “Our colleagues were not able to adhere to the teachings of our friends, and our group started to disintegrate,” explained Bruno Sammaciccia. “The CTRs, little by little, were seizing the opportunity, altering documents, changing memories, even wiping out somebody's memories … as easily as if they were showing a movie.”

Discrediting of participants—supposedly initiated by the CTRs—was rife. Owing to his wealth, apparently, Bruno Sammaciccia was once falsely accused of having swindled an elderly couple of money. The case came to court and Bruno was convicted. He appealed the sentence, however, and in December 2000 was proclaimed totally innocent of all charges.

In November 1978, the whole central part of the Adriatic Sea erupted, as confirmed in numerous contemporary news reports (some of which are reproduced in the book). “It lasted a full couple of months,” Stefano reported. “Huge columns of water tens of meters high suddenly arose; unprecedented waves and strange lights were seen at night, and both civilian and military radars got unexplained echoes.” One fishing boat sank inexplicably, with the loss of two fishermen, though they had not died
from drowning. “The results of the autopsies conducted on their bodies were never released, and fishing activity stopped almost completely. In the meantime, over land and sea, hundreds of UFOs and their occupants were seen by all kinds of people, from policemen to farmers.”
What on earth was happening?

Far beneath the seabed along this stretch of the Adriatic lay one of the W56's larger bases, at a depth of about twelve miles from the surface. Paolo Di Girolamo writes as follows: “The CTRs were able to enter and destroy most of the W56's bases [with casualties on both sides], including the largest one, which stretched from Ortona to Rimini, and from the center of the Adriatic to the center of Italy … the W56s themselves had forecast: ‘You'll see waters rising [and] boiling over the place where we have built our big base.'”

Stefano was skeptical about the reasons for this scenario. “Officially, there had been a terrible battle between the CTRs and the W56s,” he told me. “The latter said they had been defeated and went away, promising that they would return at the beginning of the new century. That's the official version. My opinion is that, on the contrary, it was false information in order to justify their interruption of the contact with Bruno and his group. Because, actually, they never went away….”

Stefano related to me two experiences he had while flying in aircraft, the first of which occurred near L'Aquila on May 17, 1981 (entered in his pilot's logbook, which I examined). “I was piloting a C-Falke-70 powered glider, registration I-IMAD, at an altitude of about a thousand meters above the ground, when a fast-flying disc, stone-colored, flew below my starboard wing, generating a great deal of turbulence. My starboard wing went up, the nose went up—and I was in an incipient spin. Probably for structural reasons, that aircraft could not do a spin. So I applied full power, full right rudder, pushed the stick forward, and the aircraft got back to normal. But all the way back to L'Aquila I continued to be in strong turbulence.”

Usually, UFOs do not affect the atmosphere in this way, therefore Stefano believes the craft was based on aerodynamic principles. However, there have been occasions when severe turbulence and other disturbing effects have been encountered by planes confronted with craft of non-aerodynamic shape, such as those reported in Ireland in 2004.

Stefano's other experience occurred in 1997—as a passenger. “At that
time,” he told me, “I was working in Córdoba, Argentina, so typically was flying from Rome to Madrid, then Madrid to Buenos Aires, and from there to Córdoba. On that occasion in 1997, I was flying in a Boeing 747, which I knew to be an old plane. As managing director of my company, I was flying First Class. We were probably in the mid-Atlantic, when all of a sudden there was a sudden movement of the aircraft—not turbulence—as though something was wrong. At the time, I was listening to some classical music. Then ‘Sigis'—one of the aliens I had known—announced via the headphones, ‘Don't worry. We have the situation under control.'

“When we landed at Buenos Aires the next morning, as we disembarked from the plane I noticed on the port wing that a panel—about 3
3 feet—was missing on the upper side. I guessed it was metal fatigue, but normally, had that been the case, all the other panels would have gone too—the corrupted airflow should have taken away the other panels, depriving the wing of lift. But it was just that one. That means they were looking after me. So, you see, they never went away….”

To further confuse the issue, according to Bruno Sammaciccia there was yet another group of ETs operating during this period, which he called the “UTI.” “I don't know what he meant with those initials,” Stefano writes in his treatise, “but UTI was a group in a way on a higher level than the W56s and CTRs, whose activities they were supervising, taking action when they believed that one of the two groups was going beyond certain limits. Once, the UTIs reproached the W56s for something they'd done, and Bruno was seen weeping because he couldn't accept that his friends had been reprimanded.” According to Stefano, an Austrian general he knew was among those in regular contact with the UTIs.

