Eagles of the Third Reich: Men of the Luftwaffe in WWII (Stackpole Military History Series) (75 page)

BOOK: Eagles of the Third Reich: Men of the Luftwaffe in WWII (Stackpole Military History Series)
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Scutts, Jerry.
Luftwaffe Night Fighter Units, 1939–45
London: Osprey Publishing, 1978.

Seaton, Albert.
The Battle for Moscow
New York: Playboy Press Paperbacks, 1981 (originally published by Stein and Day, Briarcliff Manor, New York, 1980).

The Russo-German War, 1941
New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970.

Shaw, John, and the editors of Time-Life Books.
Red Army Resurgent
Volume 20,
World War II
Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books, 1979.

Shirer, William L.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960.

Snyder, Louis L.
Encyclopedia of the Third Reich
New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1976.

Speer, Albert.
Inside the Third Reich
New York: The MacMillan Company, 1970.

Speidel, Hans.
Invasion: 1944
Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1950. Reprint edition, New York: Paperback Library, 1968.

Speidel, Wilhelm. “The Luftwaffe in the Polish Campaign.”
United States Air Force Historical Studies Number 151
United States Air Force Historical Division, Aerospace Studies Institute. Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama: Air University, 1956.

Stahl, Peter W.
The Diving Eagle: A Ju-88 Pilot’s Diary
London: William Kimber, 1984.

Steinhoff, Johannes.
The Final Hours
Baltimore, Maryland: The Nautical and Aviation Publishing Company of America, 1985.

“Stellenbesetzung Hoeherer Kommandeure der Luftwaffe.” Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama: Air University Archives. Unpublished document.

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United States Air Force Historical Studies Number 174
United States Air Force Historical Division, Aerospace Studies Institute. Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala -bama: Air University, 1969.

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United States Air Force Historical Studies Number 160
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United States Air Force Historical Studies Number 189
United States Air Force Historical Division, Aerospace Studies Institute. Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama: Air University, 1969.

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The Breaking Wave
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Adolf Hitler
New York: Random House, 1976. Reprint edition, New York: Ballantine Books, 1977.

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The Blonde Knight of Germany
New York: Doubleday and Company, 1970. Reprint edition, New York: Ballantine Books, 1971.

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Aschenbrenner, Heinrich
Axthelm, Walter von
Baumbach, Werner
Below, Nikolaus von
Beust, Baron Hans Henning von
Bodenschatz, Karl Heinrich
Brauchitsch, Bernd von
Buelowius, Alfred
Christ, Torsten
Christian, Eckhardt
Christiansen, Friedrich
Coeler, Joachim
Deichmann, Paul
Dessloch, Otto
Doering, Kurt von
Doerstling, Egon
Felmy, Hellmuth
Fiebig, Martin
Foerster, Helmut
Froehlich, Stefan
Galland, Adolf
Geisler, Hans Ferdinand
Gollob, Gordon M.

Grauert, Ulrich
Harlinghausen, Martin
Hermann, Hajo
Hoffmann von Waldau, Otto
Jeschonnek, Hans
Kammhuber, Joseph
Kessler, Ulrich
Koller, Karl
Korten, Karl
Kreipe, Werner
Loehr, Alexander
Loerzer, Bruno
Lucht, Roluf

Martini, Wolfgang
Meister, Rudolf
Milch, Erhard
Moelders, Werner
Morzik, Fritz
Nielsen, Andreas
Plocher, Hermann
Schmid, Joseph “Beppo”
Seidel, Hans-Georg von
Seidemann, Hans
Speidel, Wilhelm
Steinhoff, Johannes
Wilberg, Helmut


aircraft development, German, failure under Udet,

aircraft production

Britain overtakes Germany after Dunkirk,
expansion for “secret” Luftwaffe,

antishipping operations against Britain,

Arnim, Col. Gen. Hans von,

artificial firestorms, caused by heavy bombing,

aviation firms,

Azana, Manuel, president of Spanish Republic,

B-17 “Flying Fortress,”

B-24 “Liberator,”

Badoglio, Marshal Pietro,

Balbo, Air Marshal Italo, close friend of Richthofen,

Battle of Berlin,

Battle of Britain,

and failure of German aircraft technological development,
high British casualties during second phase,
Luftwaffe attacks RAF bases,
Luftwaffe withdrawing in order to attack Russia,
May 10 the worst night in London,
relief attack,
third phase,
ultimately affected by Luftwaffe experiences in Spain,

Battle of Brunete, decisive battle in Spanish civil war,

Battle of France, blow to the RAF,

Battle of Hamburg,

Battle of Kiev,

Battle of Kursk,

Battle of Maleme,

Battle of Malta,

Battle of Normandy,

Battle of Orel,

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