Eagle's Destiny (36 page)

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Authors: C. J. Corbin

BOOK: Eagle's Destiny
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I reached over and
him closer to me.  Kissing his stomach, my tongue followed the light trail of hair leading from his chest past his waist and disappearing into his briefs.  As my tongue and lips continued the
down the
trail, I
both his jeans and briefs down in one motion and he stepped out of his clothes.

Michael was definitely ready for me.  I held his hard length in my hands and looked up at him, my tongue just barely touching his

I felt him shudder and his eyes closed as a groan passed through his lips, “Oh

uickly scooting back on the bed, I t
toward him on my hands and knees,
to him with my finger. 

“Come and get it big boy.”  I teased.

His grin was wide as he came toward me, “You are my hellcat.”

Michael’s hands felt electrical against my skin as we embraced.  His lips drank from mine and I gasped for air when he broke the kiss.  My leg wrapped around him and I pressed myself fully against him.  The urgency in him was evident.  His hand traveled in between my legs and I moved so he could fully explore me.  The need to have him touch me was too great and I moved my hips up to meet his fingers.  Shockwaves coursed through me when I felt his fingers inside of me. 

Michael growled in my ear as his fingers explored me, “Babe, you are so wet.”

“Oh Michael, no more foreplay, I’ve been ready for you all night.”  I buried my head in his neck and pleaded, “I want you inside of me now.”

Immediately when we joined I lost all sense of time and place.  The desire grew in me with each thrust and I could feel the pending eruption coming quickly.  With our labored breathing
the wave
on the horizon just out of reach, I whispered Michael’s name.

Michael had other ideas though as he steadied his pace hitting the exact spot I needed, “Scream for me Elizabeth.”

I did what he asked.  The impact of the orgasm hit me harder than ever before and Michael’s name was on my lips along with a healthy scream and a few other choice words.  At this inducement, his thrusts became more and more rapid.  His powerful release followed mine quickly.

Michael collapsed on me and I did not mind his weight because at that moment all I wanted was his closeness.  He rolled off me gently and pulled me against him.  Our bodies were slick with perspiration while we were still trying to catch our breaths. 

His hand tilted my face up and he kissed me softly.  “Wow,” he said.  His eyes met mine, “I want you to scream for me like that every time.”

I giggled almost shyly, “I’ve never done that before.”  I admitted to him.

Losing control the way you do
a huge turn on for me.”  He kissed me again.

Even though we had just made love, I could feel the blush rising in my face. 

He chuckled

“As is your blushing

e said sweetly.

“I’ve never felt anything like that either.  I mean, I didn’t think it was possible.  I’ve written about it, kind of tongue in cheek, but…”  I trailed off.  “Sorry, I guess that sounded stupid.”

Michael laughed, “Nothing you say sounds stupid, although you do sound a little like my eighteen-year old daughter, no wait, that’s too weird.  Just ignore that.”

I laughed, “I missed you.”

Michael sighed, “It was a long three weeks.  I don’t think I could live through that again.”

“Good,” I said wrapping my arms around his neck snuggling closer if that was even possible.  “We’ll have to make sure it doesn’t.”

  We kissed and snuggled together for a while.  Finally, I moved to get up, “I need to take a quick shower.” 

“Can I come with you?”  Michael asked.

“No.  And don’t get your feelings hurt, but you’ll wet my hair and I don’t want to sleep with it wet tonight.”  I said.

“You don’t trust me?”  Michael said batting his eyes.

I laughed and patted him.  “That’s right.”

“Oh go have your shower.  I can’t move my legs yet.  I’ll take one after you.”  He smiled.

I got out of bed and looked around for my robe. 

Michael called to me, “Babe, turn around.”  I turned to face him expecting to ask me something.  “You’re beautiful,” he smiled, “you don’t have to cover yourself.”

I blushed and waved him off.  Once in the bathroom, I took a deep breath looking at myself in the mirror, enjoying a moment of quiet. 
My face appeared
if not a little out of focus.  After my shower, I wrapped a big towel around myself.  Back in the bedroom, Michael had straightened out the bed and was lying in bed munching on a bag of cookies.
I pulled a nightgown out of my closet. 

