Earl (18 page)

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Authors: Griff Hosker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Military, #War, #Historical Fiction

BOOK: Earl
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As the sun began to set a rider galloped in from Theobald. “My liege the Count needs more men.  There is a second gate and he is thinly stretched.”

I saw a smile play around the edge of the King’s mouth, “Count Geoffrey, Count Theobald is finding difficulty in surrounding the castle would you and your men be able to contain the southern gate? I know that your men are keen to show their mettle and I believe you are the man to take on such a responsibility.”

“Of course! If these rebels dare to set forth then we will hunt them and slaughter them as we did the deer.”

The young Count led his men towards the distant castle. The King shook his head, “Sir Richard, have the men at arms take down some tents and take them to the Count.” Sir Richard laughed as he shouted to his sergeant at arms. “Perhaps this is a good thing.  My daughter’s husband can learn from experienced knights like Sir Redvers and yourself.”

“We all have to learn your majesty.”

“But as I remember from all those years ago when I was so nearly captured you were even younger than Count Geoffrey is and yet you behaved with great maturity.”

“You had not seen me some months earlier when I was even more naïve than the Count.  Had it not been for my father’s oathsworn then I might have ended up a spoiled young knight.”

“But you are not.  Come let us sit by the fire for I would speak with you.” As we seated ourselves around the fire he said, “I have watched you over the years.  Outside of my son and my oldest friends you are the knight I trust the most. You are loyal, you are true and you are clever. When I die there will be some who will try to stop my daughter attaining the throne.  You must swear to me that you will fight for her. I want you to ensure that my daughter becomes Queen of England.”

“My liege we all swore an oath.”

He nodded, “And you will keep that oath.  Others will not.  You have shown great affection and loyalty to my daughter but it will take more than that to hold the Kingdom for her. I made you an earl to give you more power than others hold.  There is only my son who outranks you.”

“And the Prince Bishop.”

He smiled.  I saw cunning in that smile. “There is no Prince Bishop yet. Twixt the Tees and the Tyne it is you who hold the power.” I suddenly realised that I had underestimated the King.  He had deliberately not appointed a Bishop.  It strengthened my arm. “Your suspicions about Balliol match mine.  When you return home I would have you keep close watch on him.  I have given you power; I expect you to use it.”

Sir Redvers came back laughing, “They took no tents with them. I have no idea where the young Count thought he would sleep! Perhaps he thinks the ground is soft at this time of year.”

“You and I have slept on the ground and in the open before now, Sir Richard.”

“Aye, my liege, but we learned to take whatever shelter and comfort we could get!”

“Come and sit by me.  We will work out our strategy for this castle.”

Sir Richard said, “If the men within are of the same quality as those we met in the forest then it will not take long to bring them to their knees.”

“Coucy is clever.  His knights and men at arms will be within the castle. The ones we took were the ones he could afford to waste.  He threw the dice and gambled but he did not wager much. The ram will breach the gate but it will be bloody work to fight our way in.”

“My archers have the skill to use fire arrows my liege.  Only half of the castle is stone.  If we can set alight the wooden keep then their resolve may weaken.”


Sir Richard asked, “Who will lead the assault?”

“I would have liked either Theobald or Geoffrey to prove their mettle but I need a victory.  If we assault and fail it will hearten our enemies and demoralise our men.  It will be you two and your men at arms.  I know that you will take the gate.”

I did not mind. I wanted to kill.  Inside I was still raging against God.  The men in the castle would bear the brunt of my anger.  Sir Richard said, “The first ones in get the lion’s share of the treasure.  I am happy.”

We spent the rest of the evening working out the details.  I then sought out my men to explain their role. As I went to my tent I saw my three squires talking. William looked unhappy.  “What is the matter, my son?”

“We have had nothing to do while you spoke with the King.”