Physiognomy, Clothing, and Customs

“From a physiological point of view, the [W56s] are roughly identical to us,” Bruno learned:

“They breathe oxygen, though they need a slightly higher percentage than we do. Most of the oxides in our atmosphere are poisonous to them, [so] they take some substances that enable them to safely metabolize those oxides. Their blood is identical to ours, has the same color, only there are many more proteins…. The main difference consists in their liver, which
changes its dimensions and functions according to the environment. Acting like a sponge, when its services are not required it atrophies to the size of a fist. When they live here on Earth, their liver is very active and works as a filter for the toxins they receive in our environment. Their legs and arms are very strong [and] their brain is somewhat larger than ours, but they maintain that this doesn't necessarily imply that they are more intelligent than us.”

Most of the aliens with whom Bruno liaised had blond hair, and a few, black with a blueish tinge. Hair and eyelashes were thicker than ours, and some of the men sported stiff beards. “Their eyes are gray, blue, and some black with a blueish hue…. Their hands are slim, just like their bodies, with long fingers ending in nails that are some four or five millimeters longer than ours.”

The W56 aliens do not use water to clean themselves. According to Bruno, they enter a kind of unit in which they are engulfed in “vibrations,” resulting in foam that exudes from their body, rendering them totally clean. “Their suits are living entities that adapt themselves to the body they cover.” “This is a strictly personal process,” Stefano points out; “one cannot wear the clothes of someone else.” Once a month, the suits are “purified” within a peculiar machine for a few minutes.
Defecation apparently occurs only once a week.

They slept only two or three hours a night. Dimpietro—and probably others like him who claimed to have spent several centuries on Earth—slept for longer.

Mating is the same as on Earth, though apparently they often use a form of artificial insemination and the child is born in a special device.
(According to Stefano and others, they are totally compatible in this respect: some have even interbred with Earth humans.) Directly over their skin, a very tight overall was worn, a “second skin” intended to protect their body against adverse temperatures, while also eliminating bodily impurities and preventing toxins from reaching their skin, Bruno learned. Over this “skin” they wore a one-piece suit, tight at the neck, wrists, and ankles, ending with shoes that formed part of the suit, and soles some five centimeters thick. These suits were colored, usually in every hue of gray, green, red, and blue, sometimes white, with a rigid collar often bordered with pale orange on the neck. They
seemed to attach importance to the color of their clothes: when making important decisions, for example, they would wear translucent, almost pearl-colored suits with “moving” colors (perhaps similar to “shot” silk?).

No government, as such, exists. Neither do the W56s possess a formal civil code; as a highly developed people, they know instinctively how to behave. “Our formalities are unknown to them. They do not have lawyers, courts, or the like,” Bruno explains. “To them, doing evil is plain absurd: they cannot lie; they cannot hurt anybody, nor anything.”
According to Stefano, however, in some circumstances killing can be justified. “One of the W56s once told me that it is not fundamentally evil to kill a man (within certain contexts),” he says.

As for their religious attitudes, Bruno (the Catholic scholar) reports that they see “God” in everything, from the smallest insect to the cosmos. “Their religion is not as full of rituals as are ours: to them, it is just a deep feeling,” he writes.
Stefano believes their creed is similar to that of classical yoga philosophy. I concur. Having read numerous books on these matters since my student days, I have always been particularly drawn to this philosophy.
“Although respecting whatever creed of our planet,” wrote Stefano, “the W56s maintained that there is no need for rituals, worship, or asking for grace. God is within us….”

The W56s speak a wide variety of our languages and are adept in numerous dialects. The man interviewed on tape by Stefano in Bologna, for example, was fluent in Chinese, English, German, Hindi, Italian, Latin, Russian, and Sanskrit.

Regarding Sanskrit, Stefano gave me some splendid examples of references to “cosmic vehicles” and “space ships” in the
Ŗgveda Samhitā
, including the following:

“O twin-leaders, your objective is clear; you have thrown open the routes of space. The pilots of your space ship have harnessed engines for your onward journey, the engines that take you safely … without accidents. Both of you have been conveniently seated in your richly decorated three-shafted craft, going along a direct path through space.”


Many of Stefano's experiences and projects were shared with his friend
Giancarlo, the accountant mentioned earlier. But the lengthy contacts took their toll. Eventually Stefano terminated his participation with the W56s, as it began to impact on his professional career. “You cannot live a quiet life when you are regularly meeting aliens!” he explained to me. “And after forty years I decided to quit.”

In edition to the material cited in this summary,
Mass Contacts
features an interesting foreword by Roberto Pinotti, one of Europe's leading investigators. Though not directly involved with the W56s, he became aware that something exotic was going on in 1969, while studying political science at the University of Florence. At the time he was also general secretary of Centro Ufologico Nazionale, a leading Italian group. He learned from his professor that an underground alien base existed near Pescara, information acquired from important and well-connected sources.

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