Michael shook his head, “No you don’t.” 

I looked at him puzzled, “What?”

“You’re not wearing that with me.”

“What do you mean?  It’s cute.”  I held up the nightgown to him.

He got out of bed, took the nightgown from me, and hung it up back into the closet.  “When you’re sleeping with me, I want to feel you not some night gown.”  Michael wrapped his arms around me and whipped my towel off. 

“Hey!”  I exclaimed.

He pulled me tighter against him and kissed me.  “Now doesn’t this feel better?”

Well, I did admit that it did.  I loved the feeling of his body against mine.  I laughed, “Go take your shower.”  I reached down and squeezed his

“There’s my hellcat.”  He kissed me again. 

I called to him as he left the room, “Hey Hoffman, you have a really cute butt.”

He laughed and waggled it at me before disappearing into the bathroom.

While Michael was in the shower, I clicked off the lights in the bedroom and snuggled down into the pillows to wait for him.  I promptly fell asleep and did not hear Michael crawl into the bed next to me.  When I woke up a couple of hours later it took me a moment to figure out where I was, then I felt Michael’s arms around me he was spooned alongside me.  I just sighed and cuddled up closer against him.














At dawn, I slipped out of bed and quietly dressed in the living room.  I wrote a note to Michael.  I didn’t want him to get up while I was out getting breakfast for us.  My favorite bakery known for their fresh croissants was located a couple of miles down the road.  They opened early and sold out quickly.

When I returned from the bakery, the house was
quiet which meant Michael was
asleep.  I prepared the coffee so that we could flip the switch.  Back in the bedroom, Michael must have woken and read the note because it was sitting on the nightstand instead of the pillow.  He was sleeping again, on his back with his arm raised above his head.  Michael had pushed the comforter down to his hips and one leg was sticking out of the covers, but the rest of him was primly covered.  While I stood over the bed I admired him, he had an incredible body.  I shivered just remembering how he used his body with mine.

I pulled my sweatshirt over my head.  No bra.  Then I unzipped my jeans and stepped out of them putting them on the chair behind me.  I kneeled quietly on the bed.  I heard Michael clear his throat and looked up at him.

“You forgot to take off you panties.”  He grinned still covering his eyes with his forearm.

“You’re awake!”  I exclaimed and smacked him with a pillow.

Michael reached out for me but I backed away.  “Un uh,” I said wagging my finger at him.

He leaned up on his elbows and looked at me with his eyebrows raised.  I slowly peeled off my panties and tossed them aside.  I looked at him for just a moment, then pounced on him and merrily had my way with him.

We lay together afterwards and cuddled.  My head on his shoulder, he kept leaning down to kiss me.  Michael’s kisses were sweet and tender. 

“I could get very used to this.”  I said stroking his chest.

His laughter sounded like a growl, “I already am.”  He squeezed me.

A car pulled up in the driveway
the doors
and the next thing we heard were
kids yelling. 

“Oh, I completely forgot, Lisa was coming this morning.  She’s here with the kids!”  I said. 

I moved to get up and Michael was right with me.
He had his pants on and his shirt over his head before I even got out of bed. 

“I’ll keep your sister company while you get dressed.”  He said walking out of the bedroom.

I nodded and he closed the bedroom door.  As I dressed, I heard their voices in the living room with both kids making most of the noise.  After running a brush through my hair, I joined Lisa in the kitchen.  Michael had already turned the coffee maker on and popped the croissants into the oven.

“Where’s Michael?”  I asked.

waved to the back yard.  “The kids
seemed to be enamored with him which is unusual for them.  Michael sure is handsome.  What kind of work does he do again?”

I peeked out the curtain and saw Michael swinging them around and playing monster with them.  Both kids were hurling themselves at him and he was catching them and swinging them up in the air.  They were screaming with glee. 

Turning back to Lisa I answered, “He’s a wildlife photographer.”

“God, does he make any money doing that?”  She asked with her eyebrow raised.