“Well I shall now tell you what the King said to me and then you will know as much as I do.” Surprisingly he seemed pleased by that.  “Sir Richard and I will lead the assault on the castle when the ram breaches the ditch.”

His face split with a huge grin.  “I am to attack the castle!”

“No.  The three of you will be with the archers and the horses.  None of you have the skills I need.  This will be hard and bloody work.  You will watch, my son.  It will be some time before you engage in such an attack but you can learn a great deal by watching.”

The fact that he was not alone made him a little happier. He was all that I had left and I would not throw away his life lightly.

The ram was built just out of bow range from the castle. The King sent his own men to build it.  The structure gradually took shape. Dick and his archers were sent to capture some cattle.  When they brought them back they were slaughtered and their hides used to make a roof for the ram.  The fresh hides would not burn easily and the meat was welcome fodder for hungry men. The fact that we deprived de Coucy’s people of the food was also a consideration.

As the ram was being constructed Sir Richard and I went closer to the castle to see how good the defences were. We took our shields.  The sentries tried a few desultory attempts to hit us with crossbows but they realised they were wasting their bolts when they thudded into our shields.  We were both too experienced to be caught out like that.

The ground before the gate was a gentle slope and the ditch was but half the width of the ram.  It meant that if the men who operated it could push hard enough then we would have our own drawbridge.  The ram would break down the door and then it would be our turn to attack through the gate. I saw that they had an inner bailey and a second wall and gate which led to the keep.

“The King will need plenty of men to ensure the ram bridges the ditch.”

“Blois and Anjou can provide the men for that.” Sir Richard pointed to the gatehouse. “If they have any sense the men within the castle will have oil and water to hand.”

“If my archers can set the keep alight then they may be too busy for that. I intend to wear a cloak soaked in water. It will give me some protection.”

“Good idea. “ As three more bolts smacked into our shields he added, “Let us return to camp.  I fear we will be busy tomorrow.”

When they were informed of the plan neither of the counts was much bothered by the fact that their men would have to push the ram up the hill.  It was not as though they would have to do it and they chose their unarmoured men for the task.  The hide roof and the wooden walls would afford protection for most of the men selected.  There were those at the back who might be in danger but the King sent my archers and the crossbowmen to keep down the heads of the sentries over the gate.

My squires helped me to dress.  I had my cloak soaking in a pail of water. John handed me my short sword which I would use until I had room to swing my arm.  I knew from experience that the gap through which we charged might only be a small one. My long sword would not be of much use until we were in the open again.  Forcing a gate was bloody, close-in work.

When I was dressed we went, with the pail and my weapons, towards the ram.  It was being pushed slowly up the slope. The first part was the easiest section for no one was trying to kill them. I saw Dick lead the archers and crossbowmen closer to the walls.  They had large wicker shields behind which they stood. Dick waited until the ram was close enough for the enemy to begin sending bolts towards it. He and the archers then began to pick off the crossbowmen on the walls.  Our own crossbows sent their missiles at the men on the towers. The rain of bolts ceased. I donned my cloak which was heavy but would protect me from heat.

When the ram was within fifty paces of the gate it became harder for the slope was steeper.  The King had anticipated this and another ten men rushed forward to help push it.  Dick and our archers killed every crossbowman who appeared on the walls.  Soon the crossbowmen were using the slits in the walls.  They were not as effective for they could not hit the men at the back. Still they hit some of those pushing the ram and progress remained slow. Count Geoffrey had a good sergeant at arms and I heard him shouting at the men to increase their speed.  The impetus pushed the ram over the gap and it struck the gate with a resounding crack.  One of those inside the ram lost his balance and fell screaming on to the stakes which were in the ditch.

The men who had been at the rear ran back down the slope towards us.  Sir Richard said, “Right, Earl, now it is our turn I think.”

We marched, all twenty two of us in two lines towards the rear of the ram.  We had our shields ready in case of bolts but Dick and the others continued to keep down the heads of the defenders.  As we passed them I saw Dick preparing the fire arrows.  “Good luck, my lord.  We will soon give them something to think on.”

We could hear the thud of the ram as it struck the gate.  It was like the sound of doom. I knew that, at first, it would appear to be ineffective but that was an illusion.  Tiny, almost invisible cracks would appear and as the ram continued to strike they would widen as the gate became weaker. We stood at the rear of the ram and waited.  The men at the front would tell us when it was breached. I turned to look at my men.  They were all keen and ready for war. Behind them I saw the first of the fire arrows as they were launched at the enemy. I did not expect the first ones to work but Dick and his archers had made plenty. Eventually they would catch alight.  Dick would aim for the roofs.  It was harder to put out a fire there.

From within the ram I heard, “Almost ready, my lord. There is a large crack appearing.”

Lifting the hide flap at the rear we entered the Stygian gloom of the ram.  It was a tight squeeze to get past the men working the ram but I could see that there was a gap. The men had put down logs across the ditch and I walked over the narrow bridge. I held my shield before me for when the gate broke we would be exposed to the weapons those inside held. An arrow flew through the gap the ram had created and one of those working the ram fell to his death in the ditch. At that precise moment the bar holding the gate closed finally gave way and broke.  The two sides of the gate moved inwards. I punched the shattered side with my shield and I leapt through the gap and into the castle.

I slashed with my short sword, blindly, as I stepped into the castle. My short sword found flesh.  The man grabbed my blade with his hand. I saw two fingers fall to the floor.  When he fell to the side he took my weapon with him. I saw an axe swing at me and I dropped to one knee and held up my shield. The axe blow was so hard it made my arm shiver. Weaponless I punched my mailed glove up between the legs of the man wielding the axe and was rewarded with a scream of pain.  I stood and hit him with all the force I could muster. My shield knocked him to the ground; he clutched his groin.  As he fell backwards I drew my sword and stabbed down on his helpless form.

Sir Richard had not yet come through the gap and the two men who had attacked me had slowed us down.  I stepped away from the gate and began to move towards the horde of men who were racing to get at me. Although alone, I was more confident now. I had space to swing my sword. I released my heavy and wet cloak.  I had not needed it and it would now encumber me.

Instead of waiting for them to attack me I charged them. The first two to reach me had spears.  I blocked the blow of one and hit my sword against the haft of the second. The speed of their attack brought them close to me.  I pulled back my head and head butted one.  His open helmet afforded him no protection and he fell unconscious at my feet. He was replaced by a man at arms with a sword and the speed of his blade was like a snake’s strike.  I barely had time to block the blow. I swung my sword horizontally as I heard Wulfric behind me yell, “Die you bastard!” I knew not whom he had struck but I recognised the crunch of his axe hacking through flesh and bone. The man at arms I was fighting flicked his eyes to the giant that was Wulfric and that gave me the chance to angle my blade and hack across his neck.

Wulfric’s shield appeared next to mine. “Where is Sir Richard?”

“He is coming, my lord, but it is just we two for the moment so let us just hold what we have and try not to take the whole castle singlehandedly?”

It made sense and my left arm was still a little numb from the blow of the axe man. The dead men around us had slowed the attack down but now I saw a knight approaching. He led six men at arms and a mass of brigands who looked intent on throwing out this tiny force of warriors.  Sir Richard puffed his way next to me.  “Sorry my lord, I got caught up on the gate.”

I glanced down and saw that his surcoat was torn to ribbons. “You are here and we are now the tip of the attack.  Wedge!”

I felt a shield touch my back and knew that we had some support.  We had to clear a space before the gate so that the King could send in the reinforcements who were waiting outside the castle.

“Forward!” We marched towards the knight and his band of bandits.  Behind him I saw that the keep was well ablaze. Dick’s arrows had finally caught and the keep was lost. The drifting smoke aided us for it obscured the view of the men who were still on the walls.

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