I poured myself a cup of coffee, “I don’t know how much money he makes, but he seems to be doing okay.  He’s won a lot of awards and he works for National Geographic all the time.”  I said with a proud tone in my voice.  “And, he’s putting both of his daughters through college.”

She leaned back against the counter.  “Yeah, you mentioned he has kids.  They’re grown so you won’t have to take responsibility for them, will you?”

“The three of them manage just fine.”  This line of questioning was beginning to irk me.  That was like Lisa though.

“Well let’s hope he makes more money than Kevin did, he absolutely bled you dry.”

“Not for much longer.”  I added.  “We are officially done at the end of this month.”

“Wow, three years went by fast.  I didn’t think he deserved a dime from you, especially the way he treated you.”  Lisa crossed the kitchen to the window and peeked out.  Michael was still twirling the kids around.  “I hope he doesn’t make them sick.”

I rolled my eyes and took a big gulp of coffee.  I had to get Lisa out of
here, because when she was in one of her critical moods I normally wanted to kill her. 

Sitting down at the kitchen table, I changed the subject.  “Let’s go over what needs to get done.  I really appreciate your helping me with this Lisa.  You’re so much better at this than I am.”

At this, Lisa smiled and looked interested in the information she needed to relay to me. 
e were able to firm up all the plans
within fifteen minutes.  A
fter offering everyone croissants, which Lisa turned down, I ushered my little sister and her kids out the door.

Michael took a big bite out of his chocolate croissant, “That was fast.”  He said leaning up against the kitchen door that led into the entry hallway.

The chocolate from the croissant was decorating the corners of his mouth.  I reached over and licked the chocolate off one corner of his mouth. 

“Yum.”  I said licking my lips, “She was driving me crazy and either my little sister had to leave or I was going to bump her off.”

Michael laughed, “Oh, sisterly love, I love it!  She did have a lot of questions for me.”

I took a bite of his croissant, “Really?  Like what?  She’s always been a nosey boots.”

He smiled, “Well she wanted to know if I spent the night.  She didn’t ask though what room I slept in, I had an answer all ready for that.”

I grinned and put my arms around his waist.  “I bet you did.”

He took another bite of the croissant and when he kissed me, I could taste the chocolate.  “Yep, and I would have told her what you did to me this morning too.” 

“Michael!”  I exclaimed, “You wouldn’t!” 

“Oh wouldn’t I?  I did it to my sister one time and she never asked something like that again.”

I leaned up for another kiss, “You are terrible.”

Michael kissed me and finished off his croissant, “I know how to stop nosey questions.”

Michael cleaned the kitchen
I washed the sheets and towels.  While they were drying, the final boxes shipping to my cabin were packed.  My family’s church would be receiving most of the household items for their thrift store.  The trunk of my car was very small, with Michael’s bag I had limited room so I was choosing carefully what I could not live without for a few weeks. 

Since Michael’s aquarium event was only a couple of weeks away, the dress I would wear was making the trip with us.  Zipping up the garment bag, I handed it to Michael when he came into the bedroom to pick up the last of the stuff to put into the car. 

“Here, put this on the top of everything.”  I instructed.  “Gently.”  I

He held the garment bag up.  “What’s in here?”

“That’s the dress I’m wearing to the aquarium

“Oh!  Can I see it?”  He reached for the zipper.

“No!”  I grabbed his hand.  “It’s a surprise for you.  It’s vintage and one-of-a-kind.”

“Oh.”  He nodded his head and grinned.  “You know as long as you’re in the dress, I’m going to love it.”  Michael bent down wrapping his free arm around my waist and kissed me. 

I pushed him toward the door, “Go take care of my dress.”

After locking up everything tight, Michael held his hand out for the keys. 

“I figured you wanted to drive.”
  I said.

Michael chuckled, “Babe you do not want me grabbing you for the next ten hours, because if you drive that’s what I’m going to be doing.”

I giggled and handed him the keys.  The top was down, my
hair braided, and we were good to go.  We took the coast highway, which would be a slightly longer trip, but it was cooler
more to see.  We stopped every hour so he could stretch his legs.  My little Saturn did not have a long drive train and while it was okay for me, the car designers did not take into account Michael’s five extra inches.

While we were sitting in a restaurant booth having lunch
, Michael called Tammy.  “Honey, it i
s Dad.  Yeah, we’re okay.  Listen sweetheart, Elizabeth and I are going to be really late tonight, why don’t you go ahead and stay with Debi and Don again tonight.”  He paused, “Okay.  I’ll see you in the morning.”

Michael disconnected the call.  I looked at him puzzled, “We’re making great time.  Why did you say we’re going to be late?”

Michael grinned and put his arm around my shoulder.  He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Because,
I’m going to make you scream in my bed.”

I blushed and giggled, “Oh.  Okay for tonight.  You’re right I can’t sleep at your house with Tammy there.”

It was Michael’s turn to look puzzled, “Why can’t you sleep with me while Tammy’s there?”

I blushed again, “You know,” I stammered, “she might hear us.”

“Well we’re not sleeping at your house, I don’t want to leave Tammy alone in the house, it’s not safe, and besides your bed is too small.”  He said it as if he had settled the matter.

“Michael, I can’t sleep with you while Tammy is upstairs.  I just can’t.”

We had reached an impasse.  He just looked at me, I was glad he did not remove his arm from around my shoulders.  Were we having an argument?  It was hard to tell.

Our food reached the table and he stole one of my French fries.  “Hey those are mine!”  I yelped.

“Come and get it.”  He said hanging the fry loosely from his mouth. 

I leaned over and bit off the dangling fry.  I giggled and chewed the fry. 

He leaned over and kissed me.  “We will figure out the sleeping arrangements.  But, for tonight you’re in my bed.”

I laughed and nodded.  “Screaming,” I replied forever blushing.

It was late afternoon by the time we hit Big Sur, and I made Michael pull over to put the top up on the car.  The fog was rolling in and I was cold.  When we were barely past San Francisco and heading inland with another two hours to go, Michael asked me if I wanted to stop for dinner. 
f he could last then I could last until we got home. 
agreed and continued on the road.  Up to that point, I had been a good passenger.  I kept
entertained through the entire trip.  My battery was running on low though and I was getting tired.  I laid my head on his shoulder and fell fast asleep.

The next thing I knew Michael was kissing me gently, “Babe, we’re home.” 

I opened my eyes and stretched.  “Oh, already?”  I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back.  “You are so yummy.  Did you know that?”  I blinked up at him.

Michael chuckled, “And you’re still half asleep.”

Michael helped me carry my stuff into my cabin.  “I’m going to order pizza and salad.  Come on over when you are ready.”

I nodded, “I’ll be right there.  Open up the wine.”

He grinned and leaned down to kiss me, “I don’t know if I want to do that because wine may make you sleepy.”

I encircled his hips with my arms and kissed him back, “Don’t worry about me.  I had a nice nap.”  I ran my hands down his backside and squeezed his butt.

“Oh, so I’m merely a sexual object to you.”  He teased me with a mock frown.

ot only that, but you’re entertaining too.”  I pulled one hand back to his front and pressed the obvious bulge in his jeans.  “We’re going to have to do something about this too.”  I squeezed him gently.

He groaned heavily into my lips.  “Oh Babe you’re going to be the death of me.”

I stepped back and he almost fell toward me.  “Go get pizza, because I need to be fed first.”

He laughed and saluted me.  “Yes!”

As he left the cabin, he turned and told me to hurry.  I smiled and nodded.  None of the stuff had to be unpacked, but I did throw a load of laundry into the washing machine.  I quickly leafed through my mail and found nothing important.  The cabin was very quiet without the dogs and it
was almost spooky. 

Walking into Michael’s house, I heard him in the living room on the phone with Tammy.  I was glad he let her know we were home.  I giggled to myself when I heard him say that she was not to come home tonight and no, he was not going to explain why.

The backdoor bell rang and Michael pointed to his wallet on the dining room table.  I nodded and took his wallet to the back door to pay for the food.  The wallet contained the usual driver’s license and credit cards along with a few pictures of the girls.  Then I found my section.  He had five pictures of me in his wallet, including the bikini one.  It made me grin.  I paid the pizza person and brought the food into the kitchen.

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